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Programming Machine Learning

Paolo Perrotta Programming Machine Learning

Hands on introduction to machine learning with focus on supervised learning and the deep learning "explosion" after 2012

  • CNN - Convolutional Neural Network (2012) - perfect for image recognition
  • GAN - Generative Adversarial Network (2014)- for image creation
  • RNN - Recurrent Neural Network - perfect for processing of language and sentences where "context" / "memory" is required

Programming Machine Learning - 1 Programming Machine Learning - 2

OpenAI / ChatGPT / Transformers


  • Jupyter - machine learning notebooks with a mix of text, live code, visualizations, etc.
  • Keras simple API on top of Tensorflow
  • Tensorflow - machine learning library developed by Google
  • PyTorch - machine learning library developed by Facebook
  • Teachable Machine - can be used for quick'n'dirty online training of a model that can be exported to TensorFlow
  • scikit-learn - an alternative open source ML library. The documentation about Choosing the right estimator contains a very informative interactive "cheat-sheet" scikit-learn - cheat-sheet


  • Coral - Google's offering of small IoT components with AI support out-of-the box.

Setup using Miniconda

  • install Miniconda, a minimal Conda distribution
  • create an environment conda create --name=machinelearning python=3
  • install packages
conda install numpy=1.15.2
conda install matplotlib=3.1.2
conda install seaborn=0.9.0
conda install scikit-learn=0.22.1
conda install keras=2.2.4
conda install jupyter==1.0.0

Activate Environment

conda update -n base -c defaults conda
conda activate machinelearning

Start jupyter Notebook

jupyter notebook