+ +

Base classes


Information about the base classes, the building blocks of data processing classes.


@author: R. Patrick Xian

+class mpes.base.FileCollection(files=[], file_sorting=True, folder='')

File collecting and sorting class.

+property fileID

The sequence IDs of the files.

+ +
+filter(wexpr=None, woexpr=None, str_start=None, str_end=None)

Filter filenames by keywords.

wexprstr | None

Expression in a name to leave in the filename list (w = with).

woexprstr | None

Expression in a name to leave out of the filename list (wo = without).

str_start, str_endint, int | None, None

Starting and ending indices of the filename string.


List of filtered filenames.

+ +
+gather(folder='', identifier='/*.h5', f_start=None, f_end=None, f_step=1, file_sorting=True)

Gather files from a folder (specified at instantiation).

identifierstr | r’/*.h5’

File identifier used for glob.glob().

f_start, f_end, f_stepint, int, int | None, None, 1

Starting, ending file id and the step. Used to construct a file selector.

file_sortingbool | True

Option to sort the files by their names.

+ +
+property nallfiles

Total number of files with the same attributes. +# of allfiles >= # of files (equal when no selection criterion is applied).

+ +
+property nfiles

Total number of files for a specific workflow.

+ +
+select(ids=[], update='', ret=False)

Select gathered files by the filename ids.

idslist/1D array | []

File IDs for selection.

updatestr | ‘’

File address list update condition, +‘remove’ = remove the selected files. +‘keep’ = keep the selected files and remove the rest. +others strings or no action = do nothing. +‘’ = nothing happens (can be used in combination with ret=True +to retrieve filtered file names).

retstr | ‘selected’

Return option, +:’selected’: Return of the selected files. +:’rest’: Return the rest of the files (not selected). +:False: No action (return).

+ +
+ +
+class mpes.base.MapParser(files=[], file_sorting=True, folder=None, **kwds)

Parser of recorded parameters and turn into functional maps.

+property EMap

The ToF to energy coordinate transform function.

parse_keystr | ‘coeffs’

Parsing key for extracting parameters.

+ +
+property Efile

File containing the energy calibration information.

+ +
+property bfile

File containing the binning parameters.

+ +
+property kMap

The (row, column) to momentum coordinate transform function.

+ +
+property kfile

File containing the momentum correction and calibration information.

+ +
+static listfind(namelist, name, itemlist)

Find item in the itemlist according to the name index in the namelist.

+ +
+static mapConstruct(mapfunc, **kwds)

Construct mapping function (partial function) by filling in certain +known parameters.

+ +
+static parse(parse_map, **mapkeys)

Parse map parameters stored in files.


Run parse_map function to populate the class namespace.

flagint (0 or 1)

Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.

+ +

Retrieve the parameters to construct the energy conversion function.

+ +

Retrieve the binning parameters.

+ +

Retrieve the parameters to construct the momentum conversion function.

+ +

Retrieve the parameters to construct the distortion correction function

+ +
+property wMap

The distortion correction transform function.

+ +
+ +
+mpes.base.correctnd(data, warping, func=<built-in function warpPerspective>, **kwds)

Apply a 2D transform to 2D in n-dimensional data.

+ +
+mpes.base.detrc2krc(rdet, cdet, rstart, cstart, r0, c0, fr, fc, rstep, cstep)

Conversion from detector coordinates (rdet, cdet) to momentum coordinates (kr, kc).

+ +
+mpes.base.detxy2kxy(xdet, ydet, xstart, ystart, x0, y0, fx, fy, xstep, ystep)

Conversion from detector coordinates (xd, yd) to momentum coordinates (kx, ky).

xdet, ydetnumeric, numeric

Pixel coordinates in the detector coordinate system.

xstart, ystartnumeric, numeric

The starting pixel number in the detector coordinate system +along the x and y axes used in the binning.

x0, y0numeric, numeric

The center pixel position in binned image used in calibration.

fx, fynumeric, numeric

Scaling factor along the x and y axes (in binned image).

xstep, ystepnumeric, numeric

Binning step size along x and y directions.

+ +
+mpes.base.dfieldapply(edf, dfield, X='X', Y='Y', newX='Xm', newY='Ym')

Application of the inverse displacement-field to the dataframe coordinates

+ +
+mpes.base.generateDfield(rdeform_field, cdeform_field)

Generate inverse deformation field using inperpolation with griddata +Assuming the binning range of the input rdeform_field and cdeform_field covers the whole detector

+ +
+mpes.base.imrc2krc(r, c, r0, c0, fr, fc)

Conversion from image coordinate (row, column) to momentum coordinates (kr, kc).

+ +
+mpes.base.imxy2kxy(x, y, x0, y0, fx, fy)

Conversion from Cartesian coordinate in binned image (x, y) to momentum coordinates (kx, ky).

+ +
+mpes.base.loadClassAttributes(form, load_addr)

Load class from saved attributes.


Format to load from (only works for ‘dump’ right now).


The address to load the attributes from.


returns the loaded class

+ +
+mpes.base.mapping(data, f, **kwds)

Mapping a generic function to multidimensional data with +the possibility to supply keyword arguments.


Data to map the function to.


Function to map to data.

**kwdskeyword arguments

Keyword arguments of the function map.

+ +
+mpes.base.perspectiveTransform(x, y, M)

Implementation of the perspective transform (homography) in 2D.

x, ynumeric, numeric

Pixel coordinates of the original point.

M2d array

Perspective transform matrix.

xtrans, ytransnumeric, numeric

Pixel coordinates after projective/perspective transform.

+ +
+mpes.base.reshape2d(data, apply_axis)

Reshape matrix to apply 2D function to.


N-dimensional numerical array.

apply_axistuple/list of int

The index of the axes to apply the transform to.


Reshaped n-dimensional array.

+ +
+mpes.base.saveClassAttributes(clss, form, save_addr)

Save class attributes.


Handle of the instance to be saved.


Format to save in (‘h5’/’hdf5’, ‘mat’, or ‘dmp’/’dump’).


The address to save the attributes in.

+ +
+mpes.base.tof2evpoly(a, E0, t)

Polynomial approximation of the time-of-flight to electron volt +conversion formula.

a1D array

Polynomial coefficients.


Energy offset.

tnumeric array

Drift time of electron.

Enumeric array

Converted energy

+ +
+ + +
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