The following table indicates which versions of Project Template are currently receiving security updates. Only actively supported versions should be used in production.
Version | Supported |
1.6.x | ✅ |
< 1.6 | ❌ |
This project relies on several dependencies to function. Below is a list of key dependencies and their required versions as per the composer.json
- PHP:
- Laravel Framework:
- API Ecosystem for Laravel/Dingo API:
- Blade UI Kit (Heroicons):
- Blade UI Kit (Icons):
- Cleanique Coders (Laravel Action):
- Cleanique Coders (Laravel Blacklist):
- Cleanique Coders (Laravel Media Secure):
- Cleanique Coders (Mail History):
- Cleanique Coders (Traitify):
- Diglactic (Laravel Breadcrumbs):
- Doctrine/DBAL:
- GuzzleHttp/Guzzle:
- Lab404 (Laravel Impersonate):
- Laravel Horizon:
- Laravel Jetstream:
- Laravel Sanctum:
- Laravel Telescope:
- Laravel Tinker:
- League (Flysystem AWS S3 V3):
- Livewire/Livewire:
- Owen It (Laravel Auditing):
- Predis/Predis:
- Rappasoft (Laravel Livewire Tables):
- Spatie (Laravel Media Library):
- Spatie (Laravel Permission):
- Yadahan (Laravel Authentication Log):
- Barryvdh (Laravel Debugbar):
- Cleanique Coders (Laravel DB Doc):
- Driftingly (Rector Laravel):
- FakerPHP/Faker:
- FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer:
- Jason McCreary (Laravel Test Assertions):
- Larastan (PHPStan for Laravel):
- Laravel Shift (Blueprint):
- Laravel Pint:
- Laravel Sail:
- Mockery/Mockery:
- Nuno Maduro (Collision):
- Overtrue/PHPLint:
- PestPHP/Pest:
- PestPHP/Pest Plugin for Laravel:
- Rector/Rector:
- Spatie (Laravel Ignition):
If you discover a security vulnerability in Project Template, please follow these steps to report it responsibly:
Do not open a public issue.
Security vulnerabilities must be reported privately to ensure they can be addressed before disclosure. -
Send an email.
Email the vulnerability details to Nasrul Hazim at [email protected]. -
Include the following details:
- A description of the vulnerability.
- Steps to reproduce the issue, if applicable.
- Any potential impact or exploit scenarios.
We will investigate and respond promptly. Once the vulnerability is resolved, appropriate credit will be given to the reporter if desired.
When a vulnerability is resolved, updates will be released for supported versions. Users are encouraged to stay on the latest versions to ensure they benefit from the latest security patches.