diff --git a/contrib/wikiconfig/wikiconfig_editme.py b/contrib/wikiconfig/wikiconfig_editme.py
index 6b9d0ee6d..3da8ef817 100644
--- a/contrib/wikiconfig/wikiconfig_editme.py
+++ b/contrib/wikiconfig/wikiconfig_editme.py
@@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
-Because MoinMoin 2 has no package releases yet, it can only be installed
-using GIT clone, and updated with GIT pull. To use GIT pull, you must avoid
-updating wikiconfig.py. You may override the wikiconfig.py default
-configuration by uploading this file and wikiconfig_local.py to your wiki root.
-The default wikiconfig.py has settings that are convenient for developers
-but not appropriate for public wikis on the web. The default settings:
- * allow bots and users to edit and create items without logging in
- * allow bots and users to register new users with fake email addresses
-The starting configuration below requires users to be logged in to edit items
-and only superusers can register new users.
-There are many other configuration options you may want to add here. See docs
-and wikiconfig.py.
+The intended use of wikiconfig_editme.py is for developers who want to add/remove
+wikiconfig.py options for testing. Making quick changes in a small file can be
+easier than editing a larger file.
@@ -22,63 +10,4 @@
class LocalConfig(Config):
- wikiconfig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- instance_dir = os.path.join(wikiconfig_dir, 'wiki')
- data_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'data')
- # sitename is displayed in heading of all wiki pages
- sitename = 'My MoinMoin'
- # default root, use this to change the name of the default page
- # default_root = 'Home' # FrontPage, Main, etc
- # options for new user registration
- registration_only_by_superuser = True # if email configured, superuser can do > Admin > Register New User
- registration_hint = 'To request an account, see bottom of Home page.'
- # to create a new user without configuring email, use the terminal/command/bash window
- # . activate # windows: activate
- # moin account-create -n JaneDoe -e j@jane.doe -p secretpasssword
- # allow user self-registration users with email verification; you must configure email to use this
- # user_email_verification = True # less secure, web bots may create many unverified accounts with fake email addresses
- # to configure email, uncomment line below and choose (a) or (b)
- # mail_from = "wiki " # the "from:" address [Unicode]
- # (a) using an SMTP server, e.g. "mail.provider.com" with optional `:port`appendix, which defaults to 25 (set None to disable mail)
- # mail_smarthost = "smtp.example.org" # 'smtp.gmail.com:587'
- # mail_username = "smtp_username"
- # mail_password = "smtp_password"
- # (b) an alternative to SMTP may be the sendmail commandline tool:
- # mail_sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"
- # list of admin emails
- # admin_emails = ['me@mymain.com']
- # send tracebacks to admins
- # email_tracebacks = True
- # create a super user who will have access to administrative functions
- acl_functions = 'JaneDoe,JoeDoe:superuser'
- namespace_mapping, backend_mapping, acl_mapping = create_simple_mapping(
- uri='stores:fs:{0}/%(backend)s/%(kind)s'.format(data_dir),
- default_acl=dict(before='JaneDoe,JoeDoe:read,write,create,destroy,admin',
- default='Known:read,write,create,destroy,admin All:read',
- after='',
- hierarchic=False, ),
- users_acl=dict(before='JaneDoe,JoeDoe:read,write,create,destroy,admin',
- default='Known:read,write,create,destroy,admin All:read',
- after='',
- hierarchic=False, ),
- # userprofiles contain only metadata, no content will be created
- userprofiles_acl=dict(before='All:',
- default='',
- after='',
- hierarchic=False, ),
- )
-MOINCFG = LocalConfig
-SECRET_KEY = 'you need to change this so it is really secret'
-DEBUG = False
-TESTING = False
+ pass