adding 2D distributed heat equation solver with explicit comm (no ste…
adding 2D distributed heat equation solver with explicit comm (no ste…
corrections to explicit 1d distributed version
corrections to explicit 1d distributed version
distributed version with explicit ghost cells
distributed version with explicit ghost cells
adding coforall explicit version of heat code in 1D
adding coforall explicit version of heat code in 1D
oops, deleting binary files
oops, deleting binary files
added versions of the heat_2d codes that compile with chapel 1.28
added versions of the heat_2d codes that compile with chapel 1.28
corrections to heat_solver readme
corrections to heat_solver readme
improving diffusion examples and adding a readme for them
improving diffusion examples and adding a readme for them
added new local and distributed heat equation solvers
added new local and distributed heat equation solvers