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TeamCity Test Automation

This project implements automation of the testing process for the TeamCity server app.


  • JDK 17
  • IDE (IntelliJ IDEA)
  • Gradle 8.3
  • TeamCity server running locally on port 8111 (version 2023.05.2, the installer for this version can be found in the main resources)
  • TeamCity has a build agent configured running locally (a Win10 machine)
  • TeamCity has an admin account with credentials admin/admin
  • Docker instance is up and running locally

How to run tests

Tests can be run from the IDE by selecting a test and clicking the Run button or by running the following command: ./gradlew test.


When the test run is finished a test report will be generated. The report can be found in /build/reports/tests/test/index.html. If a test fails a screenshot will be made. Screenshots can be found in the following directory: /build/reports/tests/.

Test cases for automation

  1. Log in as admin (Automated)
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Login page Login page is opened
Enter username in Username input Username is entered
Enter password in Password input Password is entered
Click 'Login' Projects page is opened, User is logged in
Verify user permissions User is admin
  1. Create project manually (Automated)


  • admin user is logged in
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened
Click 'Create New Project' button (top right corner) Create Project page is opened
Enter project name in Name input Project name is entered
Click 'Create' Project is created, Edit project page is opened
Click 'Create build configuration Create Build page is opened
Enter build name in Name input Build name is entered
Click 'Create' Edit VCS Root page is opened
Select 'Git' in 'Type of VCS' dropdown 'Git' option is selected
Enter 'VCS root name' VCS root name is entered
Enter 'Fetch URL' Repository url is entered
Enter 'Default branch' Default branch is entered
Click 'Create' VSC Roots page is opened, VCS root is created
Select 'Build Steps' in side bar Edit Build Runner page is opened
Click '+ Add Build Step' New Build Step page is opened
Select 'PowerShell' in the list of runners New Build Step: PowerShell form is opened
Enter path to script file in Script File input File path is entered
Click 'Create' Edit Build Runner page is opened, build step created
Click 'Run' Build Configuration page is opened, Build Overview is displayed
Wait for run to complete Run is executed successfully
Open Build Log tab Build Log tab is opened
Expand and verify step logs Step logs contain output of the test script from VCS
  1. Create New User Account and login as newly created user


  • admin user is logged in
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Administration' in header Administration page is opened
Select 'Users' in the side bar Users list is displayed
Click 'Create User Account' Create User page is opened
Enter username in Username input Username is entered
Enter password in Password input Password is entered
Enter password in Confirm Password input Password is entered
Click 'Create User' Users list is displayed, created user is present in the list
Log out Login page is opened
Enter username of new user in Username input Username is entered
Enter password of new user in Password input Password is entered
Click 'Login' Projects page is opened, User is logged in
Verify user permissions User doesn't have admin permissions
  1. Create build agent


  • Docker up and running on localhost with a Hyper-V engine, exposed on port 2375, temp dir is configured as allowed for sharing
  • Pull agent image: docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-agent
  • Start linux container: docker run -e SERVER_URL="" -v :/data/teamcity_agent/conf jetbrains/teamcity-agent
  • admin user is logged in
  • test project is created
  • build is created in test project
  • build step is configured to run linux commands (e.g., simple command line runner)
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Agents' in header Agents Overview page is opened, 1 unauthorised agent is displayed
Expand Unauthorized list Newly added agent is listed under Unauthorized category
Click agent link Agent Details page is opened
Click 'Authorize' Authorize host popup appears
Click 'Authorize' in Authorize host popup Agent is displayed as authorized, connected and enabled
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Expand test project in projects list Created build is displayed
Click created build link Edit Build page is opened
Click 'Agent Requirements' in sidebar Agent Requirements page is opened
Click 'Add New Requirement' Edit Requirement dialog is opened
Enter parameter Parameter is entered
Select condition Condition is selected
Enter value Value is entered
Click 'Save' Edit Requirement dialog is closed, requirement is updated
Click 'Projects' in header Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Expand test project Created build is displayed
Click 'Run' Run is started
Wait for run to complete and check its result Run is completed successfully
Verify build agent used for run Run was executed on newly added agent
  1. Configure build from VCS


  • There is test public Github repository with simple maven project and teamcity build config (settings.kts)
  • admin user is logged in
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Create New Project' button (top right corner) Create Project page is opened
Select 'From Repository URL' tab Create From VCS form is displayed
Enter Github repo URL Repo URL is entered
Click 'Proceed' Create Project From URL form is opened
Verify VCS settings radio buttons 'Import settings from .teamcity/settings.kts' is selected
Enter unique project name Project name is entered
Click 'Proceed' Edit Project page is opened, build configurations are displayed
Open build configuration Edit Build page is opened
Click 'Run' Build Configuration page is opened, Build Overview is displayed
Wait for run to complete Run is executed successfully
Open Build Log tab Build Log tab is opened
Expand and verify step logs Step logs contain output of the test script from VCS
  1. Configure VCS triggers


  • admin user is logged in
  • test project is created
  • build is configured in test project
  • build step is configured
  • VCS is configured
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Expand test project in projects list Created build is displayed
Click build configuration link Edit Build page is opened
Select 'Version Control Settings' in sidebar Version Control Settings page is opened
Verify that VCS was polled at least once Date of latest check for changes is displayed
Select 'Triggers' in sidebar Edit Triggers page is opened
Click 'Add New Trigger' Add Trigger dialog is opened
Select 'VCS Trigger' VCS Trigger is selected
Click 'Save' Trigger is saved and listed on Edit Triggers page
Click 'Projects' Projects page is opened
Expand created project Created build is displayed
Commit changes in configured VCS repo Changes are committed
Wait for run to start and complete Run is executed successfully
  1. Publish artifacts
  • admin user is logged in
  • project with build configuration and build step is configured, VCS is configured
  • there is project in Github with code producing relevant files (e.g., a building jar)
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Expand test project in projects list Created build is displayed
Click build configuration link Edit Build page is opened
Enter path to produced file in Artifacts Path input Path is entered
Click 'Save' Changes are saved
Click 'Run' Build Configuration page is opened, Build Overview is displayed
Wait for run to complete Run is executed successfully
Open Artifacts tab Artifacts tab is opened, configured artifact is listed
Click 'Download all' Zip archive is downloaded, archive contains configured artifact
  1. Configure dependencies


  • admin user is logged in
  • project is configured in TeamCity with at least 2 build configurations, 1st produces artifacts
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Expand test project in projects list 2 build configurations are displayed
Click 2d build configuration Edit Build page is opened
Click 'Dependencies' in sidebar Edit Dependencies page is opened
Click 'Add new snapshot dependency' Add Snapshot Dependency dialog is opened
Select 1st build configuration of test project in dependency selector Build configuration is selected
Click 'Save' Snapshot dependency is created and listed on Edit Dependencies page
Click 'Add new artifact dependency' Add Artifact Dependency dialog is opened
Select 1st build configuration in Depend On dropdown Build configuration is selected
Enter rule for copying in Artifacts Rules input Rule is entered
Click 'Save' Artifact dependency is created and listed on Edit Dependencies page
Click 'Run' Build Configuration page is opened, Build Overview is displayed
Wait for run to complete Run is executed successfully
Open Dependencies tab Dependencies tab is opened
Select 'Snapshot Dependencies' tab > 'List' tab Successful run of 1st build configuration is listed
Select 'Downloaded Artifacts' tab Successful run of 1st build configuration is listed, Downloaded Artifacts dropdown is displayed
Expand 'Downloaded Artifacts' dropdown Artifact from 1st build is available
Click expanded artifact Zip archive is downloaded, archive contains artifact
  1. Configure deployment


  • admin user is logged in
  • there is Github repo with test docker file
  • project is configured in TeamCity with configured VCS and 1 build configuration building a docker image
  • there is test dockerhub account
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Click test project in projects list Edit project page is opened
Click 'Connections' in sidebar Connections form is opened
Click 'Add Connection' Add Connection dialog is opened
Select 'Docker Registry' as Connection Type Docker Registry is selected
Enter username Username is entered
Enter password Password is entered
Click 'Save' Add Connection dialog is closed, connection is created
Click 'General Settings' in sidebar General Settings form is opened
Click 'Create build configuration' Create Build page is opened
Enter build name in Name input Build name is entered
Click 'Show advanced options' Build configuration type option is displayed
Expand 'Build configuration type' > Select 'Deployment' Deployment type is selected
Click 'Create' Edit Build page is opened
Select 'Build Steps' in side bar Edit Build Runner page is opened
Click '+ Add Build Step' New Build Step page is opened
Select 'Command Line' New Build Step: Command Line form is opened
Enter name in Step name input Step name is entered
Enter docker push command in Custom script input Command is entered
Click 'Save' Edit Build Runner page is opened, build step is created
Click 'Build Features' in sidebar Edit Build Features page is opened
Click 'Add Build Feature' Add Build Feature dialog is opened
Select 'Docker Support' build feature Docker Support is selected
Click 'Add Registry Connection' Add Registry Connection dialog is opened
Select created docker connection Docker connection is selected
Click 'Add' Add Registry Connection dialog is closed, docker connection is added
Click 'Save' Add Registry Connection dialog is closed, docker support feature is created
Click 'Dependencies' in sidebar Edit Dependencies page is opened
Click 'Add new snapshot dependency' Add Snapshot Dependency dialog is opened
Select 1st build configuration of test project in dependency selector Build configuration is selected
Click 'Save' Snapshot dependency is created and listed on Edit Dependencies page
Click 'Projects' in header Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Expand test project Created build is displayed
Click regular build configuration link Build configuration page is opened
Click 'Run' Run is started
Wait for run to complete Run is executed successfully
Click build run Build Configuration page is opened, Build Overview is displayed
Expand 'Deployments' Deployment build is listed
Click 'Deploy' Run is started
Wait for run to complete Run is executed successfully
Verify deployment Image is available in Dockerhub
  1. Viewing test results


  • admin user is logged in
  • there is Github repo with test projects with unit tests (one test failing)
  • project is configured in TeamCity with configured VCS
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Expand test project Created build is displayed
Click build link Build configuration page is opened
Click 'Run' Run is started
Wait for run to complete Run completed with failed tests
Click build run Build Configuration page is opened, Build Overview is displayed
Open Tests tab Tests tab is opened
Verify test list All tests are listed, results are displayed (all successful and 1 failed)
Click failed test Test details are expanded, stacktrace is displayed
Click 'Open Build Log' Build Log popup is opened, build logs are displayed with summary of test results
  1. Configuring SSO authentication modules


  • admin user is logged in
  • there is test account on Github, TeamCity app is registered on Github
Step Expected result
Open TeamCity Projects page Projects page is opened, test project is displayed
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Click root project Edit project page is opened
Click 'Connections' in sidebar Connections form is displayed
Click 'Add Connection' Add Connection dialog is opened
Enter Github client ID Client ID is entered
Enter Github client secret Client secret is added
Click 'Save' Add Connection dialog closed, connection is created
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Click 'Authentication' in sidebar Authentication form is displayed
Click 'Add Module' Add Module dialog is opened
Select '' in New Module dropdown option is selected
Verify Allow creating new users on the first login checkbox is checked Allow creating new users on the first login checkbox is checked
Click 'Add' Add Module dialog is closed, new SSO module is created
Log out Login page is opened
Click Github icon Github Authorization page is opened
Click 'Authorise user' Projects page is opened, User is logged in with Github account
Verify user permissions User doesn't have admin permissions
Log out Login page is opened
Log in as Admin Projects page is opened
Click 'Administration' Administration page is opened
Click 'Users' in sidebar Users form is opened
Verify list of users New user is created with info from Github account, user is not an admin