- General
- Replace Create-React-App movie-app with a more simple web-app with less dependencies (less nagging about npm audit)
- Lint
- Add unit-tests/Jest
- Update all references to old app
- Replace Create-React-App movie-app with a more simple web-app with less dependencies (less nagging about npm audit)
- Exercise 1
- General: To verbose, to much text. Reduce verbosity
- Add section about Node.js install
- Add section about Git install
- GitHub images outdated, needs to be updated
- Add links to GitHub documentation for account creation, forking and cloning operations
- Suggest GitHub Desktop for people unfamiliar with GitHub
- Replace references to "your favorite text editor" with VS Code
- Remove section about dot-files being hidden in Windows explorer (they are visibile in vscode and the terminal anyway)
- Remove part about Create-React-App
- Update app screenshot
- Update "How it works" (description of app)
- Exercise 2
- Replace Travis CI with GitHub Actions
- Exercise 3
- Replace Travis CI references
- Replace Heroku with Azure
- Remove all references to old React app
- Exercise 4
- Freestyle task
- More ex 4?
- Remember to remove workflows from repo before workshop!!