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Releases: ng-alain/delon


09 May 07:55
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Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: fix invalid exported in excel export (#1247) (e7fa69b)
  • auth: catch the error when check jwt token (#1244) (faf2e90)
  • cli: fix excess allowedCommonJsDependencies (#1243) (b1bc537)
  • abc:st: support dateFormat of global config (#1246) (76f97e4)
  • abc:st: support yn of global config (#1247) (e7fa69b)

Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: 修复设置 exportedfalse 时引起字段错位 (#1247) (e7fa69b)
  • auth: 修复捕获无效 JWT 密钥产生的异常 (#1244) (faf2e90)
  • cli: 修复多余的 allowedCommonJsDependencies (#1243) (b1bc537)
  • abc:st: 修复 dateFormat 支持全局配置 (#1246) (76f97e4)
  • abc:st: 修复 yn 支持全局配置 (#1247) (e7fa69b)


23 Apr 15:16
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Bug Fixes

  • abc:reuse-tab: support ssr (#1232) (4933deb)
  • abc:st: fix mutual pollution of expand and click event (#1241) (0321613)
  • form: fix losing format rules of ajv in 7.x version (#1239) (393f0a3)


Performance Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • abc:reuse-tab: 修复SSR初始化失败 (#1232) (4933deb)
  • abc:st: 修复 expandclick 事件相互触发污染 (#1241) (0321613)
  • form: 修复 7.x 版本格式化数据丢失问题 (#1239) (393f0a3)


  • abc:st: 新增 customRequest 属性,自定义实现远程数据,例如:Graphql (#1234) (65aba5c)
  • abc:st: 新增 STColumnsafeHtml 属性 (#1233) (f49d45c)
  • chart:echarts: 新增 chart-echarts ECharts组件 (#1238) (ce04327)
  • form: 升级 ajv8.x (#1240) (9b9f3c8)

Performance Improvements

  • chart:*: 优化当只有数据变更时丝滑更新 (#1237) (24069bf)


09 Apr 06:15
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Bug Fixes


  • abc:pdf: add loading of pdf file loading (#1228) (b4effc5)
  • util:currency: add ingoreZeroPrecision property (#1222) (dd10674)
  • util:CurrencyService: add support angular currency pipe render type (#1230) (7a6c329)

Bug Fixes


  • abc:pdf: 新增 pdf 文件加载过程中显示 loading 效果 (#1228) (b4effc5)
  • util:currency: 新增 ingoreZeroPrecision 属性 (#1222) (dd10674)
  • util:CurrencyService: 新增支持 angular 原生 currency 管道渲染方式 (#1230) (7a6c329)


17 Mar 10:41
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Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • abc:pdf: 修复选中内容会出现错位 (#1220) (d9fd20f)
  • abc:st: 修复避免污染 iif (#1219) (7ae25d2)
  • abc:st: 修复小屏幕出现错位 (#1218) (4a3f461)
  • 修复 date-fns 使用 esm 导入,避免不必要的警告 (#1217) (36b172c)
  • form: 修复无法正确解析错误信息中的参数值 (#1215) (df0aeb1)


13 Mar 05:36
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Bug Fixes

  • cli: fix can't auto import when ng-zorro-antd not in package.json (#1213) (cfe6d6e)
  • abc:st: fix always fixed column in group header (#1204) (4509b17)
  • abc:st: fix style misalignment in small screen when set scroll (#1208) (2fb3ac6)
  • form: fix stack error when enum is large data (#1209) (6a90822)
  • module:onboarding: fix closed mask when click target element (#1202) (b741b4c)
  • sf:widget:select: fix invalid showSearch (#1212) (827d6f5)
  • theme:_HttpClient: fix ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError of loading (#1211) (ffebaf8)


  • theme:SettingsService: optimize Keys configurable (#1210) (5aea948)
  • theme:layout-default: add hideAside, logoLink, logoFixWidth of options (#1206) (3cfadc3)
  • theme:SettingsService: support generic (#1207) (c2532f8)
  • util: add ZoneOutside, ZoneRun decorator (#1198) (770906c)

Performance Improvements

  • abc:st: optimize the button text performance of rendered (#1203) (b480649)

Bug Fixes

  • cli: 修复需要在 package.json 内增加 ng-zorro-antd 类库依赖,否则导致无法在 VSCode 内自动导入 ng-zorro-antd 模块 (#1213) (cfe6d6e)
  • abc:st: 修复表头分组样式�问题 (#1204) (4509b17)
  • abc:st: 修复小屏幕下设置 scroll 参数会错位 (#1208) (2fb3ac6)
  • form: 修复 enum 大量数据时产生堆错误 (#1209) (6a90822)
  • module:onboarding: 修复点击目标元素无法关闭遮层 (#1202) (b741b4c)
  • sf:widget:select: 修复无法使用 showSearch (#1212) (827d6f5)
  • theme:_HttpClient: 修复 loading 引发 ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError (#1211) (ffebaf8)


  • theme:SettingsService: 优化存储键名可配置 (#1210) (5aea948)
  • theme:layout-default: 新增 hideAside, logoLink, logoFixWidth 参数 (#1206) (3cfadc3)
  • theme:SettingsService: 新增支持泛型 (#1207) (c2532f8)
  • util: 新增 ZoneOutside, ZoneRun 装饰函数 (#1198) (770906c)

Performance Improvements


06 Mar 08:39
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Bug Fixes

  • chart:mini-area,mini-bar: fix offset when tooltipType is 'mini' (#1200) (5524c35)
  • sf: fix can't compile in strict of ajv (#1197) (acb59a3)

Bug Fixes

  • chart:mini-area,mini-bar: 修复 tooltipTypemini 时偏移问题 (#1200) (5524c35)
  • sf: 修复无法编译严格模式 Schema (#1197) (acb59a3)


27 Feb 13:10
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  • feat: add environment type (#1935)
  • feat: removed redundant third library dependencies, you can use ng update ng-alain to fix directly (#1940)
  • feat: add strictTemplates: true (#1939)
  • perf: import method of mock data to make the production tree-shaking reduced 150kb (#1941)

Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: fix columns can't be re-specified when call export Excel (#1181) (50baea3)
  • abc:st: fix data should be converted (#1180) (f800e66)
  • abc:theme:i18n: fix losing defaultLang, currentLang in AlainI18NService (#1183) (f65cb6b)
  • chart:trend: fix data flag of html attribute (#1174) (3a10bf3)
  • form: fix losing for (#1144) (e0ffa64)
  • form:widget:date: fix invalid default value when mode is range (#1185) (d14a823)
  • theme: fix less4 (#1172) (5e272c1)
  • theme:layout-default: fix disabled default nav when nav is specified (#1193) (38e60f5)
  • util:ArrayService: fix cancel return readonly of flat, uniq (#1171) (7375cdf)


Performance Improvements


  • feat: 新增 environment 类型,更友好的使用环境变量 (#1935)
  • feat: 移除多余的第三方类库,可以利用 ng update ng-alain 直接修复 (#1940)
  • feat: 增加 strictTemplates: true 支持 (#1939)
  • perf: 优化 @delon/mock 的导入方式在生产环境下可以减少 150kb 大小 (#1941)

Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: 修复 export 导出Excel方法无法重新指定 columns (#1181) (50baea3)
  • abc:st: 修复导出Excel数据没有转换 (#1180) (f800e66)
  • abc:theme:i18n: 修复 AlainI18NService 缺失 defaultLangcurrentLang 属性 (#1183) (f65cb6b)
  • chart:trend: 修复上升下降标识无法体现 (#1174) (3a10bf3)
  • form: 修复部分无 for 的小部件 (#1144) (e0ffa64)
  • form:widget:date: 修复 moderange 时无法指定默认值 (#1185) (d14a823)
  • theme: 修复部分 less4 样式无效 (#1172) (5e272c1)
  • theme:layout-default: 修复当指定 nav 参数时应禁用默认菜单 (#1193) (38e60f5)
  • util:ArrayService: 修复 flat, uniq 返回参数问题 (#1171) (7375cdf)


  • abc:let: 新增 let 组件 (#1187) (9c4397b)
  • abc:reuse-tab: 新增 disabled 属性 (#1179) (2d2014f)
  • abc:reuse-tab: 新增 titleRender 属性 (#1186) (5df3c61)
  • abc:theme: 新增环境变量类型 (#1182) (4e1c432)
  • form: 升级 ajv7.x,不再需要 angular.json 中指定 scripts 参数 (#1188) (431d540)
  • mock: 新增 MockService 下增加 setData 方法 (#1190) (a118a07)
  • module:theme: 新增西班牙语 #308 (#1175) (3428310)
  • util:form: 新增 MatchControl,一般用于密码与确认密码响应式表单中 (#1178) (84ab014)

Performance Improvements

  • 使用 ngDevMode 摇树优化掉错误消息,减少包体大小 (#1191) (56b45c8)


07 Feb 10:29
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Happy Chinese New Year 🇨🇳🐂🧧 to all NG-ALAIN users, so we skipped the two minor version numbers and went directly to the 6 version. the 6 is likabled number in china. 🧧🧨🧧🧨🧧🧨

Mainly for refactor of @delon/util, NG-ALAIN divides them into:

  • @delon/util/array Array&Tree, findTree, flat, groupBy, uniq
  • @delon/util/browser Browser: CookieServicew, copy, ScrollService
  • @delon/util/date-time Date Time Conversion
  • @delon/util/decorator Decorator
  • @delon/util/form Reactive Forms
  • @delon/util/format String, Check, Currency, Mask
  • @delon/util/math Math, Rounding
  • @delon/util/token Visit Window, visibilitychange Web apis etc
  • @delon/util/other Deep get, copy, merge, lazy, assert
  • @delon/util/pipes Includes price, mega, cny, filter, mask pipes

Pls refer to @delon/util document.

In addition, Recommendation Use nz-range-picker and extend directive to replace range-picker, will remove range-picker at 12.0.0.

<range-picker [(ngModel)]="i.start" [(ngModelEnd)]="i.end"></range-picker>

Changed to:

<nz-range-picker [(ngModel)]="i.start" extend [(ngModelEnd)]="i.end"></nz-range-picker>


  • fix failure of toggle the search box multiple times in small screen (#1929)
  • used @delon/util second entry (#1927)

Bug Fixes


  • abc:auto-focus: add auto-focus component (#1161) (c02b755)
  • abc:range-picker add extend directive to replace range-picker component (#1167)
  • abc:highlight: add highlight component (#1160) (0d940c3)
  • abc:st: add contextmenu property (#1169) (6461428)
  • abc:st: add showHeader property (#1151) (47f0447)
  • abc:st support strongly data type of STColumn (#1159) (dadba41)
  • util:ArrayService: add findTree method (#1164) (12bf232)
  • util:token: add tokens (#1162) (1a4b9d7)
  • util:pipes: add filter pipe (#1158) (ac8f768)
  • util refactor util (#1154)

祝大家牛年新年快乐 🇨🇳🐂🧧,为了讨喜NG-ALAIN将跳过两个次版本号,直接进入 6 版本,希望来年大家都能六六大顺。🧧🧨🧧🧨🧧🧨

本次主要针对 @delon/util 的重构,在原来的基础进一步分类并新增一些常见的工具类,NG-ALAIN把其分为:

  • @delon/util/array 数组与树相关,数组、树、查找树、扁平、分组、去重
  • @delon/util/browser 浏览器相关,CookieServicewcopyScrollService
  • @delon/util/date-time 日期时间转换
  • @delon/util/decorator 装饰器
  • @delon/util/form 响应式表单校验
  • @delon/util/format 字符,校验,货币,掩码
  • @delon/util/math 范围、四舍五入
  • @delon/util/token 访问 Windowvisibilitychange
  • @delon/util/other 深获取、拷贝、合并、延迟、断言
  • @delon/util/pipes 包含 price, mega, cny, filter, mask 管道

有关更多细节请参考 @delon/util 文档

除此之外,建议使用 nz-range-pickerextend 指令配合来替代 range-picker,NG-ALAIN 将在 12.0.0 时移除 range-picker

<range-picker [(ngModel)]="i.start" [(ngModelEnd)]="i.end"></range-picker>


<nz-range-picker [(ngModel)]="i.start" extend [(ngModelEnd)]="i.end"></nz-range-picker>


  • 修复小屏幕下无法多次打开搜索框 (#1929)
  • 优化使用次级导入 @delon/util (#1927)

Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: 修复 toTop 无法工作问题 (#1153) (93e314d)
  • cli:ng-update: 修复 Cannot read property 'configurations' of undefined 错误 (#1156) (26d41e1)
  • theme:_HttpClient: 修复未订阅时不进行计数 (#1157) (a6b375a)
  • theme 修复部分样式不支持 less4 问题 (#1155) (331b009)


  • abc:auto-focus: 新增 auto-focus 组件 (#1161) (c02b755)
  • abc:range-picker 新增 extend 指令来替代 range-picker 组件,尽可能保持 nz-range-picker 的原始性 (#1167)
  • abc:highlight: 新增 highlight 高亮组件 (#1160) (0d940c3)
  • abc:st: 新增 contextmenu 右键菜单 (#1169) (6461428)
  • abc:st: 新增 showHeader 是否显示表头属性 (#1151) (47f0447)
  • abc:st 新增 STColumn 支持强类型数据源 (#1159) (dadba41)
  • util:ArrayService: 新增 findTree 方法 (#1164) (12bf232)
  • util:token: 新增一组常见 Web Apis 的 tokens (#1162) (1a4b9d7)
  • util:pipes: 新增 filter 管道 (#1158) (ac8f768)
  • util 重构 @delon/util,新增数学、格式化、管道、浏览器、数组与树、断言等方法 (#1154)


28 Jan 07:04
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Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • sf:widget:select: 修复缺少 showArrow 属性 (#1147) (4d51d61)
  • cli: 修复 ng-alain:module 命令无法运行 (#1149) (f8c5a59)


25 Jan 09:58
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Bug Fixes

  • abc:full-content: fix scroll bar cannot be displayed in the work… (#1140) (0fd0c40)
  • form: fix missing id association (#1143) (35bdffb)
  • sf:widget:array: fix invalid minItems (#1145) (1411a6d)
  • sf:widget:time: fix lose placeholder (#1139) (e341c93)
  • theme: fix router animation is optional (#1136) (2865c2d)


Bug Fixes

  • abc:full-content: 修复工作区内无法显示滚动条 (#1140) (0fd0c40)
  • form: 修复部分标签无法自动关联 id (#1143) (35bdffb)
  • sf:widget:array: 修复无法触发 minItems 错误类型 (#1145) (1411a6d)
  • sf:widget:time: 修复无法显示占位符 (#1139) (e341c93)
  • theme: 修复路由动画为可选项 (#1136) (2865c2d)
