There are a variety of POWERPC images with popular deep learning library installed provided by IBM: ibmcom/powerai
You can choose from the list of tags according to your project requirement.
However, we do recommend that Satorians use the base image generated by us. atlas4openshift/powerai-openshift
On top of installing powerai packages, this base image resolves some of the CUDA issues and user permission problem when running on MoC-OpenShift.
We provide the dockerfile used to generate our base image:
FROM ibmcom/powerai
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/nvidia/lib:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64"
RUN chgrp -R 0 /home/pwrai && \
chmod -R g=u /home/pwrai && \
chmod g=u /etc/passwd
RUN echo 'if ! whoami &> /dev/null; then\n if [ -w /etc/passwd ]; then\n echo "${USER_NAME:-default}:x:$(id -u):0:${USER_NAME:-default} user:${HOME}:/usr/sbin/nologin" >> /etc/passwd\n fi\nfi\n\nHOME=/home/pwrai' >> /home/pwrai/ &&\
sh /home/pwrai/
WORKDIR /home/pwrai
For the ones who are more familiar with building docker images, we suggest writing your own Dockerfile and specify installation commands within it.
FROM atlas4openshift/powerai-openshift:latest
# Linux libs installation
RUN sudo apt-get -y install git
RUN sudo apt-get -y install sysstat
# Python package installation
RUN /home/pwrai/anaconda/envs/wmlce/bin/pip install tqdm
If you need an interactive environment to test the installation commands, we suggest you start the base image in a POWER9 PC VM, and run the commands in a running container.
>>> docker pull atlas4openshift/powerai-openshift:latest
>>> docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash
# In powerai container
(wmlce) >>> sudo apt-get install git
After installing, detach from the running container (CTRL+P+CTRL+Q) and commit the container as a new image. And finally push this image to some dockerhub repository.
(Detach from container instance)
>>> docker commit [CONTAINER_ID][TAG]
>>> docker push [YOUR_DOCKERHUB_REPO]