About 4 - 5 hours
- 20-30 minutes for Lesson
- 20 minutes for Guided Practice
- 120 - 180 min for Independent Practice
- 15 minutes for Challenge
- 15 minutes for Check for Understanding
Not all data can be or should be stored in a relational way. In those cases, it is more efficient to use a NoSQL database. MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases. MongoDB stores data in JSON-like "documents," which is familiar to folks who use JavaScript.
Which companies use MongoDB?
- Adobe: The link here describes the use of MongoDB in Adobe.
- eBay
Participants will be able to:
- Set up MongoDB on their laptops
- Create databases and collections in MongoDB
- Add, query, and update documents
- MongoDB slides
- MongoDB slides video (15 mins watch)
- MongoDB data Modelling (Tutorialspoint)
- MongoDB relationships (Tutorialspoint)
- MongoDB Shell commands reference
- Homebrew
- Build a simple nodejs api using NodeJs, ExpressJs and MongoDb.
- Query and Projection Operators in mongoDB
- Video walkthrough of lesson slides MongoDB (15 mins watch)
- Read through lesson slides MongoDB
- "I already learned how to use relational databases. I'll just stick with that. They both store data anyway." The structure of relational databases is set up for relational data. Using a relational database for non-relational data results in reduced scalability and added cost.
Techtonica staff will assign pairs.
Activity 1: Installation
- Check to see if you have Homebrew installed on your laptop. From your Terminal, run the
brew help
command. If you have Homebrew installed, you'll see the output from Homebrew appear in your Terminal.
If no Homebrew-related text appears, you'll need to install Homebrew. Go to the Homebrew website and follow the installation instructions. Ask for help if needed.
To ensure you have the latest version of MongoDB, run
brew update
in the Terminal. This may take a couple of minutes. -
Install MongoDB using
brew install mongodb
in the Terminal. If you get an error message saying you need to install Xcode from the App Store, follow the instructions to do so and then re-trybrew install mongodb
. Ask for help if needed. -
MongoDB will store data in a directory called /data/db. Check if you have the directory /data/db. If not, run
sudo mkdir -p /data/db
. If this doesn't work, then trybrew services start mongodb
to find your username. For example, if your username is "myname", then you will run the following commandsudo chown myname /data/db
. You may need to enter your password. -
If a ~/.bash_profile exists, open it. If not, create one by
touch .bash_profile
. Open your .bash_profile in your text editor and copy the following into the file:
export MONGO_PATH=/usr/local/mongodb
- Save .bash_profile and restart Terminal.
- Open 2 Terminal windows. On one, run
. Wait until the following message appear:[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
. "mongod" stands for Mongo Daemon, the host process for the database. Next, you will open a Mongo shell to access the database.
- Keep the first window open with
still running. Switch to the second terminal window, runmongo --host
. This is your Mongo shell.
Activity 2: Working with Database
The command
use <db>
sets the current database you'll be working with. In the shell, runuse techtonica
. Then runshow dbs
, which will list out the list of databases. What database is there? What is missing? -
The newly created database, "techtonica", should be missing. This is because the
database is empty. Let's insert some data storing people's name (as a string) and birth month (as an integer). Insert a document by runningdb.classmates.insert({"name": "your_name", "month": your_birthmonth})
. Do it at least two more times with a friend's name. Remember not to double-quote the birth month to keep it as a digit instead of a string. -
show dbs
again and see that thetechtonica
database now shows up. -
MongoDB stores documents in collections. Run
show collections
. What is already there? Where did it come from? -
. -
View what's in each collection by running
. What's the difference? -
Fix the empty volunteer collection by entering a document:
db.volunteers.insert({"volunteer": "Adrien"})
anddb.volunteers.insert({"volunteer": "Jamie"})
. -
Now we'll try out the
command. Select a number between your birth month and your pair's birth month inside the classmates collection. Rundb.classmates.remove({"month": {$lt: the_number_your_selected}})
. The "$lt" means "less than." What do you think happened to the collections? -
. Were you correct? -
, thendb.volunteers.find()
. What happened? -
Make sure you are in the techtonica database by running
use techtonica
. Make sure the output isswitched to db techtonica
. Then, you will delete the techtonica database by runningdb.dropDatabase()
. The output should be{ "dropped" : "techtonica", "ok" : 1 }
. -
Exit the shell by running
. Next, go to the Terminal window running the Mongo Daemon, monogod. Exit the daemon by entering Ctrl C.
- Read through these MongoDB docs from TutorialsPoint. You don't have to memorize it, but think about how MongoDB compares to SQL as you read.
- Go through the following tutorial and follow the steps to build a basic API:
Build a simple nodejs API using NodeJs, ExpressJs, and MongoDb.
Part of the tutorial requires a mLab account. You can create one by following these directions.
- You can also check out this intro to mLab video as an alternative.
Optionally, you can reference this video which uses the same technologies to build an API.
"$lt" was used earlier to filter out which documents you deleted. MongoDB's documentation has a page on Operators. What type of operator is "$lt"?
Operators can be used to filter what you want to include and what you want to exclude. For example, db.classmated.find({"month": {$lt: 6}})
will output anyone born before July (if you set your_birthmonth "July" as 6; because January is 0 in DateTime). You will be testing some of it next.
Open up the MongoDB daemon and shell again, create a database named "filterData". Create a collection named "zoo". Create at least 3 documents in the following format: {"type": "lion", "name": "Suzy", "age": 10}
. Look at MongoDB's Operator page and find at least one operator other than Comparison Operator (which $lt was), and then test it out in the zoo collection.
List out the steps to store data in MongoDB. Find a classmate. One of you will try to explain the steps by comparing it to organizing books, and the other will compare it to organizing kitchen utensils.