Suppose you live in Ribeirão Preto. Should you take an umbrella?
You tell us!
If the air humidity on a given day is greater than 70%, it is a good idea to take an umbrella with you. Your goal is to fetch the Ribeirão Preto air humidity forecast for the next five days from and display the following message template:
You should take an umbrella in these days: ....
For instance, if on the next five days air humidity will be greater than 70% on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, you must display the message:
You should take an umbrella in these days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Add openweathermap api key to conf.ini: API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY
Install requirements: python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
To run the server you need to set an environment variable:
for linux/mac: export
for windows: set
And to run the app in development mode: flask run
To run the tests: pytest