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array intro

  • array
    • contiguous in memory
    • in dynamic arrays, amortized O(1) for appending

array pattern

  • traverse
    • most common operation in array
  • use Boyer Moore vote algorithm
    • can find possible majority element(s)
    1. first travserse (finding candidate(s))
      1. if this element is existing candidate, then increment voting count for
      2. if we do not have enough candidate(s), then add new candidate
      3. if this element is not a candidate, then decrement each existing voting count and remove candidate(s) if needed
    2. second traverse (verifying candidate(s))
      1. calc the frequency of candidate(s)
      2. filter the final res
    • notice: the order of these steps matters
    def get_top_k_majority(k):
        cand_vote = {}
        for num in nums:
            if num in cand_vote:
                cand_vote[num] += 1
            elif len(cand_vote) < k:
                cand_vote[num] = 1
                for c in list(cand_vote.keys()):
                    cand_vote[c] -= 1
                    if cand_vote[c] == 0:
        for c in cand_vote.keys():
            cand_vote[c] = 0
        for num in nums:
            if num in cand_vote:
                cand_vote[num] += 1
        return [c for c, v in cand_vote.items() if v * (k + 1) > len(nums)]
  • use reverse technique
    • use two pointers
    • if we want to rotate second part of array to front
      1. reverse whole array (use two pointers)
      2. reverse new first part (original second part)
      3. reverse new second part (original first part)
  • use circular array
    • use mod to get the correct idx to put val
    • notice array can also simulate hashmap for counting
  • specific range array (cyclic sort)
    • array’s elements must be in fixed range (eg. 1 to n)
    • cyclic sort is time O(n), space O(1)
    • we want to place each number at its "correct" idx
      • utilize element-to-index mapping (involves hash's idea) to find the correct idx
        0, 1, 2, 3 ..., n-1
        1, 2, 3, 4 ..., n 
  • specific range array (cycle detection)
    • array’s elements must be in fixed range (eg. 1 to n)
    • cycle detection is time O(n), space O(1)
    • we want to use two pointers (slow and fast) to traverse the array in a way that mimics a linked list
      • utilize element-to-index mapping (involves hash's idea) to find the next element
      • build element-to-index edge, so if multi edge go to same node means cycle exists
      • cycle starting point's idx is the duplicate number
    find duplicate
    nums = [1, 2, 3, 1], val range is 1-3
    idx 0, 1, 2, 3
    val 1, 2, 3, 1
    slow 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> '3'
    fast 0 ->   -> 2 ->   -> 1 ->   -> '3'
    p1  0 -> '1'
    p2  3 -> '1'
    1. (L + P ) * 2 = L + P + Q + P
    2. L = Q
           ↙ 3 ↖
    0  →  1  →  2
  • use finite state machine
    • when there are only few states/patterns to switch/detect
    • we will transits between these finite number of states based on inputs or conditions
  • use difference array
    • can perform range updating in O(1)
     nums = [-2, 10, 5, 7]
    diffs = [-2, 12, -5, 2], diffs[i] = nums[i] - nums[i - 1]
    if add 2 to idx:1-2 ([i, j] range)
    diffs = [-2, 14, -5, 0], add in idx i and subtract in idx j + 1
    by using a var (init 0), and keep adding diffs element, we can resotre nums
     nums = [-2, 12, 7, 7]
Aspect Prefix Sum Difference Array Segment Tree
Primary Purpose range sum queries range updates range queries, and range updates
Operation Time Sum Query: O(1) Update: O(1) Query: O(logC) or O(logn); Update: O(logC) or O(logn)
Reconstruction get original array from diff of elements get original array from prefix sum of elements N/A
Use Case static arrays cumulative updates interval-based manipulations
  • count continuous elements
    • like 0 or 1 or - 1
    • or sometimes we need to convert the original element to 0 or 1 or - 1 for counting
  • use Knuth shuffle
    • time O(n), space O(1)
    • can shuffle array randomly
    • traverse from end to start
      • each round, randomly choose a element (from first element to current element ) to swap with current element
    import random
    def shuffle(nums):
        for i in range(len(nums) - 1, - 1, - 1):
            target_idx = random.randint(0, i)
            nums[i], nums[target_idx] = nums[target_idx], nums[i]
        return nums
  • use reservoir sampling
    • time O(n), space O(1)
    • can randomly pick element in unknown size dataset
    • if input is too large to store, then use reservoir sampling
    • if input is a stream, then use reservoir sampling
    • first element is 1/1 to be res
      • second element is 1/2 to be res
        • third element is 1/3 to be res
          • keep going
    import random
    def sampling(nums):
        stream = 0
        res = None
        for num in nums:
            if 0 == random.randint(0, stream):
                res = num
            stream += 1
        return res
  • simulation
    • involve mimicking or modeling the behavior of some processes
  • use swap
    • can achieve certain order for array
  • maintain array's range dynamically
    • use pointers
      • array start
      • cur visit
      • array end
  • pre-process the array
    • for handling the edge cases

line sweep intro

  • line sweep
    • we focus on the interval’s start or end
      • because that is the changing point
      • elements can be interval based (eg. [start, end]) or event based (eg. [start, 1], [end, - 1]). interval based is more straightforward
    • can solve interval problem
    • can sort the intervals as pre-processing
      • notice the sort’s key
      • sorting can simplify the relationship between two intervals
    • intervals’ relation
      1. overlap
      - A meets B:          AAAAA       (depends, can seem as non overlap)
      - A overlaps B:       AAAAA
      - A starts B:         AAAAA
      - A equals B:         AAAAA
      - A finished by B:    AAAAAAAAAA
      - A contains B:       AAAAAAAAAA
      2. non overlap
      - A before B:         AAAAA 

line sweep pattern

  • compare two intervals each round
    • can use sort as pre-processing (for input)
      • simplify the relation types of two intervals
    • sometimes can use greedy’s idea
      • to determine the key of sort
      • to determine the current best choice (how to deal with overlapping intervals)
    • if two intervals belongs to two sequences of intervals instead of same sequence
      • we can use two pointers to track them
        • make sure to sort them if needed
        • use greedy’s idea to decide how to move pointer
      • we can combine two sequences into single sequence by sorting or heap
        • inside this sequence, elements can be interval based (eg. [start, end]) or event based (eg. [start, 1], [end, - 1])
          • notice: if we use event based element, then we do not need to compare two intervals each round. we will traverse and use an additional var to record the cur status
  • use heap to store previous intervals’ states
    • can use sort as pre-processing (for input)
    • this approach contains greedy’s idea
      • the element/state in heap is a tuple and store info we need

prefix sum intro

  • prefix sum

    # init
    prefix = [0 for _ in range(len(nums) + 1)]
    total = 0
    for i, num in enumerate(nums):
        total += num
        prefix[i + 1] = total
    # idx:    0  1  2  3  4
    nums   = [3, 2, 3, 1]
    prefix = [0, 3, 5, 8, 9] # length is len(nums) + 1
    # if we want subarray left idx: 2 and right idx: 3 (inclusive)'s prefix
    # use right idx + 1 - left idx
    prefix[3 + 1] - prefix[2]
    • subarray problem related
    • use list to store
      • prefix sum of num
      • prefix product of num
      • prefix sum of sth
        • this some thing usually depends on the problem, and need certain abstract transition
    • if array only contain two values, can think about modifying element
      • like change them into 1 and - 1, then we can get their freq in prefix sum

prefix sum pattern

  • use standard prefix sum
    • prefix sum list’s length is n + 1 or n (depends)
  • use hashmap to validate the gap subarray
    • combine prefix sum and hashmap can help to find out the valid subarray
    • hashmap (depends, can also use set or even sorted dict)
      • key is prefix sum or sth derived from prefix sum
      • value can be idx or count (depends)
      • we might need an init key-value pair to put into the hashmap
      • if we are searching a closest target instead of a fixed target
        • then we should use SortedDict
          • method eg. bisect_left, peekitem

sliding window intro

  • sliding window

    # standard
    left = 0
    for right in range(len(nums)):
        UPDATE_STATES # due to right ptr is moving
        while INVALID:
            UPDATE_STATES # due to left ptr is going to move
            left += 1
        if VALID:
            RECORD # record cur best res
    # type II
    left = 0
    for right in range(len(nums)):
        UPDATE_STATES # due to right ptr is moving
        while VALID:
            RECORD # record cur best res
            UPDATE_STATES # due to left ptr is going to move
            left += 1
    • subarray related problem can think about sliding window
    • the idea of sliding window is we believe the best result can get from certain window
      • so we keep moving/generating window, maintaining it valid, and recording the current best result
    • left and right pointers
      • these two pointers define the window’s range (inclusive)
    • important elements
      • update states, maintain valid, record result
        • notice order of these three elements can be arranged depends on the problem
    • maintain valid’s tip
      • the valid factors could include
        • size
        • char’s frequency
        • unique char’s count
        • sum of the current window
      • when we can not find the clear way to validate (2 constraints or more)
        • we should consider enumerate sth or let sth fixed or sort sth
          • this means we deduct and control 1 factor
          • notice: sorting should not apply on source array directly in sliding window pattern

sliding window pattern

  • use standard sliding window
    • size is fixed or want to get max size of window
  • use shrink type sliding window
    • want to get min size of window

two pointers same direction intro

  • two pointers same direction
    • left and right pointers

two pointers same direction pattern

  • use left ptr to record
    • left ptr can seems as a slow ptr
  • find next permutation
    1. find first relative small (left neighbor < cur element) num a in right side (if can not find a, then we are already in the largest permutation)
    2. find first relative large num b (to that relative small num a) in right side
    3. swap a and b
    4. let second half subarray (after that swap idx (b's new idx)) become monotonic increasing (reverse them)
      val : 137531
    step 1: num a: 3 (idx 1)
    step 2: num b: 5 (idx 3)
    step 3: swap: 157331
    step 4: res: 151337
  • traverse two sequences

two pointers opposite direction intro

two pointers opposite direction

two pointers opposite direction pattern

  • use shrink type
    • could use the attribute of sorted order
    • if not sorted
      • we should greedily think move which side’s ptr will be the current best choice
      • or consider which side’s ptr’s result is already the final result
        • record it if need, then move this side’s ptr
      • or the both side shrink together
        • sometimes can use when we want to reverse array
  • use expand type

sort intro

  • sort

    • stable sorting algorithm means that when two elements have the same value, their relative order is maintained
    • An in-place sorting algorithm means that the algorithm does not use additional data structure to hold temporary data
    • Python uses Timsort, which uses merge sort for larger data and insertion sort for smaller data (overall time O(nlogn), space O(n))
    • merge sort
      • involve divide and conquer’s idea
    class Solution:
        def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
            def merge_sort(nums):
                n = len(nums)
                if n <= 1:
                    return nums
                m = n // 2
                left_part = merge_sort(nums[: m])
                right_part = merge_sort(nums[m:])
                res = []
                left, right = 0, 0
                while left < m or right < n - m:
                    if left == m:
                        right += 1
                    elif right == n - m:
                        left += 1
                    elif left_part[left] <= right_part[right]:
                        left += 1
                        right += 1
                return res
            return merge_sort(nums)
    # time O(nlogn), logn recursion layers and each layer costs O(n)
    # space O(n), due to new list, recursion stack is O(logn)
    # using merge sort
    # stable
    • quick sort and quick select
      • involve divide and conquer’s idea
    import random
    class Solution:
        def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
            def quick_sort(left, right):
                if left >= right:
                pivot_idx = random.randint(left, right)
                pivot_val = nums[pivot_idx]
                nums[right], nums[pivot_idx] = nums[pivot_idx], nums[right]
                partition_idx = left
                for i in range(left, right):
                    if nums[i] < pivot_val:
                        nums[i], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[i]
                        partition_idx += 1
                nums[right], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[right]
                quick_sort(left, partition_idx - 1)
                quick_sort(partition_idx + 1, right)
            quick_sort(0, len(nums) - 1)
            return nums
    # time O(n**2), worst-case happens due to bad pivot choice or nearly sorted array, and the average time is O(nlogn)
    # space O(n), due to recursion layers, O(logn) in average
    # using quick sort
    # unstable
    import random
    class Solution:
        def findKthLargest(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
            def quick_select(left, right):
                pivot_idx = random.randint(left, right)
                pivot_val = nums[pivot_idx]
                nums[right], nums[pivot_idx] = nums[pivot_idx], nums[right]
                partition_idx = left
                for i in range(left, right):
                    if nums[i] < pivot_val:
                        nums[i], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[i]
                        partition_idx += 1
                nums[right], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[right]
                return partition_idx
            left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1
            while left <= right:
                idx = quick_select(left, right)
                if idx == len(nums) - k:
                    return nums[idx]
                elif idx > len(nums) - k:
                    right = idx - 1
                    left = idx + 1
            return None
    # time O(n**2) in worst, O(n) in average
    # space O(1)
    # using quick select
    • bucket sort
    class Solution:
        def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
            min_num = min(nums)
            max_num = max(nums)
            buckets = [0 for _ in range(max_num - min_num + 1)]
            for num in nums:
                buckets[num - min_num] += 1
            res = []
            for i, b in enumerate(buckets):
                if b:
                    res.extend([i + min_num for _ in range(b)])
            return res
    # time O(n+b)
    # space O(n+b)
    # using bucket sort

sort pattern

  • use self defined sort
    • merge sort
    • quick sort
  • top k problem (based on sort)
    • heap
      • O(nlogk), use heap (size k)
      • O(n + klogn), use heap (size n)
    • quick select
      • O(n) for average and O(n**2) for worst
    • bucket sort
      • O(n+b), bucket (size b)
  • use bucket sort
    • O(n+b), bucket (size b)
    • involve counting’s idea
    • bucket can contain
      • a value
      • or list of elements
  • use quick select
    • O(n) for average and O(n**2) for worst
    • can use to find kth large number
      • like median
  • use merge sort
    • involve divide and conquer’s idea
    • during merging, we can utilize the relationship between left part elements and right part elements