diff --git a/ARCtrl.NET.sln b/ARCtrl.Querymodel.sln
similarity index 66%
rename from ARCtrl.NET.sln
rename to ARCtrl.Querymodel.sln
index b56f1b0..e3c2842 100644
--- a/ARCtrl.NET.sln
+++ b/ARCtrl.Querymodel.sln
@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution
-Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ARCtrl.NET", "src\ARCtrl.NET\ARCtrl.NET.fsproj", "{A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}"
-Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ARCtrl.NET.Tests", "tests\ARCtrl.NET.Tests\ARCtrl.NET.Tests.fsproj", "{74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ARCtrl.QueryModel", "src\ARCtrl.QueryModel\ARCtrl.QueryModel.fsproj", "{1927F72B-180E-49C7-A189-96176E6067D3}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests", "tests\ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests\ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests.fsproj", "{3907F71F-1F36-4164-A53A-68DBCB5DC22E}"
@@ -45,30 +41,6 @@ Global
{E7F453CD-BCCA-42EF-96A2-C74B9A09A593}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{E7F453CD-BCCA-42EF-96A2-C74B9A09A593}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{E7F453CD-BCCA-42EF-96A2-C74B9A09A593}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {A6324D54-1D9A-4EE8-BD57-FEB59132821B}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {74227D27-9ED9-45CC-BF80-1569C80719F7}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1927F72B-180E-49C7-A189-96176E6067D3}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1927F72B-180E-49C7-A189-96176E6067D3}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1927F72B-180E-49C7-A189-96176E6067D3}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5794cb5..9f02d46 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,45 +1,38 @@
-# ARCtrl.NET
+# ARCtrl.Querymodel
+> [!NOTE]
+> Filesystem Access has been implemented in ARCtrl since v2.3.0, even transpilable to JS and Python. ARCtrl.NET is therefore deprecated and this repository hosts only ARCtrl.Querymodel.
-This library functions as an IO wrapper for the [ARCtrl](https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl) library in .NET.
+Adds querying functionality to the core [ARCtrl](https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl) package in .NET.
The documentation for the actual functions for manipulating the ARC datamodel can be found [here](https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/tree/main/docs/scripts_fsharp).
## Usage
-#r "nuget: ARCtrl.NET"
-open ARCtrl.NET
open ARCtrl
+open ARCtrl.QueryModel
+open ARCtrl.ISA
+let i = ArcInvestigation("Dummy Investigation")
-let arcPath = ""
-let arc = ARC.load(arcPath)
-let isa = arc.ISA.Value
+i.ArcTables.Values().WithName("Dummy Header").First.ValueText
+i.GetAssay("Dummy Assay").LastSamples
## Development
-`./build.cmd runtests`
-## ARCtrl.Querymodel
+#### Requirements
-open ARCtrl
-open ARCtrl.QueryModel
-open ARCtrl.ISA
+- [.NET SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download)
+ - verify with `dotnet --version` (Tested with 7.0.306)
-let i = ArcInvestigation("Dummy Investigation")
+#### Local Setup
-i.ArcTables.Values().WithName("Dummy Header").First.ValueText
+- Setup dotnet tools `dotnet tool restore`
-i.GetAssay("Dummy Assay").LastSamples
+- Verify correct setup with `./build.cmd runtests` ✨
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/ProjectInfo.fs b/build/ProjectInfo.fs
index b3b1209..2b3425f 100644
--- a/build/ProjectInfo.fs
+++ b/build/ProjectInfo.fs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let project = "ARCtrl.NET"
let testProjects =
- "tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests.fsproj"
+ //"tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests.fsproj"
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/ARCtrl.NET.fsproj b/src/ARCtrl.NET/ARCtrl.NET.fsproj
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd2574..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/ARCtrl.NET.fsproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- netstandard2.1
- true
- 3390;$(WarnOn)
- nfdi4plants, Lukas Weil
- Library for easy handling of ARC folders and files with file access in .NET.
- F# FSharp dotnet .Net bioinformatics biology datascience metadata investigation study assay ISA XLSX ARC IO ARCtrl
- https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl.NET
- https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl.NET
- git
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Arc.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Arc.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index fe04a18..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Arc.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-open ARCtrl
-open Contract
-module ARCExtensions =
- type ARC with
- member this.Write(arcPath) =
- this.GetWriteContracts()
- |> Array.iter (Contract.fulfillWriteContract arcPath)
- static member load (arcPath : string) =
- let paths = Path.getAllFilePaths arcPath
- let arc = ARC.fromFilePaths paths
- let contracts = arc.GetReadContracts()
- let fulFilledContracts =
- contracts
- |> Array.map (fulfillReadContract arcPath)
- arc.SetISAFromContracts(fulFilledContracts)
- arc
- ///// Initializes the ARC-specific folder structure.
- //let initFolders (arcPath) =
- // subFolderPaths
- // |> List.iter (fun n ->
- // let dp = Path.Combine(arcPath,n)
- // let dir = Directory.CreateDirectory(dp)
- // File.Create(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, ".gitkeep")).Close()
- // )
- /// Initializes the ARC-specific git repository.
- static member initGit(workDir,?repositoryAddress : string,?branch : string) =
- let log = Logging.createLogger "ArcInitGitLog"
- log.Trace("Init Git repository")
- let branch = branch |> Option.defaultValue "main"
- try
- GitHelper.executeGitCommand workDir $"init -b {branch}"
- log.Trace("Add remote repository")
- match repositoryAddress with
- | None -> ()
- | Some remote ->
- GitHelper.executeGitCommand workDir $"remote add origin {remote}"
- //GitHelper.executeGitCommand workDir $"branch -u origin/{branch} {branch}"
- with
- | e ->
- log.Error($"Git could not be set up. Please try installing Git cli and run `arc git init`.\n\t{e}")
- ///// Initializes the ARC-specific folder structure, investigation file and git repository.
- //let init (workDir : string) (identifier : string) (repositoryAddress : string option) (branch : string option) =
- // let log = Logging.createLogger "ArcInitLog"
- // log.Info("Start Arc Init")
- // log.Trace("Create Directory")
- // Directory.CreateDirectory workDir |> ignore
- // log.Trace("Initiate folder structure")
- // initFolders workDir
- // log.Trace("Initiate investigation file")
- // let inv = ISADotNet.Investigation.create(Identifier=identifier)
- // Investigation.write workDir inv
- // initGit workDir repositoryAddress branch
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Assay.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Assay.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b293f1..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Assay.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-open ARCtrl
-open ARCtrl
-open ARCtrl.Spreadsheet
-open FsSpreadsheet
-open FsSpreadsheet.Net
-open System.IO
-module Assay =
- module AssayFolder =
- /// Checks if an assay folder exists in the ARC.
- let exists (arc : string) (identifier : string) =
- Path.Combine([|arc;ARCtrl.ArcPathHelper.AssaysFolderName;identifier|])
- |> System.IO.Directory.Exists
- let readByFileName (arc : string) (assayFileName : string) =
- Path.Combine([|arc;assayFileName|]).Replace(@"\","/")
- |> FsWorkbook.fromXlsxFile
- |> ArcAssay.fromFsWorkbook
- let readByIdentifier (arc : string) (identifier : string) =
- Helper.Identifier.Assay.fileNameFromIdentifier identifier
- |> readByFileName arc
- //let tryReadFromFolder (folderPath : string) =
- // try
- // readFromFolder folderPath |> Some
- // with | _ -> None
- //let tryReadByFileName (arc : string) (assayFileName : string) =
- // try
- // readByFileName arc assayFileName |> Some
- // with | _ -> None
- //let tryReadByName (arc : string) (assayName : string) =
- // try
- // readByName arc assayName |> Some
- // with | _ -> None
- //let writeToFolder (folderPath : string) (contacts : Person list) (assay : Assay) =
- // let ap = Path.Combine (folderPath,assayFileName)
- // AssayFile.Assay.toFile ap contacts assay
- //let write (arc : string) (contacts : Person list) (assay : Assay) =
- // if assay.FileName.IsNone then
- // failwith "Cannot write assay to arc, as it has no filename"
- // let ap = Path.Combine ([|arc;"assays";assay.FileName.Value|])
- // AssayFile.Assay.toFile ap contacts assay
- //let add (arc : string) (assay : ArcAssay) =
- // if assay.FileName.IsNone then
- // failwith "Given assay does not contain filename"
- // let assayIdentifier = identifierFromFileName assay.FileName.Value
- // if AssayFolder.exists arc assayIdentifier then
- // printfn $"Assay folder with identifier {assayIdentifier} already exists."
- // else
- // subFolderPaths
- // |> List.iter (fun n ->
- // let dp = Path.Combine([|arc;rootFolderName;assayIdentifier;n|])
- // let dir = Directory.CreateDirectory(dp)
- // File.Create(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, ".gitkeep")).Close()
- // )
- // let assayFilePath = Path.Combine([|arc;rootFolderName;assay.FileName.Value|])
- // AssayFile.Assay.toFile assayFilePath [] assay
- //let init (arc : string) (assayName : string) =
- // let assay = Assay.create(FileName = nameToFileName assayName)
- // init arc assay
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Contract.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Contract.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7afe0..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Contract.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-module ARCtrl.NET.Contract
-open ARCtrl.Contract
-open FsSpreadsheet
-open FsSpreadsheet.Net
-let fulfillReadContract basePath (c : Contract) =
- let log = Logging.createLogger("ReadContractHandler")
- match c.DTOType with
- | Some DTOType.ISA_Assay
- | Some DTOType.ISA_Investigation
- | Some DTOType.ISA_Study ->
- let path = System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, c.Path)
- let wb = FsWorkbook.fromXlsxFile path |> box |> DTO.Spreadsheet
- {c with DTO = Some wb}
- | Some DTOType.PlainText ->
- let path = System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, c.Path)
- let text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path) |> DTO.Text
- {c with DTO = Some text}
- | _ ->
- log.Info(sprintf "Contract %s is not an ISA contract" c.Path)
- c
-let fulfillWriteContract basePath (c : Contract) =
- let log = Logging.createLogger("WriteContractHandler")
- match c.DTO with
- | Some (DTO.Spreadsheet wb) ->
- let path = System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, c.Path)
- Path.ensureDirectory path
- FsWorkbook.toXlsxFile path (wb :?> FsWorkbook)
- | Some (DTO.Text t) ->
- let path = System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, c.Path)
- Path.ensureDirectory path
- System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path,t)
- | None ->
- let path = System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, c.Path)
- Path.ensureDirectory path
- System.IO.File.Create(path).Close()
- | _ ->
- log.Info(sprintf "Contract %s is not an ISA contract" c.Path)
-//let fulfillExecuteContract basePath (c : Contract) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger("ExecuteContractHandler")
-// match c.DTO with
-// | Some (DTO.CLITool tool) ->
-// let path = System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, c.Path)
-// Path.ensureDirectory path
-// FsWorkbook.toFile path (wb :?> FsWorkbook)
-// | _ -> log.Info(sprintf "Contract %O is not an Execute contract" c)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Converter.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Converter.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8833269..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Converter.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET.Converter
-//open ISADotNet
-//open ISADotNet.QueryModel
-//open FsSpreadsheet.DSL
-//open LitXml
-//open JsonDSL
-//open System.Text.Json
-//type ARCconverter =
-//| ARCtoCSV of (QInvestigation -> QStudy -> QAssay -> SheetEntity)
-//| ARCtoTSV of (QInvestigation -> QStudy -> QAssay -> SheetEntity)
-//| ARCtoXLSX of (QInvestigation -> QStudy -> QAssay -> SheetEntity)
-//| ARCtoXML of (QInvestigation -> QStudy -> QAssay -> LitXml.XmlPart)
-//| ARCtoJSON of (QInvestigation -> QStudy -> QAssay -> JEntity)
-// member this.ConvertCSV(i,s,a) =
-// match this with
-// | ARCtoCSV f -> f i s a
-// | _ -> failwith "could not convert to csv"
-// member this.ConvertTSV(i,s,a) =
-// match this with
-// | ARCtoTSV f -> f i s a
-// | _ -> failwith "could not convert to tsv"
-// member this.ConvertXLSX(i,s,a) =
-// match this with
-// | ARCtoXLSX f -> f i s a
-// | _ -> failwith "could not convert to xlsx"
-// member this.ConvertXML(i,s,a) =
-// match this with
-// | ARCtoXML f -> f i s a
-// | _ -> failwith "could not convert to xml"
-// member this.ConvertJsn(i,s,a) =
-// match this with
-// | ARCtoJSON f -> f i s a
-// | _ -> failwith "could not convert to xml"
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/GitHelper.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/GitHelper.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b3d4e..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/GitHelper.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-open System.Diagnostics
-open System.Runtime.InteropServices
-open System.IO
-module GitHelper =
- /// Executes Git command and returns git output.
- let executeGitCommandWithResponse (repoDir : string) (command : string) =
- let log = Logging.createLogger "ExecuteGitCommandLog"
- log.Trace($"Run git {command}")
- let procStartInfo =
- ProcessStartInfo(
- WorkingDirectory = repoDir,
- RedirectStandardOutput = true,
- RedirectStandardError = true,
- UseShellExecute = false,
- FileName = "git",
- Arguments = command
- )
- let outputs = System.Collections.Generic.List()
- let outputHandler (_sender:obj) (args:DataReceivedEventArgs) =
- if (args.Data = null |> not) then
- if args.Data.ToLower().Contains ("error") then
- log.Error($"GIT: {args.Data}")
- elif args.Data.ToLower().Contains ("trace") then
- log.Trace($"GIT: {args.Data}")
- else
- outputs.Add(args.Data)
- log.Info($"GIT: {args.Data}")
- let errorHandler (_sender:obj) (args:DataReceivedEventArgs) =
- if (args.Data = null |> not) then
- let msg = args.Data.ToLower()
- if msg.Contains ("error") || msg.Contains ("fatal") then
- log.Error($"GIT: {args.Data}")
- elif msg.Contains ("trace") then
- log.Trace($"GIT: {args.Data}")
- else
- outputs.Add(args.Data)
- log.Info($"GIT: {args.Data}")
- let p = new Process(StartInfo = procStartInfo)
- p.OutputDataReceived.AddHandler(DataReceivedEventHandler outputHandler)
- p.ErrorDataReceived.AddHandler(DataReceivedEventHandler errorHandler)
- p.Start() |> ignore
- p.BeginOutputReadLine()
- p.BeginErrorReadLine()
- p.WaitForExit()
- outputs
- /// Executes Git command.
- let executeGitCommand (repoDir : string) (command : string) =
- executeGitCommandWithResponse repoDir command |> ignore
- let formatRepoString username pass (url : string) =
- let comb = username + ":" + pass + "@"
- url.Replace("https://","https://" + comb)
- let setLocalEmail (dir : string) (email : string) =
- executeGitCommand dir (sprintf "config user.email \"%s\"" email)
- let tryGetLocalEmail (dir : string) =
- let r = executeGitCommandWithResponse dir "config --local --get user.email"
- if r.Count = 0 then None
- else Some r.[0]
- let setGlobalEmail (email : string) =
- executeGitCommand "" (sprintf "config --global user.email \"%s\"" email)
- let tryGetGlobalEmail () =
- let r = executeGitCommandWithResponse "" "config --global --get user.email"
- if r.Count = 0 then None
- else Some r.[0]
- let setLocalName (dir : string) (name : string) =
- executeGitCommand dir (sprintf "config user.name \"%s\"" name)
- let tryGetLocalName (dir : string) =
- let r = executeGitCommandWithResponse dir "config --local --get user.name"
- if r.Count = 0 then None
- else Some r.[0]
- let setGlobalName (name : string) =
- executeGitCommand "" (sprintf "config --global user.name \"%s\"" name)
- let tryGetGlobalName () =
- let r = executeGitCommandWithResponse "" "config --global --get user.name"
- if r.Count = 0 then None
- else Some r.[0]
- let clone dir url =
- executeGitCommand dir (sprintf "clone %s" url)
- let noLFSConfig = "-c \"filter.lfs.smudge = git-lfs smudge --skip -- %f\" -c \"filter.lfs.process = git-lfs filter-process --skip\""
- let cloneNoLFS dir url =
- executeGitCommand dir (sprintf "clone %s %s" noLFSConfig url)
- let add dir =
- executeGitCommand dir "add ."
- let commit dir message =
- executeGitCommand dir (sprintf "commit -m \"%s\"" message)
- let push dir =
- executeGitCommand dir "push"
- /// Set containing all the paths and path rules that should be tracked using git lfs
- type LFSRuleSet = Set
- /// Checks the .gitattributes file in the repo for all git lfs paths and path rules
- let retrieveLFSRules repoDir : LFSRuleSet =
- let gitAttributesFilePath = Path.Combine(repoDir,".gitattributes")
- let lfsRulePattern = ".*(?= filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text)"
- if File.Exists gitAttributesFilePath then
- File.ReadAllLines(gitAttributesFilePath)
- |> Array.choose (fun l ->
- let r = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(l,lfsRulePattern)
- if r.Success then
- Some r.Value
- else None
- )
- |> set
- else Set.empty
- let containsLFSRule (ruleSet : LFSRuleSet) (path : string) =
- ruleSet.Contains path
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Investigation.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Investigation.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c8cea5..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Investigation.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-//open ISADotNet
-//open ISADotNet.XLSX
-//open System.IO
-//module Investigation =
-// let investigationFileName = "isa.investigation.xlsx"
-// /// Creates an investigation file in the ARC.
-// let write (arcDir : string) (investigation : ISADotNet.Investigation) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "InvestigationWriteLog"
-// log.Info("Start Investigation Write")
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(arcDir,investigationFileName)) then
-// log.Error("Investigation file does already exist.")
-// else
-// let investigationFilePath = Path.Combine(arcDir,investigationFileName)
-// Investigation.toFile investigationFilePath investigation
-// /// Creates an investigation file in the ARC.
-// let overWrite (arcDir : string) (investigation : ISADotNet.Investigation) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "InvestigationWriteLog"
-// log.Info("Start Investigation Write")
-// let investigationFilePath = Path.Combine(arcDir,investigationFileName)
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(investigationFilePath) then
-// try
-// let cache = File.ReadAllBytes(investigationFilePath)
-// File.Delete(investigationFilePath)
-// try
-// Investigation.toFile investigationFilePath investigation
-// with
-// | err ->
-// File.WriteAllBytes(investigationFilePath,cache)
-// log.Error($"Investigation file could not be overwritten: {err.Message}")
-// with
-// | err ->
-// log.Error($"Investigation file could not be overwritten: {err.Message}")
-// else
-// Investigation.toFile investigationFilePath investigation
-// /// Reads an investigation from the ARC.
-// let read (arcDir : string) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "InvestigationReadLog"
-// log.Info("Start Investigation Read")
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(arcDir,investigationFileName)) then
-// let investigationFilePath = Path.Combine(arcDir,investigationFileName)
-// Investigation.fromFile investigationFilePath
-// else
-// log.Error("Investigation file does not exist.")
-// raise (System.SystemException())
-// /// Reads and combines all ISA components of the ARC into the ISA object
-// let fromArcFolder (arcDir : string) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "InvestigationFromArcFolderLog"
-// // read investigation from investigation file
-// let ip = Path.Combine(arcDir,investigationFileName).Replace(@"\","/")
-// let i = Investigation.fromFile ip
-// // get study list from study files and assay files
-// let istudies =
-// i.Studies
-// |> Option.map (List.map (fun study ->
-// //// read study from file
-// match study.Identifier with
-// | Some id ->
-// let studyFromFile = Study.readByIdentifier arcDir id
-// let mergedStudy = API.Update.UpdateByExistingAppendLists.updateRecordType study studyFromFile
-// // update study assays and contacts with information from assay files
-// match study.Assays with
-// | Some assays ->
-// let scontacts,sassays =
-// assays
-// |> List.fold (fun (cl,al) assay ->
-// match assay.FileName with
-// | Some fn ->
-// let contactsFromFile,assayFromFile = Assay.readByFileName arcDir assay.FileName.Value
-// cl @ contactsFromFile, al @ [assayFromFile]
-// | None ->
-// log.Warn("Study \'" + id + "\' contains Assay without filename.")
-// cl, al @ [assay]
-// ) (mergedStudy.Contacts |> Option.defaultValue [],[])
-// {mergedStudy with
-// Contacts = Some (scontacts |> List.distinct)
-// Assays = Some sassays
-// }
-// | None ->
-// mergedStudy
-// | None ->
-// log.Warn("Investigation file contains study without identifier.")
-// study
-// ))
-// // construct complete process list from studies and assays, then update by itself
-// let iprocesses =
-// istudies
-// |> Option.map (List.fold (fun pl study ->
-// let sprocesses = study.ProcessSequence |> Option.defaultValue []
-// let aprocesses =
-// study.Assays
-// |> Option.map (List.fold (fun spl assay ->
-// let ap = assay.ProcessSequence |> Option.defaultValue []
-// spl @ ap
-// ) [] )
-// |> Option.defaultValue []
-// pl @ sprocesses @ aprocesses
-// ) [] )
-// |> Option.defaultValue []
-// let ref = iprocesses |> ProcessSequence.updateByItself
-// // update investigation processes
-// let istudies' =
-// istudies
-// |> Option.map (List.map (fun study ->
-// {study with
-// Assays = study.Assays |> Option.map (List.map (fun a -> {a with ProcessSequence = a.ProcessSequence |> Option.map (ProcessSequence.updateByRef ref)}))
-// ProcessSequence = study.ProcessSequence |> Option.map (ProcessSequence.updateByRef ref)
-// }
-// ))
-// // fill investigation with information from study files and assay files
-// {i with Studies = istudies'}
-// |> API.Investigation.update
-// /// Registers an assay to the investigation arc registry
-// let registerAssay arcDir studyName (assayName) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "RegisterAssayLog"
-// let _, assay = Assay.readByName arcDir assayName
-// let investigation = read arcDir
-// match investigation.Studies with
-// | Some studies ->
-// match API.Study.tryGetByIdentifier studyName studies with
-// | Some study ->
-// match study.Assays with
-// | Some assays ->
-// match Assay.tryReadByName arcDir assayName with
-// | Some _ ->
-// log.Error($"Assay with the identifier {assayName} already exists in the investigation file.")
-// assays
-// | None ->
-// API.Assay.add assays assay
-// | None ->
-// [assay]
-// |> API.Study.setAssays study
-// |> fun s -> API.Study.updateByIdentifier API.Update.UpdateAll s studies
-// | None ->
-// log.Info($"Study with the identifier {studyName} does not exist yet, creating it now.")
-// let study = Study.create(Identifier = studyName, Assays = [assay])
-// Study.init arcDir study
-// API.Study.add studies study
-// | None ->
-// log.Info($"Study with the identifier {studyName} does not exist yet, creating it now.")
-// let study = Study.create(Identifier = studyName, Assays = [assay])
-// Study.init arcDir study
-// [study]
-// |> API.Investigation.setStudies investigation
-// |> write arcDir
-// /// Update investigation file with information from the different ISA components of the ARC
-// let updateRegistry arcDir =
-// fromArcFolder arcDir
-// |> overWrite arcDir
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Logging.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Logging.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c3fb3..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Logging.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module ARCtrl.NET.Logging
-open System
-open NLog
-open NLog.Config
-open NLog.Targets
-open NLog.Conditions
-/// Creates a new logger with the given name. Configuration details are obtained from the generateConfig function.
-let createLogger (loggerName : string) =
- // new instance of "Logger" with activated config
- let logger = LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName)
- logger
-/// Takes a logger and an exception and separates usage and error messages. Usage messages will be printed into the console while error messages will be logged.
-let handleExceptionMessage (log : NLog.Logger) (exn : Exception) =
- // separate usage message (Argu) and error messages. Error messages shall be logged, usage messages shall not, empty error message shall not appear at all
- let isUsageMessage = exn.Message.Contains("USAGE") || exn.Message.Contains("SUBCOMMANDS")
- let isErrorMessage = exn.Message.Contains("ERROR")
- let isEmptyMessage = exn.Message = ""
- match isUsageMessage, isErrorMessage, isEmptyMessage with
- | true,true,false -> // exception message contains usage AND error messages
- let eMsg, uMsg =
- exn.Message.Split(Environment.NewLine) // '\n' leads to parsing problems
- |> fun arr ->
- arr |> Array.find (fun t -> t.Contains("ERROR")),
- arr |> Array.filter (fun t -> t.Contains("ERROR") |> not) |> String.concat "\n" // Argu usage instruction shall not be logged as error
- log.Error(eMsg)
- printfn "%s" uMsg
- | true,false,false -> printfn "%s" exn.Message // exception message contains usage message but NO error message
- | false,false,true -> () // empty error message
- | _ -> log.Error(exn) // everything else will be a non-empty error message
-/// Checks if a message (string) is empty and if it is not, applies a logging function to it.
-let checkNonLog s (logging : string -> unit) = if s <> "" then logging s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Path.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Path.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 58da8a0..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Path.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module ARCtrl.NET.Path
-open System.IO
-let ensureDirectory (filePath : string) =
- let file = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
- file.Directory.Create()
-/// Return the absolute path relative to the directoryPath
-let makeRelative directoryPath (path : string) =
- if directoryPath = "." || directoryPath = "/" || directoryPath = "" then path
- else
- if path.StartsWith(directoryPath) then
- path.Substring(directoryPath.Length)
- else path
-let standardizeSlashes (path : string) =
- path.Replace("\\","/")
-let getAllFilePaths (directoryPath : string) =
- let rec allFiles dirs =
- if Seq.isEmpty dirs then Seq.empty else
- seq { yield! dirs |> Seq.collect Directory.EnumerateFiles
- yield! dirs |> Seq.collect Directory.EnumerateDirectories |> allFiles }
- allFiles [directoryPath] |> Seq.toArray
- |> Array.map (makeRelative directoryPath >> standardizeSlashes)
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Run.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Run.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ba1ae..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Run.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-module Run =
- let rootFolderName = "runs"
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Study.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Study.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index d7a59a5..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Study.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-//open ISADotNet
-//open ISADotNet.XLSX
-//open System.IO
-//module Study =
-// let rootFolderName = "studies"
-// let studyFileName = "isa.study.xlsx"
-// let subFolderPaths =
-// ["resources";"protocol"]
-// module StudyFolder =
-// /// Checks if a Study folder exists in the ARC.
-// let exists (arc : string) (identifier : string) =
-// Path.Combine([|arc;rootFolderName;identifier|])
-// |> System.IO.Directory.Exists
-// /// Returns the Study identifiers of the Study Files located in each Study's folder of a given path to an ARC.
-// let findStudyIdentifiers arcDir =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "findStudyIdentifiersLog"
-// let studiesPath = Path.Combine(arcDir, rootFolderName)
-// try
-// let studyFolders = Directory.GetDirectories studiesPath
-// studyFolders
-// |> Array.collect (
-// fun sf ->
-// let studyIdentifier = (DirectoryInfo sf).Name
-// Directory.GetFiles sf
-// |> Array.choose (fun s ->
-// if s.EndsWith "isa.study.xlsx" then
-// Some studyIdentifier
-// elif s.EndsWith "_isa.study.xlsx" then
-// log.Warn $"The Study File of Study {studyIdentifier} has a deprecated File Name: {s}"
-// Some studyIdentifier
-// else
-// None
-// )
-// )
-// with e ->
-// log.Error e.Message
-// [||]
-// let readFromFolder (arc : string) (folderPath : string) =
-// let sp = Path.Combine(folderPath,studyFileName).Replace(@"\","/")
-// let study = StudyFile.Study.fromFile sp
-// match study.Assays with
-// | Some assays ->
-// let contacts,ps,assays =
-// assays
-// |> List.fold (fun (contacts,processSequence,assays) a ->
-// let c,a = Assay.readByFileName arc a.FileName.Value
-// contacts @ c, processSequence @ (a.ProcessSequence |> Option.defaultValue []), assays @ [a]
-// ) (study.Contacts |> Option.defaultValue [],study.ProcessSequence |> Option.defaultValue [],[])
-// let ref = ps |> ProcessSequence.updateByItself
-// let updatedAssays =
-// assays
-// |> List.map (fun a ->
-// {a with ProcessSequence = a.ProcessSequence |> Option.map (ProcessSequence.updateByRef ref)}
-// )
-// {study with
-// ProcessSequence = study.ProcessSequence |> Option.map (ProcessSequence.updateByRef ref)
-// Assays = Some updatedAssays
-// Contacts = Option.fromValueWithDefault [] (contacts |> List.distinct)
-// }
-// | None ->
-// {study with ProcessSequence = study.ProcessSequence |> Option.map ProcessSequence.updateByItself}
-// let readByIdentifier (arc : string) (studyIdentifier : string) =
-// Path.Combine ([|arc;rootFolderName;studyIdentifier|])
-// |> readFromFolder arc
-// /// Writes a study to the given folder. Fails, if the file already exists
-// let writeToFolder (folderPath : string) (study : Study) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "StudyWriteLog"
-// log.Info("Start Study Write")
-// let studyFilePath = Path.Combine (folderPath,studyFileName)
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(studyFilePath) then
-// log.Error("Study file does already exist.")
-// else
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// /// Writes a study to the given folder. Overwrites it, if the file already exists
-// let overWriteToFolder (folderPath : string) (study : Study) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "StudyWriteLog"
-// log.Info("Start Study Write")
-// let studyFilePath = Path.Combine (folderPath,studyFileName)
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(studyFilePath) then
-// try
-// let cache = File.ReadAllBytes(studyFilePath)
-// File.Delete(studyFilePath)
-// try
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// with
-// | err ->
-// File.WriteAllBytes(studyFilePath,cache)
-// log.Error($"Study file could not be overwritten: {err.Message}")
-// with
-// | err ->
-// log.Error($"Study file could not be overwritten: {err.Message}")
-// else
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// /// Writes a study to the arc. Fails, if the file already exists
-// let write (arc : string) (study : Study) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "StudyWriteLog"
-// log.Info("Start Study Write")
-// if study.FileName.IsNone then
-// log.Error("Cannot write study to arc, as it has no filename")
-// else
-// let studyFilePath = Path.Combine ([|arc;rootFolderName;study.FileName.Value|])
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(studyFilePath) then
-// log.Error("Study file does already exist.")
-// else
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// /// Writes a study to the arc. Overwrites it, if the file already exists
-// let overWrite (arc : string) (study : Study) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "StudyWriteLog"
-// log.Info("Start Study Write")
-// if study.FileName.IsNone then
-// log.Error("Cannot write study to arc, as it has no filename")
-// else
-// let studyFilePath = Path.Combine ([|arc;rootFolderName;study.FileName.Value|])
-// if System.IO.File.Exists(studyFilePath) then
-// try
-// let cache = File.ReadAllBytes(studyFilePath)
-// File.Delete(studyFilePath)
-// try
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// with
-// | err ->
-// File.WriteAllBytes(studyFilePath,cache)
-// log.Error($"Study file could not be overwritten: {err.Message}")
-// with
-// | err ->
-// log.Error($"Study file could not be overwritten: {err.Message}")
-// else
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// let init (arc : string) (study : Study) =
-// if study.Identifier.IsNone || study.FileName.IsNone then
-// failwith "Given study does not contain identifier or filename"
-// let studyIdentifier = study.Identifier.Value
-// if StudyFolder.exists arc studyIdentifier then
-// printfn $"Study folder with identifier {studyIdentifier} already exists."
-// else
-// subFolderPaths
-// |> List.iter (fun n ->
-// let dp = Path.Combine([|arc;rootFolderName;studyIdentifier;n|])
-// let dir = Directory.CreateDirectory(dp)
-// File.Create(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, ".gitkeep")).Close()
-// )
-// let studyFilePath = Path.Combine([|arc;rootFolderName;study.FileName.Value|])
-// StudyFile.Study.toFile studyFilePath study
-// let initFromName (arc : string) (studyName : string) =
-// let studyFileName = Path.Combine(studyName,studyFileName).Replace(@"\","/")
-// let study = Study.create(FileName = studyFileName, Identifier = studyName)
-// init arc study
-// /// Takes the path to an ARC and lists all study identifiers registered in this ARC's investigation file.
-// let list (arcDir : string) =
-// let log = Logging.createLogger "StudyListLog"
-// log.Info("Start Study List")
-// (* the following part is _not nice_: The functionality for this already exists in Investigation.fs. Unfortunately, Investigation.fs is compiled *AFTER*
-// Study.fs and, thus, we cannot use functions from there. Moving Study.fs after Investigation.fs in compilation order also does not work due to
-// Investigation.fs using functions from Study.fs.
-// If someone finds a solution for this F#-specific compilation problem, feel free to fix :) *)
-// let investigationFilePath = Path.Combine(arcDir, "isa.investigation.xlsx")
-// log.Trace($"InvestigationFile: {investigationFilePath}")
-// let investigation = Investigation.fromFile investigationFilePath
-// // end of part
-// let studyFileIdentifiers = set (StudyFolder.findStudyIdentifiers arcDir)
-// let studyIdentifiers =
-// investigation.Studies
-// |> Option.defaultValue []
-// |> List.choose (fun s ->
-// match s.Identifier with
-// | None | Some "" ->
-// log.Warn("Study does not have identifier")
-// None
-// | Some i -> Some i
-// )
-// |> set
-// let onlyRegistered = Set.difference studyIdentifiers studyFileIdentifiers
-// let onlyInitialized = Set.difference studyFileIdentifiers studyIdentifiers
-// let combined = Set.union studyIdentifiers studyFileIdentifiers
-// if not onlyRegistered.IsEmpty then
-// log.Warn("The ARC contains following registered studies that have no associated file:")
-// onlyRegistered
-// |> Seq.iter ((sprintf "%s") >> log.Warn)
-// log.Info($"You can init the study file using \"arc s init\"")
-// if not onlyInitialized.IsEmpty then
-// log.Warn("The ARC contains study files with the following identifiers not registered in the investigation:")
-// onlyInitialized
-// |> Seq.iter ((sprintf "%s") >> log.Warn)
-// log.Info($"You can register the study using \"arc s register\"")
-// if combined.IsEmpty then
-// log.Error("The ARC does not contain any studies.")
-// combined
-// |> Seq.map (fun identifier ->
-// //log.Debug(sprintf "Study: %s" identifier)
-// sprintf "Study: %s" identifier
-// )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Workflow.fs b/src/ARCtrl.NET/Workflow.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 540e9d9..0000000
--- a/src/ARCtrl.NET/Workflow.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCtrl.NET
-module Workflow =
- let rootFolderName = "workflows"
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ARCtrl.QueryModel.fsproj b/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ARCtrl.QueryModel.fsproj
index d9f0ffc..4ba7c82 100644
--- a/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ARCtrl.QueryModel.fsproj
+++ b/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ARCtrl.QueryModel.fsproj
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
diff --git a/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ArcTables.fs b/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ArcTables.fs
index b9c0570..3cb6993 100644
--- a/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ArcTables.fs
+++ b/src/ARCtrl.QueryModel/ArcTables.fs
@@ -709,16 +709,16 @@ module ArcTables =
ArcTables.getFinalOutputsBy (fun (io : IOType) -> io.isData) this
/// One Node of an ISA Process Sequence (Source, Sample, Data)
- type QNode(Name : string, IOType : IOType, ?ParentProcessSequence : ArcTables) =
+ type QNode(name : string, ioType : IOType, ?parentProcessSequence : ArcTables) =
/// Returns the process sequence in which the node appears
- member this.ParentProcessSequence = ParentProcessSequence |> Option.defaultValue (ArcTables(ResizeArray []))
+ member this.ParentProcessSequence = parentProcessSequence |> Option.defaultValue (ArcTables(ResizeArray []))
/// Identifying name of the node
- member this.Name = Name
+ member this.Name = name
/// Type of node (source, sample, data, raw data ...)
- member this.IOType : IOType = IOType
+ member this.IOType : IOType = ioType
interface System.IEquatable with
member this.Equals other = other.Name.Equals this.Name
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests.fsproj b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests.fsproj
deleted file mode 100644
index e07d1b4..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests.fsproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- Exe
- net8.0
- false
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Arc.fs b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Arc.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index e3b980b..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Arc.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-module Arc.Tests
-open Expecto
-open ARCtrl.NET
-open System.IO
-open ARCtrl
-let testInputFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,@"TestObjects")
-let testOutputFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,@"TestResults")
-let testLoad =
- testList "Load" [
- testCase "simpleARC" (fun () ->
- let p = System.IO.Path.Combine(testInputFolder,"ARC_SimpleARC")
- let result = ARC.load(p)
- Expect.isSome result.ISA "Should contain an ISA part"
- Expect.isNone result.CWL "Should not contain a CWL part"
- let isa = result.ISA.Value
- Expect.equal isa.StudyCount 1 "Should contain 1 study"
- Expect.equal isa.AssayCount 1 "Should contain 1 assay"
- Expect.equal isa.RegisteredStudies.Count 1 "Should contain 1 registered study"
- let s = isa.Studies.[0]
- Expect.equal s.RegisteredAssayCount 1 "Should contain 1 registered assay"
- Expect.equal s.TableCount 3 "Study should contain 3 tables"
- let a = s.RegisteredAssays.[0]
- Expect.equal a.TableCount 4 "Assay should contain 4 tables"
- )
- ]
-let testWrite =
- testList "Write" [
- testCase "empty" (fun () ->
- let p = System.IO.Path.Combine(testOutputFolder,"ARC_Write_Empty")
- let a = ARC()
- a.Write(p)
- let expectedPaths =
- [
- "/isa.investigation.xlsx";
- "/assays/.gitkeep";
- "/studies/.gitkeep";
- "/runs/.gitkeep";
- "/workflows/.gitkeep"
- ]
- |> List.sort
- let paths =
- Path.getAllFilePaths p
- |> Array.sort
- Expect.sequenceEqual paths expectedPaths "Files were not created correctly."
- )
- testCase "SimpleARC" (fun () ->
- let p = Path.Combine(testOutputFolder,"ARC_Write_SimpleARC")
- let arc = ARC()
- let i = ArcInvestigation("MyInvestigation")
- let studyName = "MyStudy"
- let s = ArcStudy(studyName)
- i.AddRegisteredStudy(s)
- let assayName = "MyAssay"
- let a = ArcAssay(assayName)
- s.AddRegisteredAssay(a)
- arc.ISA <- Some i
- arc.UpdateFileSystem()
- arc.Write(p)
- let expectedPaths =
- [
- "/isa.investigation.xlsx";
- "/studies/.gitkeep";
- $"/studies/{studyName}/isa.study.xlsx"
- $"/studies/{studyName}/README.md"
- $"/studies/{studyName}/protocols/.gitkeep";
- $"/studies/{studyName}/resources/.gitkeep";
- "/assays/.gitkeep";
- $"/assays/{assayName}/isa.assay.xlsx"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/README.md"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/protocols/.gitkeep"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/dataset/.gitkeep"
- "/runs/.gitkeep";
- "/workflows/.gitkeep"
- ]
- |> List.sort
- let paths =
- Path.getAllFilePaths p
- |> Array.sort
- Expect.sequenceEqual paths expectedPaths "Files were not created correctly."
- )
- testCase "LoadSimpleARCAndAddAssay" (fun () ->
- let p = System.IO.Path.Combine(testOutputFolder,"ARC_Write_SimpleARC")
- let arc = ARC.load(p)
- let i = arc.ISA.Value
- let existingStudyName = "MyStudy"
- let existingAssayName = "MyAssay"
- let assayName = "YourAssay"
- i.InitAssay(assayName) |> ignore
- arc.ISA <- Some i
- arc.UpdateFileSystem()
- arc.Write(p)
- let expectedPaths =
- [
- "/isa.investigation.xlsx";
- "/studies/.gitkeep";
- $"/studies/{existingStudyName}/isa.study.xlsx"
- $"/studies/{existingStudyName}/README.md"
- $"/studies/{existingStudyName}/protocols/.gitkeep";
- $"/studies/{existingStudyName}/resources/.gitkeep";
- "/assays/.gitkeep";
- $"/assays/{existingAssayName}/isa.assay.xlsx"
- $"/assays/{existingAssayName}/README.md"
- $"/assays/{existingAssayName}/protocols/.gitkeep"
- $"/assays/{existingAssayName}/dataset/.gitkeep"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/isa.assay.xlsx"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/README.md"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/protocols/.gitkeep"
- $"/assays/{assayName}/dataset/.gitkeep"
- "/runs/.gitkeep";
- "/workflows/.gitkeep"
- ]
- |> List.sort
- let paths =
- Path.getAllFilePaths p
- |> Array.sort
- Expect.sequenceEqual paths expectedPaths "Files were not created correctly."
- )
- |> testSequenced
- ]
-let main =
- testList "ARC_Tests" [
- testLoad
- testWrite
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/AssayTests.fs b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/AssayTests.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 769612e..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/AssayTests.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module AssayTests
-open Expecto
-open System.Text.Json
-let testComponentCasting =
- testList "Test" [
- testCase "WillFail" (fun () ->
- Expect.isTrue true "Test if the test will test."
- )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Contract.fs b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Contract.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b6c9a..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Contract.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-module Contract.Tests
-open ARCtrl.NET.Contract
-open ARCtrl.Contract
-open Expecto
-open System.IO
-open FsSpreadsheet
-open FsSpreadsheet.Net
-let testInputFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,@"TestObjects/Contracts")
-let testOutputFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,@"TestResults/Contracts")
-let testRead =
- testList "Read" [
- testCase "TextFile" (fun () ->
- let fileName = "TestReadMe.txt"
- let contract = Contract.createRead(fileName,DTOType.PlainText)
- let dto = DTO.Text "This is a test"
- let expected =
- {contract with DTO = Some dto}
- let result = fulfillReadContract testInputFolder contract
- Expect.equal result expected $"Text was not read correctly"
- )
- testCase "XLSXFile" (fun () ->
- let fileName = "TestWorkbook.xlsx"
- let contract = Contract.createRead(fileName,DTOType.ISA_Study)
- let result = fulfillReadContract testInputFolder contract
- let dto = Expect.wantSome result.DTO "DTO was not read correctly"
- Expect.isTrue dto.isSpreadsheet "DTO was not read correctly"
- let wb = dto.AsSpreadsheet() :?> FsSpreadsheet.FsWorkbook
- let ws = Expect.wantSome (wb.TryGetWorksheetByName "TestSheet") "Workbook does not contain worksheet"
- let row1 = Expect.wantSome (ws.TryGetRowValuesAt 1) "Worksheet does not contain row 1"
- let row1AsInts = row1 |> Seq.map (string >> int)
- let expected = [1;2;3]
- Expect.sequenceEqual row1AsInts expected "Worksheet does not contain correct values"
- let row2 = Expect.wantSome (ws.TryGetRowValuesAt 2) "Worksheet does not contain row 2"
- let expected = ["A";"B";"C"] |> Seq.map box
- Expect.sequenceEqual row2 expected "Worksheet does not contain correct values"
- )
- ]
-let testWrite =
- testList "Write" [
- testCase "TextFileEmpty" (fun () ->
- let fileName = "TestEmpty.txt"
- let contract = Contract.createCreate(fileName,DTOType.PlainText)
- fulfillWriteContract testOutputFolder contract
- let filePath = Path.Combine(testOutputFolder,fileName)
- Expect.isTrue (System.IO.File.Exists filePath) $"File {filePath} was not created"
- Expect.equal (File.ReadAllText filePath) "" $"File {filePath} was not empty"
- )
- testCase "TextFile" (fun () ->
- let testText = "This is a test"
- let fileName = "TestReadMe.txt"
- let dto = DTO.Text testText
- let contract = Contract.createCreate(fileName,DTOType.PlainText,dto)
- fulfillWriteContract testOutputFolder contract
- let filePath = Path.Combine(testOutputFolder,fileName)
- Expect.isTrue (System.IO.File.Exists filePath) $"File {filePath} was not created"
- Expect.equal (File.ReadAllText filePath) testText $"File {filePath} was not empty"
- )
- testCase "XLSXFile" (fun () ->
- let worksheetName = "TestSheet"
- let testWB = new FsWorkbook()
- let testSheet = testWB.InitWorksheet (worksheetName)
- testSheet.Row(1).Item(1).Value <- "A1"
- testSheet.Row(1).Item(2).Value <- "B1"
- testSheet.Row(1).Item(3).Value <- "C1"
- let fileName = "TestWorkbook.xlsx"
- let dto = DTO.Spreadsheet testWB
- let contract = Contract.createCreate(fileName,DTOType.ISA_Assay,dto)
- fulfillWriteContract testOutputFolder contract
- let filePath = Path.Combine(testOutputFolder,fileName)
- let wb = FsWorkbook.fromXlsxFile filePath
- let ws = Expect.wantSome (wb.TryGetWorksheetByName worksheetName) "Workbook does not contain worksheet"
- let row1 = Expect.wantSome (ws.TryGetRowValuesAt 1) "Worksheet does not contain row 1"
- let expected = ["A1";"B1";"C1"] |> Seq.map box
- Expect.sequenceEqual row1 expected "Worksheet does not contain correct values"
- )
- ]
-let testExecute =
- testList "Write" [
- testCase "Implement" (fun () ->
- Expect.isTrue false "ImplementTest"
- )
- ]
-let main =
- testList "ContractTests" [
- testRead
- testWrite
- ]
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Main.fs b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Main.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 224049e..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Main.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module arcIO.NET.Tests
-open Expecto
-let all = testSequenced <| testList "All" [
- Path.Tests.main
- Arc.Tests.main
- ]
-let main argv =
- Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] argv all
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Path.fs b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Path.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index b480aa7..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/Path.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-module Path.Tests
-open Expecto
-open ARCtrl.NET
-open System.Text.Json
-let getAllFilePaths =
- testList "GetAllFilePaths" [
- testCase "simple" (fun () ->
- let p = System.IO.Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,@"TestObjects\Path_findSubPaths")
- let result = Path.getAllFilePaths p
- let expected =
- [
- "/File1.txt"
- "/File2.csv"
- "/SubFolder/File3.xlsx"
- "/SubFolder/SubSubFolder/File4"
- ]
- Expect.sequenceEqual result expected "File Paths were not found correctly."
- )
- ]
-let main =
- testList "PathTests" [
- getAllFilePaths
- ]
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/.arc/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/.arc/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/README.md b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/proteomics_result.csv b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/proteomics_result.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample1.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample1.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample2.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample2.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample3.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample3.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample4.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample4.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample5.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample5.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample6.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample6.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample7.raw b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/sample7.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/table.csv b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/table.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c13b4..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/dataset/table.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/isa.assay.xlsx b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/isa.assay.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c215d7..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/isa.assay.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/isa.dataset.xlsx b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/isa.dataset.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d2278..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/isa.dataset.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/protocols/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/protocols/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/protocols/extractionProtocol.txt b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/protocols/extractionProtocol.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 41de6e7..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/assays/measurement1/protocols/extractionProtocol.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-- centrifuge again
-- discard the supernate
-- solve the pellet in buffer chemical X
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/isa.investigation.xlsx b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/isa.investigation.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index f6c25d3..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/isa.investigation.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/runs/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/runs/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/README.md b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/isa.study.xlsx b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/isa.study.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 321ce55..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/isa.study.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/protocols/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/protocols/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample1_e36ca6b8-19ba-4504-aa82-d4781765873d.png b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample1_e36ca6b8-19ba-4504-aa82-d4781765873d.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 369be75..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample1_e36ca6b8-19ba-4504-aa82-d4781765873d.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample2_714ca2b7-22b7-4f69-b83d-9165f624da25.png b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample2_714ca2b7-22b7-4f69-b83d-9165f624da25.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bf11050..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample2_714ca2b7-22b7-4f69-b83d-9165f624da25.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample3_66fac760-acc7-4ed4-ba21-2cb67fa36e4d.png b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample3_66fac760-acc7-4ed4-ba21-2cb67fa36e4d.png
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa265d..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample3_66fac760-acc7-4ed4-ba21-2cb67fa36e4d.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample4_cba5f40c-fc05-44d6-a589-b0e3dafaeefe.png b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample4_cba5f40c-fc05-44d6-a589-b0e3dafaeefe.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bb7def..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample4_cba5f40c-fc05-44d6-a589-b0e3dafaeefe.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample5_84c37b60-2342-4226-a36c-4b8dfe84ebe9.png b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample5_84c37b60-2342-4226-a36c-4b8dfe84ebe9.png
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb9823..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample5_84c37b60-2342-4226-a36c-4b8dfe84ebe9.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample6_208df064-4b1c-4da0-a1f8-6412e1fb2284.png b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample6_208df064-4b1c-4da0-a1f8-6412e1fb2284.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c5c41..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/studies/experiment1_material/resources/Sample6_208df064-4b1c-4da0-a1f8-6412e1fb2284.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/workflows/.gitkeep b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/ARC_SimpleARC/workflows/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Contracts/TestReadMe.txt b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Contracts/TestReadMe.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 793aa68..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Contracts/TestReadMe.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is a test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Contracts/TestWorkbook.xlsx b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Contracts/TestWorkbook.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc1e46..0000000
Binary files a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Contracts/TestWorkbook.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/File1.txt b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/File1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/File2.csv b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/File2.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/SubFolder/File3.xlsx b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/SubFolder/File3.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/SubFolder/SubSubFolder/File4 b/tests/ARCtrl.NET.Tests/TestObjects/Path_findSubPaths/SubFolder/SubSubFolder/File4
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests.fsproj b/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests.fsproj
index 86126e9..42246e3 100644
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests.fsproj
@@ -16,11 +16,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/TestARC.fs b/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/TestARC.fs
index d568f1b..5600bbc 100644
--- a/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/TestARC.fs
+++ b/tests/ARCtrl.Querymodel.Tests/TestARC.fs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
open Expecto
open System.Text.Json
open ARCtrl
-open ARCtrl.NET
open ARCtrl.Process
open ARCtrl.QueryModel
let testArcPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + @"\TestObjects\TestArc"