About 30-45 minutes
- 20 mins Lesson
- 10 mins Independent Practice
- 10 mins Challenge
Understand that Javascript goes into websites and that when you go to a website on a browser, the code needs to get sent to the browser and loaded, likely needing to make API calls to retrieve data.
Users are fickle: website performance matters.
Participants will be able to:
- explain caching and minification
- Optimization Slides
- Short Blog Article: Effect of webpage load time on user retention
- Minifying JS and CSS video (6 mins watch)
- Caching techniques video (6 mins watch)
- Live JavaScript minifier tool
What is caching?
- temporarily saving small chunks of data locally
How does caching make a website faster?
- reduces the number of API network requests, which are slow compared to retrieving the data locally
What are some tips for implementing caching?
- cache consistency: data will be fast, but not necessarily up to date
- complexity: maintaining the code will be more difficult
- memory: caching takes up memory (RAM)
What is minification?
- Making Javascript files smaller without changing the logic in them
- for example, white spaces are removed, variable names are shortened...
How does minification make a website faster?
- Large files take longer to download. Minification makes the files smaller.
What are some tips for implementing minification?
- You can find free tools to minify your code before it gets deployed to users and developers on the non-minified version.
- CSS files can also be minified.
Read through lesson slides Optimization
Utilize Live JavaScript minifier tool
Code on the server-side (ie. backend code) doesn't benefit from being minified because that code is not delivered to the user's browser.
Find a minifier online and test it out with some Javascript code, like this Javascript minifier.
Look up the advanced optimization concepts introduced in the slides:
- Algorithm optimization
- What is "big O" notation?
- Asynchronous I/O (input/output)
- What are Javascript Promises? How do they improve performance?
- Do different languages have different concurrency models? How does Javascript one work?
- What are stack, heap, and queue?
- What is the Javascript event loop?