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In this example we deploy the NGINX Ingress Controller (edge) as a Deployment using the NGINX Ingress Operator for NGINX Open Source.


Have the NGINX Ingress Operator deployed in your cluster. Follow installation steps. If you would like to use TransportServers, refer to this section for additional pre-requisites.

Running the example

  1. Create a new namespace for our Ingress Controller instance:

    kubectl create -f ns.yaml
  2. Create a new NginxIngressController resource that defines our NGINX Ingress Controller instance (Note: If using Openshift, change the image.tag to edge-ubi):

    kubectl create -f nginx-ingress-controller.yaml

This will deploy an NGINX Ingress Controller instance using a Deployment in the my-nginx-controller namespace.

  1. Check if all resources were deployed:

    kubectl -n my-nginx-ingress  get all
    NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/my-nginx-ingress-controller-666854fb5f-f67fs   1/1     Running   0          3s
    NAME                                  TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
    service/my-nginx-ingress-controller   NodePort   <none>        80:30298/TCP,443:32576/TCP   3s
    NAME                                          READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/my-nginx-ingress-controller   1/1     1            1           4s
    NAME                                                     DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/my-nginx-ingress-controller-666854fb5f   1         1         1       4s

For more information about how to configure the NGINX Ingress Controller, check the official documentation.


  1. Delete the NginxIngressController:

    kubectl delete -f nginx-ingress-controller.yaml
  2. Delete the namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace my-nginx-ingress


A GlobalConfiguration resource is used to specify the TCP/UDP listeners and is required by TransportServers. To use TransportServers, you must create a GlobalConfiguration resource after creating the namespace and before starting the Operator.

Step 1. namespace
Step 2. global configuration <--- in this order
Step 3. ingress controller
kubectl apply -f global-configuration.yaml

Then update the NginxIngressController to use the GlobalConfiguration by adding the following config to nginx-ingress-controller.yaml

   globalConfiguration: my-nginx-ingress/nginx-configuration

For more information, check the official documentation.