In this example, NSM-system is deployed on three clusters. The third cluster is used as a floating-registry
- Load balancer
- Interdomain DNS
- Interdomain spire
Apply NSM resources for cluster1:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG1 apply -k
Apply NSM resources for cluster2:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG2 apply -k
Apply NSM resources for cluster3:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG3 apply -k
Wait for nsmgr-proxy-service exposing:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG1 get services nsmgr-proxy -n nsm-system -o go-template='{{index (index (index (index .status "loadBalancer") "ingress") 0) "ip"}}'
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG2 get services nsmgr-proxy -n nsm-system -o go-template='{{index (index (index (index .status "loadBalancer") "ingress") 0) "ip"}}'
Wait for admission-webhook-k8s:
WH=$(kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG1 get pods -l app=admission-webhook-k8s -n nsm-system --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG1 wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod ${WH} -n nsm-system
WH=$(kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG2 get pods -l app=admission-webhook-k8s -n nsm-system --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG2 wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod ${WH} -n nsm-system
Wait for registry exposing:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG3 get services registry -n nsm-system -o go-template='{{index (index (index (index .status "loadBalancer") "ingress") 0) "ip"}}'
To free resources follow the next command:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG1 delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration nsm-mutating-webhook
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG1 delete ns nsm-system
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG2 delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration nsm-mutating-webhook
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG2 delete ns nsm-system
kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG3 delete ns nsm-system