Table of Contents
interface HasMovies { movies:[Movie] }
enum MovieType { documentary, action }
type Person0 { name: String, born: _Neo4jTime, location: _Neo4jPoint }
type Person1 { name: String, born: _Neo4jDate }
type Person2 { name: String, age: Int, born: _Neo4jDateTime }
type Person3 { name: String!, born: _Neo4jLocalTime }
type Person4 { id:ID!, name: String, born: _Neo4jLocalDateTime }
type Person5 implements HasMovies { id:ID!, movies:[Movie] @relation(name: "LIKES")}
type Movie { id:ID!, movieType: MovieType, publishedBy: Publisher @relation(name: "PUBLISHED_BY")}
type Publisher { name:ID! }
type Knows0 @relation(name:"KNOWS", from: "source", to: "knows"){
id: ID!
source: Person0!
knows: Person0!
json: DynamicProperties @dynamic(prefix: "prefix.")
type Knows1 @relation(name:"KNOWS", from: "source", to: "knows"){
id: ID!
source: Person0!
knows: Person0!
type Knows4 @relation(name:"KNOWS", from: "source", to: "knows"){
_id: ID!
source: Person4!
knows: Person4!
json: DynamicProperties @dynamic(prefix: "prefix.")
type Query {
PersonByLocation(location: _Neo4jPointInput): [Person0!]!
schema {
query: Query
"query": {
"enabled": false
"mutation": {
"enabled": true,
"exclude": [
Augmented Schema
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
interface HasMovies {
movies(first: Int, offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie]
type Knows0 {
id: ID!
json: DynamicProperties
knows: Person0!
source: Person0!
type Knows1 {
id: ID!
knows: Person0!
source: Person0!
type Knows4 {
_id: ID!
json: DynamicProperties
knows: Person4!
source: Person4!
type Movie {
id: ID!
movieType: MovieType
publishedBy: Publisher
type Mutation {
addMoviePublishedBy(id: ID!, publishedBy: ID!): Movie!
addPerson5Movies(id: ID!, movies: [ID!]!): Person5!
createKnows4(json: DynamicProperties, knows_id: ID!, source_id: ID!): Knows4!
createMovie(id: ID!, movieType: MovieType): Movie!
createPerson1(born: _Neo4jDateInput, name: String): Person1!
createPerson2(age: Int, born: _Neo4jDateTimeInput, name: String): Person2!
createPerson3(born: _Neo4jLocalTimeInput, name: String!): Person3!
createPerson4(born: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput, id: ID!, name: String): Person4!
createPerson5(id: ID!): Person5!
createPublisher(name: ID!): Publisher!
"Deletes Knows0 and returns the type itself"
deleteKnows0(id: ID!): Knows0
"Deletes Knows1 and returns the type itself"
deleteKnows1(id: ID!): Knows1
"Deletes Knows4 and returns the type itself"
deleteKnows4(_id: ID!): Knows4
"Deletes Movie and returns the type itself"
deleteMovie(id: ID!): Movie
deleteMoviePublishedBy(id: ID!, publishedBy: ID!): Movie
"Deletes Person4 and returns the type itself"
deletePerson4(id: ID!): Person4
"Deletes Person5 and returns the type itself"
deletePerson5(id: ID!): Person5
deletePerson5Movies(id: ID!, movies: [ID!]!): Person5
"Deletes Publisher and returns the type itself"
deletePublisher(name: ID!): Publisher
mergeKnows0(id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows0!
mergeKnows4(_id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows4!
mergeMovie(id: ID!, movieType: MovieType): Movie!
mergePerson4(born: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput, id: ID!, name: String): Person4!
updateKnows0(id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows0
updateKnows4(_id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows4
updateMovie(id: ID!, movieType: MovieType): Movie
updatePerson4(born: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput, id: ID!, name: String): Person4
type Person0 {
born: _Neo4jTime
location: _Neo4jPoint
name: String
type Person1 {
born: _Neo4jDate
name: String
type Person2 {
age: Int
born: _Neo4jDateTime
name: String
type Person3 {
born: _Neo4jLocalTime
name: String!
type Person4 {
born: _Neo4jLocalDateTime
id: ID!
name: String
type Person5 implements HasMovies {
id: ID!
movies(first: Int, offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie]
type Publisher {
name: ID!
type Query {
PersonByLocation(first: Int, location: _Neo4jPointInput, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person0Ordering!]): [Person0!]!
type _Neo4jDate {
day: Int
formatted: String
month: Int
year: Int
type _Neo4jDateTime {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
year: Int
type _Neo4jLocalDateTime {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
year: Int
type _Neo4jLocalTime {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
type _Neo4jPoint {
The coordinate reference systems (CRS)
posible values:
* `wgs-84`: A 2D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified in one of two ways:
* longitude and latitude (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84)
* x and y (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian)
* `wgs-84-3d`: A 3D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified one of in two ways:
* longitude, latitude and either height or z (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84-3D)
* x, y and z (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian-3D)
* `cartesian`: A 2D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x and y coordinate values
* `cartesian-3d`: A 3D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x, y and z coordinate values
crs: String
" The third element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, meters above the ellipsoid defined by the datum (WGS-84)"
height: Float
The second element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees North of the equator
Range -90.0 to 90.0
latitude: Float
The first element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees East of the prime meridian
Range -180.0 to 180.0
longitude: Float
The internal Neo4j ID for the CRS
One of:
* `4326`: represents CRS `wgs-84`
* `4979`: represents CRS `wgs-84-3d`
* `7203`: represents CRS `cartesian`
* `9157`: represents CRS `cartesian-3d`
srid: Int
" The first element of the Coordinate"
x: Float
" The second element of the Coordinate"
y: Float
" The third element of the Coordinate"
z: Float
type _Neo4jTime {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
enum MovieType {
enum RelationDirection {
enum _MovieOrdering {
enum _Person0Ordering {
scalar DynamicProperties
input _Neo4jDateInput {
day: Int
formatted: String
month: Int
year: Int
input _Neo4jDateTimeInput {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
year: Int
input _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
year: Int
input _Neo4jLocalTimeInput {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
input _Neo4jPointInput {
crs: String
height: Float
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
srid: Int
x: Float
y: Float
z: Float
"query": {
"enabled": true,
"exclude": [
"mutation": {
"enabled": false
Augmented Schema
schema {
query: Query
interface HasMovies {
movies(filter: _MovieFilter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, movieType: MovieType, movieType_in: [MovieType!], movieType_not: MovieType, movieType_not_in: [MovieType!], offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie]
type Knows0 {
id: ID!
json: DynamicProperties
knows: Person0!
source: Person0!
type Knows1 {
id: ID!
knows: Person0!
source: Person0!
type Knows4 {
_id: ID!
json: DynamicProperties
knows: Person4!
source: Person4!
type Movie {
id: ID!
movieType: MovieType
publishedBy: Publisher
type Person0 {
born: _Neo4jTime
location: _Neo4jPoint
name: String
type Person1 {
born: _Neo4jDate
name: String
type Person2 {
age: Int
born: _Neo4jDateTime
name: String
type Person3 {
born: _Neo4jLocalTime
name: String!
type Person4 {
born: _Neo4jLocalDateTime
id: ID!
name: String
type Person5 implements HasMovies {
id: ID!
movies(filter: _MovieFilter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, movieType: MovieType, movieType_in: [MovieType!], movieType_not: MovieType, movieType_not_in: [MovieType!], offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie]
type Publisher {
name: ID!
type Query {
PersonByLocation(first: Int, location: _Neo4jPointInput, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person0Ordering!]): [Person0!]!
hasMovies(filter: _HasMoviesFilter, first: Int, offset: Int): [HasMovies!]!
knows0(filter: _Knows0Filter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Knows0Ordering!]): [Knows0!]!
knows1(filter: _Knows1Filter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Knows1Ordering!]): [Knows1!]!
knows4(_id: ID, filter: _Knows4Filter, first: Int, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Knows4Ordering!]): [Knows4!]!
movie(filter: _MovieFilter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, movieType: MovieType, movieType_in: [MovieType!], movieType_not: MovieType, movieType_not_in: [MovieType!], offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie!]!
person1(born: _Neo4jDateInput, born_in: [_Neo4jDateInput!], born_not: _Neo4jDateInput, born_not_in: [_Neo4jDateInput!], filter: _Person1Filter, first: Int, name: String, name_contains: String, name_ends_with: String, name_gt: String, name_gte: String, name_in: [String!], name_lt: String, name_lte: String, name_matches: String, name_not: String, name_not_contains: String, name_not_ends_with: String, name_not_in: [String!], name_not_starts_with: String, name_starts_with: String, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person1Ordering!]): [Person1!]!
person2(age: Int, age_gt: Int, age_gte: Int, age_in: [Int!], age_lt: Int, age_lte: Int, age_not: Int, age_not_in: [Int!], born: _Neo4jDateTimeInput, born_in: [_Neo4jDateTimeInput!], born_not: _Neo4jDateTimeInput, born_not_in: [_Neo4jDateTimeInput!], filter: _Person2Filter, first: Int, name: String, name_contains: String, name_ends_with: String, name_gt: String, name_gte: String, name_in: [String!], name_lt: String, name_lte: String, name_matches: String, name_not: String, name_not_contains: String, name_not_ends_with: String, name_not_in: [String!], name_not_starts_with: String, name_starts_with: String, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person2Ordering!]): [Person2!]!
person3(born: _Neo4jLocalTimeInput, born_in: [_Neo4jLocalTimeInput!], born_not: _Neo4jLocalTimeInput, born_not_in: [_Neo4jLocalTimeInput!], filter: _Person3Filter, first: Int, name: String, name_contains: String, name_ends_with: String, name_gt: String, name_gte: String, name_in: [String!], name_lt: String, name_lte: String, name_matches: String, name_not: String, name_not_contains: String, name_not_ends_with: String, name_not_in: [String!], name_not_starts_with: String, name_starts_with: String, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person3Ordering!]): [Person3!]!
person4(born: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput, born_in: [_Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput!], born_not: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput, born_not_in: [_Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput!], filter: _Person4Filter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, name: String, name_contains: String, name_ends_with: String, name_gt: String, name_gte: String, name_in: [String!], name_lt: String, name_lte: String, name_matches: String, name_not: String, name_not_contains: String, name_not_ends_with: String, name_not_in: [String!], name_not_starts_with: String, name_starts_with: String, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person4Ordering!]): [Person4!]!
person5(filter: _Person5Filter, first: Int, id: ID, id_contains: ID, id_ends_with: ID, id_gt: ID, id_gte: ID, id_in: [ID!], id_lt: ID, id_lte: ID, id_matches: ID, id_not: ID, id_not_contains: ID, id_not_ends_with: ID, id_not_in: [ID!], id_not_starts_with: ID, id_starts_with: ID, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person5Ordering!]): [Person5!]!
publisher(filter: _PublisherFilter, first: Int, name: ID, name_contains: ID, name_ends_with: ID, name_gt: ID, name_gte: ID, name_in: [ID!], name_lt: ID, name_lte: ID, name_matches: ID, name_not: ID, name_not_contains: ID, name_not_ends_with: ID, name_not_in: [ID!], name_not_starts_with: ID, name_starts_with: ID, offset: Int, orderBy: [_PublisherOrdering!]): [Publisher!]!
type _Neo4jDate {
day: Int
formatted: String
month: Int
year: Int
type _Neo4jDateTime {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
year: Int
type _Neo4jLocalDateTime {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
year: Int
type _Neo4jLocalTime {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
type _Neo4jPoint {
The coordinate reference systems (CRS)
posible values:
* `wgs-84`: A 2D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified in one of two ways:
* longitude and latitude (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84)
* x and y (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian)
* `wgs-84-3d`: A 3D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified one of in two ways:
* longitude, latitude and either height or z (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84-3D)
* x, y and z (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian-3D)
* `cartesian`: A 2D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x and y coordinate values
* `cartesian-3d`: A 3D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x, y and z coordinate values
crs: String
" The third element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, meters above the ellipsoid defined by the datum (WGS-84)"
height: Float
The second element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees North of the equator
Range -90.0 to 90.0
latitude: Float
The first element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees East of the prime meridian
Range -180.0 to 180.0
longitude: Float
The internal Neo4j ID for the CRS
One of:
* `4326`: represents CRS `wgs-84`
* `4979`: represents CRS `wgs-84-3d`
* `7203`: represents CRS `cartesian`
* `9157`: represents CRS `cartesian-3d`
srid: Int
" The first element of the Coordinate"
x: Float
" The second element of the Coordinate"
y: Float
" The third element of the Coordinate"
z: Float
type _Neo4jTime {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
enum MovieType {
enum RelationDirection {
enum _Knows0Ordering {
enum _Knows1Ordering {
enum _Knows4Ordering {
enum _MovieOrdering {
enum _Person0Ordering {
enum _Person1Ordering {
enum _Person2Ordering {
enum _Person3Ordering {
enum _Person4Ordering {
enum _Person5Ordering {
enum _PublisherOrdering {
scalar DynamicProperties
input _HasMoviesFilter {
AND: [_HasMoviesFilter!]
NOT: [_HasMoviesFilter!]
OR: [_HasMoviesFilter!]
"Filters only those `HasMovies` for which all `movies`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `HasMovies` will be filtered which has no `movies`-relations"
movies: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `HasMovies` for which all `movies`-relationships matches this filter"
movies_every: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `HasMovies` for which none of the `movies`-relationships matches this filter"
movies_none: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `HasMovies` for which all `movies`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `HasMovies` will be filtered which has any `movies`-relation"
movies_not: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `HasMovies` for which exactly one `movies`-relationship matches this filter"
movies_single: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `HasMovies` for which at least one `movies`-relationship matches this filter"
movies_some: _MovieFilter
input _Knows0Filter {
AND: [_Knows0Filter!]
NOT: [_Knows0Filter!]
OR: [_Knows0Filter!]
id: ID
id_contains: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_matches: ID
id_not: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
id_not_in: [ID]
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_starts_with: ID
"Filters only those `Knows0` for which the `knows`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows0` will be filtered which has no `knows`-relations"
knows: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows_not`-field"
knows_none: _Person0Filter
"Filters only those `Knows0` for which the `knows`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows0` will be filtered which has any `knows`-relation"
knows_not: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows`-field directly (without any suffix)"
knows_single: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows`-field directly (without any suffix)"
knows_some: _Person0Filter
"Filters only those `Knows0` for which the `source`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows0` will be filtered which has no `source`-relations"
source: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source_not`-field"
source_none: _Person0Filter
"Filters only those `Knows0` for which the `source`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows0` will be filtered which has any `source`-relation"
source_not: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source`-field directly (without any suffix)"
source_single: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source`-field directly (without any suffix)"
source_some: _Person0Filter
input _Knows1Filter {
AND: [_Knows1Filter!]
NOT: [_Knows1Filter!]
OR: [_Knows1Filter!]
id: ID
id_contains: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_matches: ID
id_not: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
id_not_in: [ID]
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_starts_with: ID
"Filters only those `Knows1` for which the `knows`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows1` will be filtered which has no `knows`-relations"
knows: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows_not`-field"
knows_none: _Person0Filter
"Filters only those `Knows1` for which the `knows`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows1` will be filtered which has any `knows`-relation"
knows_not: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows`-field directly (without any suffix)"
knows_single: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows`-field directly (without any suffix)"
knows_some: _Person0Filter
"Filters only those `Knows1` for which the `source`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows1` will be filtered which has no `source`-relations"
source: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source_not`-field"
source_none: _Person0Filter
"Filters only those `Knows1` for which the `source`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows1` will be filtered which has any `source`-relation"
source_not: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source`-field directly (without any suffix)"
source_single: _Person0Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source`-field directly (without any suffix)"
source_some: _Person0Filter
input _Knows4Filter {
AND: [_Knows4Filter!]
NOT: [_Knows4Filter!]
OR: [_Knows4Filter!]
_id: ID
_id_contains: ID
_id_ends_with: ID
_id_gt: ID
_id_gte: ID
_id_in: [ID]
_id_lt: ID
_id_lte: ID
_id_matches: ID
_id_not: ID
_id_not_contains: ID
_id_not_ends_with: ID
_id_not_in: [ID]
_id_not_starts_with: ID
_id_starts_with: ID
"Filters only those `Knows4` for which the `knows`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows4` will be filtered which has no `knows`-relations"
knows: _Person4Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows_not`-field"
knows_none: _Person4Filter
"Filters only those `Knows4` for which the `knows`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows4` will be filtered which has any `knows`-relation"
knows_not: _Person4Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows`-field directly (without any suffix)"
knows_single: _Person4Filter
"@deprecated Use the `knows`-field directly (without any suffix)"
knows_some: _Person4Filter
"Filters only those `Knows4` for which the `source`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows4` will be filtered which has no `source`-relations"
source: _Person4Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source_not`-field"
source_none: _Person4Filter
"Filters only those `Knows4` for which the `source`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Knows4` will be filtered which has any `source`-relation"
source_not: _Person4Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source`-field directly (without any suffix)"
source_single: _Person4Filter
"@deprecated Use the `source`-field directly (without any suffix)"
source_some: _Person4Filter
input _MovieFilter {
AND: [_MovieFilter!]
NOT: [_MovieFilter!]
OR: [_MovieFilter!]
id: ID
id_contains: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_matches: ID
id_not: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
id_not_in: [ID]
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_starts_with: ID
movieType: MovieType
movieType_in: [MovieType]
movieType_not: MovieType
movieType_not_in: [MovieType]
"Filters only those `Movie` for which the `publishedBy`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Movie` will be filtered which has no `publishedBy`-relations"
publishedBy: _PublisherFilter
"@deprecated Use the `publishedBy_not`-field"
publishedBy_none: _PublisherFilter
"Filters only those `Movie` for which the `publishedBy`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Movie` will be filtered which has any `publishedBy`-relation"
publishedBy_not: _PublisherFilter
"@deprecated Use the `publishedBy`-field directly (without any suffix)"
publishedBy_single: _PublisherFilter
"@deprecated Use the `publishedBy`-field directly (without any suffix)"
publishedBy_some: _PublisherFilter
input _Neo4jDateInput {
day: Int
formatted: String
month: Int
year: Int
input _Neo4jDateTimeInput {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
year: Int
input _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
year: Int
input _Neo4jLocalTimeInput {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
input _Neo4jPointDistanceFilter {
distance: Float!
point: _Neo4jPointInput!
input _Neo4jPointInput {
crs: String
height: Float
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
srid: Int
x: Float
y: Float
z: Float
input _Neo4jTimeInput {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
input _Person0Filter {
AND: [_Person0Filter!]
NOT: [_Person0Filter!]
OR: [_Person0Filter!]
born: _Neo4jTimeInput
born_in: [_Neo4jTimeInput]
born_not: _Neo4jTimeInput
born_not_in: [_Neo4jTimeInput]
location: _Neo4jPointInput
location_distance: _Neo4jPointDistanceFilter
location_distance_gt: _Neo4jPointDistanceFilter
location_distance_gte: _Neo4jPointDistanceFilter
location_distance_lt: _Neo4jPointDistanceFilter
location_distance_lte: _Neo4jPointDistanceFilter
location_not: _Neo4jPointInput
name: String
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_in: [String]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_matches: String
name_not: String
name_not_contains: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_not_in: [String]
name_not_starts_with: String
name_starts_with: String
input _Person1Filter {
AND: [_Person1Filter!]
NOT: [_Person1Filter!]
OR: [_Person1Filter!]
born: _Neo4jDateInput
born_in: [_Neo4jDateInput]
born_not: _Neo4jDateInput
born_not_in: [_Neo4jDateInput]
name: String
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_in: [String]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_matches: String
name_not: String
name_not_contains: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_not_in: [String]
name_not_starts_with: String
name_starts_with: String
input _Person2Filter {
AND: [_Person2Filter!]
NOT: [_Person2Filter!]
OR: [_Person2Filter!]
age: Int
age_gt: Int
age_gte: Int
age_in: [Int]
age_lt: Int
age_lte: Int
age_not: Int
age_not_in: [Int]
born: _Neo4jDateTimeInput
born_in: [_Neo4jDateTimeInput]
born_not: _Neo4jDateTimeInput
born_not_in: [_Neo4jDateTimeInput]
name: String
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_in: [String]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_matches: String
name_not: String
name_not_contains: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_not_in: [String]
name_not_starts_with: String
name_starts_with: String
input _Person3Filter {
AND: [_Person3Filter!]
NOT: [_Person3Filter!]
OR: [_Person3Filter!]
born: _Neo4jLocalTimeInput
born_in: [_Neo4jLocalTimeInput]
born_not: _Neo4jLocalTimeInput
born_not_in: [_Neo4jLocalTimeInput]
name: String
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_in: [String]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_matches: String
name_not: String
name_not_contains: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_not_in: [String]
name_not_starts_with: String
name_starts_with: String
input _Person4Filter {
AND: [_Person4Filter!]
NOT: [_Person4Filter!]
OR: [_Person4Filter!]
born: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput
born_in: [_Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput]
born_not: _Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput
born_not_in: [_Neo4jLocalDateTimeInput]
id: ID
id_contains: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_matches: ID
id_not: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
id_not_in: [ID]
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_starts_with: ID
name: String
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_in: [String]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_matches: String
name_not: String
name_not_contains: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_not_in: [String]
name_not_starts_with: String
name_starts_with: String
input _Person5Filter {
AND: [_Person5Filter!]
NOT: [_Person5Filter!]
OR: [_Person5Filter!]
id: ID
id_contains: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_matches: ID
id_not: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
id_not_in: [ID]
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_starts_with: ID
"Filters only those `Person5` for which all `movies`-relationship matches this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Person5` will be filtered which has no `movies`-relations"
movies: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `Person5` for which all `movies`-relationships matches this filter"
movies_every: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `Person5` for which none of the `movies`-relationships matches this filter"
movies_none: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `Person5` for which all `movies`-relationship does not match this filter. If `null` is passed to this field, only those `Person5` will be filtered which has any `movies`-relation"
movies_not: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `Person5` for which exactly one `movies`-relationship matches this filter"
movies_single: _MovieFilter
"Filters only those `Person5` for which at least one `movies`-relationship matches this filter"
movies_some: _MovieFilter
input _PublisherFilter {
AND: [_PublisherFilter!]
NOT: [_PublisherFilter!]
OR: [_PublisherFilter!]
name: ID
name_contains: ID
name_ends_with: ID
name_gt: ID
name_gte: ID
name_in: [ID]
name_lt: ID
name_lte: ID
name_matches: ID
name_not: ID
name_not_contains: ID
name_not_ends_with: ID
name_not_in: [ID]
name_not_starts_with: ID
name_starts_with: ID
"query": {
"enabled": false
"mutation": {
"enabled": true,
"exclude": [
Augmented Schema
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
interface HasMovies {
movies(first: Int, offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie]
type Knows0 {
id: ID!
json: DynamicProperties
knows: Person0!
source: Person0!
type Knows1 {
id: ID!
knows: Person0!
source: Person0!
type Knows4 {
_id: ID!
json: DynamicProperties
knows: Person4!
source: Person4!
type Movie {
id: ID!
movieType: MovieType
publishedBy: Publisher
type Mutation {
addMoviePublishedBy(id: ID!, publishedBy: ID!): Movie!
addPerson5Movies(id: ID!, movies: [ID!]!): Person5!
createKnows4(json: DynamicProperties, knows_id: ID!, source_id: ID!): Knows4!
createMovie(id: ID!, movieType: MovieType): Movie!
createPerson5(id: ID!): Person5!
createPublisher(name: ID!): Publisher!
"Deletes Knows0 and returns the type itself"
deleteKnows0(id: ID!): Knows0
"Deletes Knows1 and returns the type itself"
deleteKnows1(id: ID!): Knows1
"Deletes Knows4 and returns the type itself"
deleteKnows4(_id: ID!): Knows4
"Deletes Movie and returns the type itself"
deleteMovie(id: ID!): Movie
deleteMoviePublishedBy(id: ID!, publishedBy: ID!): Movie
"Deletes Person5 and returns the type itself"
deletePerson5(id: ID!): Person5
deletePerson5Movies(id: ID!, movies: [ID!]!): Person5
"Deletes Publisher and returns the type itself"
deletePublisher(name: ID!): Publisher
mergeKnows0(id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows0!
mergeKnows4(_id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows4!
mergeMovie(id: ID!, movieType: MovieType): Movie!
updateKnows0(id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows0
updateKnows4(_id: ID!, json: DynamicProperties): Knows4
updateMovie(id: ID!, movieType: MovieType): Movie
type Person0 {
born: _Neo4jTime
location: _Neo4jPoint
name: String
type Person1 {
born: _Neo4jDate
name: String
type Person2 {
age: Int
born: _Neo4jDateTime
name: String
type Person3 {
born: _Neo4jLocalTime
name: String!
type Person4 {
born: _Neo4jLocalDateTime
id: ID!
name: String
type Person5 implements HasMovies {
id: ID!
movies(first: Int, offset: Int, orderBy: [_MovieOrdering!]): [Movie]
type Publisher {
name: ID!
type Query {
PersonByLocation(first: Int, location: _Neo4jPointInput, offset: Int, orderBy: [_Person0Ordering!]): [Person0!]!
type _Neo4jDate {
day: Int
formatted: String
month: Int
year: Int
type _Neo4jDateTime {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
year: Int
type _Neo4jLocalDateTime {
day: Int
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
month: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
year: Int
type _Neo4jLocalTime {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
type _Neo4jPoint {
The coordinate reference systems (CRS)
posible values:
* `wgs-84`: A 2D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified in one of two ways:
* longitude and latitude (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84)
* x and y (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian)
* `wgs-84-3d`: A 3D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified one of in two ways:
* longitude, latitude and either height or z (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84-3D)
* x, y and z (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian-3D)
* `cartesian`: A 2D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x and y coordinate values
* `cartesian-3d`: A 3D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x, y and z coordinate values
crs: String
" The third element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, meters above the ellipsoid defined by the datum (WGS-84)"
height: Float
The second element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees North of the equator
Range -90.0 to 90.0
latitude: Float
The first element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees East of the prime meridian
Range -180.0 to 180.0
longitude: Float
The internal Neo4j ID for the CRS
One of:
* `4326`: represents CRS `wgs-84`
* `4979`: represents CRS `wgs-84-3d`
* `7203`: represents CRS `cartesian`
* `9157`: represents CRS `cartesian-3d`
srid: Int
" The first element of the Coordinate"
x: Float
" The second element of the Coordinate"
y: Float
" The third element of the Coordinate"
z: Float
type _Neo4jTime {
formatted: String
hour: Int
microsecond: Int
millisecond: Int
minute: Int
nanosecond: Int
second: Int
timezone: String
enum MovieType {
enum RelationDirection {
enum _MovieOrdering {
enum _Person0Ordering {
scalar DynamicProperties
input _Neo4jPointInput {
crs: String
height: Float
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
srid: Int
x: Float
y: Float
z: Float