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import machine from machine import Pin, Timer,ADC,PWMimport sysfrom time import sleep_msimport ubluetoothfrom esp32 import raw_temperatureimport _threadimport timeimport mathrunSavedCode=True #can be set to false to prevent saved code from interrupting the loading of a new programrunProgram=True #keep the program running in a loopprogramStatus=0lastData=""lastDataTime=-1import mathdef waveSynth(freq,power,duration=1,waveform="sine",lowcut=0,highcut=100, phaseOffset=[0,0,0],stepSize=0.3): if (len(power) != 3 or len(freq) != 3) or len(phaseOffset) != 3: return -1 #arrays are not the right size else: motors=[] #we use 628 points per second, so the duration value can scale this totalPoints=(duration*6.28)/stepSize timing=[] for motor in range(0,3): #generate a sine wave temp=[] #generate one cycle of a sine wave x=0 while (round(x,2) < (duration*(6.28))): tempVal=((math.sin(((x+phaseOffset[motor])*(freq[motor]/2)))+1)*power[motor]/2) #scale in the x domain (to control frequency) and in the y domain to control how the power is mpped to motor power if waveform == "square": #if user asked for a square wave then threshold the sine wave if (tempVal > 50): tempVal=100 else: tempVal=0 if tempVal < lowcut: tempVal=lowcut if tempVal > highcut: tempVal=highcut temp.append(int(tempVal)) x=x+stepSize motors.append(temp) for i in range(0,round(totalPoints)): #generate the timing array timing.append(1/totalPoints) return [motors,timing]def combineWaves(wave1,wave2,weight=1.0): """combines two waveforms (with equal duration) toghether. Arguments: wave1 -- list containing points in the first waveform wave2 -- list contianing points in the second waveform weight -- how much to weight the second waveform relative to the first. 1.0 is equal weight """ newWave=[] if len(wave1) != len(wave2): print("Error, the two waves are not equal length") return -1 else: for i in range(0,len(wave1)): #We combine add the two waves but scale the second by weight. Then we scale them so that the overall sum is the same as the original waveform temp=((wave1[i]/2)+((wave2[i]/2)*weight)) #find the amplitude of the new point compared to the old point, and use this to rescale the wave so that the amplitude doesn't change scale=(1+weight)/2 newWave.append(int(temp/scale)) return newWavedef modulate(wave1,wave2): """modulates wave1, computing wave=wave1*(wave2/100) Arguments: wave1 -- list containing points in the first waveform wave2 -- list contianing points in the second waveform """ newWave=[] if len(wave1) != len(wave2): print("Error, the two waves are not equal length") return -1 else: for i in range(0,len(wave1)): newWave.append(int(wave1[i]*(wave2[i]/100))) return newWavedef heatMotors(duration): #experimental, tries to create heat but not motion on the vibration motors print("initial temp:"+str(raw_temperature())) pin1=PWM(Pin(12,Pin.OUT),freq=10000000,duty=700) pin2=PWM(Pin(14,Pin.OUT),freq=10000000,duty=700) pin3=PWM(Pin(33,Pin.OUT),freq=10000000,duty=700) time.sleep(duration) pin1.deinit() pin2.deinit() pin3.deinit() print("final temp:"+str(raw_temperature())) def chirpMotors(): #creates a breif motor chirp as confirmation pin1=PWM(Pin(12,Pin.OUT),freq=1000,duty=500) pin2=PWM(Pin(14,Pin.OUT),freq=1000,duty=500) pin3=PWM(Pin(33,Pin.OUT),freq=1000,duty=500) time.sleep(0.1) pin1.duty(0) pin2.duty(0) pin1.deinit() pin2.deinit() pin3.deinit() def vibePattern(motorPower,timing, loop=0): #execute a custom vibration pattern #the current PWM system has some weird behavior (I think a bug) so we are doing this custom bitbang pwm for now if len(motorPower) == 3: powerCheck=[len(motorPower[0]), len(motorPower[1]),len(motorPower[2]),len(timing)] if max(powerCheck) == min(powerCheck): #check to make sure the lists are all the right length numSegments=len(motorPower[0]) totalLoops=loop while totalLoops >= 0: totalLoops=totalLoops-1 pin1=Pin(12,Pin.OUT); pin2=Pin(14,Pin.OUT); pin3=Pin(33,Pin.OUT); for segment in range(0,numSegments): stopTime=time.ticks_ms()+(timing[segment]*1000) while(time.ticks_ms() < stopTime): for i in range(0,100): if (i < motorPower[0][segment]): pin1.value(1) else: pin1.value(0) if (i < motorPower[1][segment]): pin2.value(1) else: pin2.value(0) if (i < motorPower[2][segment]): pin3.value(1) else: pin3.value(0) return True else: print("Motor sequences don't agree") return -1 else: print("Wrong number of motor sequences") return -2 def vibePatternPWM(motorPower,timing, loop=0): #execute a custom vibration pattern #the current PWM system has some weird behavior (I think a bug) so we are doing this custom bitbang pwm for now if len(motorPower) == 3: powerCheck=[len(motorPower[0]), len(motorPower[1]),len(motorPower[2]),len(timing)] if max(powerCheck) == min(powerCheck): #check to make sure the lists are all the right length numSegments=len(motorPower[0]) totalLoops=loop while totalLoops >= 0: totalLoops=totalLoops-1 for segment in range(0,numSegments): pin1=PWM(Pin(12,Pin.OUT),freq=1000,duty=700) pin2=PWM(Pin(14,Pin.OUT),freq=1000,duty=700) pin3=PWM(Pin(33,Pin.OUT),freq=1000,duty=700) time.sleep(timing[segment]*1000) pin1.deinit() pin2.deinit() pin3.deinit() return True else: print("Motor sequences don't agree") return -1 else: print("Wrong number of motor sequences") return -2 def runProgramFromStorage(): global programStatus print("Attempting to run program") #sait 30 seconds to allow for a new program to be sent (or other debugging) time.sleep(30) if runSavedCode: progFile=open("program.py") program=progFile.read() progFile.flush() progFile.close() print(program) while runProgram: try: exec(program,globals(),locals()) except Exception: ble.send(traceback.format_exc()) programStatus=2 def handleMessage(message): global lastData global lastDataTime if "PROG:" in message: print("Loading new program...") program=message.replace("ENDMSG","").replace("PROG:","") print("Program") print(program) progFile=open("program.py",'w') progFile.write(program) progFile.flush() progFile.close() machine.reset() else: lastData=message lastDataTime=time.time() class BLE(): def __init__(self, name): self.isConnected=False self.name = name self.ble = ubluetooth.BLE() self.ble.active(True) self.disconnected() self.ble.irq(self.ble_irq) self.register() self.advertiser() self.messageBuffer="" def connected(self): self.isConnected=True def disconnected(self): self.isConnected=False def ble_irq(self, event, data): global messageBuffer if event == 1: '''Central connected''' self.connected() elif event == 2: '''Central disconnected''' self.register() self.advertiser() self.disconnected() elif event == 3: '''New message received''' global runSavedCode runSavedCode=False buffer = self.ble.gatts_read(self.rx) message = buffer.decode('UTF-8')[:-1] self.messageBuffer=self.messageBuffer+message print(str(len(self.messageBuffer))) if ("ENDMSG") in self.messageBuffer: print(self.messageBuffer) handleMessage(self.messageBuffer) self.messageBuffer="" def register(self): # Nordic UART Service (NUS) NUS_UUID = '6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E' RX_UUID = '6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E' TX_UUID = '6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E' BLE_NUS = ubluetooth.UUID(NUS_UUID) BLE_RX = (ubluetooth.UUID(RX_UUID), ubluetooth.FLAG_WRITE) BLE_TX = (ubluetooth.UUID(TX_UUID), ubluetooth.FLAG_NOTIFY) BLE_UART = (BLE_NUS, (BLE_TX, BLE_RX,)) SERVICES = (BLE_UART, ) ((self.tx, self.rx,), ) = self.ble.gatts_register_services(SERVICES) def send(self,data): #format the data for transmission to the companion app MTU=5 temp="" data=data+"ENDMSG" for char in data: if len(temp) <= MTU: temp=temp+char else: self.sendll(temp) temp=char self.sendll(temp) def sendll(self, data): #low level send, doesn't check the data size etc self.ble.gatts_notify(0, self.tx, data) def advertiser(self): name = bytes(self.name, 'UTF-8') self.ble.gap_advertise(100, bytearray('\x02\x01\x02') + bytearray((len(name) + 1, 0x09)) + name) # testp12=Pin(12,Pin.OUT);p12.value(False)p14=Pin(14,Pin.OUT);p14.value(False)p33=Pin(33,Pin.OUT);p33.value(False)ble = BLE("OpenHaptic")batteryVoltage=ADC(Pin(35)) batteryVoltage.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #full range#_thread.start_new_thread(runProgramFromStorage, ()) #run the stored program[waves,timing]=waveSynth([1,1,1],[100,100,100],duration=2)vibePatternPWM(waves,timing,loop=15)while True: if ble.isConnected: #if we have a connection, send a status message every couple of seconds try: print("sending status") ble.send("ST:"+str(round((batteryVoltage.read()/4095)*6.6,2))+":"+str(programStatus)) except Exception: #this can break due to interference by a program pass time.sleep(2)