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Holographic Array paradigm and Interface


Code name: Creation


Prepared for: Oracle,Apple


Prepared by: Benjamin hurst


Proposal number: 1.0.3



To create and emit an array of light in a controlled environment that intersect multiple corresponding arrays in a manner that reflects a three dimensional structure or object that has substances in such a way that one could almost be deceived into thinking the object is real.

Overview of Structure

Objects are embedded into an array as the root object as to create the controlled environment that is indexable and concise with a linear structure of eminence. Then following the root array we establish arrays of axioms and which allows us to intersect these axioms in a manner that can be translated across the arrays of corresponding arrays for motion and animation of the holographic image desired. The linear structure allows for the object to the have multiple light arrays of type array embedded and also allows for a start and ending point to be indexed to and from.

Understanding how the projection becomes 3D

This projects foundation will be dependent on a new paradigm model that is array oriented and will consist of the following structure:

Much like object oriented constructs objects and then calls upon a single instance to construct multiple objects with alternative parameters we will establish the same construction model using an array of indices that also have the type array with embedded parameters and further embedded arrays as the embedded structures dataset being the indices.

The depth of the arrays’ indices and parameters will reflect the hierarchy of dependency

The root array will be represented in the form of Hz of the light frequency array upon which is to be expressed by our glass filament this representation will also be the identity of the indices for embedding of parameters and alternative frequencies to be output after the initialization of the first index.

To establish translation across an axis that will be represented in an X,Y,Z three dimensional model we must have a predefined plotting of the axis’s areas as well as plotted key points within the desired path much like we would a scroll bar or other loading object.

To establish depth within the holographic image we must ocellated the frequencies in a slight difference of bpm no more than 3bpm difference as to be expressed across all three dimensional axis of orientation. Upon which the other lens would express the alternative bpm of the 3 options to be expressed

All indexed items will be predefined variables are all static to their own array while the root array will be represented as global variables of the embedded arrays in a continuously changing environment of alternating parameters that reflect the different adjustments upon which the image will require to give it a three dimensional representation of a life like holographic image..

Using original identifiers or wildcards that are established in find and locate as well as three new identifiers or wildcards of the shell pattern of such would be used to verify positions of the array within its external environment as well as its internal environment the original

Wildcards are as follows:

Matching any zero or more character ? Matching any one character [data type] Matches exactly one character that is exactly equal to any character within data type \ Removes the special meaning of the character that follows it

The new wildcards are as follows @[data type] Matches any full representation of the expression of data type within [string] in accordance to its position with its index to add to the query

note: this is only applicable for expressions of the data type array

$[data type] Matches all multiple expressions of the same data type or it’s expressed value to the query &[data type] Matches all multiple expressions of the same value and same data type To the query /[data type] Matches all multiple expressions of the same value and same data type and then removes the data from the query. Note: Each wildcard is used to find or locate the appropriate face of the hexagonal structure in which to place the correct array in accordance to its alternative with the single constant being that of which is the face of output represented using the wildcard .


Each wildcard represents the different points of contact for location verification within the lens enclosure and uses the data type as an expression of data and it’s expressed value as identities in the creation of an algorithmic key to then serialize each index of each individual array to its parameters, as to not establish any interference of parameters in conjunction of its appropriate array.

Lens Interpolation

To establish the uplink of each individual lens to each other in a corresponding manner that alternates at 3 bpm at a frequency of the desire array and the color upon which is desired to be projected is what is notated as Interpolation of lenses with the goal in mind to establish a multi lens single logical expressions using an urinary operation and 3 literal integers in the form of an ID and the use of a testing model where the output is if each lens in correspondence with the others are definable while also allowing for the correct point of intersection and angle with then being verified using the initially defined literal integer to determine the definition of the corresponding transition.A bubble-sort pattern would be an excellent algorithmic pattern for this interpolation of the lens to iterate such verification of lenses within the cycle of positions.

Localization of Parameter Variables and There Global Alternative

All variables will be called using an uppercase representation of the variable name for global representation and lowercase for the local representation of the variable calling both global and local parameters helps stabilize the projection of objects in a manner that makes it have two physical representation or physical spaces upon which to use to verify the the other this gives us a verification of parameters for the over all projection and the individual axis array of light. Thus why java is the only language upon which can be used to build just an api for holographic projection as Variable is different from variable in its compilation.

Global variables will be the projections overall described parameters and each individual probe will use this to understand the overall output of the projection why still retaining its ability to understand its own independent responsibility for which axis its to project and when the system will need to alternate probes as to compensate for translation and movement of the external sources of light and obstacles upon which may lie in its way having multiple probes two at which will be placed in each probing position for the use of a dual perspective compensation of projection upon which will retain the stability of the projection when one probe’s output is intersected with an external object.

This diagram shows the singular form of the glass filament s patterns in which will then be over lapped in the hexagonal structures area and each over lap will be positioned in a manner as to have a tree protruding from ever face of the hexagonal shape.

Further Explanation of Hardware Configuration

 The entire configuration of the probes will consist of a completed hexagonal tree with an outer hexagonal lens surrounding it this will be named the halo and three will work in conjunction to create the holographic projection and will have a the ability to output at a 360 degree array the center of the halo will consist of the stacked hexagonal structure that will be spaced evenly apart from each other for a total of eight glass filament patterns with the hexagonal patterns coming to a point of the center of its structure only the top and bottom having the outer most side which has no corresponding pattern above it or bellow it omitted and flat on the non corresponding side.

L1,L2,L3,L4,L5 points

The points that represent the position of the orbiting radii with in multiple orbital bodies. We shall use this representation of position to determine the position of the probes in coalition with the halo. The probes will use celestial obits with electronic induction staters to create a slight electromagnetic field for our internal environment. Using two different forces to establish the environment gives us the versatility to stabilize and verify the parameters and mapped points using that force to do so.

Equations to be used to establish the appropriate interfacing of all parameters and their counterparts to be Expressed

Snells law of refraction:

2{\displaystyle {\frac {\sin \theta {2}}{\sin \theta {1}}}={\frac {v{2}}{v{1}}}={\frac {n_{1}}{n_{2}}}}

for expression of refraction and to propagate angle of which will be refracted

Note:use NIM such as rear projection film for a expression of a negative refractive index

Group of dispersion equation:

GVD{\displaystyle {\textrm {GVD}}(\omega {0})\equiv {\frac {\partial }{\partial \omega }}\left({\frac {1}{v{g}(\omega )}}\right)_{\omega =\omega _{0}},}

Medium-dependent group of dispersion:

GVDmd{\displaystyle {\textrm {GVD}}(\omega {0})\equiv \left({\frac {\partial ^{2}k}{\partial \omega ^{2}}}\right){\omega =\omega _{0}},}

For expression of the chirp of a pulse of light passed through a particular material Chirp=(material thickness)*GVDmd Optical depth

T,{\displaystyle \tau =\ln !\left({\frac {\Phi _{\mathrm {e} }^{\mathrm {i} }}{\Phi _{\mathrm {e} }^{\mathrm {t} }}}\right)=-\ln T,}

For the expression of the density of the object as well the natural logarithm of the ratio of incident to transmitted radiant power through a material

Overall the three above are used in conjunction to for expression object size and to propagate the object size of which will be expressed.

Schrödinger equation:

t).{\displaystyle i\hbar {\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}\Psi (x,t)=\left[-{\frac {\hbar ^{2}}{2m}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}}+V(x,t)\right]\Psi (x,t),.}

For expression of translation and to propagate the appropriate orientation in which the expressed projection is to be translated. We then would abide by and Wigner's theorem and it’s embedded equations to propagate points and there translated alternatives as the projection moves across each axis of orientation

Partial differential equation:

For expression of intersecting points of the refracted light arrays emitted from our multiple sources of projection and to propagate the appropriate point in which the expressed projection shall intersect to become almost entirely opaque depending on the set parameters of opacity.

Refraction to negative dispersion ratio:

For expression of the ratio of object size in comparison to the objects environments size in the form of a negative integer representation of the group of dispersion

Van der whals force’s equivalent For expression of the correct amount of force to sustain our projection within our medium and propagate the appropriate field of magnetism to sustain the external environment need to maintain the projection