CHATUR EdTech is an AI-based adaptive leaning platform which enhances personalized learning for students.
It evaluates on critical areas like subject-specific knowledge with difficulty level thus helping students identify their suitability and having seamless user experiences.
While most aptitude tests only measure a test taker's verbal comprehension and reasoning abilities CHATUR EdTech additionally provide real time assessment and feedback to monitor student progress and adjust learning pathways.
install python (lastest version: 3.11.2) pip install django pip install openai pip install pywhatkit pip install reportlab
The first step is to clone the backend on the local server.
Questioned are filtered using randomized algorithm and binary algorithm having time complexity of k*log(n), where k= number of questions asked per student.
Final score is calculated on the basis of the number of questions attempted per category and their difficulty level.
For more information, contact us on : [email protected]
The IOT model allows the user or the student to have a proper vod review systematic review after completing his her sitting which allows the student to focus ore on their health and concentration
Also the IOT model using ESP32 cam modue allows standalone workload using micropython and tensorflow lite which can easily make a cheap and efficient device as being a chipset it won't distract students as much as they try to use their mobiles for concentration.
node version v16.9.1 npm version 7.21.1
The first step is to clone the repository on the local server.
1 - git clone 2 - npm i --force 3 - npm start