- Complexity
- search/add/delete in
- search/add/delete in
- Implementation
- Array (we can think as lots of buckets)
- using a hash function to count key
- put that key’s value in that index
- Array (we can think as lots of buckets)
- Hash Collision Issue (when hash function told us to put in same idx)
- Solution
- Separate Chaining
- use linked list to store key-value pairs at that index
- Open Addressing
- find the next unused space adding
- 2-choice hashing
- use two hash functions
- still one hash table
- will decrease the number of hash collisions
- is useful for Rabin Karp (string pattern searching)
- Separate Chaining
- Solution
- Concept
- can reflect some map relation
- store key-value pairs
- key must be hashable
- if the number of keys is limited, can use array to simulate hashmap
- if we want to push and pop at same time, make sure to push first then pop, to avoid the issue when the push element is equal to the pop element
separate chaining
- init array as buckets
- use hash function to calc the idx
- use linked list to store key-value pairs at that index
- time complexity for search/add/delete is
, k is the number of buckets, n/k is the length of linked list in bucket
store val
- the store val can be
- num
- idx
- list or set
- store key is every element met the condition/pattern of key
- store value is a list or a set of elements
store sth’s freq
- the store key can be
- num
- char
- word
- point
- freq (we can even store freq’s freq)
- some pattern (use tuple as key)
snapshot of hashmap
- we can store these snapshots in a list or dict
build bijection mapping relation
- can solve isomorphic problems
store valid val’s freq for finding pairs
- count res, and then update freq