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299 lines (217 loc) · 9.89 KB


This is a wrapper library for managing AMQP connections. This simplifies the declaration and handshake process to make writing publishers and consumers a little easier.

Included are queue-based implementations of a gen_server and gen_fsm that abstract away some of the complexities of using the message queue. These behaviors unify the standard gen_server APIs with the message queue semantics, simplifying the behaviour implementation while maintaining flexibility in the communication methods. These servers manage all bus connections, opening, caching, and closing these connections as needed.

Using the gen_qserver

The gen_qserver manages all the connection details related to the queue. When starting a server, the last argument is passed into gen_qserver:start_link/5 must contain a list of connection specs. These can be of the following forms:

<<"exchange">> -- Used for publishing
{<<"exchange">>,Options} -- Used for publishing
{<<"exchange">>, <<"route">>} -- Used for consuming
{{<<"exchange">>,Options}, {<<"route">>,Options}} -- Used for consuming

Any valid connection parameters for an exchange.declare or queue.declare is allowed, plus a few additional conveniences. To set the encoding for a given connection, do this:

{<<"exchange">>, [{encoding,<<"application/bson">>}]}

Based on the spec, a connection will be made and the bus handles will be cached in memory. These can be accessed in code by a call to qcache:

qcache:get_bus(Tid, <<"exchange">>)

The id must be the same as when configuring the connection. Don't mix and match as this will yield unexpected results.

The Tid is how your implementation can access its cache. This id is provided to your module via the new() function. If no explicit publish operations are implemented, then this argument can be safely ignored.

The qcache module supports other forms for more granular used.


Support for RPCs is built into the gen_qserver. They are handled automatically by the underlying implementation, dispatching to handle_call/3 and then replying to the specified exchange and queue. RPCs are sent as erlang binaries as opposed to BSON for greater flexibility.

Responses utilize the standard AMQP method for replying to an RPC. This can be over-ridden using a specific syntax for the routing key.


The init/2 replaces init/1 in a gen_server implementation

Module:init(Args, CachePid)

RPC calls are routed to handle_call, with the routing key as the first element of a tuple. This granular control based on pattern matching the bitstring.

handle_call({<<"route">>, Payload}, _From, State)

All other messages are dispatched to handle_cast, again with the routing key as the first element of a tuple.

handle_cast({<<"route">>, Payload}, State)

If no special handling is required, then these calls can be routed to standard gen_server forms with the following:

handle_cast({<<_B/binary>>, Payload}, State) ->
  handle_cast(Payload, State).

Using the gen_qfsm

The queue-enabled FSM works like the regular gen_fsm except that it can listen to messages on the bus. Configuration is the same as the gen_qserver. Normal publish messages are treated as asynchronous calls--invoking StateName/2-- whereas RPC messages are dispatched to the synchronous calls--invoking StateName/3. Any events that come from the bus are structured as {<<RoutingKey/binary>>, Event} The corresponding Module:StateName will be called with this event, as in the standard gen_fsm.


Currently the send_all_state_event forms are not supported.


A simple implementation, my_qfsm, is in the test directory. This implementation illustrates the callback structure, while the test shows how to make calls (albeit in a not-recommended fashion).

Standalone Use

It is possible to use the library without the servers. This usage requires a bit more wiring on the consumer side.

Publishing to a Topic Exchange

When publishing to a topic exchange, a queue isn't necessary since messages aren't being read. The exchange will manage routing messages to queues once they are defined. This makes sending messages fairly simple.

Simple publishing encodes messages as BSON, so messages should conform to a structure that can be converted to BSON, such as a proplist.

BusHandle = bunny_farm:open(<<"exchange">>)
bunny_farm:publish([{key1,message}], <<"routing_key.1">>, BusHandle)

Note that the BusHandle can be reused for multiple messages against arbitrary routes.

Consuming Messages from a Topic Exchange

Subscribing to messages requires a bit more set up but not much. Here we need to declare a queue. While naming the queue is not required, it can be useful for managing the queue later on. Both methods are illustrated below.

Auto-Named Queue

This is the recommended approach as queues typically don't need to be accessed directly.

BusHandle = bunny_farm:open(<<"exchange">>, <<"routing_key.#">>)

Named Queue

In the event that an explicit queue name is required, then the following can be done.

BusHandle = bunny_farm:open(<<"exchange">>, {<<"routing_key.#">>,[{queue,Q}]})

If no routing key is necessary, then the following is simpler

BusHandle = bunny_farm:open(<<"exchange">>),
bunny_farm:publish(Message, QueueName, BusHandle),

Work Queues

A work queue can be implemented by using the default exchange with a named queue.

BusHandle = bunny_farm:open(<<"">>),
bunny_farm:publish(Message, QueueName, BusHandle),

When using a gen_qserver, the connection spec is described by

{<<"">>, {QueueName, [{exclusive,false}]}}

Note that this structure is the same as what gets passed in to the open/1 function in the first named queue example.

Once the subscriptions have been set up, then raw AMQP messages need to be detected to actually process data. In a gen_server setting, this is caught by the handle_info callback. With the gen_qserver it is automatically wired.

Making an RPC Over A Topic Exchange

Asynchronous RPCs can be executed by calling the bunny_farm:rpc/4 function. The message reply_to property is used to control the return routing key after the operation is made. A special form of this field can be used to send the response over a separate exchange.

Respond On Same Exchange

The standard behaviour is to respond on the default exchange as specified in the AMQP spec. The queue will be named based on the reply-to field. Any bitstring is valid except one containing a colon, as this will be interpreted as a two part route (see below).

ReplyTo = <<"reply_route">>

Respond On Different Exchange

This form is useful for sending the request and receiving the response on distinct exchanges. The ReplyTo is constructed in two parts separated by a colon, where the first section is the exchange and the second is the routing key.

BusHandle = qcache:get_bus(CachePid, <<"reply_exchange">>)
ReplyTo = <<"reply_exchange:reply_route">>
bunny_farm:rpc({get_value, key5}, ReplyTo, <<"request_route">>, BusHandle)

Message Encoding

The default message encoding is erlang binaries. To send messages using another encoding, a tuple can be passed to publish with the encoding explicitly defined. The encoding is represented by the mime type.

bunny_farm:publish({Message, <<"application/bson">>}, <<"routing_key">>, PubBus)

The same behavior exists for RPC commands.

If the same encoding will be used on all messages for a given exchange, then the encoding can be set in the connection configuration.

Connection Configuration

The connection information for the RabbitMQ server can be set in the application configuration file. The following variables are currently supported and can be added to the parameter list of your application.

{amqp_username, <<"guest">>},
{amqp_password, <<"guest">>},
{amqp_virtual_host, <<"/">>},
{amqp_servers, [{"localhost",5672}] },
{amqp_encoding, <<"application/erlang">>},

{amqp_exchanges, [
  {<<"exchange">>, [{K,V}] }
{amqp_queues, [
  {<<"routing_key">>, [{K,V}] }

Note that the amqp_host and amqp_port are now deprecated in favor of the singular amqp_servers. The older configuration will continue to work, but new applications should use amqp_servers. Keep in mind that if amqp_servers is populated, then it will override any settings in the legacy fields. This change towards a singular amqp_servers variable was made to support clusters. Multiple {host,port} tuples can be entered as a list and will be selected randomly. In the future this may switch to a round-robin or other method.

Channel definitions provide a way to set connection configuration each time a specific channel is opened. If no such information is provided, then default values will be used. Channels are referenced by the type of channel (whether it is used for publishing or subscribing), and a binary string which is either the name of the exchange or a colon-separated pair representing the exchange and routing key. Options are specified as a proplist. Current options include

{encoding, binary()},
{type, binary()},
{durable, boolean()},
{exclusive, boolean()},
{queue, binary()}

The encoding property is only available for pub channels.


A gen_qserver and gen_qfsm both utilize a qcache, which is now backed by ETS, so each server without any connections creates a single process. Rabbit itself will create many more processes.


  • Message-specific overrides for encoding (currently this is done at the exchange level via the config)


Brian Lee Yung Rowe