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executable file
291 lines (195 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
291 lines (195 loc) · 15.3 KB

Change Log

0.13.9 (2024-07-14)

  • Added NumericExpression typealias for Xcode 16

0.13.8 (2024-01-04)

  • Fixed precedence for (^) exponent operator

0.13.7 (2023-02-21)

  • Fixed String.Index crash on macOS 13 / Swift 5.7
  • Added log() function to standard library

0.13.6 (2022-03-26)

  • Fixed crash when running with Swift 5.6 / Xcode 13.3
  • Fixed warnings and build failures in Xcode 13.3

0.13.5 (2021-10-16)

  • Fixed build failure in benchmark example on Xcode 13

0.13.4 (2021-07-29)

  • Fixed precedence bug where postfix operator was incorrectly applied to entire preceding expression

0.13.3 (2021-07-24)

  • Fixed parsing error with string literals that begin with a double backslash

0.13.2 (2019-06-30)

  • AnyExpression now supports concurrent evaluation on Linux
  • Fixed NSString bug on Linux

0.13.1 (2019-06-05)

  • Fixed error in Swift 5.1 beta

0.13.0 (2019-05-10)

  • Fixed Xcode 10.2 warnings
  • Expression now requires a minimum Swift version of 4.2

0.12.12 (2019-03-26)

  • Expression now builds correctly on Linux, including the test suite
  • Fixed bug where whitespace around operators could affect the precedence
  • Fixed a bug where numeric values could incorrectly be printed as a boolean

0.12.11 (2018-06-15)

  • Fixed all warnings in Xcode 10 beta
  • Expression now requires Xcode 9.3 or higher

0.12.10 (2018-06-05)

  • Fixed compilation errors in Xcode 10 beta (but not warnings, yet)
  • Fixed slow-compiling unit tests

0.12.9 (2018-03-07)

  • AnyExpression now works on Linux, with a couple of caveats (see README for details)
  • Fixed Swift Package Manager integration

0.12.8 (2018-02-26)

  • Pure function symbols now take precedence over impure SymbolEvaluator symbols of the same name

0.12.7 (2018-02-26)

  • Anonymous function syntax now works with all symbol types
  • AnyExpression evaluate() now supports CGFloat values
  • AnyExpression now correctly handles NSArray and NSDictionary values
  • Improved AnyExpression stringifying of array, dictionary and partial range values
  • Improved error messages for invalid range and type mismatch
  • Added AnyExpression REPL example project

0.12.6 (2018-02-22)

  • AnyExpression now supports calling functions stored in a constant or variable
  • AnyExpression now supports calling anonymous functions returned by a sub-expression
  • Fixed some bugs with array constants incorrectly shadowing symbols

0.12.5 (2018-02-13)

  • Added Benchmark app for comparing Expression performance against NSExpression and JavaScriptCore
  • Added support for partial ranges (e.g. array[startIndex...], string[...upperBound], etc)
  • Fixed crash when accessing string with an out-of-bounds range

0.12.4 (2018-02-12)

  • Array subscripting operator can now be used with array literals and the result of expressions
  • Added support for subscripting strings using either String.Index or Int character offsets
  • AnyExpression now supports range literals using the ... and ..< operators
  • You can now create substrings or sub-arrays using subscript syntax with range values
  • Added automatic casting between String and Substring within expressions
  • AnyExpression's + operator can now concatenate arrays as well as strings

0.12.3 (2018-02-06)

  • AnyExpression now supports array literals like [1,2,3] and ["hello", "world"]
  • AnyExpression can now automatically cast between numeric arrays of different types
  • Improved messaging for function arity errors and some types of syntax error
  • Fixed Swift 3.2 compatibility issues

0.12.2 (2018-02-05)

  • AnyExpression now supports subscripting of ArraySlice and Dictionary values
  • AnyExpression's evaluate() type casting now supports almost all numeric types
  • Improved AnyExpression error messaging, especially array subscripting errors

0.12.1 (2018-01-31)

  • Reduced initialization time for Expression and AnyExpression instances

0.12.0 (2018-01-25)

  • An AnyExpression instance can now be evaluated concurrently on multiple threads (Expression instances were already thread-safe)
  • Using the AnyExpression == operator with unsupported types now throws an error instead of returning false
  • Significantly reduced initialization time for Expression and AnyExpression instances
  • The boolSymbols and noOptimize options now work correctly for AnyExpression
  • Removed all deprecated APIs and deprecation warnings

0.11.4 (2018-01-24)

  • Improved AnyExpression == operator implementation, now supports equating tuples and dictionaries
  • Array symbols implemented using symbols dictionary are no longer inlined by optimizer, in accordance with documentation
  • Deprecated the Evaluator function and provided alternative initializers for Expression and AnyExpression
  • Removed deferred optimization. Expressions using a custom Evaluator function may now run slower as a result

0.11.3 (2018-01-22)

  • Added new initializers for Expression and AnyExpression to simplify and improve performance when using advanced features
  • Attempting to index an array with a non-numeric type in AnyExpression now produces a more meaningful error message
  • Fixed optimization bug when using the built-in pi constant

0.11.2 (2018-01-18)

  • Significantly improved AnyExpression evaluation performance
  • The pureSymbols option is now taken into account when optimizing custom AnyExpression symbols
  • Added noDeferredOptimize option to disable additional optimization of expressions during first evaluation
  • Updated performance tests to include tests for boolean expressions and AnyExpression

0.11.1 (2018-01-17)

  • Fixed optimization bug where custom symbols could unexpectedly produce NaN output in AnyExpression
  • The pureSymbols option now has no effect for AnyExpression (regular Expression is unaffected)

0.11.0 (2018-01-16)

  • Added AnyExpression extension for dealing with arbitrary data types
  • Renamed Symbol.Evaluator to SymbolEvaluator (the old name is now deprecated)
  • Improved error messages for missing function arguments

0.10.0 (2017-12-28)

  • Added support for variadic functions. This may cause minor breaking changes to custom Evaluator functions
  • The built-in min() and max() functions now both support more than two arguments (using the new variadics support)

0.9.3 (2017-12-18)

  • Hyphens are now only permitted at the start of an operator, which solves an ambiguity with unary minus
  • Dots are now only permitted at the start of an operator, which solves an ambiguity with float literals

0.9.2 (2017-12-15)

  • A dot followed by a digit is now treated as a floating point literal instead of an identifier
  • Parens are no longer stripped around function arguments containing a comma operator (tuples)
  • Fixed edge case when printing description for operators containing special characters
  • Refactored parser implementation to removed unreachable code and improve test coverage
  • Improved error message when trying to pass multiple arguments to an array subscript

0.9.1 (2017-12-04)

  • Expression description now correctly escapes unprintable characters in quoted symbols
  • Expression description no longer adds unnecessary parens around sub-expressions
  • More helpful error messages are now generated for various syntax mistakes
  • Improved test coverage and fixed many other minor bugs

0.9.0 (2017-12-01)

  • Switched to a more conventional MIT license
  • Added support for array symbols, so expressions like foo[5] and bar[x + 1] are now possible
  • Enabled trailing apostrophe in symbol names, so you can use symbols like x'
  • Added isValidIdentifier() and isValidOperator() methods for validating symbol names
  • Fixed warnings in Xcode 9.1 and dropped support for Swift 3.1
  • Improved cache performance

0.8.5 (2017-09-04)

  • Improved expression parsing performance in Swift 3.2 and 4.0
  • Fixed some bugs in parsing of identifiers containing dots

0.8.4 (2017-08-22)

  • Fixed spurious parsing errors when expressions have leading whitespace
  • The parse(_: String.UnicodeScalarView) method now accepts an optional list of terminating delimiters

0.8.3 (2017-08-16)

  • Fixed crash when parsing a malformed expression that contains just a single operator
  • Internal mathSymbols and boolSymbols dictionaries are now public, so you can filter them from symbols array

0.8.2 (2017-08-08)

  • Xcode 9b5 compatibility fixes

0.8.1 (2017-07-25)

  • Now marks the correct token as unexpected when attempting to chain function calls (e.g. foo(5)(6))
  • Now produces a clearer error for empty expressions

0.8.0 (2017-07-07)

  • Added parse(_: String.UnicodeScalarView) method for parsing expressions embedded in an interpolated string
  • Improved parsing of expressions containing ambiguous whitespace around operators
  • Fixed some more bugs in the expression description logic
  • Removed the deprecated noCache option

0.7.1 (2017-07-05)

  • Made clearCache() method public (was previously left internal by accident)
  • Added additional hard-coded precedence for common operator types and names
  • Now supports right-associativity for assignment and comparison operators
  • Improved description logic, now correctly handles nested prefix/postfix operators
  • Added support for infix alphanumeric operators, in addition to postfix
  • Fixed bug when parsing a binary ?: operator
  • Swift 4 compatibility fixes

0.7.0 (2017-06-03)

  • Significantly improved evaluation performance of by storing functions inline inside the parsed expression
  • Expressions can now contain quoted string literals, which are treated as identifiers (variable names)
  • Added pureSymbols optimization option, allowing custom functions and operators to be inlined where possible
  • Added deferred optimization, allowing functions that use a custom evaluator take advantage of optimization
  • Added parse(_, usingCache:) method for fine-grained control of caching and pre-parsing
  • The clearCache() method now optionally accepts a specific expression to be cleared
  • Deprecated the noCache option. Use the new parse(_, usingCache:) method instead
  • Added optimization guide to the README file

0.6.1 (2017-05-28)

  • Fixed bug where optimizer stopped as soon as it encountered a custom symbol in the expression

0.6.0 (2017-05-27)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: constant symbols have now been renamed to variable to more accurately reflect their behavior
  • Minor breaking change: description now returns the optimized description
  • Added built-in symbol library for boolean operations
  • Added thread-safe in-memory caching of previously parsed expressions
  • Improved optimizer - now pre-evaluates subexpressions with constant arguments
  • Added configuration options for enabling/disabling optimizations and boolean arguments
  • Added modulo % operator to the standard math symbol library
  • Added support for hexadecimal literals

0.5.0 (2017-04-12)

  • Added support for multi-character operators, and precedence rules for most standard operators
  • Added special-case support for implementing a ternary ?: operator with 3 arguments
  • Static constants are now replaced by their literal values at initialization time, reducing lookup overhead
  • Constant expressions are now computed once at initialization time and then cached
  • Numeric literals are now stored as Doubles instead of Strings, avoiding conversion overhead
  • Fixed bug where printing an expression omitted the parens around sub-expressions
  • Fixed crash when parsing a trailing postfix operator preceded by a space
  • Fixed bug in Colors example when running on 32-bit

0.4.0 (2017-03-27)

  • You can now get all symbols used by an expression via the symbols property
  • Fixed crash with postfix operators followed by comma or closing paren

0.3 (2017-01-04)

  • Fixed crash when processing malformed expression
  • Added support for Swift Package Manager and Linux
  • Updated for latest Xcode version

0.2 (2016-10-15)

  • Expression.init no longer throws. The expression will still be compiled on init, but errors won't be thrown until first evaluation
  • Added optional constants and symbols arguments to Expression.init for simpler setup of custom functions and operators
  • Removed the constants param from the evaluate() function - this can now be provided in Expression.init
  • Added automatic error reporting for custom functions called with the wrong arity
  • Improved evaluation performance for built-in symbols

0.1 (2016-10-01)

  • First release