Thank you for considering contributing to our curated list of valuable resources on Vertical Federated Learning! We welcome contributions from the community to help us improve and expand this repository.
Begin by forking the repository to your GitHub account. You can do this by clicking the "Fork" button at the top right corner of the repository page.
Clone the forked repository to your local machine. Use the following command in your terminal:
git clone
Create a new branch for your contribution. It is a good practice to use a descriptive name for your branch:
git checkout -b feature/add-new-resource
Make the necessary changes in your local repository. Ensure that your contributions are relevant to Vertical Federated Learning and provide value to the community.
Once you have made your changes, ensure they work as expected. Check for typos and accuracy of the information.
Commit your changes to your branch with a descriptive commit message:
git add .
git commit -m "Add a new resource on Vertical Federated Learning"
Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin feature/add-new-resource
Navigate to the original repository on GitHub and open a pull request from your fork. Provide a clear and concise description of your changes. Include relevant details and any necessary context.
The maintainers will review your pull request. Be responsive to feedback and make any required adjustments. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main repository.
- Relevance: Ensure that the resources you are adding are directly related to Vertical Federated Learning citation:1.
- Quality: Only include high-quality resources. This can include research papers, articles, books, frameworks, libraries, and tools that provide significant valuecitation:1.
- Format: Follow the existing format of the repository when adding new resources. Consistency is key to maintaining the quality of the list.
- Descriptions: Provide clear and concise descriptions for each resource. Avoid adding links without context.
By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. Please read it to understand the expectations for interactions within the community.
If you need help or have any questions, feel free to open an issue in the repository. We encourage open and respectful communication.
Thank you for helping us build an awesome resource for the Vertical Federated Learning community!
Happy contributing!