This App Tracking Laser Point ant interact with it USing your Laptop Camera
- Convert Image TO Gray Scale
- Mark High Brightness points
- Play Realy time Tracking For Laser Or any High Brightness device (Tourch)
- you can use it to get Brightness point in image.
- convert images to grayscale "Black & White".
- interact with PC using Laser .
- you should have PC Camira to can use option 3
- Java.
- openCV.
- DWT algorithm.
##there exist Classes >
- MainFrame : have GUI-Main-Frame Class.
- DWT : have implementation code of DWT algo Class.
- CoreCode : have some Core function that make hard processing.
- make shoure you install OpenCV-3.1.0 on your pc.
- add OpenCV-lib in Project Library .
- it's very easy in netbeans or eclips.
- use netbeans or eclips to run project.
- Run MainFrame Class to start GUI
- Brightness point
- Choice image from your pc.
- Click on points to detect Brightness points.
- Conver image to GrayScale
- Choice image from your pc.
- Click on GrayScale.
- intract with PC using Laser
- Click on Vedio.
- Direct Laser Beam to PC Screen.
- Move your hand .
- Direct the Beam to video edges to intract.
- UP-edge : make video GrayScale automatically.
- Down-edge : make video RGB automatically.
- Right-edge : take ScreanShot.
- Left-edge : to Exit form program
Be carful when start Video , don't make your room very Brightness, it isn't effective in Brightness places