###Vector Basemaps
Esri has introduced a new set of vector basemaps now in beta release. There are several benefits to vector basemaps including high-res displays, smaller and easier to update and the ability to customize the look and feel of the basemaps. You can see them live here.
In this lab you will swap your basemap with your favorite vector basemap.
Go to arcgis.com and login.
Click on this link to load a map. Or use your own map.
to add a vector tile >Search for Layers
>In: ArcGIS Online
Search for:
owner:esri_vector -mature
Click on
World Street Map (Night)
(DO NOT CLICK ADD!) >Add to Map
. -
Done Adding Layers
Save your map.
Your map should look something like this map
Experiment with adding and removing other vector tile layers as basemaps.
World Street Map
World Street Map (Night)
World Navigation Map
World Topographic Map
Dark Gray Canvas
Light Gray Canvas