Under MIT license.
RoxFadingLed is a simple utility to fade an Led, you can turn the led on/off when it's on the led will fade a specified rate (in beats per minutes / BPM)
RoxFadingLed requires the LED to be wired to a PWM pins.
See the examples for more info
#include <RoxMux.h>
// for this example we'll use the pin 3 which is a PWM pin on teensy
RoxFadingLed led;
void setup(){
Serial.println("RoxFadingLed Example");
// little delay before starting
// begin() will take in the pin number
// for this example we'll use the pin 3 which is a PWM pin on teensy
// the led fading rate is handled in Beats per Minute
// use .setBPM with a value between 30 and 300
// the lower the value the slower the fading rate
// turn the led on
void loop(){
// use led.on(), led.off() or led.toggle() to control the led
// the led will transition it's brightness from 0 to 255
// then back down to 0 by 1 value.