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Simple Combinatory Logic and Lambda Calculus in Scala

This is a humble attempt to learn Combinatory Logic and Lambda Calculus by implementing a simple ADT + DSL for CL Terms and Term reduction in Scala as well as an AST, an interpreter, and a REPL.

The terminology, theorems and lemmas are taken from Lambda-Calculus and Combinators, an Introduction by J. Roger Hindley and Jonathan P. Seldin, Cambridge University Press 2008.


You can run the REPL using sbt run.

> sbt run


Variables must have a single lower case letter as their name. x, y, z are valid variable names.

Terms names must be a single upper case letter followed by any number of single quotes. M, M', S'' are all valid names for Terms.

Here are some of the basic things you can do in the REPL:

  • In order to define a new CL Term use the := notation:
  • You can't rebind/re-assign an existing term but you can clear all defined terms with the :r REPL command.

  • Once a term is defined you can use it in later expressions:


The second line in the above example is the result of evaluating the expression. An eager weak reduction strategy is used for evaluation.

  • For abstraction use the bracket syntax (don't forget the dot after the bracket). Abstracting over multiple variables, or nesting multiple abstractions (right-associative) is also supported:
CL SKI > [x,y,z].xz(yz)
CL SKI > [x].[y].[z].xz(yz)

Abstractions are valid expressions so you can assign them to new terms but as abstraction is not part of the CL syntax you can't use it within a term itself. For instance the following won't work:

CL SKI > ([x,y].y)uv
Compile error ...

You can first assign the abstraction to a new term to force the evaluation and then use it in future expressions.

CL SKI > K' := [x,y].y
CL SKI > K'uv
  • For substitution use the bracket syntax.
CL SKI > [y/x]x

For now only single substitution is supported at the language, although the ADT DSL supports simultaneous substitution. Nested or sequential substitution is supported though (and associates to right)

CL SKI > [SS/x][xx/y]yz

Just like abstraction, you can't use the substitution bracket syntax in a term. You can assign the result of a substitution to a new term though.

CL SKI > N := [SS/x][xx/y]yz
  • You can add a comment after an expression. Start the comment with a hash sign:
CL SKI > Q := KI   # Kite combinator

Note: Comments can't span multiple lines and whole line comments are not supported.

REPL Directives

REPL directives start with a dash -. Here is a list of supported directives:

  • -sys:SKI: changes the CL System to SKI, this is the default.
  • -sys:SK: changes the CL System to SK. I is not defined in this system but you can define it yourself as I := SKK.
  • -abs:SKI:primitive: changes the abstraction strategy to SKI primitive, aka Curry's algorithm fab).
  • -abs:SKI:weak: changes the abstraction strategy to SKI weak, aka Curry's algorithm abf).
  • -abs:SKI:eta: changes the abstraction strategy to SKI eta, aka Curry's algorithm abcf. This is the default strategy.
  • -abs:SK:primitive: changes the abstraction strategy to SK primitive.
  • -abs:SK:weak: changes the abstraction strategy to SK weak.
  • -abs:SK:eta: changes the abstraction strategy to SK eta.

Here's an example of directives in action:

CL SKI > [x,y,z].xz(yz)
CL SKI > -abs:SKI:weak
Ok! Abstraction strategy changed to SKI Weak Abstraction.
CL SKI > [x,y,z].xz(yz)
CL SKI > -abs:SKI:primitive
Ok! Abstraction strategy changed to SKI Primitive Abstraction.
CL SKI > [x,y,z].xz(yz)
S(S(KS)(S ... A very long term ... K)(KI)))

Note: abstractions work independent of the chosen system as long as combinators they need (basic combinators in their system) exist in the target (current) system. This has the assumption that combinators have the same meaning in the target system. In a nutshell, abstractions work even if their respective system is not the same as the target system but it's the programmer's responsibility to make sure their use is meaningful.

Project Structure

  • cl-core: CL ADT and DSL are implemented in this sub-project.
  • cl-lang: A Mini CL Language with a parser and AST.
  • cl-eval: An evaluator (interpreter) for the Mini CL language.
  • cl-repl: REPL for the Mini CL language.
  • lc-core: Lambda Calculus ADT and DSL.


CL ADT Basics

The CL Term ADT is implemented in the package object cl. So you will need the following import everywhere:

import cl._

CL First Sample

import cl._

val (x, y, z) = (Var('x'), Var('y'), Var('z'))
val Kx        = K(x)
val Kxy       = Kx(y)
val K_xy      = K ^ x(y)

val shouldBeTrue = x ⊆ Kxy
val l            = Kxy.length

val freeVars     = K_xy.FV


As the literature suggests, variables must have a lower case letter as their name.

import cl._

val x = Var('x')
val y = Var('y')

Basic Combinators

The three musketeers, aka basic combinators I, K, and S, are predefined.

import cl._
val x = Var('x')
val y = Var('y')

val N = I(x)           // Ix
val M = K(x)(y)        // Kxy
val U = S(K)(S)        // SKS


We are in the Untyped Combinatory Logic land so any Term is applicable to any Term.

You can use the DSL in one of the following ways:

  • the apply function as in K(S)
  • the left-associative ^ operator as in K ^ S
  • the right-associative ^: operator as in K ^: S ^: M. This is exactly like the $ operator in Haskell.
import cl._
val x = Var('x')
val y = Var('y')

val M = S(K)(S)                // SKS
val N = S ^ K(S)               // S(KS)
val P = S ^: K ^: S(K)         // S(K(SK))
val U = K(I) ^: S(S)           // KI(SS)

Scala's spec gives higher precedence to the ^ and ^: operators. The apply and the ^ will both be left associative, just like the convention used in the CL literature. ^ and ^: can be used to avoid parenthesises in some cases.

val H = S(K)(I)(K(S(S)))
val E = S(K)(I) ^ (K ^ S(S))       // Same thing, more readable

Pattern Matching on Term ADT

Pattern matching (aka induction on the structure of the CL Terms) is the essence of most Combinatory Logic theorems and algorithms.

   M match {
     case Var(x)  ...                 // Variables
     case _U ^ _V  ...                // Application of term _U to _V
     case BasicCombinator(name)   ... // one of I, K, S

One can also match on I, K, and S directly:

  M match {
    case I  ...
    case K  ...
    case S  ...
    case _ 

Note: due to Scala's spec, the following pattern does not work:

  case M ^ N  ... // Wrong, value patterns can't begin with uppercase

and it's not a good idea to use lower case names for CL Terms, hence the underscore workaround:

  case _M ^ _N  ... // Ok! Underscore is fine


The mini CL language is implemented in the lang sub-project. Here's how to parse a mini CL statement to AST:

import cl.compiler.{CLCompileError, Compiler}
import cl.compiler.ast.AST

val statement = "SKI"
val result: Either[CLCompileError , AST] = CLCompiler(statement)