i found there's an interesting use case of DuitNow from @kidino, where you would scan a DuitNow QR code on an electric massage chair, then the chair would work after you successfully paid.
so i tried to find a way to generate your own DuitNow QR, without going through the banking app, but it seems to be that some organisation (looking at you @paynet-my) is trying to gatekeep this info.
in case of PayNow, generating a PayNow QR code is quite straight forward when you already have your own PayNow ID. but generating a DuitNow QR is a pain in the ass with seems to be unnecessary complexity.
below is the source code of DuitNow QR generator after reverse engineering a lot of DuitNow QRs. but i still can't manage to get how we could get the account
and app
value, or simply implement it with our own DuitNow ID like PayNow do.
npm install gist:f45dc88b38a037325ad9095163b82b42
const { generateDuitNowStr } = require('duitnow-js')
const qrString = generateDuitNowStr({
account: '0000000000000000000000072339', // UNKNOWN Account ID
app: '890087', // UNKNOWN ID
category: '7399', // Merchant Category Code
postcode: '52200',
ref5: '0.1626.0', // Reference Label
ref6: '16881451', // Customer Label
ref8: 'Start machine via DuitNow', // Purpose of Transaction
ref82: '7FFC1AC00E99EA2D7A0D7BB79755736A' // unknown Ref Number
npm install
npm run test
Can't use our own registered DuitNow ID like mobile number, NRIC, etc. Unlike PayNow(SG) & PromptPay(TH)
Can't use the same account ID in static generated QR code into a dynamic generated QR code with a specified amount
Licensed under the MIT license