Python app that uses the JIRA API for automated tasks and aggregate or complex reports that are not possible with filters or gadgets in JIRA web UI.
: export issues from one JIRA instance to another with comments and attachments (see Export/import below) -
: print a Markdown-compatible tree of epics, stories and subtasks that match the given JQL query -
: List available JIRA projects (mainly for testing) -
: List available JIRA field names and IDs -
: Sum original estimate, time spent and time remaining for all issues that match the given JQL query -
: Import worklog entries from Google Calendar to corresponding JIRA tasks
git clone
cd ask-jira
python -m venv venv
. venv/scripts/activate # when using Git BASH from Git for Windows
# . venv/bin/activate # in non-Windows environments
pip install --requirement=requirements.txt
# edit
./ projects # for testing, will print available projects
JIRA server configuration is picked up from
Run the command with
$ ./ <command> <command-specific parameters>
Here's the default help:
$ ./
usage: [-h] command
positional arguments:
command the command to run, available commands:
'export_import_issues_for_jql': Export issues from one JIRA instance
to another with comments and attachments
'fields': List available JIRA field names and IDs
'import_worklogs_from_google_calendar': Import worklog entries from Google Calendar
to corresponding JIRA tasks
'list_epics_stories_and_tasks_for_jql': Print a Markdown-compatible tree of epics,
stories and subtasks that match the given JQL query
'projects': List available JIRA projects
'sum_timetracking_for_jql': Sum original estimate, time spent
and time remaining for all issues that match the given JQL query
'transitions': List available JIRA transitions for the given issue
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
# current sprint velocity
./ sum_timetracking_for_jql 'project = PROJ and sprint in openSprints() and status = Closed'
./ list_epics_stories_and_tasks_for_jql 'project = PROJ and type = Epic'
The export_import_issues_for_jql
task exports issues from one JIRA instance
to another with comments, attachments, epics and sub-tasks.
Source JIRA server configuration is picked up from
There is special support for "portfolio epics",
a SAFe concept. Run export_import_issues_for_jql
with the --portfolio-epics
flag to enable portfolio epic mode. In portfolio epic mode, the argument JQL
must return only top-level portfolio epics and all the linked issues are
recursively migrated along with them. See also configuration settings with
prefix below.
The task needs special configuration in
(see sample in
: the target JIRA server configuration where the issues are exported toPRIORITY_MAP
: map source JIRA priorities to target priorities, e.g.'Major': 'Medium'
: if source JIRA priority is not found inPRIORITY_MAP
use this priority (optional)ISSUETYPE_MAP
: map source JIRA issue types to target issue types, e.g.'New Feature': 'Story'
: if source JIRA issue type is not found inISSUETYPE_MAP
use this issue type (optional)ASSIGNEE_MAP
: map source JIRA assignees to target assigneesDEFAULT_ASSIGNEE
: if source JIRA issue type is not found inASSIGNEE_MAP
use this issue type (optional)REPORTER_MAP
: map source JIRA reporters to target reporters (usually identical toASSIGNEE_MAP
: if source JIRA issue type is not found inREPORTER_MAP
use this issue type (optional)SOURCE_EPIC_LINK_FIELD_ID
: ID of the epic field in source JIRA, find it by callingfields
: ID of the epic field in source JIRA, find it by callingfields
: ID of the epic field in target JIRA, find it by changing configuration to use target JIRA and callingfields
, look for Epic NamePORTFOLIO_EPIC_LABEL
: (porfolio epic mode) for an issue to be considered a porfolio epic, this label must be attached to itPORTFOLIO_EPIC_SUB_EPIC_SOURCE_LINK_NAME
: (porfolio epic mode) only issues that are linked to the portfolio epic with this link name are migratedPORTFOLIO_EPIC_SUB_EPIC_TARGET_LINK_NAME
: (porfolio epic mode) the link name to use in target JIRA to link issues to portfolio epicsSTATUS_TRANSITIONS
: map of source JIRA statuses to list of workflow transition names in target JIRA that result in equivalent status,None
: issuetype specific map of source JIRA statuses to list of workflow transition names in target JIRA that result in equivalent status,None
for no transition. If an issuetype is not in this list, the defaultSTATUS_TRANSITIONS
: map source JIRA resolutions to target resolutions, only used when aWithResolution
transition is used inSTATUS_TRANSITIONS
: custom field in target JIRA for saving the source JIRA issue key, specifying this avoids duplicate imports, can beNone
: ifTrue
, add worklogs from source JIRA issue to the new issue in target JIRAADD_COMMENT_TO_OLD_ISSUE
: ifTrue
, add comment to source JIRA issue that it was exported to new issue in target JIRA with issue linkCUSTOM_FIELD
: a single custom field that you can set to a default value for all issues (set toNone
if not needed)CUSTOM_FIELD_MAP
: map source JIRA fields to target JIRA fields. This can also be used for system fields that are not mapped out of the box, such as 'environment'
Note that epics and sub-tasks should be excluded from the source JIRA query as they are automatically imported via the parent task. The recommended snippet to add to the query is:
AND issuetype not in subTaskIssueTypes() AND issuetype != Epic
Full example:
./ export_import_issues_for_jql 'project = PROJ
AND status not in (Closed, Done, Fixed, Resolved)
AND issuetype not in subTaskIssueTypes()
AND issuetype != Epic'
The import_worklogs_from_google_calendar
task helps filling JIRA time reports
from Google Calendar events. The Google Calendar events must be formatted
according to JIRA-ID: comment convention, where JIRA-ID is the JIRA issue
ID and comment is the comment to add to the worklog. The comment is optional.
The script finds the corresponding JIRA issue by ID and adds a worklog with the
event duration to it.
It needs special configuration in
(see sample in
, you probably need to change the Google Calendar
timezone in TIMEZONE
and can keep the rest as-is).
You also need to setup API access to Google Calendar in Google Developers
Console as explained here.
Be sure to download the OAuth client secret as instructed and save it to
./ import_worklogs_from_google_calendar -h
usage: [-h] command calendar fromdate todate
positional arguments:
command import_worklogs_from_google_calendar
calendar the calendar name to import worklogs from
fromdate import date range start, in yyyy-mm-dd format
todate import date range end, in yyyy-mm-dd format
Full example:
./ import_worklogs_from_google_calendar 'Timereport' 2017-02-23 2017-02-24