- runs basic checks
- node version (>= 5)
- CLI arguments checks
- contains all available and supported CLI arguments
- check for deprecation and mutual exclusion
- put logging together
- mixture out of npmlog, winston and a custom logger
- initiates AppiumDriver (extends Basedriver)
- assigns iOS/Android/Selendroid/Fake driver to session
- creates/deletes Appium session
- starts baseServer (appium-express)
- passes routes given by driver
- starts express server (allows x-domain-origin)
- initialises routes from AppiumDriver
- timeout handling
- serves a static page for test purposes
- connects req/res events to logger
- provides list of Appium commands
- subclassed by drivers that will use the protocol
- kind of middleware between client and driver
- handles jwp proxy for driver
- contains error classes for all types of errors
- sanitises error responses
- (un)wraps params to commands
- checks required params, validates params
- designed to have a single testing session per instantiation
- contains constraints on caps (platformName has to be present, etc)
- validates capabilities
- runs chain of promised commands with single concurrency
- handles session restart
- handles swipe options
- exports class (DeviceSettings) to manage device settings (get/update)
- contains basic commands
- to find elements
- create/delete sessions
- handle timeouts
- set/update device settings
- provides helper methods for commands
- can also run as standalone server (has a small server part that extends from appium-express)
- supported strategies: "name", "xpath", "id", "-ios uiautomation", "class name", "accessibility id”
- can start a simulator or a real device (if udid is given)
- runs for each type a huge set of instructions
- removeInstrumentsSocket
- setBundleIdFromApp
- createInstruments
- runSimReset, isolateSimDevice, setLocale || runRealDeviceReset
- setPreferences || runRealDeviceReset
- startLogCapture
- prelaunchSimulator || (noop)
- startInstruments
- onInstrumentsLaunch
- configureBootstrap
- setBundleId
- setInitialOrientation
- initAutoWebview
- waitForAppLaunched
- all instructions are helper methods within driver.js
- runs for each type a huge set of instructions
- contains a more specific set of capability constraints
- has logic to build and run Safari (safari-launcher) using appium-xcode
- implements commands for iOS driver
- Selenium commands are compiled to ui-automator commands
- commands will be send out to uiAutoClient (appium-uiauto)
- connects to appium remote debugger
- runs shell commands to return useful data from Xcode like
- getPath
- getVersion
- getAutomationTraceTemplatePath
- getMaxIOSSDK
- …
- has an auto-retry built in
- wrapper for the iOS UI Automation framework
- talks to it via socket connection
- runs a command queue that get filled up by the sendCommand function
- handles responses (as a buffer) from the ui-automation framework
- uses osascript to rotate screenshots
- provides method to bootstrap simulator/realdevice (dynamic-bootstrap)
- javascript files which are run in the iOS UI Automation context (not node)
- responsible to execute actual iOS UI Automation commands
- see UIAutomation docs
- command flow is like
- Webdriver command -> iOS driver command -> uiauto-command
- wrapper to run instruments commands
- a lot of exec calls to talk to instruments binary
- all of them take callbacks to propagate the result
- uses "iwd" (instruments without delay) packages which have to be compiled first
- special Instruments package that gets rid of a delay between commands
- contains also older versions of iwd instrument (v4 - v7)
- captures console, performance and crash logs from the iOS simulator or real device
- by either calling tail to grab logs from a system path (simulator devices)
- or by calling deviceconsole (real devices)
- performance logs are getting grabbed using the remote-debugger
- crash logs remain in “.crash” files on the system
- wrapper around iOS simulator app
- start and shutdown (kill all) simulators
- updating settings and locals
- update/clean safari
- grabs meta data about the simulator device
- uses simctl to talk to the simulator
- works for Xcode 6 and 7
- wrapper around simctl binary (cli utility to control an iOS simulator)
- executed as a subcommand of xcrun (locate or invoke developer tools from the command-line)
- contains functions to
- install/remove apps
- launch and shutdown simulators
- create/erase/delete devices
- get list of devices
- simple package to create and receive cookies
- used in the appium-ios-driver to implement jswonwire cookie commands within the web context
- wrapper around the chrome driver
- downloads and installs chromedriver binaries
- launches, restarts and stops (or kills all) chrome instances
- uses appium-jsonwp-proxy to send json wire protocol commands to the driver
- allows to send json wire protocol commands to a server that understands it (browser drivers)
- parses response into json
- allows to proxy requests to a proxied server
- used for communication in appium-chromedriver and appium-selendroid-driver
- similar to appium-ios-driver it can run as standalone server
- automates native, hybrid and mobile web apps on emulators/simulators and real devices
- takes care of installing android packages to the device
- runs chromedriver sessions if desired
- contains a more specific set of capability constraints
- uses appium-adb to talk to the emulator/simulator/realdevice
- and appium-android-bootstrap to execute the actual commands
- contains helpers to figure out which web view belongs to which app package vice versa
- wrapper around the Android Debug Bridge (adb)
- contains a bunch of commands that are basically just rpc to the adb binary
- houses jar files to run for special use cases like signing, verifying apps or moving manifests
- allows special (mobile specific) emulator commands that are not related to the webdriver protocol like
- locking the screen
- press back button
- press home button
- set/get airplane mode
- set/get wifi state
- captures logcat
- handles emulator/simulator actions (e.g. reboot)
- JavaScript interface, and Java code, for interacting with Android UI Automator
- builds AppiumBootstrap.jar that contains logic to execute the commands
- counterpart to appium-uiauto
- once started it creates a web socket connection to the device
- application provides start/shutdown/sendCommand interface
- command flow is like:
- Selenium command -> appium-adb -> appium-android-bootstrap -> Java code using the Android UI Automator framework
- starts and shutdowns uiautomator server given by appium-android-bootstrap jar build
- command flow is like
- appium-android-bootstrap:start -> appium-uiautomator:start -> appium-adb:install bootstrap
- similar to appium-android-driver it can run as standalone server
- downloads and installs Selendroid using appium-selendroid-installer
- contains several Selendroid specific logic to ensure a seamless integration
- contains a more specific set of capability constraints
- uses jsonwp-proxy to talk to the server
- used appium-adb to enable commands not implemented in Selendroid
- contains and exports a setup logic to
- download Selendroid
- determine AndroidManifest location
- determine Server APK location
- extracting both files
- copying and cleaning files
- allows to send and receive unicode characters from/to the Android device
- encodes text into UTF-7 sends it to the device and recodes it as Unicode
- used by appium-android-driver and appium-selendroid-driver
- diagnoses, reports and fixes common Node, iOS and Android configuration issues before starting Appium
- exposes cli command “appium-doctor"
- it checks for
- Android:
- android sdk exists and configured properly
- env variables and path check
- iOS:
- xcode is installed (with command line tools)
- dev tools security check
- auth check
- node binary check
- Android:
- dev package with custom plugins used accross appium modules (for Appium development only)
- contains task for
- e2e and unit tests (with coverage reporting)
- transpiling ES2016 into ES5
- static code analysis (eslint)
- watch task for dev
- RPC client to connect Appium to iOS webviews
- can connect to WebKit devtools
- for iOS only
- has two rpc client classes
- remote-debugger-rpc-client: uses tcp6 that connects to localhost:27753
- webkit-rpc-client: uses WebSockets to connect to ws://localhost:27753/devtools/page/${pageId}
- helper module that exposes:
- exec: ES7 (async/await) implementation of exec that uses spawn under the hood
- SubProcess: cuts down boilerplate when using spawn (especially when using in an async/await context)
- basic logger defaulting to npmlog with special consideration for running tests
- exposes getLogger function that gets used by almost all Appium packages
- defers to already-running logger if there is one, so everything bubbles up
- utility functions used to support libs used across appium packages.
- provides promise wrappers for some common operations like
- system methods (isWindows, isLinux …)
- utility methods like hasValue, escapeSpace
- a bunch of fs methods
- plist helpers for parsing and updating plist files