Releases: n7consulting/Incipio
Jeyser CRM Fluor
Ninth release of Jeyser CRM
That new version has no big database changes. You just have to add a new parameter on configuration dashboard :
# go to your installation folder
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull # if that step fails, reach us out on the gitter chat
git checkout v2.1.0
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm web
docker rmi $(docker images incipio_web -q)
docker-compose build web
sudo rm -rf var/cache
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20170614232630
docker-compose restart web
We also advise you to replace the old docker-compose config file by a new one. To do so, execute :
# go to your installation folder
cd /var/www/Incipio
docker-compose stop
# Create a copy of the current configuration (just in case)
cp docker-compose.yml
# Copy the expected version
cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
# Edit the parameters
sed -i "s/SYMFONY_ENV: dev/SYMFONY_ENV: prod/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/restart: \"no\"/restart: always/g" docker-compose.yml
# In the following lines, replace $subdomain & $email by the values that were already set in your file.
# example : sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_HOST/[email protected]/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_HOST/$subdomain/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_EMAIL/$email/g" docker-compose.yml
# relaunch
docker-compose up -d
- Fix bug on composer installation
- Bump to PHP 7.1 as minimal supported version
- Add a restart always option for production container (will help many junior-entreprises)
- Largely improve UI and fix bug on Mission management
- Improve UI on doctype selection
- Add validators on several entities
- Improve BA (Bulletin d'Adhésion) doctype
- Make CI works
- Remove unused methods, functions and fix typo
Here it is ! Jeyser CRM 2.0.0, codename Oxygen
Update from a docker installation
# go to your installation folder
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull # if that step fails, reach us out on the gitter chat
git checkout v2.0.0
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm web traefik
docker-compose build web
sudo rm -rf var/cache
docker-compose up -d
# add commentary to each member
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20170421211323
# add a new option to the list
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20170603140214
docker-compose restart web
Update from a 1.11 installation
Reach us out on our gitter, we will help you.
Since 1.11 and November 2016 , many major changes occured. You can find them in former changelog. in a word :
- Use of docker and docker-compose for a 5 command line installation
- Update from Symfony 2.8 to 3.3
- Make Jeyser configurable from the web UI, no need to modify parameters.yml anymore
- Add samples doctypes, improve usability and UI
- many cool stuff (cf other release notes)
Since v2.0.0-beta3 release we have :
- Largely improved UI for member edition
- Updated docker-compose to version 2
- Added a new option to allow several naming conventions :
for M-Gate & friends, ornom
for N7 Consulting & friends - Updated to latest Symfony version (3.3)
- Add 2017 tax values
- Added validation on several objects to reduce the 500 error probability
- Fixed some bugs and improved UI on several points (BV, Numero in suivi module for M-Gate & friends, vuCa ...)
- Updated traefik docker image from camembert to morbier
- Add a commentary on each member
- Improved code quality and performances (slightly)
- Moved docker-compose.yml to version 2
This is the last Oxygen beta version release.
No features will be added between this beta and the release of version 2.
It is not a final release because migration process from 1.11 to 2.0 is not ready yet.
from a docker installation
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v2.0.0-beta3
docker-compose stop web
docker-compose rm web
docker-compose build web
docker-compose up -d
# migrate the AP / CC inverse key
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20170320153305
# migrate add suiveur Qualite on an etude
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20170327090019
Since beta-2 we have :
- Fix 2 minor security issue :
- an admin can't delete a superadmin anymore,
- add a csrf protection on user creation
- Minor UI improvement, namely link to github in the footer, consistency among pages
- Fix several bugs :
- hardcoded value for notification emails
- minor undefined field on gantt chart
- inversed owner relation between AP and CC (see the associated migration)
- Improved code quality (platinum is back !)
- Improve Avant Projet doctype
- Add a field for quality manager on each Etude
Since beta-1 we have
- Improved robustness and fix several bugs (namely competences in AP,
- Improved validation of entities to avoid 500 errors on persist
- Improved form error handling
- Removed useless views
- Added Docker Support and 5 commands install
- Enabled comments for Etude again
- Improved comments UI
- Added a key value store for parameters (implies small adaptation in your doctypes)
- Moved Filieres to configurable objects instead of hard-coded values.
It should not contains bugs anymore, however, we let the beta tag for the moment to outline the (small) probability of some, and the fact that demo doctypes aren't fully adapted yet.
Note: This is the last version you can use with PHP5.6
This is a new major version of Jeyser CRM.
It is not compatible with versions labelled 1.X. However it is possible to update with little work.
Note : This version is still in beta. It has been rather well tested, however it is not considered as safe to run in production yet.
- Update Symfony version from 2.8 to 3.2
- Ship Sample Doctypes with the code
- Move Filiere as settings objects instead of hard-coded values.
- Improve UI on several pages suc as formations, poste management, phase edition
- Improve Doctype management system
- Add behavioural tests
Doctype : Move your doctypes to var/documents. No other manipulation is required.
Filière : There is a little bit more work to do :
- Save your current membre table. Import it under another name.
- Run following query :
Update membre set filiere_id = (select id from filiere where nom =
(select filiere from old_membre where = )
Incipio Nitrogen
- Full CSV export from Siaje can now imported into Incipio
- Add a search engine on Etudes and Prospects'name, Personne firstname and surname
- Prospect and Employe can now be deleted from the CRM (no need to use admin DB interface anymore)
- Dependencies have been updated (now using Symfony 2.8.13)
- Uploaded documents are now stored in uploads folder of Incipio instead of /data/documents of your server
- Creation of a command to generate random data
php app/console demo:create_data
- Begin translation of several bundles
- Several bugs fixed.
- Code quality improved
Incipio Carbon
First release of Incipio under N7 Consulting development.
Incipio has known so many changes since August 2015 that we directly jump to 1.10 as for versionning.
As for features, we can evoke :
- New design and special work on User Interface
- Many bug fixes
- Optimization on many pages
- Code improvement (currently Silver medal on SensioLabs Insights) and update dependencies
- Add a Human Resources Management Bundle
- Add an admin dashboard for SUPER_ADMIN only, in order them to edit or search database without restrictions
Why Carbon ?
Because that releases is the sixth of Incipio and Carbon is the sixth chemical element (sorted by atomic number)