###Search with a Query Task
In this lab you will use a QueryTask to query data from a feature layer. A query task allows you to make a SQL or spatial query to retrieve subsets of records from a layer or service. With query tasks, you are responsible for adding the resulting features to the map as graphics. You are also responsible for adding a symbol and the defining the popup template used for the data.
Click create_starter_map/index.html and copy the contents to a new jsbin.com.
, add the query select menudiv
element and the sql query options:
<div id="viewDiv"></div>
<!-- ADD -->
<select id="queryDiv">
<option selected>TYPE = 'MAX'</option>
<option>TYPE = 'CR'</option>
<option>TYPE = 'SC'</option>
- Update the
statement andfunction
/*** ADD ***/
], function(Map, MapView, FeatureLayer, QueryTask, Query, SimpleMarkerSymbol, watchUtils, on, dom) { /*** ADD ***/
- Now add the
to select features from the PDX_Rail_Stops_Styled layer. Only return three fields from the layer.
var view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
center: [-122.68, 45.52], // lon, lat
zoom: 10
/*** ADD ***/
// Create query task to reference the PDX_Rail_Stops_Styled feature layer
var queryTask = new QueryTask({
url: "http://services.arcgis.com/uCXeTVveQzP4IIcx/arcgis/rest/services/PDX_Rail_Stops_Styled/FeatureServer/0"
// Only return three fields
var query = new Query({
returnGeometry: true,
outFields: ["STATION", "LINE", "TYPE"],
where: ""
- Next, add functions to execute the query task, get features, and then add them to the default graphics layer of the view. Notice that features will not be added until the view promise is ready.
/*** ADD ***/
// Perform query when page loads
getFeatures("TYPE = 'MAX'");
// Get features with sql clause
function getFeatures(sql) {
query.where = sql;
queryTask.execute(query).then(function(results) {
if (!view.ready) {
watchUtils.whenTrueOnce(view, "ready", function() {
} else {
// Add features as graphics
function addFeatures(features) {
var color,
// Color
switch (features[0].attributes.TYPE) {
case "MAX":
color = [237, 81, 81]
case "CR":
color = [167, 198, 54]
case "SC":
color = [20, 158, 206]
symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({
color: color,
size: 8,
outline: {
color: [ 255, 255, 255 ],
width: 1
// Set symbol and popup template
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
var feature = features[i];
feature.symbol = symbol;
feature.popupTemplate = {
title: "{STATION}",
content: "This is a {TYPE} rail stop for the {LINE} line."
// Add graphics
view.popup.visible = false;
- Finally, add the select HTML element and an event handler so we can change the SQL string for the query.
/*** ADD ***/
// Add select element to UI
view.ui.add(dom.byId("queryDiv"), {
position: "top-right"
// Select a sql query
on(dom.byId("queryDiv"), "change", function(e) {
var sql = e.target.value;
- In JSBin, run the app > Select a category to query the feature layer. Click on any point to display the attribute data in a popup.
Your app should look something like this: