The Rosario dataset comprised sequencing data from 12 individual dormitory rooms at the sampling site, as well as a pooled sample of eight additional rooms and a negative control.
@@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@
tnl <- theme(legend.position = "none")
Continuing our look at air sampling datasets, we turn to Rosario et al. (2018), another study of air filters, this time from HVAC filters from an undergraduate dorm building at the University of Colorado campus in Boulder. As in [Prussin](, samples were eluted from filters (in this case MERV-8, so less stringent than Prussin's MERV-14 filters) and underwent both RNA and DNA sequencing – this time on an Illumina MiSeq with 2x250bp reads.
Continuing our look at air sampling datasets, we turn to [Rosario et al. (2018)](, another study of air filters, this time from HVAC filters from an undergraduate dorm building at the University of Colorado campus in Boulder. As in [Prussin](, samples were eluted from filters (in this case MERV-8, so less stringent than Prussin's MERV-14 filters) and underwent both RNA and DNA sequencing – this time on an Illumina MiSeq with 2x250bp reads.
# The raw data
diff --git a/notebooks/2024-04-12_leung.qmd b/notebooks/2024-04-12_leung.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55ffc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/2024-04-12_leung.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,1673 @@
+title: "Workflow analysis of Leung et al. (2021)"
+subtitle: "Air sampling from a student dorm in Colorado."
+author: "Will Bradshaw"
+date: 2024-04-12
+ html:
+ code-fold: true
+ code-tools: true
+ code-link: true
+ df-print: paged
+editor: visual
+title-block-banner: black
+draft: true
+#| label: load-packages
+#| include: false
+theme_base <- theme_base + theme(aspect.ratio = NULL)
+theme_rotate <- theme_base + theme(
+ axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, angle = 45),
+theme_kit <- theme_rotate + theme(
+ axis.title.x = element_blank(),
+tnl <- theme(legend.position = "none")
+The last in our current run of air sampling datasets is [Leung et al.]( (2021), a study of active air samples collected in public transit systems from six cities (Denver, Hong Kong, London, NYC, Oslo, Stockholm) from June to September 2017.
+Samples from Denver originated from their rail and bus system; all other samples originated from metro systems. Collection took place during working days and working hours. Air samples were collected with the SASS 3100 Dry Air Samplers (filtration) for 30 min at a flowrate of 300 L/min using electret microfibrous filters. Filters were stationed at 1.5m above floor level, facing downward (to avoid direct deposition).
+This was a DNA-sequencing study, focused on the bacterial microbiome and resistome. Sample processing followed an ideosyncratic protocol, where samples were pelleted and the pellet and supernatant were processed separately before being recombined for NA extraction and sequencing; I don't have a great understanding of how this is expected to affect the viral fraction. Samples were sequenced with Illumina HiSeqX 2x150bp.
+# The raw data
+In total, the Leung dataset comprised 293 samples:
+#| warning: false
+#| label: import-qc-data
+# Importing the data is a bit more complicated this time as the samples are split across three pipeline runs
+data_dir_base <- "../data/2024-04-12_leung"
+data_dirs <- paste(data_dir_base, c(1,2,3), sep="/")
+# Define geo relationships for filling in
+geo <- tribble(~region, ~country, ~city,
+ "Asia", "Hong Kong", "Hong Kong",
+ "Europe", "Norway", "Oslo",
+ "Europe", "Sweden", "Stockholm",
+ "Europe", "United Kingdom", "London",
+ "North America", "USA", "New York City",
+ "North America", "USA", "Denver")
+# Data input paths
+libraries_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "sample-metadata.csv")
+basic_stats_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "qc_basic_stats.tsv.gz")
+adapter_stats_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "qc_adapter_stats.tsv.gz")
+quality_base_stats_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "qc_quality_base_stats.tsv.gz")
+quality_seq_stats_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "qc_quality_sequence_stats.tsv.gz")
+# Import libraries and extract metadata from sample names
+libraries_raw <- lapply(libraries_paths, read_csv, show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
+ bind_rows
+libraries <- libraries_raw %>%
+ # Fix missing entries
+ mutate(city = ifelse(, sub(", .*", "", location), city)) %>%
+ left_join(geo, by="city", suffix = c("", "_new")) %>%
+ mutate(region = ifelse(region == "uncalculated", region_new, region),
+ country = ifelse(country == "uncalculated", country_new, country)) %>%
+ select(-country_new, -region_new) %>%
+ # Add sample aliases
+ arrange(city, date, location) %>%
+ group_by(city, date) %>%
+ mutate(sample_count = row_number(),
+ date_alias = paste(as.character(date), sample_count, sep="_"),
+ sample_alias = paste(city, date_alias, sep="_"))
+count_city <- libraries %>% group_by(region, country, city) %>%
+ count(name="n_samples")
+#| label: process-qc-data
+# Import QC data
+stages <- c("raw_concat", "cleaned", "dedup", "ribo_initial", "ribo_secondary")
+import_basic <- function(paths){
+ lapply(paths, read_tsv, show_col_types = FALSE) %>% bind_rows %>%
+ inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>% arrange(sample) %>%
+ mutate(stage = factor(stage, levels = stages),
+ sample = fct_inorder(sample))
+import_basic_paired <- function(paths){
+ import_basic(paths) %>% arrange(read_pair) %>%
+ mutate(read_pair = fct_inorder(as.character(read_pair)))
+basic_stats <- import_basic(basic_stats_paths)
+adapter_stats <- import_basic_paired(adapter_stats_paths)
+quality_base_stats <- import_basic_paired(quality_base_stats_paths)
+quality_seq_stats <- import_basic_paired(quality_seq_stats_paths)
+# Filter to raw data
+basic_stats_raw <- basic_stats %>% filter(stage == "raw_concat")
+adapter_stats_raw <- adapter_stats %>% filter(stage == "raw_concat")
+quality_base_stats_raw <- quality_base_stats %>% filter(stage == "raw_concat")
+quality_seq_stats_raw <- quality_seq_stats %>% filter(stage == "raw_concat")
+# Get key values for readout
+raw_read_counts <- basic_stats_raw %>% ungroup %>%
+ summarize(rmin = min(n_read_pairs), rmax=max(n_read_pairs),
+ rmean=mean(n_read_pairs),
+ rtot = sum(n_read_pairs),
+ btot = sum(n_bases_approx),
+ dmin = min(percent_duplicates), dmax=max(percent_duplicates),
+ dmean=mean(percent_duplicates), .groups = "drop")
+These 293 samples yielded 0.39M-7.86M (mean 4.57M) reads per sample, for a total of 1.34B read pairs (402 gigabases of sequence). Read qualities were high at the 5' end but dropped off significantly in some samples, in definite need of cleaning. Adapter levels were high. With the exception of a couple of early samples, inferred duplication levels were low (mean 9.4%).
+#| fig-width: 9
+#| warning: false
+#| label: plot-basic-stats
+# Prepare data
+basic_stats_raw_metrics <- basic_stats_raw %>%
+ select(sample, city, date,
+ `# Read pairs` = n_read_pairs,
+ `Total base pairs\n(approx)` = n_bases_approx,
+ `% Duplicates\n(FASTQC)` = percent_duplicates) %>%
+ pivot_longer(-(sample:date), names_to = "metric", values_to = "value") %>%
+ mutate(metric = fct_inorder(metric))
+# Set up plot templates
+scale_fill_city <- purrr::partial(scale_fill_brewer, palette="Set1",
+ name="City")
+scale_x_cdate <- purrr::partial(scale_x_date, name="Collection Date",
+ date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%Y-%m-%d")
+g_basic <- ggplot(basic_stats_raw_metrics,
+ aes(x=date, y=value, fill=city, group=interaction(city,sample))) +
+ geom_col(position = "dodge") +
+ scale_x_cdate() +
+ scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
+ expand_limits(y=c(0,100)) +
+ scale_fill_city() +
+ facet_grid(metric~., scales = "free", space="free_x", switch="y") +
+ theme_rotate + theme(
+ axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+ strip.text.y = element_text(face="plain")
+ )
+#| label: plot-raw-quality
+# Set up plotting templates
+scale_color_city <- purrr::partial(scale_color_brewer, palette="Set1",
+ name="City")
+g_qual_raw <- ggplot(mapping=aes(color=city, linetype=read_pair,
+ group=interaction(sample,read_pair))) +
+ scale_color_city() + scale_linetype_discrete(name = "Read Pair") +
+ guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE),
+ linetype = guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)) +
+ theme_base
+# Visualize adapters
+g_adapters_raw <- g_qual_raw +
+ geom_line(aes(x=position, y=pc_adapters), data=adapter_stats_raw) +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Adapters", limits=c(0,NA),
+ breaks = seq(0,100,10), expand=c(0,0)) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),
+ breaks=seq(0,140,20), expand=c(0,0)) +
+ facet_grid(.~adapter)
+# Visualize quality
+g_quality_base_raw <- g_qual_raw +
+ geom_hline(yintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_hline(yintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_line(aes(x=position, y=mean_phred_score), data=quality_base_stats_raw) +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(10,45)) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),
+ breaks=seq(0,140,20), expand=c(0,0))
+g_quality_seq_raw <- g_qual_raw +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_line(aes(x=mean_phred_score, y=n_sequences), data=quality_seq_stats_raw) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0)) +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="# Sequences", expand=c(0,0))
+# Preprocessing
+The average fraction of reads lost at each stage in the preprocessing pipeline is shown in the following table. Read loss during cleaning was highly variable but averaged 11%, with a further \~7% lost during deduplication and \~0.3% during ribodepletion.
+#| label: preproc-table
+n_reads_rel <- basic_stats %>%
+ select(sample, date, city, stage,
+ percent_duplicates, n_read_pairs) %>%
+ group_by(sample) %>% arrange(sample, stage) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_retained = replace_na(n_read_pairs / lag(n_read_pairs), 0),
+ p_reads_lost = 1 - p_reads_retained,
+ p_reads_retained_abs = n_read_pairs / n_read_pairs[1],
+ p_reads_lost_abs = 1-p_reads_retained_abs,
+ p_reads_lost_abs_marginal = replace_na(p_reads_lost_abs - lag(p_reads_lost_abs), 0))
+n_reads_rel_display <- n_reads_rel %>%
+ rename(Stage=stage, City=city) %>%
+ group_by(Stage) %>%
+ summarize(`% Total Reads Lost (Cumulative)` = paste0(round(min(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), "-", round(max(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), " (mean ", round(mean(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), ")"),
+ `% Total Reads Lost (Marginal)` = paste0(round(min(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), "-", round(max(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), " (mean ", round(mean(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), ")"), .groups="drop") %>%
+ filter(Stage != "raw_concat") %>%
+ mutate(Stage = Stage %>% as.numeric %>% factor(labels=c("Trimming & filtering", "Deduplication", "Initial ribodepletion", "Secondary ribodepletion")))
+#| label: preproc-figures
+#| warning: false
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 6
+g_stage_trace <- ggplot(basic_stats, aes(x=stage, color=city, group=sample)) +
+ scale_color_city() +
+ facet_wrap(~city, scales="free", ncol=3) +
+ theme_kit + theme(legend.position = "none")
+# Plot reads over preprocessing
+g_reads_stages <- g_stage_trace +
+ geom_line(aes(y=n_read_pairs)) +
+ scale_y_continuous("# Read pairs", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(0,NA))
+# Plot relative read losses during preprocessing
+g_reads_rel <- ggplot(n_reads_rel, aes(x=stage, color=city, group=sample)) +
+ geom_line(aes(y=p_reads_lost_abs_marginal)) +
+ scale_y_continuous("% Total Reads Lost", expand=c(0,0),
+ labels = function(x) x*100) +
+ scale_color_city() +
+ facet_wrap(~city, scales="free", ncol=3) +
+ theme_kit + theme(legend.position = "none")
+Data cleaning was very successful at removing adapters and improving read qualities:
+#| warning: false
+#| label: plot-quality
+#| fig-height: 7
+g_qual <- ggplot(mapping=aes(color=city, linetype=read_pair,
+ group=interaction(sample,read_pair))) +
+ scale_color_city() + scale_linetype_discrete(name = "Read Pair") +
+ guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE),
+ linetype = guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)) +
+ theme_base
+# Visualize adapters
+g_adapters <- g_qual +
+ geom_line(aes(x=position, y=pc_adapters), data=adapter_stats) +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Adapters", limits=c(0,20),
+ breaks = seq(0,50,10), expand=c(0,0)) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),
+ breaks=seq(0,140,20), expand=c(0,0)) +
+ facet_grid(stage~adapter)
+# Visualize quality
+g_quality_base <- g_qual +
+ geom_hline(yintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_hline(yintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_line(aes(x=position, y=mean_phred_score), data=quality_base_stats) +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(10,45)) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),
+ breaks=seq(0,140,20), expand=c(0,0)) +
+ facet_grid(stage~.)
+g_quality_seq <- g_qual +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ geom_line(aes(x=mean_phred_score, y=n_sequences), data=quality_seq_stats) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0)) +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="# Sequences", expand=c(0,0)) +
+ facet_grid(stage~.)
+According to FASTQC, cleaning + deduplication was very effective at reducing measured duplicate levels, which fell from an average of 9.4% to 1.7% for DNA reads:
+#| label: preproc-dedup
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 6
+stage_dup <- basic_stats %>% group_by(stage) %>%
+ summarize(dmin = min(percent_duplicates), dmax=max(percent_duplicates),
+ dmean=mean(percent_duplicates), .groups = "drop")
+g_dup_stages <- g_stage_trace +
+ geom_line(aes(y=percent_duplicates)) +
+ scale_y_continuous("% Duplicates", limits=c(0,NA), expand=c(0,0))
+g_readlen_stages <- g_stage_trace + geom_line(aes(y=mean_seq_len)) +
+ scale_y_continuous("Mean read length (nt)", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(0,NA))
+# High-level composition
+As before, to assess the high-level composition of the reads, I ran the ribodepleted files through Kraken (using the Standard 16 database) and summarized the results with Bracken. Combining these results with the read counts above gives us a breakdown of the inferred composition of the samples:
+#| label: prepare-composition
+# Import Bracken data
+bracken_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "bracken_counts.tsv")
+bracken <- lapply(bracken_paths, read_tsv, show_col_types = FALSE) %>% bind_rows
+total_assigned <- bracken %>% group_by(sample) %>% summarize(
+ name = "Total",
+ kraken_assigned_reads = sum(kraken_assigned_reads),
+ added_reads = sum(added_reads),
+ new_est_reads = sum(new_est_reads),
+ fraction_total_reads = sum(fraction_total_reads)
+bracken_spread <- bracken %>% select(name, sample, new_est_reads) %>%
+ mutate(name = tolower(name)) %>%
+ pivot_wider(id_cols = "sample", names_from = "name",
+ values_from = "new_est_reads")
+# Count reads
+read_counts_preproc <- basic_stats %>%
+ select(sample, date, date_alias, city, stage, n_read_pairs) %>%
+ pivot_wider(id_cols = c("sample", "date", "date_alias", "city"),
+ names_from="stage", values_from="n_read_pairs")
+read_counts <- read_counts_preproc %>%
+ inner_join(total_assigned %>% select(sample, new_est_reads), by = "sample") %>%
+ rename(assigned = new_est_reads) %>%
+ inner_join(bracken_spread, by="sample")
+# Assess composition
+read_comp <- transmute(read_counts, sample, date, date_alias, city,
+ n_filtered = raw_concat-cleaned,
+ n_duplicate = cleaned-dedup,
+ n_ribosomal = (dedup-ribo_initial) + (ribo_initial-ribo_secondary),
+ n_unassigned = ribo_secondary-assigned,
+ n_bacterial = bacteria,
+ n_archaeal = archaea,
+ n_viral = viruses,
+ n_human = eukaryota)
+read_comp_long <- pivot_longer(read_comp, -(sample:city),
+ names_to = "classification",
+ names_prefix = "n_", values_to = "n_reads") %>%
+ mutate(classification = fct_inorder(str_to_sentence(classification))) %>%
+ group_by(sample) %>% mutate(p_reads = n_reads/sum(n_reads))
+# Summarize composition
+read_comp_summ <- read_comp_long %>%
+ group_by(city, classification) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads = sum(n_reads), .groups = "drop_last") %>%
+ mutate(n_reads = replace_na(n_reads,0),
+ p_reads = n_reads/sum(n_reads),
+ pc_reads = p_reads*100)
+#| label: plot-composition-all
+#| fig-height: 7
+#| fig-width: 8
+# Prepare plotting templates
+g_comp_base <- ggplot(mapping=aes(x=date_alias, y=p_reads, fill=classification)) +
+ scale_x_discrete(name="Collection Date") +
+ facet_wrap(~city, scales = "free") +
+ theme_kit + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
+scale_y_pc_reads <- purrr::partial(scale_y_continuous, name = "% Reads",
+ expand = c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100)
+# Plot overall composition
+g_comp <- g_comp_base + geom_col(data = read_comp_long, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_pc_reads(limits = c(0,1.01), breaks = seq(0,1,0.2)) +
+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1", name = "Classification")
+# Plot composition of minor components
+read_comp_minor <- read_comp_long %>%
+ filter(classification %in% c("Archaeal", "Viral", "Other"))
+palette_minor <- brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[c(6,7,9)]
+g_comp_minor <- g_comp_base + geom_col(data=read_comp_minor, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_pc_reads() +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_minor, name = "Classification")
+#| label: composition-summary
+p_reads_summ_group <- read_comp_long %>%
+ mutate(classification = ifelse(classification %in% c("Filtered", "Duplicate", "Unassigned"), "Excluded", as.character(classification)),
+ classification = fct_inorder(classification)) %>%
+ group_by(classification, sample, city) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads = sum(p_reads), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ group_by(classification, city) %>%
+ summarize(pc_min = min(p_reads)*100, pc_max = max(p_reads)*100,
+ pc_mean = mean(p_reads)*100, .groups = "drop")
+p_reads_summ_prep <- p_reads_summ_group %>%
+ mutate(classification = fct_inorder(classification),
+ pc_min = pc_min %>% signif(digits=2) %>% sapply(format, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE, digits=2),
+ pc_max = pc_max %>% signif(digits=2) %>% sapply(format, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE, digits=2),
+ pc_mean = pc_mean %>% signif(digits=2) %>% sapply(format, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE, digits=2),
+ display = paste0(pc_min, "-", pc_max, "% (mean ", pc_mean, "%)"))
+p_reads_summ <- p_reads_summ_prep %>%
+ select(city, classification, read_fraction=display) %>%
+ arrange(city, classification)
+In many respects, these resemble the Prussin data: high human fraction (mean 19.6%), high bacterial fraction (mean 18.2%), high unclassified fraction (mean 43.9%), low viral fraction (mean 0.01%). One notable difference is that archaeal reads are more abundant (0.034% compared to 0.016% for Prussin).
+As in Prussin, viral DNA reads were dominated by *Caudoviricetes* phages. Other viral classes that are prominent in at least some samples include *Herviviricetes* (herpesviruses), *Papovaviricetes* (polyomaviruses and papillomaviruses), *Revtraviricetes* (retroviruses + Hep B), and *Naldaviricetes* (mainly arthropod viruses). I'll investigate the first three of this latter group in more depth, restricting in each case to samples where that family makes up at least 5% of viral reads.
+#| label: extract-viral-taxa
+# Get viral taxonomy
+viral_taxa_path <- file.path(data_dir_base, "viral-taxids.tsv.gz")
+viral_taxa <- read_tsv(viral_taxa_path, show_col_types = FALSE)
+# Get paths to Kraken reports
+samples <- as.character(basic_stats_raw$sample)
+report_dirs <- file.path(data_dirs, "kraken")
+report_paths <- lapply(report_dirs, list.files, full.names = TRUE) %>% unlist
+names(report_paths) <- str_extract(report_paths, "SRR\\d*")
+# Extract viral taxa
+col_names <- c("pc_reads_total", "n_reads_clade", "n_reads_direct",
+ "rank", "taxid", "name")
+kraken_reports_raw <- lapply(report_paths, read_tsv, col_names = col_names,
+ show_col_types = FALSE)
+kraken_reports <- lapply(names(kraken_reports_raw),
+ function(x) kraken_reports_raw[[x]] %>%
+ mutate(sample = x)) %>% bind_rows
+kraken_reports_viral <- filter(kraken_reports, taxid %in% viral_taxa$taxid) %>%
+ group_by(sample) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_viral = n_reads_clade/n_reads_clade[1])
+kraken_reports_viral_cleaned <- kraken_reports_viral %>%
+ inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%
+ select(-pc_reads_total, -n_reads_direct) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, p_reads_viral, n_reads_clade, everything())
+viral_classes <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>% filter(rank == "C")
+viral_families <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>% filter(rank == "F")
+#| label: viral-class-composition
+major_threshold <- 0.05
+# Identify major viral classes
+viral_classes_major_tab <- viral_classes %>%
+ group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_viral_max = max(p_reads_viral), .groups="drop") %>%
+ filter(p_reads_viral_max >= major_threshold)
+viral_classes_major_list <- viral_classes_major_tab %>% pull(name)
+viral_classes_major <- viral_classes %>%
+ filter(name %in% viral_classes_major_list) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_viral)
+viral_classes_minor <- viral_classes_major %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_viral_major = sum(p_reads_viral), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ mutate(name = "Other", taxid=NA, p_reads_viral = 1-p_reads_viral_major) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_viral)
+viral_classes_display <- bind_rows(viral_classes_major, viral_classes_minor) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_viral)) %>%
+ mutate(name = factor(name, levels=c(viral_classes_major_list, "Other")),
+ p_reads_viral = pmax(p_reads_viral, 0)) %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_viral, classification=name)
+palette_viral <- c(brewer.pal(12, "Set3"), brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
+g_classes <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=viral_classes_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Viral Reads", limits=c(0,1.01), breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral class")
+*Papovaviricetes* are quite heterogeneous across samples, and frequently diverse within samples. *Alphapolyomavirus* and *Alphapapillomavirus* are the most abundant genera overall, but *Betapapillomavirus, Gammapapillomavirus, Mupapillomavirus* and others all have strong showings.
+#| label: papovaviricetes
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| warning: false
+# Get samples
+papova_taxid <- 2732421
+papova_threshold <- 0.05
+papova_samples <- viral_classes %>% filter(taxid == papova_taxid) %>% filter(p_reads_viral > 0.05) %>% pull(sample) %>% unique
+# Get all taxa in class
+papova_desc_taxids_old <- papova_taxid
+papova_desc_taxids_new <- unique(c(papova_desc_taxids_old, viral_taxa %>% filter(parent_taxid %in% papova_desc_taxids_old) %>% pull(taxid)))
+while (length(papova_desc_taxids_new) > length(papova_desc_taxids_old)){
+ papova_desc_taxids_old <- papova_desc_taxids_new
+ papova_desc_taxids_new <- unique(c(papova_desc_taxids_old, viral_taxa %>% filter(parent_taxid %in% papova_desc_taxids_old) %>% pull(taxid)))
+# Get read counts
+papova_counts <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>%
+ filter(taxid %in% papova_desc_taxids_new,
+ sample %in% papova_samples) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_papova = n_reads_clade/n_reads_clade[1])
+# Get genus composition
+papova_genera <- papova_counts %>% filter(rank == "G")
+papova_genera_major_tab <- papova_genera %>%
+ group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_papova_max = max(p_reads_papova), .groups="drop") %>%
+ filter(p_reads_papova_max >= papova_threshold)
+papova_genera_major_list <- papova_genera_major_tab %>% pull(name)
+papova_genera_major <- papova_genera %>%
+ filter(name %in% papova_genera_major_list) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_papova)
+papova_genera_minor <- papova_genera_major %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_papova_major = sum(p_reads_papova), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ mutate(name = "Other", taxid=NA, p_reads_papova = 1-p_reads_papova_major) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_papova)
+papova_genera_display <- bind_rows(papova_genera_major, papova_genera_minor) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_papova)) %>%
+ mutate(name = factor(name, levels=c(papova_genera_major_list, "Other"))) %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_papova, classification=name)
+# Plot
+g_papova_genera <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=papova_genera_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Papovaviricetes Reads", limits=c(0,1.02),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral genus") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3))
+Only a few samples showed at least 5% prevalence of *Herviviricetes*, but those that did were typically dominated by one or a small number of species that varied between samples. Of these, human alphaherpesvirus 1 appeared in the most samples, but several other species were prominent in at least one sample:
+#| label: herviviricetes
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 9
+# Get samples
+hervi_taxid <- 2731363
+hervi_threshold <- 0.05
+hervi_samples <- viral_classes %>% filter(taxid == hervi_taxid) %>% filter(p_reads_viral > 0.05) %>% pull(sample) %>% unique
+# Get all taxa in class
+hervi_desc_taxids_old <- hervi_taxid
+hervi_desc_taxids_new <- unique(c(hervi_desc_taxids_old, viral_taxa %>% filter(parent_taxid %in% hervi_desc_taxids_old) %>% pull(taxid)))
+while (length(hervi_desc_taxids_new) > length(hervi_desc_taxids_old)){
+ hervi_desc_taxids_old <- hervi_desc_taxids_new
+ hervi_desc_taxids_new <- unique(c(hervi_desc_taxids_old, viral_taxa %>% filter(parent_taxid %in% hervi_desc_taxids_old) %>% pull(taxid)))
+# Get read counts
+hervi_counts <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>%
+ filter(taxid %in% hervi_desc_taxids_new,
+ sample %in% hervi_samples) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_hervi = n_reads_clade/n_reads_clade[1])
+# Get genus composition
+hervi_genera <- hervi_counts %>% filter(rank == "S")
+hervi_genera_major_tab <- hervi_genera %>%
+ group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_hervi_max = max(p_reads_hervi), .groups="drop") %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hervi_max >= hervi_threshold)
+hervi_genera_major_list <- hervi_genera_major_tab %>% pull(name)
+hervi_genera_major <- hervi_genera %>%
+ filter(name %in% hervi_genera_major_list) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_hervi)
+hervi_genera_minor <- hervi_genera_major %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_hervi_major = sum(p_reads_hervi), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ mutate(name = "Other", taxid=NA, p_reads_hervi = 1-p_reads_hervi_major) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_hervi)
+hervi_genera_display <- bind_rows(hervi_genera_major, hervi_genera_minor) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_hervi)) %>%
+ mutate(name = factor(name, levels=c(hervi_genera_major_list, "Other"))) %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_hervi, classification=name)
+# Plot
+g_hervi_genera <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=hervi_genera_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Herviviricetes Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral genus") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3))
+Finally, for *Revtraviricetes*, most samples were dominated by porcine type-C oncovirus, while one was dominated by an avian retrovirus. The last showed significant levels of two murine viruses plus HIV. I'm suspicious of many of these.
+#| label: revtraviricetes
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 9
+# Get samples
+revtra_taxid <- 2732514
+revtra_threshold <- 0.05
+revtra_samples <- viral_classes %>% filter(taxid == revtra_taxid) %>% filter(p_reads_viral > 0.05) %>% pull(sample) %>% unique
+# Get all taxa in class
+revtra_desc_taxids_old <- revtra_taxid
+revtra_desc_taxids_new <- unique(c(revtra_desc_taxids_old, viral_taxa %>% filter(parent_taxid %in% revtra_desc_taxids_old) %>% pull(taxid)))
+while (length(revtra_desc_taxids_new) > length(revtra_desc_taxids_old)){
+ revtra_desc_taxids_old <- revtra_desc_taxids_new
+ revtra_desc_taxids_new <- unique(c(revtra_desc_taxids_old, viral_taxa %>% filter(parent_taxid %in% revtra_desc_taxids_old) %>% pull(taxid)))
+# Get read counts
+revtra_counts <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>%
+ filter(taxid %in% revtra_desc_taxids_new,
+ sample %in% revtra_samples) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_revtra = n_reads_clade/n_reads_clade[1])
+# Get genus composition
+revtra_genera <- revtra_counts %>% filter(rank == "S")
+revtra_genera_major_tab <- revtra_genera %>%
+ group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_revtra_max = max(p_reads_revtra), .groups="drop") %>%
+ filter(p_reads_revtra_max >= revtra_threshold)
+revtra_genera_major_list <- revtra_genera_major_tab %>% pull(name)
+revtra_genera_major <- revtra_genera %>%
+ filter(name %in% revtra_genera_major_list) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_revtra)
+revtra_genera_minor <- revtra_genera_major %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ summarize(p_reads_revtra_major = sum(p_reads_revtra), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ mutate(name = "Other", taxid=NA, p_reads_revtra = 1-p_reads_revtra_major) %>%
+ select(name, taxid, sample, date_alias, city, p_reads_revtra)
+revtra_genera_display <- bind_rows(revtra_genera_major, revtra_genera_minor) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_revtra)) %>%
+ mutate(name = factor(name, levels=c(revtra_genera_major_list, "Other"))) %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_revtra, classification=name)
+# Plot
+g_revtra_genera <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=revtra_genera_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% revtraviricetes Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral genus") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3))
+# Human-infecting virus reads: validation
+Next, I investigated the human-infecting virus read content of these unenriched samples. Using the same workflow I used for Prussin et al, I identified 24,278 read pairs as putatively human viral: 0.002% of reads surviving to that stage in the pipeline.
+#| label: hv-read-counts
+# Import HV read data
+hv_reads_filtered_paths <- file.path(data_dirs, "hv_hits_putative_filtered.tsv.gz")
+hv_reads_filtered <- lapply(hv_reads_filtered_paths, read_tsv,
+ show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
+ bind_rows() %>%
+ inner_join(libraries, by="sample")
+# Count reads
+n_hv_filtered <- hv_reads_filtered %>%
+ group_by(sample, date, date_alias, city, seq_id) %>% count %>%
+ group_by(sample, date, date_alias, city) %>% count %>%
+ inner_join(basic_stats %>% filter(stage == "ribo_initial") %>%
+ select(sample, n_read_pairs), by="sample") %>%
+ rename(n_putative = n, n_total = n_read_pairs) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads = n_putative/n_total, pc_reads = p_reads * 100)
+n_hv_filtered_summ <- n_hv_filtered %>% ungroup %>%
+ summarize(n_putative = sum(n_putative), n_total = sum(n_total),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(p_reads = n_putative/n_total, pc_reads = p_reads*100)
+#| label: plot-hv-scores
+#| warning: false
+#| fig-width: 8
+# Collapse multi-entry sequences
+rmax <- purrr::partial(max, na.rm = TRUE)
+collapse <- function(x) ifelse(all(x == x[1]), x[1], paste(x, collapse="/"))
+mrg <- hv_reads_filtered %>%
+ mutate(adj_score_max = pmax(adj_score_fwd, adj_score_rev, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ arrange(desc(adj_score_max)) %>%
+ group_by(seq_id) %>%
+ summarize(sample = collapse(sample),
+ genome_id = collapse(genome_id),
+ taxid_best = taxid[1],
+ taxid = collapse(as.character(taxid)),
+ best_alignment_score_fwd = rmax(best_alignment_score_fwd),
+ best_alignment_score_rev = rmax(best_alignment_score_rev),
+ query_len_fwd = rmax(query_len_fwd),
+ query_len_rev = rmax(query_len_rev),
+ query_seq_fwd = query_seq_fwd[!][1],
+ query_seq_rev = query_seq_rev[!][1],
+ classified = rmax(classified),
+ assigned_name = collapse(assigned_name),
+ assigned_taxid_best = assigned_taxid[1],
+ assigned_taxid = collapse(as.character(assigned_taxid)),
+ assigned_hv = rmax(assigned_hv),
+ hit_hv = rmax(hit_hv),
+ encoded_hits = collapse(encoded_hits),
+ adj_score_fwd = rmax(adj_score_fwd),
+ adj_score_rev = rmax(adj_score_rev)
+ ) %>%
+ inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%
+ mutate(kraken_label = ifelse(assigned_hv, "Kraken2 HV\nassignment",
+ ifelse(hit_hv, "Kraken2 HV\nhit",
+ "No hit or\nassignment"))) %>%
+ mutate(adj_score_max = pmax(adj_score_fwd, adj_score_rev),
+ highscore = adj_score_max >= 20)
+g_hist_0 <- ggplot(mrg, aes(x=adj_score_max)) +
+ geom_histogram(binwidth=5,boundary=0) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=20, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ facet_wrap(~kraken_label, labeller = labeller(kit = label_wrap_gen(20)), scales = "free_y") +
+ scale_x_continuous(name = "Maximum adjusted alignment score") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="# Read pairs") +
+ theme_base
+As previously described, I ran BLASTN on these reads via a dedicated EC2 instance, using the same parameters I've used for previous datasets.
+#| label: make-blast-fasta
+mrg_fasta <- mrg %>%
+ mutate(seq_head = paste0(">", seq_id)) %>%
+ ungroup %>%
+ select(header1=seq_head, seq1=query_seq_fwd,
+ header2=seq_head, seq2=query_seq_rev) %>%
+ mutate(header1=paste0(header1, "_1"), header2=paste0(header2, "_2"))
+mrg_fasta_sep <- bind_rows(select(mrg_fasta, header=header1, seq=seq1),
+ select(mrg_fasta, header=header2, seq=seq2)) %>%
+ filter(!
+mrg_fasta_out <-, c(mrg_fasta_sep, sep="\n")) %>%
+ paste(collapse="\n")
+blast_dir <- file.path(data_dir_base, "blast")
+dir.create(blast_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
+write(mrg_fasta_out, file.path(blast_dir, "putative-viral.fasta"))
+#| label: process-blast-data
+#| warning: false
+# Import BLAST results
+# blast_results_path <- file.path(data_dir_base, "blast/putative-viral.blast.gz")
+# blast_cols <- c("qseqid", "sseqid", "sgi", "staxid", "qlen", "evalue", "bitscore", "qcovs", "length", "pident", "mismatch", "gapopen", "sstrand", "qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send")
+# blast_results <- read_tsv(blast_results_path, show_col_types = FALSE,
+# col_names = blast_cols, col_types = cols(.default="c"))
+blast_results_path <- file.path(data_dir_base, "blast/putative-viral-best.blast.gz")
+blast_results <- read_tsv(blast_results_path, show_col_types = FALSE)
+# Filter for best hit for each query/subject combination
+blast_results_best <- blast_results %>% group_by(qseqid, staxid) %>%
+ filter(bitscore == max(bitscore)) %>%
+ filter(length == max(length)) %>% filter(row_number() == 1)
+write_tsv(blast_results_best, file.path(data_dir_base, "blast/putative-viral-best.blast.gz"))
+# Rank hits for each query and filter for high-ranking hits
+blast_results_ranked <- blast_results_best %>%
+ group_by(qseqid) %>% mutate(rank = dense_rank(desc(bitscore)))
+blast_results_highrank <- blast_results_ranked %>% filter(rank <= 5) %>%
+ mutate(read_pair = str_split(qseqid, "_") %>% sapply(nth, n=-1),
+ seq_id = str_split(qseqid, "_") %>% sapply(nth, n=1)) %>%
+ mutate(bitscore = as.numeric(bitscore))
+# Summarize by read pair and taxid
+blast_results_paired <- blast_results_highrank %>%
+ group_by(seq_id, staxid) %>%
+ summarize(bitscore_max = max(bitscore), bitscore_min = min(bitscore),
+ n_reads = n(), .groups = "drop")
+# Add viral status
+blast_results_viral <- mutate(blast_results_paired, viral = staxid %in% viral_taxa$taxid) %>%
+ mutate(viral_full = viral & n_reads == 2)
+# Compare to Kraken & Bowtie assignments
+match_taxid <- function(taxid_1, taxid_2){
+ p1 <- mapply(grepl, paste0("/", taxid_1, "$"), taxid_2)
+ p2 <- mapply(grepl, paste0("^", taxid_1, "/"), taxid_2)
+ p3 <- mapply(grepl, paste0("^", taxid_1, "$"), taxid_2)
+ out <- setNames(p1|p2|p3, NULL)
+ return(out)
+mrg_assign <- mrg %>% select(sample, seq_id, taxid, assigned_taxid, adj_score_max)
+blast_results_assign <- inner_join(blast_results_viral, mrg_assign, by="seq_id") %>%
+ mutate(taxid_match_bowtie = match_taxid(staxid, taxid),
+ taxid_match_kraken = match_taxid(staxid, assigned_taxid),
+ taxid_match_any = taxid_match_bowtie | taxid_match_kraken)
+blast_results_out <- blast_results_assign %>%
+ group_by(seq_id) %>%
+ summarize(viral_status = ifelse(any(viral_full), 2,
+ ifelse(any(taxid_match_any), 2,
+ ifelse(any(viral), 1, 0))),
+ .groups = "drop")
+#| label: plot-blast-results
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| warning: false
+# Merge BLAST results with unenriched read data
+mrg_blast <- full_join(mrg, blast_results_out, by="seq_id") %>%
+ mutate(viral_status = replace_na(viral_status, 0),
+ viral_status_out = ifelse(viral_status == 0, FALSE, TRUE))
+# Plot RNA
+g_hist_1 <- ggplot(mrg_blast, aes(x=adj_score_max, fill=viral_status_out)) +
+ geom_histogram(binwidth=5,boundary=0) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=20, linetype="dashed", color="red") +
+ facet_wrap(~kraken_label, labeller = labeller(kit = label_wrap_gen(20)), scales = "free_y") +
+ scale_x_continuous(name = "Maximum adjusted alignment score") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="# Read pairs") +
+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1", name = "Viral status") +
+ theme_base
+For a disjunctive score threshold of 20, the workflow achieves a measured F1 score of 98.0%.
+#| label: plot-f1
+test_sens_spec <- function(tab, score_threshold){
+ tab_retained <- tab %>%
+ mutate(retain_score = (adj_score_fwd > score_threshold | adj_score_rev > score_threshold),
+ retain = assigned_hv | hit_hv | retain_score) %>%
+ group_by(viral_status_out, retain) %>% count
+ pos_tru <- tab_retained %>% filter(viral_status_out == "TRUE", retain) %>% pull(n) %>% sum
+ pos_fls <- tab_retained %>% filter(viral_status_out != "TRUE", retain) %>% pull(n) %>% sum
+ neg_tru <- tab_retained %>% filter(viral_status_out != "TRUE", !retain) %>% pull(n) %>% sum
+ neg_fls <- tab_retained %>% filter(viral_status_out == "TRUE", !retain) %>% pull(n) %>% sum
+ sensitivity <- pos_tru / (pos_tru + neg_fls)
+ specificity <- neg_tru / (neg_tru + pos_fls)
+ precision <- pos_tru / (pos_tru + pos_fls)
+ f1 <- 2 * precision * sensitivity / (precision + sensitivity)
+ out <- tibble(threshold=score_threshold, sensitivity=sensitivity,
+ specificity=specificity, precision=precision, f1=f1)
+ return(out)
+range_f1 <- function(intab, inrange=15:45){
+ tss <- purrr::partial(test_sens_spec, tab=intab)
+ stats <- lapply(inrange, tss) %>% bind_rows %>%
+ pivot_longer(!threshold, names_to="metric", values_to="value")
+ return(stats)
+stats_0 <- range_f1(mrg_blast)
+g_stats_0 <- ggplot(stats_0, aes(x=threshold, y=value, color=metric)) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=20, color = "red", linetype = "dashed") +
+ geom_line() +
+ scale_y_continuous(name = "Value", limits=c(0,1), breaks = seq(0,1,0.2), expand = c(0,0)) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name = "Adjusted Score Threshold", expand = c(0,0)) +
+ scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2") +
+ theme_base
+stats_0 %>% filter(threshold == 20) %>%
+ select(Threshold=threshold, Metric=metric, Value=value)
+Looking into the composition of different read groups, the notable observation for me is the high prevalence of Pigeon torque teno virus among high-scoring false positives, with 77 such read pairs. BLAST maps these not to viruses but to their most common hosts, i.e. assorted species of pigeon. That said, the number of false positive PTTV reads is substantially exceeded by the number of true-positive PTTV reads (1883), which do map to appropriate viruses according to BLAST, so the presence of a comparatively small number of false positives seems unlikely to cause too much distortion.
+#| label: fp
+#| fig-height: 5
+major_threshold <- 0.04
+# Add missing viral taxa
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 211787] <- "Human papillomavirus type 92"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 509154] <- "Porcine endogenous retrovirus C"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 493803] <- "Merkel cell polyomavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 427343] <- "Human papillomavirus 107"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 194958] <- "Porcine endogenous retrovirus A"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 340907] <- "Papiine alphaherpesvirus 2"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 194959] <- "Porcine endogenous retrovirus B"
+# Prepare data
+fp <- mrg_blast %>%
+ group_by(viral_status_out, highscore, taxid_best) %>% count %>%
+ group_by(viral_status_out, highscore) %>% mutate(p=n/sum(n)) %>%
+ rename(taxid = taxid_best) %>%
+ left_join(viral_taxa, by="taxid") %>%
+ arrange(desc(p))
+fp_major_tab <- fp %>% filter(p > major_threshold) %>% arrange(desc(p))
+fp_major_list <- fp_major_tab %>% pull(name) %>% sort %>% unique %>% c(., "Other")
+fp_major <- fp %>% mutate(major = p > major_threshold) %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(major, name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(viral_status_out, highscore, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n=sum(n), p=sum(p), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display, levels = fp_major_list),
+ score_display = ifelse(highscore, "S >= 20", "S < 20"),
+ status_display = ifelse(viral_status_out, "True positive", "False positive"))
+# Plot
+g_fp <- ggplot(fp_major, aes(x=score_display, y=p, fill=name_display)) +
+ geom_col(position="stack") +
+ scale_x_discrete(name = "True positive?") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name = "% reads", limits = c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2), expand = c(0,0)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = palette_viral, name = "Viral\ntaxon") +
+ facet_grid(.~status_display) +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3)) +
+ theme_kit
+#| label: ptt-blast-hits
+# Configure
+ref_taxid_ptt <- 2233536
+p_threshold <- 0.3
+# Get taxon names
+tax_names_path <- file.path(data_dir_base, "taxid-names.tsv.gz")
+tax_names <- read_tsv(tax_names_path, show_col_types = FALSE)
+# Add missing names
+tax_names_new <- tribble(~staxid, ~name,
+ 3050295, "Cytomegalovirus humanbeta5",
+ 459231, "FLAG-tagging vector pFLAG97-TSR",
+ 3082113, "Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus",
+ 3119969, "Bubalus kerabau",
+ 177155, "Streptopelia turtur",
+ 187126, "Nesoenas mayeri"
+ )
+tax_names <- tax_names_new %>% filter(! staxid %in% tax_names$staxid) %>%
+ bind_rows(tax_names) %>% arrange(staxid)
+ref_name_ptt <- tax_names %>% filter(staxid == ref_taxid_ptt) %>% pull(name)
+# Get major matches
+mrg_staxid <- mrg_blast %>% filter(taxid_best == ref_taxid_ptt) %>%
+ group_by(highscore, viral_status_out) %>% mutate(n_seq = n())
+fp_staxid <- mrg_staxid %>%
+ left_join(blast_results_paired, by="seq_id") %>%
+ mutate(staxid = as.integer(staxid)) %>%
+ left_join(tax_names, by="staxid") %>% rename(sname=name) %>%
+ left_join(tax_names %>% rename(taxid_best=staxid), by="taxid_best")
+fp_staxid_count <- fp_staxid %>%
+ group_by(viral_status_out, highscore,
+ taxid_best, name, staxid, sname, n_seq) %>%
+ count %>%
+ group_by(viral_status_out, highscore, taxid_best, name) %>%
+ mutate(p=n/n_seq)
+fp_staxid_count_major <- fp_staxid_count %>%
+ filter(n>1, p>p_threshold, ! %>%
+ mutate(score_display = ifelse(highscore, "S >= 20", "S < 20"),
+ status_display = ifelse(viral_status_out,
+ "True positive", "False positive"))
+# Plot
+g <- ggplot(fp_staxid_count_major, aes(x=p, y=sname)) +
+ geom_col() +
+ facet_grid(status_display~score_display, scales="free",
+ labeller = label_wrap_gen(multi_line = FALSE)) +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="% mapped reads", limits=c(0,1), breaks=seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0)) +
+ labs(title=paste0(ref_name_ptt, " (taxid ", ref_taxid_ptt, ")")) +
+ theme_base + theme(
+ axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+ plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+# Human-infecting viruses: overall relative abundance
+#| label: count-hv-reads
+# Get raw read counts
+read_counts_raw <- basic_stats_raw %>%
+ select(sample, date_alias, city, n_reads_raw = n_read_pairs)
+# Get HV read counts
+mrg_hv <- mrg %>% mutate(hv_status = assigned_hv | hit_hv | highscore) %>%
+ rename(taxid_all = taxid, taxid = taxid_best)
+read_counts_hv <- mrg_hv %>% filter(hv_status) %>% group_by(sample) %>%
+ count(name="n_reads_hv")
+read_counts <- read_counts_raw %>% left_join(read_counts_hv, by="sample") %>%
+ mutate(n_reads_hv = replace_na(n_reads_hv, 0))
+# Aggregate
+read_counts_city <- read_counts %>% group_by(city) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_raw = sum(n_reads_raw),
+ n_reads_hv = sum(n_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(sample= "All samples", date_alias = "All dates")
+read_counts_total <- read_counts_city %>% group_by(sample, date_alias) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_raw = sum(n_reads_raw),
+ n_reads_hv = sum(n_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(city = "All cities")
+read_counts_agg <- read_counts_city %>% arrange(city) %>%
+ bind_rows(read_counts_total) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_hv = n_reads_hv/n_reads_raw,
+ city = fct_inorder(city))
+Applying a disjunctive cutoff at S=20 identifies 23,191 read pairs as human-viral. This gives an overall relative HV abundance of $1.73 \times 10^{-5}$.
+#| label: plot-hv-ra
+#| warning: false
+# Visualize
+g_phv_agg <- ggplot(read_counts_agg, aes(x=city, color=city)) +
+ geom_point(aes(y=p_reads_hv)) +
+ scale_y_log10("Relative abundance of human virus reads") +
+ scale_x_discrete(name="Collection Date") +
+ #facet_grid(.~sample_type, scales = "free", space = "free_x") +
+ scale_color_city() + theme_rotate
+This is lower than for DNA reads from other air-sampling datasets I've analyzed, but not drastically so:
+#| label: ra-hv-past
+# Collate past RA values
+ra_past <- tribble(~dataset, ~ra, ~na_type, ~panel_enriched,
+ "Brumfield", 5e-5, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Brumfield", 3.66e-7, "DNA", FALSE,
+ "Spurbeck", 5.44e-6, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Yang", 3.62e-4, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Rothman (unenriched)", 1.87e-5, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Rothman (panel-enriched)", 3.3e-5, "RNA", TRUE,
+ "Crits-Christoph (unenriched)", 1.37e-5, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Crits-Christoph (panel-enriched)", 1.26e-2, "RNA", TRUE,
+ "Prussin (non-control)", 1.63e-5, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Prussin (non-control)", 4.16e-5, "DNA", FALSE,
+ "Rosario (non-control)", 1.21e-5, "RNA", FALSE,
+ "Rosario (non-control)", 1.50e-4, "DNA", FALSE
+# Collate new RA values
+ra_new <- tribble(~dataset, ~ra, ~na_type, ~panel_enriched,
+ "Leung", 1.73e-5, "DNA", FALSE)
+# Plot
+scale_color_na <- purrr::partial(scale_color_brewer, palette="Set1",
+ name="Nucleic acid type")
+ra_comp <- bind_rows(ra_past, ra_new) %>% mutate(dataset = fct_inorder(dataset))
+g_ra_comp <- ggplot(ra_comp, aes(y=dataset, x=ra, color=na_type)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ scale_color_na() +
+ scale_x_log10(name="Relative abundance of human virus reads") +
+ theme_base + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())
+# Human-infecting viruses: taxonomy and composition
+At the family level, most samples across all cities are dominated by *Papillomaviridae*, *Herpesviridae*, *Anelloviridae*, *Polyomaviridae, and to a lesser extent* *Poxviridae*:
+#| label: raise-hv-taxa
+# Get viral taxon names for putative HV reads
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 249588] <- "Mamastrovirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 194960] <- "Kobuvirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 688449] <- "Salivirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 585893] <- "Picobirnaviridae"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333922] <- "Betapapillomavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 334207] <- "Betapapillomavirus 3"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 369960] <- "Porcine type-C oncovirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333924] <- "Betapapillomavirus 2"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 687329] <- "Anelloviridae"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 325455] <- "Gammapapillomavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333750] <- "Alphapapillomavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 694002] <- "Betacoronavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 334202] <- "Mupapillomavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 197911] <- "Alphainfluenzavirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 186938] <- "Respirovirus"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333926] <- "Gammapapillomavirus 1"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 337051] <- "Betapapillomavirus 1"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 337043] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 4"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 694003] <- "Betacoronavirus 1"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 334204] <- "Mupapillomavirus 2"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 334208] <- "Betapapillomavirus 4"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333928] <- "Gammapapillomavirus 2"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 337039] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 2"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333929] <- "Gammapapillomavirus 3"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 337042] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 7"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 334203] <- "Mupapillomavirus 1"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333757] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 8"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 337050] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 6"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333767] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 3"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 333754] <- "Alphapapillomavirus 10"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 687363] <- "Torque teno virus 24"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 687342] <- "Torque teno virus 3"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 687359] <- "Torque teno virus 20"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 194441] <- "Primate T-lymphotropic virus 2"
+viral_taxa$name[viral_taxa$taxid == 334209] <- "Betapapillomavirus 5"
+mrg_hv_named <- mrg_hv %>% left_join(viral_taxa, by="taxid")
+# Discover viral species & genera for HV reads
+raise_rank <- function(read_db, taxid_db, out_rank = "species", verbose = FALSE){
+ # Get higher ranks than search rank
+ ranks <- c("subspecies", "species", "subgenus", "genus", "subfamily", "family", "suborder", "order", "class", "subphylum", "phylum", "kingdom", "superkingdom")
+ rank_match <- which.max(ranks == out_rank)
+ high_ranks <- ranks[rank_match:length(ranks)]
+ # Merge read DB and taxid DB
+ reads <- read_db %>% select(-parent_taxid, -rank, -name) %>%
+ left_join(taxid_db, by="taxid")
+ # Extract sequences that are already at appropriate rank
+ reads_rank <- filter(reads, rank == out_rank)
+ # Drop sequences at a higher rank and return unclassified sequences
+ reads_norank <- reads %>% filter(rank != out_rank, !rank %in% high_ranks, !
+ while(nrow(reads_norank) > 0){ # As long as there are unclassified sequences...
+ # Promote read taxids and re-merge with taxid DB, then re-classify and filter
+ reads_remaining <- reads_norank %>% mutate(taxid = parent_taxid) %>%
+ select(-parent_taxid, -rank, -name) %>%
+ left_join(taxid_db, by="taxid")
+ reads_rank <- reads_remaining %>% filter(rank == out_rank) %>%
+ bind_rows(reads_rank)
+ reads_norank <- reads_remaining %>%
+ filter(rank != out_rank, !rank %in% high_ranks, !
+ }
+ # Finally, extract and append reads that were excluded during the process
+ reads_dropped <- reads %>% filter(!seq_id %in% reads_rank$seq_id)
+ reads_out <- reads_rank %>% bind_rows(reads_dropped) %>%
+ select(-parent_taxid, -rank, -name) %>%
+ left_join(taxid_db, by="taxid")
+ return(reads_out)
+hv_reads_species <- raise_rank(mrg_hv_named, viral_taxa, "species")
+hv_reads_genus <- raise_rank(mrg_hv_named, viral_taxa, "genus")
+hv_reads_family <- raise_rank(mrg_hv_named, viral_taxa, "family")
+#| label: hv-family
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 9
+threshold_major_family <- 0.05
+# Count reads for each human-viral family
+hv_family_counts <- hv_reads_family %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name = "n_reads_hv") %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_hv = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))
+# Identify high-ranking families and group others
+hv_family_major_tab <- hv_family_counts %>% group_by(name) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hv == max(p_reads_hv)) %>% filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_hv)) %>% filter(p_reads_hv > threshold_major_family)
+hv_family_counts_major <- hv_family_counts %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name %in% hv_family_major_tab$name, name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_hv = sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_hv = sum(p_reads_hv),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display,
+ levels = c(hv_family_major_tab$name, "Other")))
+hv_family_counts_display <- hv_family_counts_major %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_hv, classification = name_display)
+# Plot
+g_hv_family <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=hv_family_counts_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% HV Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral family") +
+ labs(title="Family composition of human-viral reads") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=4)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+In investigating individual viral families, to avoid distortions from a few rare reads, I restricted myself to samples where that family made up at least 10% of human-viral reads.
+As usual, *Papillomaviridae* reads are divided among many different viral species. In this case, Betapapillomavirus 1 and 2 are the most prevalent across samples, but many other alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and mupapillomaviruses are highly prevalent in at least some samples.
+#| label: hv-species-papilloma
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 9
+threshold_major_species <- 0.4
+taxid_papilloma <- 151340
+# Get set of Papillomaviridae reads
+papilloma_samples <- hv_family_counts %>% filter(taxid == taxid_papilloma) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hv >= 0.1) %>%
+ pull(sample)
+papilloma_ids <- hv_reads_family %>%
+ filter(taxid == taxid_papilloma, sample %in% papilloma_samples) %>%
+ pull(seq_id)
+# Count reads for each Papillomaviridae species
+papilloma_species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%
+ filter(seq_id %in% papilloma_ids) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name = "n_reads_hv") %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_papilloma = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))
+# Identify high-ranking families and group others
+papilloma_species_major_tab <- papilloma_species_counts %>% group_by(name) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_papilloma == max(p_reads_papilloma)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_papilloma)) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_papilloma > threshold_major_species)
+papilloma_species_counts_major <- papilloma_species_counts %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name %in% papilloma_species_major_tab$name,
+ name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_papilloma = sum(n_reads_hv),
+ p_reads_papilloma = sum(p_reads_papilloma),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display,
+ levels = c(papilloma_species_major_tab$name, "Other")))
+papilloma_species_counts_display <- papilloma_species_counts_major %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_papilloma, classification = name_display)
+# Plot
+g_papilloma_species <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=papilloma_species_counts_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Papillomaviridae Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral species") +
+ labs(title="Species composition of Papillomaviridae reads") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+# Get most prominent species for text
+papilloma_species_collate <- papilloma_species_counts %>% group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_tot = sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_mean = mean(p_reads_papilloma), .groups="drop") %>%
+ arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))
+In terms of total reads across samples, herpesviruses are dominated by Epstein-Barr virus (Human gammaherpesvirus 4), HSV-1 (Human alphaherpesvirus 1), and human cytomegalovirus (Human betaherpesvirus 5). However, numerous other herpesviruses are also present.
+#| label: hv-species-herpes
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 9
+threshold_major_species <- 0.4
+taxid_herpes <- viral_taxa %>% filter(name == "Herpesviridae") %>% pull(taxid)
+# Get set of herpesviridae reads
+herpes_samples <- hv_family_counts %>% filter(taxid == taxid_herpes) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hv >= 0.1) %>%
+ pull(sample)
+herpes_ids <- hv_reads_family %>%
+ filter(taxid == taxid_herpes, sample %in% herpes_samples) %>%
+ pull(seq_id)
+# Count reads for each herpesviridae species
+herpes_species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%
+ filter(seq_id %in% herpes_ids) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name = "n_reads_hv") %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_herpes = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))
+# Identify high-ranking families and group others
+herpes_species_major_tab <- herpes_species_counts %>% group_by(name) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_herpes == max(p_reads_herpes)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_herpes)) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_herpes > threshold_major_species)
+herpes_species_counts_major <- herpes_species_counts %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name %in% herpes_species_major_tab$name,
+ name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_herpes = sum(n_reads_hv),
+ p_reads_herpes = sum(p_reads_herpes),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display,
+ levels = c(herpes_species_major_tab$name, "Other")))
+herpes_species_counts_display <- herpes_species_counts_major %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_herpes, classification = name_display)
+# Plot
+g_herpes_species <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=herpes_species_counts_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% herpesviridae Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral species") +
+ labs(title="Species composition of Herpesviridae reads") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+# Get most prominent species for text
+herpes_species_collate <- herpes_species_counts %>% group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_tot = sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_mean = mean(p_reads_herpes), .groups="drop") %>%
+ arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))
+In sharp contrast to the above, my pipeline classifies the great majority of anellovirus reads in all samples into a single species, torque teno virus. Looking online, it looks like there are a lot of "torque teno viruses" within *Anelloviridae* – for example, Wikipedia says that the genus *Alphatorquevirus* contains \>20 numbered torque teno viruses – so I'm not sure exactly which virus this refers to.
+#| label: hv-species-anello
+#| fig-height: 6
+threshold_major_species <- 0.1
+taxid_anello <- viral_taxa %>% filter(name == "Anelloviridae") %>% pull(taxid)
+# Get set of anelloviridae reads
+anello_samples <- hv_family_counts %>% filter(taxid == taxid_anello) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hv >= 0.1) %>%
+ pull(sample)
+anello_ids <- hv_reads_family %>%
+ filter(taxid == taxid_anello, sample %in% anello_samples) %>%
+ pull(seq_id)
+# Count reads for each anelloviridae species
+anello_species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%
+ filter(seq_id %in% anello_ids) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name = "n_reads_hv") %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_anello = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))
+# Identify high-ranking families and group others
+anello_species_major_tab <- anello_species_counts %>% group_by(name) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_anello == max(p_reads_anello)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_anello)) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_anello > threshold_major_species)
+anello_species_counts_major <- anello_species_counts %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name %in% anello_species_major_tab$name,
+ name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_anello = sum(n_reads_hv),
+ p_reads_anello = sum(p_reads_anello),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display,
+ levels = c(anello_species_major_tab$name, "Other")))
+anello_species_counts_display <- anello_species_counts_major %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_anello, classification = name_display)
+# Plot
+g_anello_species <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=anello_species_counts_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Anelloviridae Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral species") +
+ labs(title="Species composition of Anelloviridae reads") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=4)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+# Get most prominent species for text
+anello_species_collate <- anello_species_counts %>% group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_tot = sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_mean = mean(p_reads_anello), .groups="drop") %>%
+ arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))
+Polyomaviruses are intermediate; most viruses are dominated by a single species, *Alphapolyomavirus quintihominis*, but several other viruses in the family are also present.
+#| label: hv-species-polyoma
+#| fig-height: 6
+#| fig-width: 9
+threshold_major_species <- 0.1
+taxid_polyoma <- viral_taxa %>% filter(name == "Polyomaviridae") %>% pull(taxid)
+# Get set of polyomaviridae reads
+# Get set of polyomaviridae reads
+polyoma_samples <- hv_family_counts %>% filter(taxid == taxid_polyoma) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hv >= 0.1) %>%
+ pull(sample)
+polyoma_ids <- hv_reads_family %>%
+ filter(taxid == taxid_polyoma, sample %in% polyoma_samples) %>%
+ pull(seq_id)
+# Count reads for each polyomaviridae species
+polyoma_species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%
+ filter(seq_id %in% polyoma_ids) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name = "n_reads_hv") %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_polyoma = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))
+# Identify high-ranking families and group others
+polyoma_species_major_tab <- polyoma_species_counts %>% group_by(name) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_polyoma == max(p_reads_polyoma)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_polyoma)) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_polyoma > threshold_major_species)
+polyoma_species_counts_major <- polyoma_species_counts %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name %in% polyoma_species_major_tab$name,
+ name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_polyoma = sum(n_reads_hv),
+ p_reads_polyoma = sum(p_reads_polyoma),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display,
+ levels = c(polyoma_species_major_tab$name, "Other")))
+polyoma_species_counts_display <- polyoma_species_counts_major %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_polyoma, classification = name_display)
+# Plot
+g_polyoma_species <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=polyoma_species_counts_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Polyomaviridae Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral species") +
+ labs(title="Species composition of Polyomaviridae reads") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+# Get most prominent species for text
+polyoma_species_collate <- polyoma_species_counts %>% group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_tot = sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_mean = mean(p_reads_polyoma), .groups="drop") %>%
+ arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))
+Finally, poxvirus reads in most samples are dominated by molluscum contagiosum virus (which I expect to be real), followed by Orf virus (which I expect to be fake). These expectations are borne out by BLAST alignments (below).
+#| label: hv-species-pox
+#| fig-height: 6
+threshold_major_species <- 0.1
+taxid_pox <- viral_taxa %>% filter(name == "Poxviridae") %>% pull(taxid)
+# Get set of poxviridae reads
+# Get set of poxviridae reads
+pox_samples <- hv_family_counts %>% filter(taxid == taxid_pox) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_hv >= 0.1) %>%
+ pull(sample)
+pox_ids <- hv_reads_family %>%
+ filter(taxid == taxid_pox, sample %in% pox_samples) %>%
+ pull(seq_id)
+# Count reads for each poxviridae species
+pox_species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%
+ filter(seq_id %in% pox_ids) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name = "n_reads_hv") %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_pox = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))
+# Identify high-ranking families and group others
+pox_species_major_tab <- pox_species_counts %>% group_by(name) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_pox == max(p_reads_pox)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
+ arrange(desc(p_reads_pox)) %>%
+ filter(p_reads_pox > threshold_major_species)
+pox_species_counts_major <- pox_species_counts %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name %in% pox_species_major_tab$name,
+ name, "Other")) %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name_display) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_pox = sum(n_reads_hv),
+ p_reads_pox = sum(p_reads_pox),
+ .groups="drop") %>%
+ mutate(name_display = factor(name_display,
+ levels = c(pox_species_major_tab$name, "Other")))
+pox_species_counts_display <- pox_species_counts_major %>%
+ rename(p_reads = p_reads_pox, classification = name_display)
+# Plot
+g_pox_species <- g_comp_base +
+ geom_col(data=pox_species_counts_display, position = "stack") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name="% Poxviridae Reads", limits=c(0,1.01),
+ breaks = seq(0,1,0.2),
+ expand=c(0,0), labels = function(y) y*100) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values=palette_viral, name = "Viral species") +
+ labs(title="Species composition of Poxviridae reads") +
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=4)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))
+# Get most prominent species for text
+pox_species_collate <- pox_species_counts %>% group_by(name, taxid) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_tot = sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_mean = mean(p_reads_pox), .groups="drop") %>%
+ arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))
+#| label: hv-blast-hits
+#| fig-width: 6
+# Configure
+ref_taxids_hv <- c(10279, 10258)
+ref_names_hv <- sapply(ref_taxids_hv, function(x) viral_taxa %>% filter(taxid == x) %>% pull(name) %>% first)
+p_threshold <- 0.1
+# Get taxon names
+tax_names_path <- file.path(data_dir_base, "taxid-names.tsv.gz")
+tax_names <- read_tsv(tax_names_path, show_col_types = FALSE)
+# Add missing names
+tax_names_new <- tribble(~staxid, ~name,
+ 3050295, "Cytomegalovirus humanbeta5",
+ 459231, "FLAG-tagging vector pFLAG97-TSR",
+ 257877, "Macaca thibetana thibetana",
+ 256321, "Lentiviral transfer vector pHsCXW",
+ 419242, "Shuttle vector pLvCmvMYOCDHA",
+ 419243, "Shuttle vector pLvCmvLacZ",
+ 421868, "Cloning vector pLvCmvLacZ.Gfp",
+ 421869, "Cloning vector pLvCmvMyocardin.Gfp",
+ 426303, "Lentiviral vector pNL-GFP-RRE(SA)",
+ 436015, "Lentiviral transfer vector pFTMGW",
+ 454257, "Shuttle vector pLvCmvMYOCD2aHA",
+ 476184, "Shuttle vector pLV.mMyoD::ERT2.eGFP",
+ 476185, "Shuttle vector pLV.hMyoD.eGFP",
+ 591936, "Piliocolobus tephrosceles",
+ 627481, "Lentiviral transfer vector pFTM3GW",
+ 680261, "Self-inactivating lentivirus vector pLV.C-EF1a.cyt-bGal.dCpG",
+ 2952778, "Expression vector pLV[Exp]-EGFP:T2A:Puro-EF1A",
+ 3022699, "Vector PAS_122122",
+ 3025913, "Vector pSIN-WP-mPGK-GDNF",
+ 3105863, "Vector pLKO.1-ZsGreen1",
+ 3105864, "Vector pLKO.1-ZsGreen1 mouse Wfs1 shRNA",
+ 3108001, "Cloning vector pLVSIN-CMV_Neo_v4.0",
+ 3109234, "Vector pTwist+Kan+High",
+ 3117662, "Cloning vector pLV[Exp]-CBA>P301L",
+ 3117663, "Cloning vector pLV[Exp]-CBA>P301L:T2A:mRuby3",
+ 3117664, "Cloning vector pLV[Exp]-CBA>hMAPT[NM_005910.6](ns):T2A:mRuby3",
+ 3117665, "Cloning vector pLV[Exp]-CBA>mRuby3",
+ 3117666, "Cloning vector pLV[Exp]-CBA>mRuby3/NFAT3 fusion protein",
+ 3117667, "Cloning vector pLV[Exp]-Neo-mPGK>{EGFP-hSEPT6}",
+ 438045, "Xenotropic MuLV-related virus",
+ 447135, "Myodes glareolus",
+ 590745, "Mus musculus mobilized endogenous polytropic provirus",
+ 181858, "Murine AIDS virus-related provirus",
+ 356663, "Xenotropic MuLV-related virus VP35",
+ 356664, "Xenotropic MuLV-related virus VP42",
+ 373193, "Xenotropic MuLV-related virus VP62",
+ 286419, "Canis lupus dingo",
+ 415978, "Sus scrofa scrofa",
+ 494514, "Vulpes lagopus",
+ 3082113, "Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus",
+ 3119969, "Bubalus kerabau")
+tax_names <- bind_rows(tax_names, tax_names_new)
+# Get matches
+hv_blast_staxids <- hv_reads_species %>% filter(taxid %in% ref_taxids_hv) %>%
+ group_by(taxid) %>% mutate(n_seq = n()) %>%
+ left_join(blast_results_paired, by="seq_id") %>%
+ mutate(staxid = as.integer(staxid)) %>%
+ left_join(tax_names %>% rename(sname=name), by="staxid")
+# Count matches
+hv_blast_counts <- hv_blast_staxids %>%
+ group_by(taxid, name, staxid, sname, n_seq) %>%
+ count %>% mutate(p=n/n_seq)
+# Subset to major matches
+hv_blast_counts_major <- hv_blast_counts %>%
+ filter(n>1, p>p_threshold, ! %>%
+ arrange(desc(p)) %>% group_by(taxid) %>%
+ filter(row_number() <= 25) %>%
+ mutate(name_display = ifelse(name == ref_names_hv[1], "MCV", name))
+# Plot
+g_hv_blast <- ggplot(hv_blast_counts_major, mapping=aes(x=p, y=sname)) +
+ geom_col() +
+ facet_grid(name_display~., scales="free_y", space="free_y") +
+ scale_x_continuous(name="% mapped reads", limits=c(0,1),
+ breaks=seq(0,1,0.2), expand=c(0,0)) +
+ theme_base + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())
+Finally, here again are the overall relative abundances of the specific viral genera I picked out manually in my last entry:
+#| fig-height: 5
+#| label: ra-genera
+# Define reference genera
+path_genera_rna <- c("Mamastrovirus", "Enterovirus", "Salivirus", "Kobuvirus", "Norovirus", "Sapovirus", "Rotavirus", "Alphacoronavirus", "Betacoronavirus", "Alphainfluenzavirus", "Betainfluenzavirus", "Lentivirus")
+path_genera_dna <- c("Mastadenovirus", "Alphapolyomavirus", "Betapolyomavirus", "Alphapapillomavirus", "Betapapillomavirus", "Gammapapillomavirus", "Orthopoxvirus", "Simplexvirus",
+ "Lymphocryptovirus", "Cytomegalovirus", "Dependoparvovirus")
+path_genera <- bind_rows(tibble(name=path_genera_rna, genome_type="RNA genome"),
+ tibble(name=path_genera_dna, genome_type="DNA genome")) %>%
+ left_join(viral_taxa, by="name")
+# Count in each sample
+n_path_genera <- hv_reads_genus %>%
+ group_by(sample, date_alias, city, name, taxid) %>%
+ count(name="n_reads_viral") %>%
+ inner_join(path_genera, by=c("name", "taxid")) %>%
+ left_join(read_counts_raw, by=c("sample", "date_alias", "city")) %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_viral = n_reads_viral/n_reads_raw)
+# Pivot out and back to add zero lines
+n_path_genera_out <- n_path_genera %>% ungroup %>% select(sample, name, n_reads_viral) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from="name", values_from="n_reads_viral", values_fill=0) %>%
+ pivot_longer(-sample, names_to="name", values_to="n_reads_viral") %>%
+ left_join(read_counts_raw, by="sample") %>%
+ left_join(path_genera, by="name") %>%
+ mutate(p_reads_viral = n_reads_viral/n_reads_raw)
+## Aggregate across dates
+n_path_genera_stype <- n_path_genera_out %>%
+ group_by(name, taxid, genome_type, city) %>%
+ summarize(n_reads_raw = sum(n_reads_raw),
+ n_reads_viral = sum(n_reads_viral), .groups = "drop") %>%
+ mutate(sample="All samples", date="All dates",
+ p_reads_viral = n_reads_viral/n_reads_raw,
+ na_type = "DNA")
+# Plot
+g_path_genera <- ggplot(n_path_genera_stype,
+ aes(y=name, x=p_reads_viral, color=city)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ scale_x_log10(name="Relative abundance") +
+ scale_color_city() +
+ facet_grid(genome_type~., scales="free_y") +
+ theme_base + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())
+# Conclusion
+This is the third, largest, and final of this tranche of air-sampling datasets that I've run through this pipeline. Many of the high-level findings were similar to Prussin and Rosario, including high relative abundance of human reads, low total viral reads, an absence of enteric viruses, and high abundance of papillomaviruses among human-infecting viruses.
+In the future, I'll do a more in-depth comparative analysis across different datasets to compare the abundance of different viruses. For now, though, there are some major updates to the pipeline I want to make before I do any more public analyses.
diff --git a/notebooks/2024-04-12_rosario.qmd b/notebooks/2024-04-12_rosario.qmd
index 14078c2..241e65c 100644
--- a/notebooks/2024-04-12_rosario.qmd
+++ b/notebooks/2024-04-12_rosario.qmd
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ theme_kit <- theme_rotate + theme(
tnl <- theme(legend.position = "none")
-Continuing our look at air sampling datasets, we turn to Rosario et al. (2018), another study of air filters, this time from HVAC filters from an undergraduate dorm building at the University of Colorado campus in Boulder. As in [Prussin](, samples were eluted from filters (in this case MERV-8, so less stringent than Prussin's MERV-14 filters) and underwent both RNA and DNA sequencing – this time on an Illumina MiSeq with 2x250bp reads.
+Continuing our look at air sampling datasets, we turn to [Rosario et al. (2018)](, another study of air filters, this time from HVAC filters from an undergraduate dorm building at the University of Colorado campus in Boulder. As in [Prussin](, samples were eluted from filters (in this case MERV-8, so less stringent than Prussin's MERV-14 filters) and underwent both RNA and DNA sequencing – this time on an Illumina MiSeq with 2x250bp reads.
# The raw data