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90 lines (66 loc) · 4.89 KB

NOTICE: Some AWS services used may not be covered by the Free tier after 12 months.


Before you deploy, you must have the following in place:

For prototyping, you need the following:


Follow these instructions to deploy the Serverless Airline application:

One-click deployment

  1. Use 1-click deployment button above
  2. Expand environment variables and add your Stripe's keys
  3. If you don't have an IAM Service Role, create one
  4. Amplify Console forked this repository in your GitHub account, clone your fork repo locally
  5. Within your new app in Amplify Console, wait for deployment to complete (this may take a while)
  6. Choose Backend environments, and select the environment you see
  7. Choose Open admin UI, and choose Local setup instructions
  8. Copy the amplify pull command displayed
  9. Within your forked repository locally, run the command you copied and follow the instructions
    • This command synchronizes what's deployed to your local Amplify environment
    • It also generates src/frontend/aws-exports.js file containing your recently deployed infrastructure for Auth and API
  10. When answering the prompt, there will be questions on Source Directory Path, use se the following custom answers:
? Source Directory Path:  src/frontend
? Distribution Directory Path: src/frontend/dist
? Build Command:  npm run-script build --prefix src/frontend
? Start Command: npm run-script serve --prefix src/frontend
? Do you plan on modifying this backend? Yes

Within Amplify Console, you should see an auto-generated URL under Frontend environment - You can now sign-up for a new user, and add your first flight.

NOTE: If you prefer signing up a new user using the new Admin UI, using User Management to create a new user will have the same effect as signing up through the Airline web app.

Adding your first flight

Provided you have followed deployment instructions and signed up your first user, take the steps below to log in to AWS AppSync and run a createFlight mutation:

  1. Open Amplify variable file src/frontend/aws-exports.js and take note of aws_user_pools_web_client_id
  2. Go to the AWS AppSync Console, and select the Serverless Airline API
  3. Go to Queries on the left menu, and select Login with User Pools
  4. Within the dropdown, choose the ClientId you took note in Step 1, and use the credentials of your newly created Cognito user
    1. Tip: It will be one roughly named app_clientWeb
  5. Within your fork, copy any of the createFlight mutations provided in sample-queries-mutations.gql
  6. Open up the front-end, and search for a flight from LGW to MAD for April 10th, 2021

Cleaning up

To delete the Serverless Airline from your AWS Account, you need:

  • Git branch name - Branch you connected in Amplify Console (e.g. twitch)
  • Root Stack name - Root CloudFormation Stack name, available in System Manager Parameter Store (e.g. /twitch/stackName)

By running the commands below within the project source code, you will:

  1. Fetch the root stack name into STACK_NAME environment variable
  2. Export the git branch name used in Amplify Console - you need to replace with the correct value
  3. Delete all back-ends managed by Serverless Application Model (SAM) in the correct order
  4. Delete all resources managed by Amplify (API, DynamoDB Table, Cognito)
# export AWS_BRANCH="twitch"
export AWS_BRANCH="<<Git Branch Name you used>>"
export STACK_NAME=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name /${AWS_BRANCH}/service/amplify/deployment/stackName --query 'Parameter.Value' --output text)

make delete
amplify delete

Lastly, deployment S3 buckets may remain untouched. You can safely delete buckets starting with awsserverlessairline-<<<timestamp>>>-deployment, use either via Console, CLI or SDK