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This is a sample notebook and web application which shows how Google Cloud Vertex AI can be used with Neo4j. We will explore how to leverage generative AI to build and consume a knowledge graph in Neo4j.

The dataset we're using is from the SEC's EDGAR system. It was downloaded using these scripts.

The dataflow in this demo consists of two parts:

  1. Ingestion - we read the EDGAR files with VertexAI, extracting entities and relationships from them which is then ingested into a Neo4j database deployed from GCP Marketplace
  2. Consumption - A user inputs natural language into a chat UI. Vertex AI GenAI converts that to Neo4j Cypher which is run against the database. This flow allows non technical users to query the database.

Setup VertexAI Workbench

To get started setting up the demo, clone this repo into a VertexAI Workbench environment and then run through the notebooks numbered 1 and 2. Create a managed notebook in Google Cloud Vertex AI. Be sure to select "single user" when starting a managed notebook to run this, otherwise the auth won't allow access to the preview.

Once that has started, open the notebook and a terminal window within that. Clone this repo with the command:

git clone

Deploy Neo4j AuraDS Professional

This demo requires a Neo4j instance. You can deploy that using the GCP Marketplace listing here

Enable VertexAI API and GenAI Models

This demo uses multiple GenAI Models inside the Vertex GenAI Model Garden. Please ensure that you have access to these Models:

  • Text Embedding Gecko
  • Gemini Pro 1.5
  • Anthropic Claude Opus or Sonnet V3


The UI application is based on Streamlit. In this example we're going to show how to run it on a Google Compute Engine (GCE) VM. First, deploy a VM. You need to replace your environment specific values in the command below:

export VM_INSTANCE_NAME='neo4j-generative-ai-google-cloud'
export GCP_PROJECT_NAME=$(gcloud config get-value project)
gcloud compute instances create $VM_INSTANCE_NAME \
    --image-project debian-cloud \
    --image-family debian-12 \

Next, login to the new VM instance:

gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" $VM_INSTANCE_NAME --project $GCP_PROJECT_NAME

We're going to be running the application on port 80. That requires root access, so first:

sudo su

Then you'll need to install git and clone this repo:

apt install -y git
mkdir -p /app
cd /app
git clone
cd neo4j-generative-ai-google-cloud/assetmanager

Login using GCP credentials via the gcloud cli or assign Vertex AI API access via Service Account to the Compute Engine

gcloud auth application-default login

Let's install python & pip first:

apt install -y python
apt install -y pip

Now, let's create a Virtual Environment to isolate our Python environment and activate it

apt-get install -y python3-venv
python3 -m venv /app/venv/genai
source /app/venv/genai/bin/activate

To install Streamlit and other dependencies:

cd ui
pip install -r requirements.txt

Check if streamlit command is accessible from PATH by running this command:

streamlit --version

If not, you need to add the streamlit binary to PATH variable like below:

export PATH="/app/venv/genai/bin:$PATH"

Next up you'll need to create a secrets file for the app to use. Open the file and edit it:

cd streamlit
cd .streamlit
cp secrets.toml.example secrets.toml
vi secrets.toml

You will now need to edit that file to reflect your credentials. The file has the following variables:

GCP_PROJECT = "myprojectname" #e.g. neo4jbd
GCP_LOCATION = "us-central1" #e.g. us-central1
SUMMARY_MODEL = "" #e.g. gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0409
CYPHER_MODEL = "" #e.g. gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0409
EMBEDDING_MODEL  = "" #e.g. textembedding-gecko@003. Ensure that the same model is provided during the ingestion phases in the `2-text-embedding.ipynb` notebook
MULTIMODAL_MODEL = "" #e.g. claude-3-opus@20240229
NEO4J_HOST = "neo4j+s://URL"
NEO4J_PORT = "7687"
NEO4J_USER = "neo4j"
NEO4J_PASSWORD = "Foo12345678"
NEO4J_DB = "neo4j"

Now we can run the app with the commands:

cd ..
streamlit run --server.port=80

On a GCP VM to run on port 80:

  • Ensure you are a root or has access to run on port 80

  • If you are running sudo, you also need to run the gcloud auth command above as a sudoer. And ensure that streamlit is accessible from the PATH.

  • Ensure that the VM has port 80 open for HTTP access. You might need to open that port or any other via firewall-rules. You can use the following gcloud command to open the port. Make sure you replace with relevant values. You also need to add network tags to your VM before executing this command:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create <rule-name> --allow tcp:80 --source-tags=<list-of-your-instances-name-tags> --source-ranges= --description="<your-description-here>"