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Mark Bao edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 10 revisions

ActiveNode is the ActiveRecord replacement module for Rails. Its syntax should be familiar for ActiveRecord users but has some unique qualities.

To use ActiveNode, include Neo4j::ActiveNode in a class.

class Post
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode


All properties for Neo4j::ActiveNode objects must be declared (unlike neo4j-core nodes). Properties are declared using the property method which is the same as attribute from the active_attr gem.


class Post
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  property :title, index: :exact
  property :text, default: 'bla bla bla'
  property :score, type: Integer, default: 0

  validates :title, :presence => true
  validates :score, numericality: { only_integer: true }

  before_save do
    self.score = score * 100

Properties can be indexed using the index argument on the property method, see example above.

Property Index

To declare a index on a property

class Person
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  property :name, index: :exact

Only exact index is currently possible.

Indexes can also be declared like this:

class Person
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  property :name
  index :name

Property Constraint

You can declare that a property should have a unique value.

class Person
  property :id_number, constraint: :unique # will raise an exception if id_number is not unique

Notice an unique validation is not enough to be 100% sure that a property is unique (because of concurrency issues, just like ActiveRecord). Constraints can also be declared just like indexes separately, see above.

Property Serialization

Pass a property name as a symbol to the serialize method if you want to save a hash or an array with mixed object types* to the database.

class Student
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode

  property :links

  serialize :links

s = Student.create(links: { neo4j: '', neotech: '' })
# => {"neo4j"=>"", "neotech"=>""}
# => Hash

Neo4j.rb serializes as JSON by default but pass it the constant Hash as a second parameter to serialize as YAML. Those coming from ActiveRecord will recognize this behavior, though Rails serializes as YAML by default.

*Neo4j allows you to save Ruby arrays to undefined or String types but their contents need to all be of the same type. You can do user.stuff = [1, 2, 3] or user.stuff = ["beer, "pizza", "doritos"] but not user.stuff = [1, "beer", "pizza"]. If you wanted to do that, you could call serialize on your property in the model.


Implements like Active Records the following callback hooks:

  • initialize
  • validation
  • find
  • save
  • create
  • update
  • destroy

created_at, updated_at


class Blog
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  property :updated_at  # will automatically be set when model changes


Support the Active Model validation, such as:

  • validates :age, presence: true
  • validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :adult

id property (primary key)

Unique IDs are automatically created for all nodes using SecureRandom::uuid. See Unique IDs for details.


What follows is an overview of adding associations to models. For more detailed information, see Declared Relationships.

has_many and has_one associations can also be defined on ActiveNode models to make querying and creating relationships easier.

class Post
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  has_many :in, :comments, origin: :post
  has_one :out, :author, type: :author, model_class: Person

class Comment
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  has_one :out, :post, type: :post
  has_one :out, :author, type: :author, model_class: Person

class Person
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  has_many :in, :posts, origin: :author
  has_many :in, :comments, origin: :author

You can query associations:

post.comments.to_a          # Array of comments                # Post object       # Original comment and all of it's siblings.  Makes just one query
post.comments.authors.posts # All posts of people who have commented on the post.  Still makes just one query

You can create associations

post.comments = [comment1, comment2]  # Removes all existing relationships
post.comments << comment3             # Creates new relationship = post1                  # Removes all existing relationships
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