diff --git a/INDEX.md b/INDEX.md
index b91200d..8328d57 100644
--- a/INDEX.md
+++ b/INDEX.md
@@ -455,101 +455,101 @@ See also: [STATS.md](STATS.md)
# Node Notes
-- ''clitic'' (`Tree IMeanYeahOK-0`)
-- 'Wrong answers only version' (https://twitter.com/DailySyntaxTree/status/1351714293071409157) (`Tree WomanRuledDead2-0`)
-- 'a full two seconds'; cf. 'mere' ([lunged](datasets/oneoff/pdf/lunged.pdf))
-- 'all over': treating 'all' as modifier (see CGEL p. 645) (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_Meditation20052_06390a5f75b2e1f2_ENG_20050316_091700-0036`)
-- 'all the while' idiom with a relative clause (not serving as modifier in a clause) ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
-- 'all' as modifier in PP: p. 645 ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
-- 'enough' as post-head modifier: p. 397 (`reviews-124163-0001`)
-- 'only' phrase triggering subj-aux inversion (pp. 95-96) ([vaporization](datasets/oneoff/pdf/vaporization.pdf))
-- Adj-of-BodyPart cxn ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
-- I_x dreamt I_x/y was Beyonce_y and I_x kissed me_y (`Tree IdreamtIwasBeyoncé-0`)
-- Looks like a case where either PP or fused relative analysis is possible (p. 1078); go with PP for simplicity (`reviews-299169-0003`)
-- PP as subject (pp. 646-647) (`reviews-122564-0002`)
-- PP in lieu of DP, p. 433 (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_INTPunderground_b2c62e87877e4a22_ENG_20050906_165900-0085`)
-- TIME DURATION + earlier/later: pp. 632, 698 ([swingingbed](datasets/oneoff/pdf/swingingbed.pdf))
-- TODO: belongs under NP? (`email-enronsent39_01-0060`)
-- TODO: flat? (`email-enronsent13_01-0092`)
-- TODO: stative depictive: Comp or PredComp? ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
-- TODO: xpos ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
-- TODO: xpos ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
-- This is the combining form -like, which is fairly productive (p. 1711). An argument could be made for :Mod as Nom not NP as this resembles attributive modification in the N-N compound construction: 'anchovy(-like) pizza' > 'anchovies(-like) pizza' (`answers-20111108104724AAuBUR7_ans-0087`)
-- X, not Y (pp. 1313-1314) (`answers-20111107164802AAq8nhF_ans-0007`)
-- absolute ([newlife](datasets/oneoff/pdf/newlife.pdf))
-- adverb (p. 566) (`answers-20111108103333AA3eSCk_ans-0019`)
-- ambiguous attachment 'of the department...' ([usc34-1](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc34-1.pdf) `Title 34-1`)
-- awkward treatment of subject and copula ellipsis in diary style: (I am) now outside (ideally 'now' would be a Mod, but without a verb there is no VP to host it) (`Tree NowOutsideInZero-0`)
-- bare age (`weblog-blogspot.com_aggressivevoicedaily_20060811122000_ENG_20060811_122000-0033`)
-- can't decide whether transitive or intransitive PP ([atonement](datasets/oneoff/pdf/atonement.pdf))
-- central adjunct following aux; cf. 'the question *really* is' (`Tree ImLegitWritingIt-0`)
-- central adjunct preceding aux, p. 780; clause-oriented adjunct pp. 575-578; unclear whether it should be regarded as inside the VP or not (`Tree AThirdWaveIsPreventable-0`)
-- cf. p. 331 [10b] ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
-- cf. until later, p. 640 ([swingingbed](datasets/oneoff/pdf/swingingbed.pdf))
-- city-state construction (`answers-20111108084416AAoPgBv_ans-0004`)
-- comparative (`Tree IdidntRealize-0`)
-- conditional inversion (p. 96) ([bakhmut](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bakhmut.pdf))
-- depictive supplement ([lunged](datasets/oneoff/pdf/lunged.pdf))
-- depictive supplement cf. p. 1265 [4iia]? ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
-- directional preposition modifier (p. 645) (`answers-20111108091921AAaLK4e_ans-0070`)
-- directional preposition modifier in PP (p. 645) (`email-enronsent35_01-0010`)
-- dislocation (`answers-20111108082304AAEbrNs_ans-0016`)
-- double preposition stranding ([kindoffriend](datasets/oneoff/pdf/kindoffriend.pdf))
-- double-complement PP; cf. 'from Boston to Providence', p. 641. Also a spatial PP taking the place of an object in clause structure ([waistup](datasets/oneoff/pdf/waistup.pdf))
-- elementary property NP as determiner (p. 357) ([whatcolorsocks](datasets/oneoff/pdf/whatcolorsocks.pdf))
-- ellipsis of auxiliary (does)? (`Tree WhoDidYouSee-0`)
-- enumerated proper name ([usc-acreage](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-acreage.pdf) `Title 34-2`)
-- enumerated proper name ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
-- enumerated proper name ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
-- enumerated proper name (`reviews-020992-0003`)
-- exclamative ([bedtime](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bedtime.pdf))
-- exclamative ([newlife](datasets/oneoff/pdf/newlife.pdf))
-- exclamative ([schumer](datasets/oneoff/pdf/schumer.pdf))
-- exclamative (`Tree IdidntRealize-0`)
-- exclamatory-interrogative ([howstupid](datasets/oneoff/pdf/howstupid.pdf))
-- format-italics-emphasis ([vaporization](datasets/oneoff/pdf/vaporization.pdf))
-- format-italics-publication ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
-- fronted partitive PP: p. 903 discusses 'which' + partitives but not with the partitive fronted (`answers-20111107155815AA6LXXJ_ans-0001`)
-- fully-gapped-ok ([howstupid](datasets/oneoff/pdf/howstupid.pdf))
-- hollow to-infinitival as indirect complement licensed by adjective: see p. 1249 ([bakhmut](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bakhmut.pdf))
-- imperative (`twitter-etc-trial-0007`)
-- impersonal construction (p. 960) (`Tree ItIsntThat-0`)
-- implicit partitive fused-head quantificational adjunct, pp. 413, 428 (`Tree WeReAllFriends-0`)
-- implied 'is' (headlinese) ([xkcd-garden-path](datasets/oneoff/pdf/xkcd-garden-path.pdf))
-- interpreted as compound pronoun (p. 427) (`Tree I-mMutingMyself-0`)
-- interrogative ([bedtime](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bedtime.pdf))
-- interrogative: cf. p. 1077 29[iii] ([dinner](datasets/oneoff/pdf/dinner.pdf))
-- it-cleft (`twitter-etc-trial-0008`)
-- it-cleft as a question (`twitter-etc-trial-0009`)
-- medial adverb (`Tree ThisMustNowBe-0`)
-- medial adverb modifier within nominal. see Payne/Huddleston/Pullum (2010), 'The distribution and category status of adjectives and adverbs' (`Tree TheArrivalRecentlyOf-0`)
-- metalinguistic mention ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
-- metalinguistic mention ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
-- more than (number): p. 432 (`twitter-etc-trial-0002`)
-- multi-gaps-ok ([leisure](datasets/oneoff/pdf/leisure.pdf))
-- multi-gaps-ok: across-the-board extraction from coordinated subject-relative and object-relative (`twitter-etc-trial-0005`)
-- multi-gaps-ok: wh-extraction from an it-cleft (`reviews-206303-0004`)
-- nonreferential distributive indefinite (cf. '50 miles an hour'; pp. 408, 446) ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
-- not only: pp. 1314-1315 (`reviews-008585-0004`)
-- p. 1660 says this construction produces compound adjectives that 'readily convert to nouns', though arguably '6 year' could be treated like an attributive Nom in a compound (`Tree UpdatingAnApp-0`)
-- p. 385: degree modifier in clause structure, AmE (cf. %That wouldn't help us any.) ([appetite](datasets/oneoff/pdf/appetite.pdf))
-- p. 445 (`answers-20111108103333AA3eSCk_ans-0019`)
-- passive ([leisure](datasets/oneoff/pdf/leisure.pdf))
-- post-head 'each' meaning 'apiece': akin to post-head internal modifier 'one day more' (p. 445) (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_hiddennook_e21e429b3ad58235_ENG_20050830_214700-0010`)
-- post-head modifier of compound determinative, p. 423 (`answers-20111108084416AAoPgBv_ans-0004`)
-- predeterminer ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
-- predeterminer (`Tree AllYourBase-0`)
-- predeterminer (`Tree AllYourTreeDiagrams-0`)
-- predeterminer (`Tree ThatIsSuchA-0`)
-- prepositional passive: SIEG2 p. 367 (`twitter-etc-trial-0007`)
-- pseudo-cleft with content clause; cf. p. 1421 [26i] ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
-- punishment sense of 'for' - an argument could be made for Comp (`Tree DeltaHasBanned-0`)
-- resumptive pronoun (`Tree Here-sThePaper-0`)
-- structure of 'along with' is unclear; treating 'along' as head (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_eHolistic_2dd76f31ceb6bfe8_ENG_20050513_224200-0022`)
-- surprising coordinate (a relative clause would be expected) (`twitter-etc-trial-0010`)
-- temperature expression (measurement) (`answers-20111108104957AAsMzvU_ans-0006`)
-- tough-adjective with hollow to-infinitival as indirect complement (pp. 1248-1249) (`answers-20111106015552AAj6rCu_ans-0001`)
-- with-absolute construction; possibly should be considered a verbless clause? (`email-enronsent07_01-0061`)
+- `Adj` _full_ 'a full two seconds'; cf. 'mere' ([lunged](datasets/oneoff/pdf/lunged.pdf))
+- `Adj` _good_ tough-adjective with hollow to-infinitival as indirect complement (pp. 1248-1249) (`answers-20111106015552AAj6rCu_ans-0001`)
+- `Adj` _like_ This is the combining form -like, which is fairly productive (p. 1711). An argument could be made for :Mod as Nom not NP as this resembles attributive modification in the N-N compound construction: 'anchovy(-like) pizza' > 'anchovies(-like) pizza' (`answers-20111108104724AAuBUR7_ans-0087`)
+- `AdjP` Adj-of-BodyPart cxn ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
+- `AdjP` p. 445 (`answers-20111108103333AA3eSCk_ans-0019`)
+- `AdjP` predeterminer (`Tree ThatIsSuchA-0`)
+- `Adv` _alone_ cf. p. 331 [10b] ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
+- `Adv` _earlier_ TIME DURATION + earlier/later: pp. 632, 698 ([swingingbed](datasets/oneoff/pdf/swingingbed.pdf))
+- `Adv` _legit_ central adjunct following aux; cf. 'the question *really* is' (`Tree ImLegitWritingIt-0`)
+- `Adv` _really_ central adjunct preceding aux, p. 780; clause-oriented adjunct pp. 575-578; unclear whether it should be regarded as inside the VP or not (`Tree AThirdWaveIsPreventable-0`)
+- `Adv` _recently_ medial adverb modifier within nominal. see Payne/Huddleston/Pullum (2010), 'The distribution and category status of adjectives and adverbs' (`Tree TheArrivalRecentlyOf-0`)
+- `Adv` _sometimes_ adverb (p. 566) (`answers-20111108103333AA3eSCk_ans-0019`)
+- `AdvP` medial adverb (`Tree ThisMustNowBe-0`)
+- `AdvP` not only: pp. 1314-1315 (`reviews-008585-0004`)
+- `Clause` awkward treatment of subject and copula ellipsis in diary style: (I am) now outside (ideally 'now' would be a Mod, but without a verb there is no VP to host it) (`Tree NowOutsideInZero-0`)
+- `Clause` comparative (`Tree IdidntRealize-0`)
+- `Clause` conditional inversion (p. 96) ([bakhmut](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bakhmut.pdf))
+- `Clause` depictive supplement ([lunged](datasets/oneoff/pdf/lunged.pdf))
+- `Clause` depictive supplement cf. p. 1265 [4iia]? ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
+- `Clause` ellipsis of auxiliary (does)? (`Tree WhoDidYouSee-0`)
+- `Clause` exclamative ([bedtime](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bedtime.pdf))
+- `Clause` exclamative ([newlife](datasets/oneoff/pdf/newlife.pdf))
+- `Clause` exclamative ([schumer](datasets/oneoff/pdf/schumer.pdf))
+- `Clause` exclamative (`Tree IdidntRealize-0`)
+- `Clause` exclamatory-interrogative ([howstupid](datasets/oneoff/pdf/howstupid.pdf))
+- `Clause` hollow to-infinitival as indirect complement licensed by adjective: see p. 1249 ([bakhmut](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bakhmut.pdf))
+- `Clause` imperative (`twitter-etc-trial-0007`)
+- `Clause` impersonal construction (p. 960) (`Tree ItIsntThat-0`)
+- `Clause` interrogative ([bedtime](datasets/oneoff/pdf/bedtime.pdf))
+- `Clause` interrogative: cf. p. 1077 29[iii] ([dinner](datasets/oneoff/pdf/dinner.pdf))
+- `Clause` it-cleft (`twitter-etc-trial-0008`)
+- `Clause` it-cleft as a question (`twitter-etc-trial-0009`)
+- `Clause` multi-gaps-ok: wh-extraction from an it-cleft (`reviews-206303-0004`)
+- `Clause` passive ([leisure](datasets/oneoff/pdf/leisure.pdf))
+- `Clause` prepositional passive: SIEG2 p. 367 (`twitter-etc-trial-0007`)
+- `Clause` surprising coordinate (a relative clause would be expected) (`twitter-etc-trial-0010`)
+- `Clause_rel` multi-gaps-ok ([leisure](datasets/oneoff/pdf/leisure.pdf))
+- `Clause_rel` multi-gaps-ok: across-the-board extraction from coordinated subject-relative and object-relative (`twitter-etc-trial-0005`)
+- `Coordination` I_x dreamt I_x/y was Beyonce_y and I_x kissed me_y (`Tree IdreamtIwasBeyoncé-0`)
+- `Coordination` X, not Y (pp. 1313-1314) (`answers-20111107164802AAq8nhF_ans-0007`)
+- `Coordination` ambiguous attachment 'of the department...' ([usc34-1](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc34-1.pdf) `Title 34-1`)
+- `D` _a_ nonreferential distributive indefinite (cf. '50 miles an hour'; pp. 408, 446) ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
+- `D` _all_ 'all' as modifier in PP: p. 645 ([insectspecies](datasets/oneoff/pdf/insectspecies.pdf))
+- `D` _all_ format-italics-emphasis ([vaporization](datasets/oneoff/pdf/vaporization.pdf))
+- `D` _all_ implicit partitive fused-head quantificational adjunct, pp. 413, 428 (`Tree WeReAllFriends-0`)
+- `D` _all_ predeterminer ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
+- `D` _any_ p. 385: degree modifier in clause structure, AmE (cf. %That wouldn't help us any.) ([appetite](datasets/oneoff/pdf/appetite.pdf))
+- `D` _enough_ 'enough' as post-head modifier: p. 397 (`reviews-124163-0001`)
+- `DP` more than (number): p. 432 (`twitter-etc-trial-0002`)
+- `DP` post-head 'each' meaning 'apiece': akin to post-head internal modifier 'one day more' (p. 445) (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_hiddennook_e21e429b3ad58235_ENG_20050830_214700-0010`)
+- `DP` predeterminer (`Tree AllYourBase-0`)
+- `DP` predeterminer (`Tree AllYourTreeDiagrams-0`)
+- `N` _2002(a)_ TODO: xpos ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
+- `N` _6-year-old_ p. 1660 says this construction produces compound adjectives that 'readily convert to nouns', though arguably '6 year' could be treated like an attributive Nom in a compound (`Tree UpdatingAnApp-0`)
+- `N` _Indians_ metalinguistic mention ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
+- `N` _NDIAN_ metalinguistic mention ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
+- `N` _Sun_ format-italics-publication ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
+- `N` _clitic_ ''clitic'' (`Tree IMeanYeahOK-0`)
+- `N` _while_ 'all the while' idiom with a relative clause (not serving as modifier in a clause) ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
+- `N` _§707(a)(3)_ TODO: xpos ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
+- `NP` bare age (`weblog-blogspot.com_aggressivevoicedaily_20060811122000_ENG_20060811_122000-0033`)
+- `NP` city-state construction (`answers-20111108084416AAoPgBv_ans-0004`)
+- `NP` dislocation (`answers-20111108082304AAEbrNs_ans-0016`)
+- `NP` elementary property NP as determiner (p. 357) ([whatcolorsocks](datasets/oneoff/pdf/whatcolorsocks.pdf))
+- `NP` pseudo-cleft with content clause; cf. p. 1421 [26i] ([mutantfleas](datasets/oneoff/pdf/mutantfleas.pdf))
+- `NP+Clause` absolute ([newlife](datasets/oneoff/pdf/newlife.pdf))
+- `N_pro` _it_ resumptive pronoun (`Tree Here-sThePaper-0`)
+- `N_pro` _you all_ interpreted as compound pronoun (p. 427) (`Tree I-mMutingMyself-0`)
+- `Nom` 'Wrong answers only version' (https://twitter.com/DailySyntaxTree/status/1351714293071409157) (`Tree WomanRuledDead2-0`)
+- `Nom` TODO: flat? (`email-enronsent13_01-0092`)
+- `Nom` enumerated proper name ([usc-acreage](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-acreage.pdf) `Title 34-2`)
+- `Nom` enumerated proper name ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
+- `Nom` enumerated proper name ([usc-rule2002a](datasets/oneoff/pdf/usc-rule2002a.pdf))
+- `Nom` enumerated proper name (`reviews-020992-0003`)
+- `Nom` temperature expression (measurement) (`answers-20111108104957AAsMzvU_ans-0006`)
+- `P` _along_ structure of 'along with' is unclear; treating 'along' as head (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_eHolistic_2dd76f31ceb6bfe8_ENG_20050513_224200-0022`)
+- `P` _back_ directional preposition modifier (p. 645) (`answers-20111108091921AAaLK4e_ans-0070`)
+- `P` _over_ can't decide whether transitive or intransitive PP ([atonement](datasets/oneoff/pdf/atonement.pdf))
+- `P` _over_ directional preposition modifier in PP (p. 645) (`email-enronsent35_01-0010`)
+- `P` _until_ cf. until later, p. 640 ([swingingbed](datasets/oneoff/pdf/swingingbed.pdf))
+- `PP` 'all over': treating 'all' as modifier (see CGEL p. 645) (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_Meditation20052_06390a5f75b2e1f2_ENG_20050316_091700-0036`)
+- `PP` 'only' phrase triggering subj-aux inversion (pp. 95-96) ([vaporization](datasets/oneoff/pdf/vaporization.pdf))
+- `PP` Looks like a case where either PP or fused relative analysis is possible (p. 1078); go with PP for simplicity (`reviews-299169-0003`)
+- `PP` PP as subject (pp. 646-647) (`reviews-122564-0002`)
+- `PP` PP in lieu of DP, p. 433 (`newsgroup-groups.google.com_INTPunderground_b2c62e87877e4a22_ENG_20050906_165900-0085`)
+- `PP` TODO: belongs under NP? (`email-enronsent39_01-0060`)
+- `PP` TODO: stative depictive: Comp or PredComp? ([uniform](datasets/oneoff/pdf/uniform.pdf))
+- `PP` double-complement PP; cf. 'from Boston to Providence', p. 641. Also a spatial PP taking the place of an object in clause structure ([waistup](datasets/oneoff/pdf/waistup.pdf))
+- `PP` fronted partitive PP: p. 903 discusses 'which' + partitives but not with the partitive fronted (`answers-20111107155815AA6LXXJ_ans-0001`)
+- `PP` post-head modifier of compound determinative, p. 423 (`answers-20111108084416AAoPgBv_ans-0004`)
+- `PP` punishment sense of 'for' - an argument could be made for Comp (`Tree DeltaHasBanned-0`)
+- `PP` with-absolute construction; possibly should be considered a verbless clause? (`email-enronsent07_01-0061`)
+- `VP` double preposition stranding ([kindoffriend](datasets/oneoff/pdf/kindoffriend.pdf))
+- `VP` fully-gapped-ok ([howstupid](datasets/oneoff/pdf/howstupid.pdf))
+- `VP` implied 'is' (headlinese) ([xkcd-garden-path](datasets/oneoff/pdf/xkcd-garden-path.pdf))
# Infrequent Categories
diff --git a/scripts/make_index.py b/scripts/make_index.py
index 436ff9f..6a1e3e8 100644
--- a/scripts/make_index.py
+++ b/scripts/make_index.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def main(cgelpaths):
for node in tree.tokens.values():
if node.note:
- notes.append((node.note, sentId))
+ notes.append((node.constituent, node.lexeme, node.note, sentId))
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ def main(cgelpaths):
print(f'- `{m}` ({count}/{nTrees})' + (' ' + ', '.join(sorted(meta[m])) + '' if count({sentId})')
+ for nodecat,nodelex,note,sentId in sorted(notes):
+ print(f'- `{nodecat}`' + (f' _{nodelex}_ ' if nodelex else '') + f' {note} ({sentId})')
print('# Infrequent Categories\n')
print(f'Of {nTrees} trees, the following occurred in fewer than 5% ({thresh}):\n')