- Arduino IDE 2.x or 1.x
- Teenyduino app
- Install as directed in links above
- In the Arduino IDE
- Load the Teensy.ino file from the /Source/Teensy directory
- Tools menu item settings:
- Board: "Teensy 4.1"
- Port: Select target Teensy
- USB Type: "Serial + MIDI"
- Default settings are fine for all others
- Build the project and download directly to TeensyROM
- TeensyROM needs to be powered by a C64/128 for programming since the Teensy USB power trace should be severed during assembly.
- Alternately, you can generate a .hex file and put it on a SD/USB drive
- See FW update section of the General Usage doc
- Arduino IDE 2.1.1
- Teensyduino 1.58
- Included libraries
- SD at version 2.0.0
- SdFat at version 2.1.2
- SPI at version 1.0
- USBHost_t36 at version 0.2
- NativeEthernet at version 1.0.5
- FNET at version 0.1.3
- EEPROM at version 2.0
These steps are only needed if modifying the application menu assembly code running on the C64/128.
- Edit the "build8000CartBin.bat" file in the C64 directory
- Set "toolPath" to an absolute path of the SW tools
- Edit the following 2 variables to point to the associated tool directory
- Relative, based on toolPath: "compilerPath", "bin2headerPath"
- Execute the batch file to complete the following
- Compile the main TeensyROM Code
- Compile the Cartridge loader executed on startup
- Convert the final binary into a header file for the Teensy code
- Copy the updated header file to the Teensy directory
- Any compile errors will cause early exit
- Build information is displayed and files are created
- Main TeensyROM application must be recompiled to incorporate header/code and load to Teensy module for execution
These steps only needed if modifying the Windows C# app used to directly pass .crt or .prg files from a PC to the TeensyROM
- Microsoft Visual Studio (Community or higher)
- Include C# tools