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Setting up TLS

By default Clusterio will listen for connections over HTTP which is fine for local networks but over the Internet it should idealy be over HTTPS as there are some credentials that could be exposed to eavesdroppers. The recommended setup is to have an ordinary HTTPS server software like Apache or Nginx to act as a reverse proxy in front of the Clusterio controller. The reverse proxy would then be set up with a TLS certificate from a Certificate Authoritiy like Let's Encrypt. Alternatively you can have Clusterio listen for connections over HTTPS directly by providing it with a TLS certificate and private key.

Note that a TLS certificate signed by a recognized Certificate Authority in general requires that you own a domain. See the last section for how to create and use a self-signed certificate for an IP address if you don't have a domain.

Using a reverse proxy

Configure the proxy to forward requests over HTTP to the port the controller is listening to so that for example a request to is forwarded to http://localhost:8080/instances/. It is possible to host the interface under a sub-path, in that case a request under the sub-path should be mapped to the controller with the sub-path stripped out. For example would be mapped to http://localhost:8080/instances.

Additianlly WebSocket connections to /api/socket also needs to be forwarded. Typically this requires explicit configuration and support for forwarding WebSocket connections. If the interface hosted under a sub-path the /api/socket address is relative to the sub-path and the sub-path also needs to be stripped out when forwarded.

You can also optionally set the controller to listen only on the loopback interface to prevent it being directly connected to from the outside.

npx clusteriocontroller config set controller.bind_address

Apache Config

To proxy with Apache make sure that proxy_module, proxy_http_module and proxy_wstunnel_module is loaded in the config, then add the following directives to wherever is the approriate place for your flavour of Apache config organization.

<Location /sub/path/>
    ProxyPass "http://localhost:8080/"
<Location /sub/path/api/socket>
    ProxyPass "ws://localhost:8080/api/socket"

Replace /sub/path/ with the location on the proxy you want to host the Clusterio interface under. If the whole domain is to be dedicated to the Clusterio interface then /sub/path/ should be just /. Pay attention to the use of trailing slashes, as they are important.

Hosting HTTPS directly from Node.js

Listening on HTTPS is supported by the Clusterio controller via the controller.https_port option provided paths to a certificate file and a private key file is configured for the controller.tls_certificate and controller.tls_private_key options. Both of these are expected to be unencrypted PEM files.

Creating and using a self-signed certificate

Create a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL by running

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost -addext "subjectAltName=IP:<ip>"

substituting <ip> with the IP address the server will be accessed under, for example IP: Multiple addresses can be given by supplying a comma sepparated list of IP:address pairs and DNS names can also be specified using the format. You need to supply every name you want to connect to the server under the subjectAltName field, for example to connect to the HTTPS port locally via an address like https://localhost:4443/ you need to add DNS:localhost.

This creates a private key file named key.pem and a public certificate file named cert.pem and these are used for the controller.tls_certificate and controller.tls_private_key config options respectively on the controller:

npx clusteriocontroller config set controller.tls_certificate cert.pem
npx clusteriocontroller config set controller.tls_private_key key.pem

Additionally you will need copy the cert.pem file to all of the computers you want to set up as hosts and configure it as the host.tls_ca option:

npx clusteriohost config set host.tls_ca cert.pem

You will also need to copy the cert.pem file to all of the computers you want to remotely manage the cluster via clusterctl and configure it as control.tls_ca option:

npx clusterioctl control-config set control.tls_ca cert.pem