1.17.5 (2024-12-25)
- add default header preset in http monitor (60a1d84)
- add insight route in dev (04e93bf)
- add new login background (6f367c2)
- add paused tip (d688a78)
- add survey stats chart (536e3b1)
- add aapanel install guide (ba39fab)
- add cloud link (0ac3f41)
- update aapanel version and name of china (1cf43cc)
- update changelog (a0c54ba)
- update website and make cloud entry more strong (4df9a5f)
- add clickhouse config (8daabe3)
- add dev container for insights feature (f8ba1dc)
- fix typo (6b34f10)
- move k8s folder to docker/k8s folder. (08b37ce)
- move TimeEventChart component (e5cc2ee)
- update monitor page style (691bc4b)
1.17.4 (2024-11-29)
1.17.3 (2024-11-27)
- add email login (cc1cc95)
- a not cool solution, refresh state again after 5s. (5ed182b)
- update translations (26d555f)
- upgrade package version to reduce vulnerabilities (72458fe)
- upgrade release-it version (947f364)
1.17.2 (2024-11-25)
- add free tier tip component (1fc4d15)
- add workspace usage check which can update when tier has updated (bf0598d)
- fix a bug that would accidentally pause the workspace (420860f)
- update translation (df12949)
1.17.1 (2024-11-21)
- improve install script which make easy to install in non-root user (53777b3)
- update limit check logic (927eac1)
- update subscription redirect tip (21ac087)
1.17.0 (2024-11-19)
- add component which can render usage data and progress (a12fa3e)
- add api key and usage to command panel (71f75c2)
- add api key fe and usage counter (6a4bdd3)
- add audit log clear feature (3bf86b3)
- add auto language detect for browser (1629546)
- add create feed and website limit which in max tier limit (c8d4063)
- add cronjob to check workspace limit which will pause workspace (31ad64c)
- add lemonsqueezy subscription (74d391a)
- add monitor error message (e23258a)
- add more usage stats (b71bf65)
- add subscription selection page (843a581)
- add user api key backend support (f7b1d33)
- add workspace pause tips (b4bee32)
- add workspace paused check (77e14d3)
- add workspace subscription (e4b98b1)
- subscription switch and cancel handler() (f2f8267)
- fix ci probelm (c7ef57b)
- fix isUser middleware will call twice problem (c70e698)
- fix url too long problem #125 (c33d5bb)
- add alert (ea75ed7)
- add apikey check before setup (f0ddf6c)
- add usage limit and update card style (34f9fe6)
- change check workspace pause logic (aed707a)
- move billing mode inside folder (fa1ff3b)
- move monitor action to hooks, reduce file size. (ae33b52)
- remove passport package (ae5f5a9)
- remove unused script (fffc989)
- update translation (33b2ea5)
- upgrade package version (a03c182)
1.16.5 (2024-11-02)
- add webhookSignature in feed channel (6b3631e)
- fix ci problem (59b8746)
- refactor status header and add typescript and translation support (f637ade)
- update amount in stripe (2725056)
- update webhooks signature api guide (266b08f)
1.16.4 (2024-10-27)
- add stripe feed integration (09d0f02)
- update currency symbols in feed (98298c4)
1.16.3 (2024-10-24)
- fix ci problem and upgrade version (1c5737e)
1.16.2 (2024-10-23)
- add prometheus report support (fcb8f22)
- update README (1df32dc)
1.16.1 (2024-10-20)
- add test notify (4e3fd9d)
- add timezone support #114 (c7e20df)
- add workspace settings manage (3dca8fc)
- update cronjob clear time (83850f2)
1.16.0 (2024-10-19)
- add click event for status page item which allow hide/show chart (279e616)
- add daily monitor data display for public (dcff57f)
- add monitor summary function (bbb8d88)
- add MonitorLatestResponse and up status summary (316b954)
- add border radius in smtp template (f553f15)
- change public summary display logic (e5e77db)
- fix ci problem (820b25b)
- ignore unknown sentry log (527f734)
- let version text more prominent (61980b3)
- rename old tsconfig paths (2a503ca)
1.15.8 (2024-10-13)
- add payload for feed event integration and send function (572d96b)
- add ping animation in website realtime visitor (6da0e6f)
- add plausible tracking(for testing) (6474cef)
- add realtime datarange which can visit data more easy (f3d8f55)
- add survey curl example code (5d54ca1)
- add survey webhook (de57242)
- sdk add send feed function export (f5933ec)
- survey add webhook url field which can send webhook when receive any survey (f00163b)
- time event chart legend add some interaction (4b78771)
- add shacdn to website (763810e)
- add sitemap to improve SEO (384224c)
- add website more language: de, fr, ja, zh-Hans (7bda542)
- change code command line style (8c5c417)
- remove used blog directory (3d9d032)
- resolve build problem with update source document content (9e6e031)
- update depenpendency to resolve issue of docusaurus build (de38363)
- upgrade openapi (1e57905)
- add CodeExample component (29f184c)
- comment sitemap to make sure its can build safe (9b9799e)
- fix ci problem (a32f3d9)
- fix isolated-vm version (43b4c9f)
- fix version of postman-code-generators (eaffe3a)
- improve display of visitor map if data is too much (9bc8c63)
- migrate monitor data chart to recharts and remove @ant-design/charts (c0e2ef0)
- update ci run trigger path (7322ad7)
- update pnpm lock file to resolve some magic problem (064dbe9)
- update survey edit form (a218c22)
- upgrade @radix-ui/react-scroll-area version (9d559b9)
- upgrade @tianji/website docusaurus version (e46f970)
- use prebuilt rather than deploy build (e51a880)
1.15.7 (2024-10-03)
- fix a problem which will make request list incorrect (2d5a09c)
- fix update code to new version (1fe5009)
1.15.6 (2024-10-02)
- add build dependency for build zeromq (79b75f5)
- improve install package time in docker build static stage (1be03cc)
- update NODE_OPTIONS in static layer to make sure build can pass (5eb7696)
1.15.5 (2024-10-01)
- add error message for lighthouse (bb0c574)
- add lighthouse score in database fields (6c2a093)
- add webhook playground (33a0a60)
- add webhook playground entry (92196e4)
- add zeromq to make sure lighthouse can only run one at same time (50a3573)
- improve avatar display timing for non-avatar user (04dc1e9)
- refactor time event chart to recharts (1337eaa)
- update style of website page card (b778f8c)
- upgrade shadcn cli and add recharts (055f57e)
1.15.4 (2024-09-30)
- allow rename workspace (63e6bfe)
- fix login view split incorrect if not any extra login way (b16a7c3)
- remove workspace name validation (7c271dc)
- add ignore in docker build (ee72f74)
- add logger for lighthouse (9d3e9d8)
- add no sandbox args in puppeteer (8b6a740)
- docker add puppeteer support (23c6915)
- downgrade alpine version to 3.19 to avoid issue (e6df595)
- improve docker build and lighthouse config (57ebaf6)
- improve websocket log (b44e57d)
- try to resolve no screenshot problem by remove single process. (fe432f1), closes /github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/11537#issuecomment-799895027
- unity esbuild version to resolve vulnerabilities which cause by esbuild (bcc215c)
- update dockerfile, carry back auto install dependency (de09059)
- update translation (9c35bca)
- upgrade axios version to latest to resolve vulnerabilities (d73fa10)
- upgrade puppeteer to make sure can fit with alpine image chromium version (f59793d)
- upgrade puppeteer usage to fit new version (1322741)
- upgrade puppeteer version to 23.4.1 (e942769)
1.15.3 (2024-09-24)
- add fixed server list (4f2c112)
- add language fallback to make sure its can be display correct (31e8ce4)
- clear unused code (cdc3ce1)
- improve monitor detail style, enhance style difference (f2ce1fb)
1.15.2 (2024-09-23)
- add admin role and change most owner permission to admin (79ed059)
- add label map for device type in website (f16ccb5)
- add lighthouse reporter generate in website (d29785a)
- add status page incident model (d182041)
- add workspace role permission check, hide non permission action (4f4f9b5)
- change default workspace name (2058647)
- fix light mode color issues (fb75a8b)
- invite add id support (6a1f413)
- update README roadmap (4a1d704)
- update translation (6bf65cb)
1.15.1 (2024-09-19)
- add custom oidc/oauth provider support (d0afdf5)
1.15.0 (2024-09-18)
- add delete workspace feature #96 (2b9a14c)
- add group feature in backend (4d39cb5)
- add lighthouse endpoint (28d982e)
- add lighthouse html report endpoint (943f7f5)
- add logout button in switch workspace page (6ce2f7f)
- add sortable group component (ef30750)
- refactor sortable group component and add edit body component (946ecaf)
- add body spaces (12b8ba9)
- add new editable text component which allow to change group title (e323e10)
- add sortable group component which using react-beautiful-dnd (91ade2a)
- change edit style and logic, create new MonitorPicker component (72a1e7b)
- fix ci problem and remove unused code (95b51ca)
- improve admin style in status page (ed2141a)
- improve some style in server status page (427e9e3)
- refactor server status edit form with react-hook-form (6160d7b)
- remove sender name in notification (f309000)
- remove unused code and improve display view in status page (f5151aa)
- update translation (ef3d344)
- update translation (8b86dcd)
- update translation (42f41cd)
- upgrade @radix-ui/react-scroll-area version (fc1e67e)
1.14.7 (2024-09-10)
- add document and website entry in app (f74289f)
- improve data table resizer width to make it more easy to use (2e60945)
- improve notification and feed channel filter logic (e770e42)
- update sentry feed content (1895ac7)
1.14.6 (2024-09-09)
- add unknown integration log (d2afa54)
1.14.5 (2024-09-07)
- fix row header style issue (cf4531c)
1.14.4 (2024-09-03)
- fix ci problem which cause build failed (c4211c2)
1.14.3 (2024-09-02)
- fix health bar style problem in page (01d774d)
1.14.2 (2024-09-02)
- add archive feature (3270164)
- add curl feed api guide (5588aca)
- add feed archive page (87b4000)
- add socket state (e095a08)
- feishu add markdown syntax support (33de808)
- update Chinese translation (9fcc6dd)
1.14.1 (2024-08-29)
- update pnpm version (b9f5582)
1.14.0 (2024-08-29)
- add create workspace and switch workspace (fac0838)
- add delete workspace endpoint (6fecde0)
- add invite endpoint (8c8b960)
- add invite user form (e0e0449)
- add tick trpc endpoint (7f33e2d)
- add unstar feed (446ddaf)
- add workspace page (4918071)
- fix a style issue which workspace switch style broken with long name (cbdb1c4)
- fix some case(maybe) can not key problem (b64ca8b)
- fix virtualize table loading and column style problem (bb84661)
- add private-policy page (d136460)
- update openapi files (79a7a92)
- update website feed feature list (ebd1e5e)
- add default error style problem (3cc678f)
- fix ci problem (f7e1c81)
- fix tsconfig problem in tsx (40df49e)
- improve healthbar display, will responsive with container size (3990b0a)
- update translation (e983092)
- upgrade @radix-ui/react-scroll-area to resolve scroll problem (b862dd7)
- upgrade package manager (fa328fb)
- workspace switcher style and submit form reset (5f47831)
1.13.1 (2024-08-16)
- add feed template string of survey (22fc5f9)
- add FeedChannelPicker component (5f6147e)
- add survey result send to feed channel feature (d986210)
- remove unmaintained readme (5447f53)
1.13.0 (2024-08-11)
- add authjs backend support (06d6ecd)
- add avatar and nickname display in user info scope (03bc9b5)
- add duplicate feature for monitor (827cf07)
- add email restrict (0a0a275)
- add feed channel into search command panel (275f30f)
- add github auth integrate (7f7c95b)
- add logout and socketio auth (e9c64c5)
- add none in feed channel (73dd8c2)
- add prisma migrate (37757f6)
- add support for legacy traditional login methods (3afac06)
- add survey count and feed event count (f149642)
- add virtualized data table resizer (f1aaa70)
- add VirtualizedInfiniteDataTable and refactor survey result list (b2dccec)
- fix tencentCloudAlarmMetricSchema incorrect problem (914046a)
- add error log for tencent alarm (af47920)
- add more log for tencent cloud alarm (ad18666)
- add more translations (05c358b)
- change all import with .js suffix, which will help nodejs(esm) to import code clear. (d5d0446)
- fix ci issue of typescript type check (e5c2b94)
- fix ci problem (c7ff366)
- fix react-router version (20e95ef)
- remove ts-node and change to tsx (b04ddd4)
- translate server side code into esm (5dca262)
- update translation file (7e38e32)
- wip: add auth.js (3cf3cfa)
1.12.1 (2024-07-25)
- add tencent cloud integration (8585ea4)
- update pnpm version in manual install document (9a7afed)
1.12.0 (2024-07-22)
- add channel feed notification (67bfda3)
- add colorized text for server status which help user find problem (f2b20c5)
- add custom feed integration (765cc41)
- add date range and improve report display (6e68a80)
- add dialog wrapper and improve display of webhook modal (adb1cc3)
- add feed channel count (a7688f0)
- add feed endpoint (f459c6b)
- add feed event item created time (926ea98)
- add feed event notification with event and daily (7bfd92b)
- add feed page (96a5a33)
- add github integration support (12fe9f0)
- add integration modal (af5f6ad)
- add list content token (7736bf8)
- add more clear job (b6bca6c)
- add realtime feed event and desc feed list (478d0c2)
- add VirtualList support for feed events (caf7e9c)
- add weekly and monthly cron job (03904d2)
- feed add markdown support (56bbe09)
- github feed add star and issue support (29939b6)
- update category order (b2480b0)
- update roadmap (e10cdfd)
- update webhooks document (b355a67)
- update wechat qrcode (503df45)
- add document for endpoint (537503f)
- add dynamic virtual list (01d81f3)
- add empty description message (66ec94f)
- add env openapi default value (685d050)
- add feed event url (ac930cd)
- add preview text (3d9b67a)
- add simple virtual list (b7670da)
- change create feed event to local (ab179e9)
- change feed channel notifyFrequency type to enum (2ce5597)
- change push message in github event (1d4aecf)
- fix ci problem (865e56f)
- fix ci problem (4d15ccc)
- improve display in feed channel list (15c6290)
- improve feed event item display (17f87c1)
- improve logger and test case (9796d42)
- remove unused code (2f6e92d)
- remove unused size changer (6ccd0ed)
- skip event report if not have any events (f814691)
- split integration route from feed route (a4c31fe)
- update feed guide (c34b012)
- update openapi base url and regenerate openapi document (616a623)
- update tag and content (85a2a59)
- update translation (fc6ee73)
- upgrade pnpm version in ci (a2cb8b0)
- upgrade pnpm version in dockerfile (1b89c3b)
- upgrade pnpm version to v9.5.0 (63de6d7)
1.11.4 (2024-06-21)
- add server install script usage guide (4943d2d)
- add webhook notification (90df8e8)
- webhook add title and time (a91d1ff)
- add document about server status page custom domain (f06e788)
- add webhook document (61c1b0e)
- update changelog (ee16e6c)
- update wechat qrcode (0d2c4f9)
- update release it (3bfd11a)
1.11.3 (2024-06-15)
- fix setting page not display correct problem (fdce6b4)
- #68 add document to how to install with helm (95a8e99)
- add improve monitor reporter usage roadmap #75 (caab72d)
- update changelog (0deec1f)
- improve mobile display for tianji (e9a1b61)
- improve sidebar hide logic (cae0c1d)
- update cr config (f91110b)
1.11.2 (2024-06-07)
- add createdAt field in survey download csv (618aedf)
- add document entry (ad4b67c)
- add website view count in website list (8ac5b11)
- add install script uninstall document (bffb9d6)
- add prepare markdown (98a8878)
- update changelog (0c5c993)
- update environment document (52a8927)
- update manual document (1dafea6)
- update manual install document #56 (154b8b4)
- update manual install faq (4564347)
- update readme roadmap (58445f9)
- update wechat qrcode (26da461)
- increase timeout factor of interval (4e8d761)
- remove unused code (328a4e8)
- update env example (80713e0)
- update sdk publish file module type (ed0c2e9)
- update translation (d74ba8d)
- upgrade prisma version to 5.14.0 (a0ab1da)
1.11.1 (2024-05-21)
- fix display problem in docker panel (e3d0555)
- add survey add state (3ecd7aa)
1.11.0 (2024-05-20)
- add loading state for common list (00d40c8)
- change datatable expend icon and add transition (74bd9ef)
- move dependency place (dec6a8b)
- update survey icon (0ea7515)
- upgrade tianji-client-sdk version (9a0a1ea)
- upgrade trpc version to 10.45.2 (7c94caf)
1.10.0 (2024-05-15)
- #62 add title section in website (d5895dc)
- add survey backend endpoint (2764262)
- add survey command panel (c9bf016)
- add survey delete action (12cd54e)
- add survey download feature (eebf00f)
- add survey usage button (2b75a8e)
- add tianji event for pricing page (6606b25)
- add tianji-client-react package and useTianjiSurvey hooks which can easy to get survey info (0fc112f)
- add website pricing page (6674c19)
- survey basic fe framework and add new form (010fd00)
- survey detail and edit (a596011)
- survey sdk and openapi client (f7f191a)
- Add one-click deploy on sealos (#64) (fc79c57)
- clear email input when submit success in price page (3d16d8e)
- reduce homepage image size to improve user network (6865a7c)
- update custom script document (7d370b4)
- update qrcode (ebb6c51)
- add tooltip and time display on table (9d3c034)
- change weight of commit list search (cc0bd73)
- change word: Countries -> Country or Region (1ad9aa9)
- common list add loading state (9780aff)
- define survey model (9143cc4)
- improve mobile display (b2fb183)
- improve mobile layout navbar display if have much features (fd9108e)
- remove unused code (342c076)
- update jwt secret generator more safe for user (6e8c280)
1.9.4 (2024-05-06)
- add add page selected state for add button in sidebar header (d31d203)
- add cronjob for send https certificate expired notification (7b95c55)
- add feishu notification (f6fc210)
- monitor add trending mode (d77e132)
- #61 fix font family problem (b4872a4)
- fix status page markdown editor preview cannot render correct problem (eccb322)
- add example of docker pull image size (4761c2d)
- adding one-click deploy buttons to README.md (#60) (7cfafe4)
- update release date of version 1.7.0 (755aeaf)
- add docker canary image version display (dc4d88f)
- fix ci problem (18f3073)
- improve server list update at display (51675f6)
- improve TLS chain fetch way, to make sure can get tls info correct (cc910b7)
- update translation (e4b0150)
1.9.3 (2024-05-01)
- add markdown editor for page description (7e1faf8)
1.9.2 (2024-04-25)
- add delete feature for pages (6500f90)
- improve domainRegex (8c64481)
1.9.1 (2024-04-24)
- add env DISABLE_AUTO_CLEAR (5938c38)
- fix ping action throw error in windows (89fed46)
- add daily cronjob to clear old monitor data (3d1be2b)
- improve monitor query performance (f5c13cb)
- update polish translation (#55) (47cd26c)
1.9.0 (2024-04-22)
- add custom domain support for status page (a737204)
- add layout header which ensure title of page is correct (120df2d)
- add pl language support (761bc71)
- add server count in desktop layout (720a1d7)
- fix a problem which custom domain canot direct save by domain check (e2fc922)
- fix monitor edit can not scroll problem (06ddd9b)
- update document (92f8700)
- improve mobile display for monitor and base layout (fc259f7)
- improve monitor retry logic. make sure send notice when retried (ffee0b8)
- improve style of antd switch in new UI (1bd18fa)
- redesign servers table in new design (ccf7b8d)
- update translation (6e8e6ac)
- upgrade @i18next-toolkit/cli to v1.2.1 (f0bd4dd)
1.8.2 (2024-04-16)
- add telemetry event count (8a3c93f)
- add track function (6349931)
- Adding Portuguese (pt-PT) Translation (#52) (49fa50c)
- telemetry add force to improve url fetch logic (ac7b44e)
- add title for status page and update UI style for it. (d3ce409)
- fix ci problem (932d78b)
- init client sdk (699aedc)
- remove cache for monitor badge (10d9438)
- rename and add init tracker function (cdcd6e2)
- update docker registry name (48210d2)
- update translation (9ce882b)
- upgrade i18next-toolkit and ant design icons, and update translation (1dec411)
1.8.1 (2024-04-10)
- fix cannot add http monitor problem (6e68cd1)
1.8.0 (2024-04-09)
- add default not found page and dashboard redirect (3c60261)
- add telemetry route (f27f3f2)
- add translation for new design (07f64a8)
- add website add button and fuse search (68ace91)
- v2: add all settings pages (fa7534a)
- v2: add command panel (af4c6f6)
- v2: add delete telemetry feature (07cb0b0)
- v2: add mobile layout (af1d99d)
- v2: add monitor health bar in list (539f242)
- v2: add page list/add/detail (d97c671)
- v2: add server page (20e1963)
- v2: add website detail (958b1c0)
- v2: add website overview (6a5de70)
- v2: monitor feature (402b8a6)
- fix custom tracker script file route error in production (2a3e2af)
- fix custom tracker script name not display in fe problem (5d8c187)
- fix website list not refresh when delete website problem (fcb30a3)
- add AppRouter to make sure useUserStore run under trpc provider (2c5ff71)
- basic new layout (0987ca3)
- improve layout navbar (6fbf316)
- move add desktop layout into (0711c3c)
- new layout and new router (3f13447)
- remvoe old router (62cc934)
- replace all old router to new router (3bb2cc8)
- shadcn ui init (aeee6ca)
- v2: add common sidebar (f9a51e4)
- v2: login view and register and default error handler and more (4d260dc)
1.7.4 (2024-04-03)
- add custom tracker script #37 (16e0cb0)
- add delete telemetry feature #34 (d862e6c)
- add DNS monitor #45 (99610cf)
- add telemetry events chart (941861f)
- fix etag problem for http cache if not show full telemetry number in badge (bd4e6b5)
- add article about telemetry introduce (e06d7ca)
- add default handler for delete telemetry action (6c84a04)
- add prettier-plugin-tailwindcss (11fd1a6)
- update qrcode (f8f8c14)
1.7.3 (2024-03-10)
- add fullNum props in telemetry badge (44d5fb3)
- remove http cache to fit github environment(maybe) (6f76a04)
1.7.2 (2024-03-09)
- fix telemetry session query failed problem (c5dfa15)
- add README visitor countor (f0a1ed3)
1.7.1 (2024-03-09)
- fix geo library dont copy problem (b19292e)
1.7.0 (2024-03-08)
- add alpha mode and usage page (d3df3f2)
- add telemetry event count (e79c4b4)
- add telemetry feature desc (011ac6c)
- add telemetry list (5e720ab)
- add telemetry metrics table (38dd60f)
- add telemetry overview (5bad815)
- add telemetry trpc feature (0bd98ad)
- add tianji anonymous telemetry (ceef5c4)
- add usage button for telemetry (daef9ff)
- telemetry add telemetryId report (355690e)
- fix audit log too long will broken style problem (b02e0b7)
- fix logic problem of retry (ce891e9)
- fix pageviews not include timezone problem (439eb83)
- fix telemetry lost timezone problem (40e1bac)
- add framework support document (1802717)
- add Q&A for tianji reporter (b50de6b)
- update changelog (4b35cc0)
- update docs, add account tip in intro page (5d99bff)
- update intro document (2afb5e5)
- update keyword (1872a5d)
- update openapi (5b36d10)
- update openapi.json (6f77452)
- update preview/wechat image, and add feature tag of i18n (a94e10b)
- update tianji keywords (d0c8bf9)
- update wechat qrcode (070f499)
- add sealos config (f87e5b3)
- improve dockerfile build (6464a59)
- refactor chart render and perf pageview data handle logic (4fe61a6)
- refactor website pageview endpoint to trpc (dd0ad8c)
- remove alpha mode for telemetry (e387b70)
- rename MetricsTable to WebsiteMetricsTable (1306187)
- update docker file to multi stage builds (ebc91d9)
- update translation (49fc136)
- upgrade @i18next-toolkit/cli version (d8b23a7)
- upgrade i18next-toolkit cli version and add translation of telemetry (4711987)
1.6.0 (2024-02-15)
- add i18n support #3 (bf6b121)
- add timeout in http monitor #24 (8d096d5)
- monitor add max retries to avoid network fluctuation (97d55da)
- add i18n update trigger in data filter menu (80f7933)
- add top padding in smtp template (393e580)
- beautify SMTP email style (461e23b)
- fix ci problem (0f7b11d)
1.5.1 (2024-02-08)
- update QRCode (da5149b)
1.5.0 (2024-02-01)
- add audit log (d912c78)
- add leaflet visitor map if user not wanna register any token (3baa1ab)
- add previous period in website overview (8ff5db8)
- add some audit log for monitor (a176bbc)
- add visitor map entry button in country list (835d7ff)
- add website visitor map (5c633ae)
- add workspace audit log db model (7243b99)
- parse ip location and storage in db (99a6c91)
- add more space in network traffic column #20 (c8671e8)
- fix @tianji/shared build problem (f5f0a56)
- fix a bug which data will reuse prev state in notification in production (5c2e0e4)
- fix library path load problem (c049a62)
- fix README/website style problem (63a3e7c)
- improve changelog date string display (bb26196)
- update qrcord (211e921)
- update wechat (d2171ce)
- add audit log list empty state (f153145)
- add config (48605ab)
- add global ts-node in root path (1063eca)
- add populate ip location script (788b43b)
- add settings menu in user menu (00a0459)
- add shared packacage (39550ec)
- change project strcut to monorepo (601c167)
- change website stat endpoint to trpc (537edcf)
- docker base image change to node 18 (88a87a4)
- fix ci problem (0502185)
- fixpnpm run path problem (814c7bf)
- improve dev env support (70f0f56)
- improve monitor badge display, add title in copy text (4a1ea85)
- improve SEO description (4ed941b)
- remove kill others in @tianji/shared build (dde617f)
- resolve shared import problem in production (486587f)
- run db:generate at first (8a42ef6)
- update build track.js output path (74948ff)
- update docker file, move to 20-alpine (caad780)
- update dockerfile, move python3 into bottom to avoid compile isolated-vm (153e2bf)
- update dockerfile, try use 20-bullseye (9b0db9e)
- upgrade isolated-vm (bf1604d)
1.4.3 (2024-01-14)
- update base image to node:20-bookworm (4a4f08b)
1.4.2 (2024-01-14)
- change docker base image to node:20-bookworm-slim (65c37d8)
- update docker publish action config (6b74e60)
1.4.1 (2024-01-14)
- fix pip install problem when docker build (fb8184f)
- update docker ci push conditions (a7a7e6b)
1.4.0 (2024-01-14)
- add apprise notification #10 (09c3cfa)
- add status page delete action (551f86b)
- add tcp port monitor (9892d3a)
- allow display current response value in monitor list (ec591f0)
- fix custom display text not apply in health bar (699fe6c)
- fix openai balance calc logic (1fccb10)
- fix status page set monitor list in create action not work problem (e24d822)
- update zh readme (78b2ee8)
- add docker build ci (18867c6)
- add notification picker empty state to guide user to create notification (a567834)
- add url token and fix telegram adapt problem (e6f0267)
- fix ci problem (9fec5fc)
- remove unused action in docker ci task (3d3f07c)
1.3.1 (2024-01-10)
1.3.0 (2024-01-09)
- add daily cron job to calc workspace usage (1fad81f)
- add mobile nav menu support (1e0d077)
- add monitor badge #6 (3e9760d)
- add telegram notification support (e5a5225)
- add tokenizer for notification (ce6fd56)
- add version display (ac7f401)
- dashboard card title allow edit (d03f60f)
- fix monitor data sorting problem, add order by and add created at for fetch monitor data (023a657)
- fix typo error for montior -> monitor (90f22af)
- update changelog dark theme color (f585dba)
- update website document (0076a3b)
- update wechat image and home page tagline (0eedd7d)
1.2.3 (2024-01-04)
- fix a bug which script not support makeTransferable json which data include null (824bd89)
- fix domain schema check problem in add website server (a04aa67)
- add ci action and update release it config (1c8b4d9)
- improve server status table list display (28dd506)
- improve UI (deceafa)
- remove env SERVER_URL and use url to get real server url (81e7f86)
- update docusaurus config for seo (927136e)
1.2.2 (2024-01-02)
- fix a bug which can not raise monitor with changeActive if monitor never run before (e38df27)
1.2.1 (2024-01-02)
- add Suspense to fix lazy load problem (d093df9)
1.2.0 (2024-01-01)
- add custom monitor test code (3e30535)
- add custom script monitor provider (8dfa679)
- add monaco editor for custom monitor provider (96e2e00)
- fix update monitor not update runner problem (e0e338f)