- Update Android core SDK.
- Added support for biometric session lock.
- Updated plugin to support Android core version 7+
- Conformed to Android v7 external social providers implementation.
- Added support for Kakao social providers.
- Added missing support for cname in Android (due to Android core v7).
- Added option to hide screenset programmatically via "dismissScreenSet" interface.
- Fixed nullable "apiVersion" bug on Android wrapper.
- Introduced Android proguard file.
- Fixed session not retaining after SdkInit.
- Fix GigyaError with null values.
- Fix ClassCastException with setSession() - Android.
1.0.0 - Federated Plugin Rework
- Raised the minimum Flutter version to 3.3.0 and minimum Dart version to 2.18.0.
- Removed the duplicate Apache license. To view the license, see the ‘LICENSE’ file.
- Added ‘publish_to: none’ to the example app pubspec.
- Added the analysis_options.yaml lint config.
- Updated the internal method & event channel names to use reverse domain notation and a suffix for the type of channel.
- Fixed the ‘logout()’ method so that it no longer fails if the user is not logged in.
- Updated Gradle to 7.4
- Updated the Kotlin version to 1.7.21
- Updated the Android Gradle Plugin to 7.3.1
- Bumped the Android compile SDK version to 33
- Specified the Java version in the compile options
- Removed the unused ‘getPlatformVersion()’ method call
- Removed the usage of the deprecated ‘PackageManager.getPackageInfo()’ on API 33 and higher
- The ‘onHide’ screen set event now includes the ‘reason’ in its event data, rather than in a separate field.
- Raised the minimum iOS version to 13.0
- Renamed the ‘GigyaMethods’ enum to ‘GigyaSdkMethods’
Breaking Changes
- The package no longer imports ‘dart:io’ directly.
- The publication date of a publication is now a ‘DateTime?’ instead of a ‘String?’.
- The issue date of a patent is now a ‘DateTime?’ instead of a ‘String?’.
- Latitude and longitude of coordinates is now required in the location schema object.
- Company size of the ‘Work’ model class is now ‘int?’ instead of ‘double?’.
- Start and End date of the ‘Work’ model class are now ‘DateTime?’ instead of ‘String?’.
- ‘updatedAt’ of the ‘OidcData’ model class has been changed to a ‘DateTime?’ instead of a ‘String?’.
- ‘zoneinfo’ of the ‘OidcData’ model class has been renamed to ‘zoneInfo’.
- The ‘initSdk()’ method now returns a ‘Future’, instead of a ‘Future<Map<String, dynamic>>’ with a ‘{success: true}’ value.
- The ‘showScreenSet()’ method now returns a ‘Stream’.
- The ‘expiresIn’ field in ‘SessionInfo’ is now an ‘int’ instead of a ‘double’.
- The ‘photoURL’, ‘profileURL’ and ‘thumbnailURL’ model properties of the ‘Profile’ class have been renamed to ‘photoUrl’, ‘profileUrl’ and ‘thumbnailUrl’.
- The ‘favorites’ field of the ‘Profile’ class has been changed from ‘List‘ to ‘List‘.
- The ‘interestedIn’ field in the ‘Profile’ class has been replaced with the ‘interests’ field.
- The ‘followersCounts’ field in the ‘Profile’ class has been renamed to ‘followers’, and its type has been changed to ‘int?’.
- The ‘followingCount’ field in the ‘Profile’ class has been renamed to ‘following’ and its type has been changed to ‘int?’.
- The ‘lastLogin’, ‘lastUpdated’ and ‘oldestDataUpdated’ fields from the ‘Account’ class have been removed. Use the timestamp fields instead.
- The ‘GigyaResponse’ class has been refactored to ‘GigyaError’, which now implements the ‘Exception’ class. The function ‘getErrorDetails()’ has been removed.
- The ‘timeoutError()’ function has been refactored to a new ‘GigyaTimeoutError’ class that implements ‘Exception’.
- ‘ResolverFactory’ has been renamed to ‘InterruptionResolverFactory’, and it now has a single method to create a resolver from an error code.
- Refactored the ‘getTimeout(Methods method)’ to a getter method on the ‘Methods’ enum.
- The methods in the ‘WebAuthnService’ class no longer have the ‘webAuthn’ prefix.
- The ‘PendingOtpVerification’ class now uses a ‘String’ for the ‘code’ field in the ‘verify()’ method. The unused ‘response’ field has been removed as well.
- The platform interface has been cleaned up, and it now uses ‘required’ parameters when needed.
- The ‘WebAuthnService’ has been renamed to ‘WebAuthenticationService’, and now uses an interface to abstract away the method channel.
- The ‘InterruptionResolver’ and ‘OtpService’ classes now use an interface to abstract away the method channel.
Developer Preview 0.2.2
Updated Android Core SDK v6.2.1. Updated Swift Core SDK v1.5.1.
Developer Preview 0.2.1
- Added support for phone number authentication (OTP).
Developer Preview 0.2.0
- Updated Android Core SDK v6.1.0 containing various security updates.
- Bug fix - Fixed account schema parsing.
- Added getSession method.
- Added support for FIDO authentication.
Developer Preview 0.1.7
- Updated Android Core SDK v5.2.0 containing various security updates.
Developer Preview 0.1.6
- Bug fix - Android setSession. Wrong SessionInfo propagation.
Developer Preview 0.1.5
- Added mobile SSO support using CLP.
Developer Preview 0.1.4
- Updated Android Core SDK v5.1.6
- Added setSession interface.
- Android initialization update (custom schema)
- Migrated to Flutter 2 and Null-safety.
- Added Forgot password feature (including example application implementation).
- Added Google sign-in integration to the example application.
Developer Preview 0.1.3
- iOS: Fixed crash in forgotPassword.
- iOS: Fixed bug in link account.
Developer Preview 0.1.2
- Updated Android Core SDK v5.1.4
- Forgot password bug fix.
- Added manual initSDK interface.
Android core SDK update.
- Updated Android Core SDK v5.1.3
Account Model Patch
- Fix to main account model (sessionInfo type).
Core SDKS update
- Updated Android SDK 5.1.1 (security).
Core SDKS updates
- Updated Swift SDK 1.2.0.
- Updated Android SDK 5.1.0.
Platform alignments
- Fixed Android error not mapped correctly.
- Added dynamic "mapped" field to base GigyaResponse.
Example & documentation.
- Example application updates.
- Documentation updates.
Initial release.
- Business APIs.
- Social login (View documentation for supported providers).
- Web Screen-Sets.
- Interruption handling.