Added functionality to dispatch Job and send File to aws s3 bucket
Inside Controller
try {
"processfile" => ['required','file',"mimes:pdf","max:949087"]
$file = $request->file("processfile");
$filepath = $file->getRealPath();
$exte = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$user_id = $request->user()->id;
$filename = str_replace(" ","-",$file->getClientOriginalName());
$filename = Str::replaceLast(".".$exte,"",$filename);
$filename = $filename."-".date("Y-m-d-h-s").".".$exte;
$fileContent = file_get_contents($filepath);
return back()->with("success","File is updloaded succesfull");
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
return back()->with("UploadError","File upload failed , try again!");
Inside Job Class contructor , since to allow serialization to be done successfull, try to encode the Uploaded File format before transimiting it from controller to Job Class
public function __construct(
public $fileContent,
public $filename,
public $user_id
) {
Then in Handle Method of the Job Class
public function handle(): void
$fullpath = "laravel-notification/".$this->filename;
Storage::disk("s3")->put($fullpath, $this->fileContent);
"filename" => $this->filename,
"path" => $fullpath,
"user_id" => $this->user_id
sometimes you may wish to run Jobs in Chain , where after completion of one Job , the 2nd Job will start immediately
- Let say you want to send notification to user who post file to your application
- This is just miner example , we don't go deep to send it via mail
- inside controller
new ProcessDocumentFile($fileContent,$filename,$user_id),
new CreateNewUser($request->user())
->onQueue("Fileprocessing") //instead of default Queue(default), let use another queue name
I was successfull be able to Upload JWT Handbook see here and be able to download
new ProcessDocumentFile($fileContent,$filename,$user_id),
new CreateNewUser($request->user()),
new NotificationDocumentConfirmation($request->user())
it's done , Thanks for reading