#Sending Messages with the Dragonboard 410c
Using Twilio, the Dragonboard410c can send both Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages.
The sample code in this directory shows simple utilization of both SMS and MMS messages using Python Twilio SDK.
##Creating/Configuring a Twilio Account
In order to use the Twilio service, you must have a valid Twilio account. Twilio offers a free trial version of the account which is sufficient for the example code.
###Creating Twilio Account If you do not already have a Twilio account, please navigate to https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio and create a free account.
###Installing the Twilio Python SDK/Helper Library Use the Python Package Manager, PIP, to install the library on our Dragonboard 410c.
pip install twilio
###Needed Twilio Credentials To enable the Python code to connect to your Twilio account, we need to grab the Account SID and Auth Token from the Twilio Console shown below.
This information is then used in the following Python code to connect/authorize the client.
# Find these values at https://twilio.com/user/account
account_sid = "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
auth_token = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token)
To send the messages, you will need to create/choose a Twilio phone number.
Please make sure that the phone number has both SMS and MMS capabilities in order to successfully run the example code.
The following two code snippets show where the Twilio Phone Number is used...
# Send the SMS message
message = client.messages.create(to="verified_phone_number", from_="twilio_phone_number", body="A message from your Dragonboard 410c!")
# Send the MMS message
message = client.messages.create(to="verified_phone_number", from_="twilio_phone_number", body="The Dragonboard is Here!", media_url=media)