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File metadata and controls

2957 lines (2141 loc) · 104 KB



Media Bundle several Interfaces changed

To allow adding new features some interfaces where changed and needs to be updated if you did build something on top of them:

  • FileVersion
  • MediaImageExtractor
  • MediaImageExtractorInterface
  • LocalStorage
  • StorageInterface

Test Setup

The KERNEL_DIR env variable in phpunit.xml was replaced with KERNEL_CLASS.

Output folder of admin build changed

The output file of the admin build has changed from /admin/build to /build/admin to solve issues with the php internal webserver.

mkdir public/build
git mv public/admin/build public/build/admin

As in every update you should also update the build by running:

npm install
npm run build

Toolbar Button label configuration

This change only affects you if you have used a 2.0.0 alpha release before

The name of the property to configure the text shown on a button in the toolbar has been change from value to label in order to be more consistent.

Multiple Select renamed

The multiple select content type was renamed to select to be equal to the other content types.


<property name="yourname" type="multiple_select">
    <!-- ... -->


<property name="yourname" type="select">
    <!-- ... -->

Also the service was renamed from sulu.content.type.multiple_select to

Collection Controller

The include-root option of this Controller was renamed to includeRoot to be more consistent. The RootCollection was removed from the getAction, because it does not make sense there.


The parentId parameter for moving a category has been renamed to destination in order to be consistent. In addition to that you have to use root as destination instead of null.

Form Labels

We do not generate the label for form fields from its name anymore. So you if you don't pass an explicit title to the property in the XML like below, there will be no label rendered at all.

<property name="title" type="text_line" />

In order to get the same title as before this change, you have to set it explicitly now:

<property name="title" type="text_line">
        <title lang="en">Title</title>
        <title lang="de">Title</title>

Log Folder changes

To match the symfony 4 folder structure the logs are now written into var/log instead of var/logs.

Form visibilityCondition

This change only affects you if you have used a 2.0.0 alpha release before

The visibilityCondition on the Form XML has been renamed to visibleCondition.


The concreteLanguages property has been renamed to contentLocales. The enabledShadowLanguages property has been renamed to shadowLocales, and swapped key and value in the map, so that the key is the locale of the page, and the value is the locale it uses to load the data.

The availableLocales property was introduced, and shows for which locale some kind of content exists, no matter if it is actual content or uses shadow content. This flag only excludes ghost locales.



The returned JSON of the MediaController does not return the entire categories anymore, but only its IDs instead.

DateTime Serialization

DateTimes in a REST response do not contain the timezone anymore.


The websocket-bundle and component was removed without replacement.


To register a sulu_preview.object_provider you have to change your tag definition:


<tag name="sulu_preview.object_provider" class="Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument"/>


<tag name="sulu_preview.object_provider" provider-key="articles"/>

Additionally the rdfa properties are obsolete and they can be removed from your twig templates.

Content Type Manager

The ContentTypeManagerInterface::getAll function will not longer return instances of the content types. Instead it will return a list of the content types aliases for performance reasons. Use the ContentTypeManagerInterface::get($alias) to get the service instance of the content type.

Default folder changed

The following default configurations were changed to use the symfony 4 folder structure.

Configuration Old Default New Default
sulu_core.webspaces.config_dir %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/webspaces %kernel.project_dir%/config/webspaces %kernel.root_dir%/../uploads/media %kernel.project_dir%/var/uploads/media
sulu_media.format_cache..path %kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/media %kernel.project_dir%/public/uploads/media
sulu_media.image_format_files[0] %kernel.root_dir%/config/image-formats.xml %kernel.project_dir%/config/image-formats.xml
massive_search.adapters.zend_lucene.basepath %kernel.root_dir%/data %kernel.project_dir%/var/indexes

Selection Component

This change only affects you if you have used a 2.0.0 alpha release before

The Selection container component was renamed to MultiSelection.


The DataProviders for the SmartContent have changed their aliases. The alias now matches the resourceKey of the entity. These aliases are also what has to be passed to the smart_content type as provider param. Have a look at the following table to find the changed aliases:

Old alias New alias
content pages
snippet snippets
account accounts
contact contacts

The Builder class which is used in the DataProviders for generating the SmartContent configuration has also changed a bit. The enableDataSource method now takes different parameters: The first one defines which resource should be loaded, and the second one which DatagridAdapter should be used for displaying the resources.


This change only affects you if you have used a 2.0.0 alpha release before

Some props of the Datagrid and its adapters have been renamed. See the following two tables to identify which ones:


Old prop New prop
onAddClick onItemAdd


Old prop New prop
onAddClick onItemAdd
onDeleteClick onRequestItemDelete
onItemActivation onItemActivate
onItemDeactivation onItemDeactivate



This change only affects you if you have used a 2.0.0 alpha release before

There is no AutoComplete component anymore, instead this component was split into a SingleAutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete component. This way we can distinguish selecting multiple and only single values.

Configuration changes for Selection and SingleSelection field types

This change only affects you if you have used a 2.0.0 alpha release before

The sulu_admin.field_type_options have changed. The allow to define different type of components to be used for a selection. But each of these types had to redefine the resourceKey. So the structure was slightly changed to allow defining the resourceKey only once. Also, since the naming convention in the Symfony configuration is to use snake case, we have adapted the options accordingly.

The following example shows the changes:

# old version
                adapter: 'column_list'
                displayProperties: 'title'
                icon: 'su-document'
                label: 'sulu_content.selection_label'
                resourceKey: 'pages'
                overlayTitle: 'sulu_content.selection_overlay_title'
                    displayProperty: 'name',
                    searchProperties: ['number', 'name']
                    resourceKey: 'accounts'

# new version
                default_type: 'overlay'
                resource_key: 'pages'
                        adapter: 'column_list'
                        displayProperties: 'title'
                        icon: 'su-document'
                        label: 'sulu_content.selection_label'
                        resourceKey: 'pages'
                        overlayTitle: 'sulu_content.selection_overlay_title'
                default_type: 'auto_complete'
                resource_key: 'accounts'
                        display_property: 'name'
                        search_properties: ['number', 'name']

Category API

The /admin/api/categories endpoint delivered a flat list of categories with a parentId attribute if the expandedIds query parameter was defined. This behavior changed, each category now has a _embedded field, which has a categories key, under which all sub categories are located. This way not every client using this API has to build a tree using the parentId on their own.


parent query parameter

The parent query parameter, which is used in quite some controllers like for pages and categories, was renamed to parentId, because it only references the id, and not the entire reference. This is also the new convention within our new Admin, so if your API should work with it, you have to name the query paramter parentId.

Highlight section

In previous versions of Sulu a section named highlight had a special design in the administratin interface. Its background was darker than the rest of the form. This was removed with the new design, and therefore a highlight section does not do anything special anymore, and therefore can be safely removed from your template XML files.


Admin Navigation

The admin navigation should not be built into the constructor anymore. Instead of setNavigation create getNavigation function in the Admin class which should return a Navigation object. This makes it easier to override only this part of the Admin.

sulu.rlp tag deprecated

The sulu.rlp tag, which can be added in the template XMLs, is not used anymore by the new UI. Instead the result of the URL generation will be simply put into the resource_locator field type.

Test Setup changed

If you use the SuluTestBundle to test your custom sulu bundles you maybe need to change in your test config.yml the path to the gedmo extension:

                type: xml
                prefix: Gedmo\Tree\Entity
                dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Tree/Entity"
                alias: GedmoTree
                is_bundle: false

Field Descriptor interface changed

The field descriptor parameter $default and $disabled where combined into a new parameter $visibility:

Use the following table for upgrading:

Disabled Default Visiblity
false true FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_ALWAYS (always)
false false FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_YES (yes)
true false FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO (no)
true true FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NEVER (never)

We have also introduced a new parameter $searchability on the fourth position.

The following table shows the values:

Value Description Searchability
NEVER not searchable at all FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NEVER (never)
NO it's not used per default FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NO (no)
YES it's used per default FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_YES (yes)

This new property brings use the possibility to use our REST Api's without the parameter searchFields. Default behavior then is to use all fields with searchability set to YES.


new FieldDescriptor(
    false, // Disabled
    true, // Default
    // ...


new FieldDescriptor(
   FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_YES, // Visibility
   FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NEVER, // Searchability
   // ...

The same is also for the DoctrineFieldDescriptor, DoctrineJoinDescriptor, ...:


new DoctrineFieldDescriptor(
                default_type: 'auto_complete'
                resource_key: 'accounts'
                        display_property: 'name'
                        search_properties: ['number', 'name']

Category API

The /admin/api/categories endpoint delivered a flat list of categories with a parentId attribute if the expandedIds query parameter was defined. This behavior changed, each category now has a _embedded field, which has a categories key, under which all sub categories are located. This way not every client using this API has to build a tree using the parentId on their own.


parent query parameter

The parent query parameter, which is used in quite some controllers like for pages and categories, was renamed to parentId, because it only references the id, and not the entire reference. This is also the new convention within our new Admin, so if your API should work with it, you have to name the query paramter parentId.

Highlight section

In previous versions of Sulu a section named highlight had a special design in the administratin interface. Its background was darker than the rest of the form. This was removed with the new design, and therefore a highlight section does not do anything special anymore, and therefore can be safely removed from your template XML files.


Admin Navigation

The admin navigation should not be built into the constructor anymore. Instead of setNavigation create getNavigation function in the Admin class which should return a Navigation object. This makes it easier to override only this part of the Admin.

sulu.rlp tag deprecated

The sulu.rlp tag, which can be added in the template XMLs, is not used anymore by the new UI. Instead the result of the URL generation will be simply put into the resource_locator field type.

Test Setup changed

If you use the SuluTestBundle to test your custom sulu bundles you maybe need to change in your test config.yml the path to the gedmo extension:

                type: xml
                prefix: Gedmo\Tree\Entity
                dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Tree/Entity"
                alias: GedmoTree
                is_bundle: false

Field Descriptor interface changed

The field descriptor parameter $default and $disabled where combined into a new parameter $visibility:

Use the following table for upgrading:

Disabled Default Visiblity
false true FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_ALWAYS (always)
false false FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_YES (yes)
true false FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO (no)
true true FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NEVER (never)

We have also introduced a new parameter $searchability on the fourth position.

The following table shows the values:

Value Description Searchability
NEVER not searchable at all FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NEVER (never)
NO it's not used per default FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NO (no)
YES it's used per default FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_YES (yes)

This new property brings use the possibility to use our REST Api's without the parameter searchFields. Default behavior then is to use all fields with searchability set to YES.


new FieldDescriptor(
    false, // Disabled
    true, // Default
    // ...


new FieldDescriptor(
   FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_YES, // Visibility
   FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NEVER, // Searchability
   // ...

The same is also for the DoctrineFieldDescriptor, DoctrineJoinDescriptor, ...:


new DoctrineFieldDescriptor(
    false, // Disabled
    true, // Default
    // ...


new DoctrineFieldDescriptor(
    FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_YES, // Visibility
    FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_NEVER, // Searchability
    // ...

In the xml definition of the list display was replaced with visibility and searchability was added:


<property display="yes" />


<property visibility="yes" searchability="yes" />


Removed required dependency pulse00/ffmpeg-bundle. If you want to use preview images for videos, run following command:

composer require pulse00/ffmpeg-bundle:^0.6

Otherwise remove new Dubture\FFmpegBundle\DubtureFFmpegBundle(), from the list in app/AbstractKernel.php


Removed following Bundles:

  • Sulu\Bundle\TranslateBundle\SuluTranslateBundle (needs to be removed from the list in app/AbstractKernel.php)

Removed following Classes:

  • Sulu\Bundle\CoreBundle\Build\CacheBuilder

Removed following services:

  • sulu_contact.account_repository (use sulu.repository.account)
  • sulu_contact.contact_repository (use

Removed following parameters:

  • (use
  • sulu_contact.account.entity (use sulu.model.account.class)

Renamed following Methods:

  • Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Entity\CollectionRepositoryInterface::count => Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Entity\CollectionRepositoryInterface::countCollections

Rename following classes/interfaces:

  • Sulu\Component\HttpCache\HttpCache => Sulu\Bundle\HttpCacheBundle\Cache\AbstractHttpCache
  • Sulu\Component\Contact\Model\ContactInterface => Sulu\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity\ContactInterface
  • Sulu\Component\Contact\Model\ContactRepositoryInterface => Sulu\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity\ContactRepositoryInterface

Contact temporarily position removed

The setCurrentPosition function was removed from the contact entity as this position was only used temporarily and was not persisted to the database. Use the setPosition to set the contact main account position function instead.

Dependency updates

Follow upgrade path of following libraries:

Node api

The api endpoint for /admin/api/nodes/filter was removed and replaced by /admin/api/items.

Database changes

To support utf8mb4 we needed to change some database entities which you also need to migrate when not using utf8mb4: Run the following SQL to migrate to the new schema:

ALTER TABLE me_format_options CHANGE format_key format_key VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_collections CHANGE collection_key collection_key VARCHAR(191) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_collection_types CHANGE collection_type_key collection_type_key VARCHAR(191) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_media_types CHANGE name name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_file_versions CHANGE mimeType mimeType VARCHAR(191) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE se_role_settings CHANGE settingKey settingKey VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE se_permissions CHANGE context context VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE se_access_controls CHANGE entityClass entityClass VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE ca_categories CHANGE category_key category_key VARCHAR(191) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE ca_keywords CHANGE keyword keyword VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE we_domains CHANGE url url VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE we_analytics CHANGE webspace_key webspace_key VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE ro_routes CHANGE path path VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL, CHANGE entity_class entity_class VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL, CHANGE entity_id entity_id VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_collection_meta CHANGE title title VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_file_version_meta CHANGE title title VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE me_file_versions CHANGE name name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL;

Create new tables ca_category_translations_keywords and ca_category_translation_medias

CREATE TABLE ca_category_translation_keywords (idKeywords INT NOT NULL, idCategoryTranslations INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_D15FBE37F9FC9F05 (idKeywords), INDEX IDX_D15FBE3717CA14DA (idCategoryTranslations), PRIMARY KEY(idKeywords, idCategoryTranslations)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE ca_category_translation_keywords ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D15FBE37F9FC9F05 FOREIGN KEY (idKeywords) REFERENCES ca_keywords (id);
ALTER TABLE ca_category_translation_keywords ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D15FBE3717CA14DA FOREIGN KEY (idCategoryTranslations) REFERENCES ca_category_translations (id);

CREATE TABLE ca_category_translation_medias (idCategoryTranslations INT NOT NULL, idMedia INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_39FC41BA17CA14DA (idCategoryTranslations), INDEX IDX_39FC41BA7DE8E211 (idMedia), PRIMARY KEY(idCategoryTranslations, idMedia)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE ca_category_translation_medias ADD CONSTRAINT FK_39FC41BA17CA14DA FOREIGN KEY (idCategoryTranslations) REFERENCES ca_category_translations (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ca_category_translation_medias ADD CONSTRAINT FK_39FC41BA7DE8E211 FOREIGN KEY (idMedia) REFERENCES me_media (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;


Migrate values from ca_category_translations_keywords to ca_category_translation_keywords:

INSERT INTO ca_category_translation_keywords (idKeywords, idCategoryTranslations) SELECT keyword_id, category_meta_id FROM ca_category_translations_keywords;
DROP TABLE ca_category_translations_keywords;

Migrate values from category_translation_media_interface to ca_category_translation_medias:

INSERT INTO ca_category_translation_medias (idCategoryTranslations, idMedia) SELECT category_translation_id, media_interface_id FROM category_translation_media_interface;
DROP TABLE category_translation_media_interface;

Routing changes

Some resources in app/config/admin/routing.yml need to be removed:

  • sulu_tag
  • sulu_contact
  • sulu_content
  • sulu_category

Security changes

The admin security needs to be changed (app/config/admin/security.yml). The new settings are:

        strategy: unanimous
        allow_if_all_abstain: true

            algorithm: sha512
            iterations: 5000
            encode_as_base64: false

            id: sulu_security.user_provider

        - { path: ^/admin/reset, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin/security/reset, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin/login$, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin/_wdt, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin/translations, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin$, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin/$, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_USER }

            pattern: ^/
            anonymous: ~
            entry_point: sulu_security.authentication_entry_point
                check_path: sulu_admin.login_check
                success_handler: sulu_security.authentication_handler
                failure_handler: sulu_security.authentication_handler
                path: sulu_admin.logout
                success_handler: sulu_security.logout_success_handler

        enabled: true


Address latitude/longitude

The address of contact/account was extended by latitude and longitude - therefore the database has to be updated. Run the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

or the following SQL statements on your database:


SEO Title

The default length for the title field in the SEO tab has changed from 55 to 70, because Google has expanded the max length. If you want to have a different length for some reason you can change it in the configuration:

        max_title_length: 55


Page index extension

The field authored are now added to massive_search index. Because of this the index has to be rebuild.

bin/adminconsole massive:search:reindex --provider sulu_structure
bin/websiteconsole massive:search:reindex --provider sulu_structure


Priority of UpdateResponseSubscriber

If you had hooked into response-event of symfony to change the cache behavior of Sulu, be aware of changed priority and update yours if required.


SEO Description

The default length for the description field in the SEO tab has changed from 155 to 320, because Google has expanded the max length. If you want to have a different length for some reason you can change it in the configuration:

        max_description_length: 155



The CacheBuilder, which was responsible for deleting the cache at the beginning of the sulu:build command has been removed, because after clearing the cache the container is not functional anymore starting with Symfony 3.4.

So from now on the cache:clear command has to be executed manually before the sulu:build command.


We have changed the behaviour of the sulu_content_load() twig extension. Instead of throwing an exception when the given parameter cannot be resolved to a valid document, it will now just log the exception and return null, so you can gracefully handle this case in your twig template.

{% set content = sulu_content_load(null) %}
{# content is now null #}

{% set content = sulu_content_load('not-existing-guid') %}
{# content is now null #}


Custom Analytics

We've added the possibility to determine the position of the content. The '<script></script>' wrapper was also removed from the custom template. That means the user has to add this wrapper when it's needed.

Changes to existing custom analytics needs to be deployed with following SQL statement on your database:

UPDATE we_analytics w SET content = CONCAT('{"position":"bodyClose","value":"<script>', SUBSTRING(content,2,LENGTH(content) -2), '</script>"}') WHERE w.type = 'custom';


File Version - Tag Cascading

That its possible to delete a Tag, which is referenced in a Media FileVersion, a on-delete CASCADE need to be added to the database. Run the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

or the following SQL statements on your database:

ALTER TABLE me_file_version_tags DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_150A30BE1C41CAB8;


Default Snippets

Default snippets were replaced with snippet areas. To have the same behaviour as before replace the old twig extension:





Sitemap Localization

The build method of the SitemapProviderInterface had a $locale parameter, which shouldn't be there, because the sitemaps need to be generated or all locales at once. If you have implemented this interface you have to adapt the implementation to remove the $locale parameter and return the URLs for all locales instead.

Snippet list

Some field configuration has changed, so we need to delete the saved one in the database:

DELETE FROM `se_user_settings` WHERE `settingsKey` = 'snippetsFields';


Social media profile fixtures

Add fixtures for social media profile of contacts. Run following command to add the fixtures:

INSERT INTO co_social_media_profile_types (id, name) VALUES ('1', 'Facebook'), ('2', 'Twitter'), ('3', 'Instagram');


We had to update ocramius/proxy-manager in order to be compatible with PHP 7. In case you have defined your own proxies, you should check the ProxyManager


Following methods and constants was removed from ContentTypeInterface.

  • getType()
  • getReferenceUuids()

For replacement of getReferenceUuids we have introduced the reference-store and the PreResolveContentTypeInterface::preResolve method.

Additional routing file from SuluRouteBundle

Add following lines to app/config/admin/routing.yml:

    type: rest
    resource: "@SuluRouteBundle/Resources/config/routing_api.xml"
    prefix: /admin/api

Route-Table changed

The route-table was extended with auditable information. Run following sql-statement to update the database schema.

ALTER TABLE ro_routes ADD changed DATETIME DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:00' NOT NULL, ADD created DATETIME DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE ro_routes CHANGE created created DATETIME NOT NULL, CHANGE changed changed DATETIME NOT NULL;

Highlight section styling changed

To make the highlight section reusable the css not longer depend on the #content-form selector you should use now the .form class instead.

Removed symfony/security-acl dependency

The following deprecated classes was removed:

  • Sulu\Component\Security\Authorization\AccessControl\PermissionMap
  • Sulu\Component\Security\Authorization\AccessControl\SymfonyAccessControlManager

Therefor the dependency symfony/security-acl was useless and removed.


Added method hasType to Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Block\BlockPropertyInterface.


Media formats uniqueness

The uniqueness of media formats is now checked, and an exception is thrown in case duplicated format keys exist.

In addition to that the existing formats have been prefixed with sulu-, so that they are less likely to conflict. If you have relied on these formats, which you shouldn't have, then you have to create them now in your own theme.

The following formats do not exist anymore, and should therefore be deleted from the web/uploads/media-folder, except you decide to create the image format on your own:

  • 400x400
  • 400x400-inset
  • 260x
  • 170x170
  • 100x100
  • 100x100-inset
  • 50x50

Page author

The page has a new property author and authored which will be prefilled with values from creator/created.

If you have used one of these names before for some properties in your page or snippet templates, then you have to change the name. Rename the field in the XML definition and in the twig template, and execute the following command with the filled in placeholders wrapped in <>:

app/console doctrine:phpcr:nodes:update --query "SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS n WHERE [i18n:<localization>-author] IS NOT NULL AND ISDESCENDANTNODE(n, '/cmf')" --apply-closure="\$node->setProperty('i18n:<localization>-<new-field-name>', \$node->getPropertyValue('i18n:<localization>-author')); \$node->getProperty('i18n:<localization>-author')->remove();"

This command should be executed for every registered localization and for both sessions (once without parameter and once with --session=live).

Afterwards you can safely migrate the data to use creator and created as start values for author and authored.

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

If the migration failed with getContact() on a none object upgrade to at least 1.5.4 and run the migration command again.

Twig 2

If you upgrade twig to version 2 please read follow this instructions.

The most important change is _self for calling macros. You have to import it before using.


{ _self.macro_name() }}


{% import _self as self %}
{ self.macro_name() }}

If you dont want to use twig2 please add following line to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "twig/twig": "^1.11"


Following classes and methods were removed because of deprecations:

  • Sulu\Component\Security\Authorization\AccessControl\SymfonyAccessControlVoter
  • Sulu\Component\Rest\RestController::responsePersistSettings
  • Sulu\Component\Rest\RestController::responseList
  • Sulu\Component\Rest\RestController::createHalResponse
  • Sulu\Component\Rest\RestController::getHalLinks
  • Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\DefaultController::redirectAction
  • Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\DefaultController::redirectWebspaceAction

Additionally the GeneratorBundle was removed because it was not maintained since a while. You have to remove the Bundle from you Kernels.


Multiple properties in template

There was a bug in the template definition for the minOccurs field. It was not working if the minOccurs field had a value of 1. So if you have a field like the following and you don't want it to be a multiple field you have to remove the minOccurs property:

    <property name="test1" type="text_line" minOccurs="2"></property>

Format cache

To generate the correct file extension the FormatManager::purge interface has changed.

-    public function purge($idMedia, $fileName, $options)
+    public function purge($idMedia, $fileName, $mimeType, $options)


Security Context

The length of the security context was rather short (only 60 character). The length has been increased to 255 characters, to also allow longer webspace names. Execute the doctrine:schema:update --force command to update the database schema.

Webspace keys

Webspace keys are only allowed to have lower case letters, numbers and - or _. Other characters might cause problems and are therefore already restricted in the XSD file. If you have other characters you have to rename your webspace.

In case you have to you also must rename the /cmf/<webspace> e.g. using the PHPCR shell and reconfigure your role permissions. You should also clear the search index with the massive:search:purge command and reindex with the massive:search:reindex command.


Ports in webspace config

From now on the the port has to be a part of the URL in the webspace configuration. So if you are running your website on a different port than the default port of the protocol you are using, you have to change the webspace config. The port must still be omitted when the {host} placeholder is used.


Admin User Settings

The method sulu.loadUserSetting() was removed from the Sulu Aura.js extension located in Sulu/Bundle/AdminBundle/Resources/public/js/aura_extensions/sulu-extension.js. Instead the method sulu.getUserSetting() should be used, which provides same functionality, but is called differently (no need to provide neither URL nor callback in addition to the key).

Media StorageInterface

The StorageInterface in the Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Media\Storage namespace got a new loadAsString method, which should return the file for the given parameters as a binary string. If you have already developed your own storage implementation you have to add this method.


The cache-lifetime of page-templates was extended by the type attribute. This attribute is optional and default set to seconds which behaves like before and set the max-age to given integer.

There is now a second type expression which allows you to define the lifetime with a cron-expression which enhances the developer to define that a page has to be invalidated at a specific time of the day (or whatever you need).


<template xmlns=""




<template xmlns=""



    <!-- releases cache each day at midnight -->
    <cacheLifetime type="expression">@daily</cacheLifetime>

Therefor we changed the type of the return value for Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureInterface::getCacheLifeTime to array. This array contains the type and the value of the configured cache-lifetime.

For resolving this array to a concrete second value we introduced the service sulu_http_cache.cache_lifetime.resolver there you can call the resolve function which returns the concrete second value.


Refactored category management in backend

The backend of the category bundle was refactored and the category related entities were implemented extensible. This lead to the following changes:

API: /categories: renamed parameter parent which accepted an id to rootKey which accepts a key /categories/{key}/children was replaced with /categories/{id}/children

Classes: Category\CategoryRepositoryInterface moved to Entity\CategoryRepositoryInterface Category\KeywordRepositoryInterface moved to Entity\KeywordRepositoryInterface Category\Exception\KeywordIsMultipleReferencedException moved to Exception\KeywordIsMultipleReferencedException Category\Exception\KeywordNotUniqueException moved to Exception\KeywordNotUniqueException Category\Exception\KeyNotUniqueException was replaced with Exception\CategoryKeyNotUniqueException

Methods: Removed: Api\Category::setName($name) Replacement: Api\Category::setTranslation(CategoryTranslationInterface $translation) Reason: The api-entity cannot create a translation-entity as the translation-entity is implemented extensible.

Removed: Api\Category::setMeta($metaArrays) Replacement: Api\Category::setMeta($metaEntities) Reason: The api-entity cannot create a meta-entity as the meta-entity is implemented extensible.

Deprecated: CategoryRepositoryInterface::findCategoryByIds(array $ids) Replacement: CategoryRepositoryInterface::findCategoriesByIds(array $ids)

Deprecated: CategoryRepositoryInterface::findCategories($parent = null, $depth = null, $sortBy = null, $sortOrder = null) Replacement: CategoryRepositoryInterface::findChildrenCategoriesByParentId($parentId = null)

Deprecated: CategoryRepositoryInterface::findChildren($key, $sortBy = null, $sortOrder = null) Replacement: CategoryRepositoryInterface::findChildrenCategoriesByParentKey($parentKey = null)

Deprecated: CategoryManagerInterface::find($parent = null, $depth = null, $sortBy = null, $sortOrder = null) Replacement: CategoryManagerInterface::findChildrenByParentId($parentId = null)

Deprecated: CategoryManagerInterface::findChildren($key, $sortBy = null, $sortOrder = null) Replacement: CategoryManagerInterface::findChildrenByParentKey($parentKey = null)

Container Parameters/Definitions: Deprecated: sulu_category.entity.category Replacement: sulu.model.category.class

Deprecated: sulu_category.entity.keyword Replacement: sulu.model.keyword.class

Deprecated: sulu_category.category_repository Replacement: sulu.repository.category

Deprecated: sulu_category.keyword_repository Replacement: sulu.repository.keyword

Extensibility Every association of the Category entity must be of the type CategoryInterface to ensure extensibility Every association of the CategoryTranslation entity must be of the type CategoryTranslationInterface to ensure extensibility Every association of the CategoryMeta entity must be of the type CategoryMetaInterface to ensure extensibility Every association of the Keyword entity must be of the type KeywordInterface to ensure extensibility

New definition mechanism for image-formats

A new structure for the image-formats configuration files was introduced. For an explanation on how to define image-formats in the new way please refer to the documentation (

Out of the box, image-formats defined in the old way do still work, but the XMLLoader and commands are marked as deprecated. However when using more profound functionality regarding the image-formats, there are some BC breaks:

sulu_media.image_format_file changed to sulu_media.image_format_files

The configuration sulu_media.image_format_file of the MediaBundle was changed to sulu_media.image_format_files and the type was changed from a scalar to an array.

"Command" renamed to "Transformation"

Internally the concept of a command on an image was renamed to "transformation". This renaming was consequently executed throughout the MediaBundle. This BC break is only important when custom commands have been created. To update the custom commands (now transformations) they now have to implement the TransformationInterface instead of the CommandInterface. Moreover the service tag under which a transformation gets registered changed from sulu_media.image.command to sulu_media.image.transformation. The namespaces containing "Command" were changed to contain "Transformation" instead. Note that there was a slight change in the TransformationInterface itself. The execute method has to return an image and the passed parameter is not a reference anymore.

Array structure of sulu_media.image.formats

The structure of the arrays in which the formats are stored under the symfony parameter sulu_media.image.formats changed. name was renamed to key, commands was renamed to transformation and consequently command to transformation.. In addition the first scale or resize command is now not contained in the commands array anymore, but represented by the scale sub-array of the format.


The ListRestHelper has changed its constructor, it takes the RequestStack instead of a Request now.


The configuration for the route-generator has changed:


            route_schema: /example/{object.getTitle()}


            generator: schema
                route_schema: /example/{object.getTitle()}


The class DataNavigationItem got removed and is not supported anymore. Please use other forms of navigating instead.


If Sulu is used in combination with a port, the port has to be included in the URLs of the webspace configuration. So if you want to use Sulu on port 8080 the configuration has to look like this:


The port can still be emitted if the standard HTTP or HTTPS port is used.


Resource-locator generation

The generate method of the RlpStrategyInterface uses parentUuid instead of parentPath now. The signature changed from public function generate($title, $parentPath, $webspaceKey, $languageCode, $segmentKey = null); to public function generate($title, $parentUuid, $webspaceKey, $languageCode, $segmentKey = null);

Also the generateForUuid method of the RlpStrategyInterface got removed.

190x Image Format

The image format "190x" got removed as it was only used in and old design. If this format is needed for a website please redefine it in the corresponding config file.

Address country is nullable

To make it easier to migrate data the country in the address entity is now nullable in sulu.

ALTER TABLE co_addresses CHANGE idCountries idCountries INT DEFAULT NULL;



The mapping structure of analytic settings have changed. Use the following command to update:

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


RestController locale

The getLocale method of the RestController returned the locale of the user (a system locale), if no request parameter with the name locale was passed. As RestControllers most often provide access to content in content locales and not in system locales, this behaviour was removed. The getLocale method now just returns a possibly passed request parameter named locale or null. If a locale is needed for sure, the getLocale method needs to be overwritten. It is also advised to override the method, if in no case locales are needed.


The SearchController has been moved from sulu-standard to sulu. Therefore the new template type search has been introduced. Just define the twig template you want to use for the search in your webspace configuration:

    <template type="search">ClientWebsiteBundle:views:query.html.twig</template>

The name of the route also changed from website_search to sulu_search.website_search, because the controller is located in the SuluSearchBundle now.

Removed HTTP Cache Paths-Handler

The HTTP Cache Integration has been refactored. The following configuration is not available anymore and must be removed: sulu_http_cache.handlers.paths

Webspace Configuration

The configuration schema for webspaces has changed. Instead of error-templates you have to define templates now with a certain type. For the error templates this type is error for the default error, and error-<code> for certain error codes.


    <error-template code="404">SomeBundle:view:error404.html.twig</error-template>
    <error-template default="true">SomeBundle:view:error.html.twig</error-template>


    <template type="error-404">SomeBundle:views:error404.html.twig</template>
    <template type="error">SomeBundle:views:error.html.twig</template>

And the resource-locator node has moved from portal to webspace.

This change only affects the files which use the 1.1 version of the webspace schema definition.


Image Formats

The image format "150x100" as well as the format "200x200" got removed from the backend formats. If a website relied on this format, it should be - as all image formats a website needs - defined in the theme specific config file. (


To adapt to the new PHPCR structure execute the migrations:

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

Media selection overlay

The frontend component 'media-selection-overlay@sulumedia' got removed, please use 'media-selection/overlay@sulumedia' instead.


The orderBefore method of the NodeRepository has been removed. Use the reorder method of the DocumentManager instead.


The core LocalizationProvider (which provided the system locales) got removed. At this point the WebspaceLocalizationProvider is the only LocalizationProvider in Sulu. If the system locales (locales in which translations for the admin panel are available) are needed, please refer directly to the config sulu_core.translations.


The command sulu:translate:import got removed, as the export command (sulu:translate:export) now takes its translations directly from the translation files and not from the database anymore. This change would only cause conflicts, if one had a dependency directly on the translations in the database. If so, please use the files in the Resources folders.


For the publishing a separate workspace was introduced. This workspace will be created and correctly filled by the PHPCR migrations.

Because the search index is now split into draft and live pages you have to reindex all the content:

app/console massive:search:purge --all
app/console massive:search:reindex
app/webconsole massive:search:reindex

Also the persist call of the DocumentManager changed it behavior. After persisting a document it will not be available on the website immediately. Instead you also need to call publish with the same document and locale.

PHPCR Sessions

The sessions for PHPCR were configured at sulu_core.phpcr in the configuration. This happens now at sulu_document_manager.sessions. You can define multiple sessions here using different names and refer to one of them as default session using the sulu_document_manager.default_session and to another as live session using the sulu_document_manager.live_session.

Documemt Manager Initializer

The initialize method of the InitializerInterface has now also a $purge parameter, which tells the initializer if it should purge something. The Initializer can use this information or simply ignore it, but existing Initializers have to adapt to the new interface.

Twig variable request.routeParameters removed

The request.routeParameters variable has been removed because it is not longer required when generate an url.


{{ path('', request.routeParameters) }}


{{ path('') }}

TitleBehavior is not localized anymore

If you have implemented your own Documents with an TitleBehavior, you will recognize that the title in PHPCR is not translated anymore. If you still want this Behavior you have to switch to the LocalizedTitleBehavior.

Indexing title of pages for search

It was possible to define that the title field of a page should be indexed as title, although this value was already the default:

<property name="title" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
        <title lang="en">Title</title>
    <tag name="" type="string" role="title" />

This setting does not work anymore, because the title is now handled separately from the rest of the structure, and the title is not indexed anymore with this tag. Just remove it, and it will be the same as before.


We have deprecated (1.0) the schema for webspaces and created a new version (1.1) of it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<webspace xmlns=""

You should update your webspace.xml files soonish. To do that you simply have to move the default-templates and error-templates from the theme node and put it into the webspace node after the theme.

The theme is now optional and can be used with a theme-bundle. Sulu has extracted this functionality to make it replaceable with any theming bundle you want. To keep the old directory-structure and functionality please read the next part of this file.


If you have multiple themes (or you don't want to change the folder structure of you project) you have to include the bundle in your abstract kernel.

This bundle contains all the code which is necessary to use theming in your application.


The configuration of sulu_content.preview and sulu_website.preview_defaults has been moved to:

$ app/console config:dump-reference sulu_preview
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "sulu_preview"
        analytics_key:        UA-SULU-PREVIEW-KEY
    error_template:       ~ # Example: ClientWebsiteBundle:Preview:error.html.twig
    mode:                 auto

    # Used for the delayed send of changes
    delay:                500

The flag sulu_content.preview.websocket has been replaced with sulu_websocket.enabled. This flag is now default false.


The Interface or content-types has been cleaned. The function ContentTypeInterface::readForPreview will never be called in the future and can therefor be removed.


Default Country

The default country for addresses in the ContactBundle is set by the ISO 3166 country-code instead the of database-id now.



A Interface for the ContactRepository has been created. Due to the refactoring the function appendJoins has been changed from public to protected. Therefore this function cannot be called anymore.



The methods from the UserProviderInterface of Symfony have been moved to a separate UserProvider implementation. Also, the getUserInSystem method has been renamed to findUserBySystem and takes the system as an argument.

If you want to use the Sulu system you should inject the sulu_security.system container parameter instead of hardcoding it.



src/Sulu/Bundle/WebsiteBundle/Resources/config/services.xml The twig function sulu_content_path('/path') now always returning the full-qualified-domain


The naming of the custom-routes with type: portal has changed. You can use now the configured name and pass the host and prefix in the parameter. The current parameter will be populated in the variable request.routeParameters.


{{ path(request.portalUrl ~'.'~ request.locale ~ '.website_search') }}


{{ path('website_search', request.routeParameters) }}


The navigation entry with the empty name wont be used in sulu anymore. It should be replaced by:


    $section = new NavigationItem('');


    $section = new NavigationItem('navigation.modules');

Twig function sulu_resolve_user

This twig function returns now the user. To get the related contact use following code snippet:

{{ sulu_resolve_user(userId).contact.fullName }}

Webspace validation

Webspaces which have unused localizations by portals will now be not valid and ignored. Remove this localizations or add them to a portal.

New security permission for cache

To be able to clear the cache the user need the permission LIVE in the webspace context.


The Behaviors TimestampBehavior and BlameBehavior now save the values in the non-localized properties. To keep the old behavior use the LocalizedTimestampBehavior and LocalizedBlameBehavior instead.

Deprecated sulu:phpcr:init and sulu:webspace:init

The sulu:phpcr:init and sulu:webspace:init commands are now deprecated. Use the sulu:document:initialize command instead.

Definition of security contexts

The definition of security contexts in the Admin classes has changed. They used to look like the following example:

public function getSecurityContexts()
    return [
        'Sulu' => [
            'Media' => [

Now you should also pass the permission types that you want to enable in the context:

public function getSecurityContexts()
    return [
        'Sulu' => [
            'Media' => [
                '' => [

By default, we will enable the permission types VIEW, ADD, EDIT, DELETE and SECURITY in your context.

Page search index

The metadata for pages has changed. Run following command to update your search index

app/console massive:search:purge --all
app/console massive:search:reindex

Media uploads

Write permissions for the webserver must be set on web/uploads instead of web/uploads/media alone to support simple cache clearing.


The BlameBehavior has been moved from the DocumentManager component to the Sulu Content component. Documents which implemented Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Behavior\Audit\BlameBehavior should now implement Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\BlameBehavior instead.

Contact Entity is required for User

When you create new User entities in your application it is required now that this user has a Contact entity. The following SQL will return you all users which have no contact entity. You need to update them manually.

SELECT * FROM se_users WHERE se_users.idContacts IS NULL 

Admin Commands

The method getCommands on the Admin has been removed, because Symfony can autodetect Commands in the Command directory of each bundle anyway. This only affects you, if you have not followed the Symfony standards and located your commands somewhere else.


The Current-part of all setters have been removed, because they have already been removed from the getters. This only affects you if you have overridden the WebsiteRequestAnalyzer and have called or overridden these methods.



A new namespace and additional system nodes were added. To create them run the following command:

app/console sulu:document:initialize


The relational structure of categories, translations and users have changed. Use the following command to update:

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

It might be possible that foreign key checks have to be disabled for this update.

ContentNavigation & Navigation

The ContentNavigationItems & NavigationItems will be sorted by their position. If there is no position set, the item will be placed behind all other items.

$item = new ContentNavigationItem('content-navigation.entry');



Update the schema app/console doctrine:schema:update --force and run following SQL-Statement:

UPDATE re_conditions SET value = CONCAT('"', value, '"') WHERE value NOT LIKE '"%"';
INSERT INTO `re_operators` (`id`, `operator`, `type`, `inputType`) VALUES
    (16, 'and', 5, 'tags'),
    (17, 'or', 5, 'tags'),
    (18, '=', 6, 'auto-complete'),
    (19, '!=', 6, 'auto-complete');
INSERT INTO `re_operator_translations` (`id`, `name`, `locale`, `shortDescription`, `longDescription`, `idOperators`) VALUES
    (35, 'gleich', 'de', NULL, NULL, 18),
    (36, 'is', 'en', NULL, NULL, 18),
    (37, 'ungleich', 'de', NULL, NULL, 19),
    (38, 'is not', 'en', NULL, NULL, 19),
    (39, 'und', 'de', NULL, NULL, 16),
    (40, 'and', 'en', NULL, NULL, 16),
    (41, 'oder', 'de', NULL, NULL, 17),
    (42, 'or', 'en', NULL, NULL, 17);

Additionally the filter by country has changed. Run following SQL script to update your filter conditions:

UPDATE `re_conditions` SET `field` = 'countryId', `type` = 6, `value` = CONCAT('"', (SELECT `id` FROM `co_countries` WHERE `code` = REPLACE(`re_conditions`. `value`, '"', '') LIMIT 1), '"') WHERE `field` = 'countryCode' AND `operator` != 'LIKE';

DELETE FROM `re_filters` WHERE `re_filters`.`id` IN (SELECT `re_condition_groups`.`idFilters` FROM `re_condition_groups` LEFT JOIN `re_conditions` ON `re_condition_groups`.`id` = `re_conditions`.`idConditionGroups` WHERE `re_conditions`.`operator` = 'LIKE');

Filter with a "like" condition for country (account and contact) will be lost after the upgrade because there is no functionality for that anymore.


Reindex-Command & Date Content-Type

First remove the version node 201511240844 with following command:

app/console doctrine:phpcr:node:remove /jcr:versions/201511240844

Then run the migrate command (app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate) to remove translated properties with non locale and upgrade date-values within blocks.


IndexName decorators from MassiveSearchBundle

The names of the indexes in the system can now be altered using decorators. There is also a PrefixDecorator, which can prefixes the index name with an installation specific prefix, which can be set using the massive_search.metadata.prefix parameter.

The configuration parameter massive_search.localization_strategy have been removed.

The indexes have to be rebuilt using the following command:

app/console massive:search:index:rebuild --purge


To enable a sticky behaviour take a look at the documentation

Url Content-Type

The old upgrade for the url content-type don't upgrade properties in blocks. Rerun the migrate command to upgrade them.

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

User locking

The locked toggler in the user tab of the contact section now sets the locked field in the se_users table. Before this setting was written to the disabled flag in the co_contacts table, which is removed now. If you have used this field make sure to backup the data before applying the following command:

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Date Content-Type

The type of the date value in the database was wrong to update your existing data use following command:

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

Media View Settings

The media collection thumbnailLarge view was removed from the media, to avoid an error, remove all collectionEditListView from the user settings table.

DELETE FROM `se_user_settings` WHERE `settingsKey` = 'collectionEditListView';


To index multiple fields (and category_list content-type) you have to add the attribute type="array" to the tag. The tag_list content-type has its own search-field type tags (<tag name="" type="tags"/>).

Category Content-Type

The category content-type converts the selected ids into category data only for website rendering now.

System Collections

Remove the config sulu_contact.form.avatar_collection and note it you will need it in the sql statement below for the placeholder {old-avatar-collection} (default value is 1).

Update the database schema and then update the data-fixtures by running following sql statement.

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
UPDATE me_collection_types SET collection_type_key='collection.default', name='Default' WHERE id=1;
INSERT INTO me_collection_types (id, name, collection_type_key) VALUES ('2', 'System Collections', 'collection.system');

The following sql statement moves the avatar images into the newly created system collections. To find the value for the placeholder {new-system-collection-id} you can browse in the admin to the collection and note the id you find in the url.

UPDATE me_media SET idCollections={new-system-collection-id} WHERE idCollections={old-avatar-collection};


The search mapping has to be changed, in particular the index tag. It is now evaluated the same way as the other fields, so using <index name="..."/> will now try to resolve the name of the index using a property from the given object. If the old behavior is desired <index value="..."/> should be used now.

Also the structure of the indexes has changed. Instead of one page index containing all the pages this index is split into smaller ones after the scheme page_<webspace-key>. This means that your own SearchController have to be adapted. Additionally you have to rebuild your index, in order for these changes to apply:

app/console massive:search:index:rebuild --purge


Category has now a default locale this has to set before use. You can use this sql statement after update your schema (app/console doctrine:schema:update --force):

UPDATE ca_categories AS c SET default_locale = (SELECT locale FROM ca_category_translations WHERE idCategories = LIMIT 1) WHERE default_locale = "";

Websocket Component

The following Interfaces has new methods

Interface Method Description
Sulu/Component/Websocket/MessageDispatcher/MessageHandlerInterface onClose(ConnectionInterface $conn, MessageHandlerContext $context) will be called when a connection is closed or lost.
Sulu/Component/Websocket/MessageDispatcher/MessageDispatcherInterface onClose(ConnectionInterface $conn, ConnectionContextInterface $context) will be called when a connection is closed or lost.

Logo/Avatar in Contact-Section

Can now be deleted from collection view. For that the database has to be updated.

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Infinite scroll

The infinite-scroll-extension got refactored. To initialize infinite-scroll on an element, use "this.sandbox.infiniteScroll.initialize(selector, callback)" instead of "this.sandbox.infiniteScroll(selector, callback)" now. To unbind an infinite-scroll handler, use "this.sandbox.infiniteScroll.destroy(selector)"


The URL-ContentType can now handle schemas like http or https. For that you have to add the default scheme to the database records by executing following SQL statement:

UPDATE co_urls AS url SET url.url = CONCAT('http://', url.url) WHERE url.url NOT LIKE 'http://%';

To updated you content pages and snippets simply run:

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

Consider that the URL is now stored including the scheme (http://, ftp://, and so on), and therefore must not be appended in the Twig template anymore.

Media Metadata

Copyright field is now available in the metadata of medias. Therefore you have to update you database:

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


Blocks now supports minOccurs="0" and maxOccurs > 127. For that the validation was improved and for both negative values wont be supported anymore.


The preview can now handle attributes and nested properties. To differentiate blocks and nested properties, it is now necessary to add the property typeof="collection" to the root of a block <div> and typeof="block" rel="name of block property" to each child - see example.


<div class="row" property="block" typeof="collection">
    {% for block in content.block %}
        <div rel="block" typeof="block">
            <h1 property="title">{{ block.title }}</h1>
    {% endfor %}

nested properties:

<div property="is_winter">
    {% if content.is_winter %}
        <div property="article">{{ content.winter_article }}</div>
    {% endif %}

Content Type Export Interface added

All default content type implement the new ContentTypeExportInterface.
Content types which were exportable need to implement this interface and tag for which export format they are available.

        <service id="client_website.content.type.checkbox" class="%client_website.content.type.checkbox.class%">
            <tag name="sulu.content.type" alias="custom_checkbox"/>
            <tag name="sulu.content.export" format="1.2.xliff" translate="false" />

Extensions constructor changed

Extensions can also be exportable for this they need to implement the new ExportExtensionInterface.
In the sulu excerpt extension the constructor changed, if you extend or overwrite this extension you maybe need to add the sulu_content.export.manager service to the constructor.


The function getTranslation was removed. This avoid a INSERT SQL Exception when a serialization of categories (without translation) is called in the same request.

Registering JS-Routes

When registering backbone-routes now - instead of directly starting the corresponding component via 'this.html' - make your callback returning the component. So for example the following:

    route: 'contacts/accounts/edit::id/:content',
    callback: function(id) {
        this.html('<div data-aura-component="accounts/edit@sulucontact" data-aura-id="' + id + '"/>');


    route: 'contacts/accounts/edit::id/:content',
    callback: function(id) {
        return '<div data-aura-component="accounts/edit@sulucontact" data-aura-id="' + id + '"/>';

Media Content Selection Type attribute changed

When you use the sulu media selection in your custom bundle you need to change the data-type.


<div id="{{ id|raw }}"


<div id="{{ id|raw }}"


The header got a complete redesign, the breadcrumb and bottom-content are not available anymore. Also the event header.set-toolbar got marked as deprecated. The recommended way to start a sulu-header is via the header-hook of a view-component.

Some properties in the header-hook have changed, some are new, some not supported anymore. For a complete overview on the current properties in the header-hook see the documentation:

The major work when upgrading to the new header is to change the button-templates to sulu-buttons. Before you had to pass a template like e.g. 'default', which initialized a set of buttons, now each button is passed explicitly which gives you more flexibility. Lets have a look at an example:


header: {
    tabs: {
        url: '/admin/content-navigations?alias=category'
    toolbar: {
        template: 'default'


header: {
    tabs: {
        url: '/admin/content-navigations?alias=category'
    toolbar: {
        buttons: {
            save: {},
            settings: {
                options: {
                    dropdownItems: {
                        delete: {}

If you are using the default template in the header and now change to the sulu-buttons save and delete the emitted events changed.

Before After
sulu.header.toolbar.delete sulu.toolbar.delete

Also the call for disable, enable and loading state of the save button has changed:


this.sandbox.emit('sulu.header.toolbar.state.change', 'edit', false); // enable
this.sandbox.emit('sulu.header.toolbar.state.change', 'edit', true, true); // disabled
this.sandbox.emit('sulu.header.toolbar.item.loading', 'save-button'); // loading 


this.sandbox.emit('sulu.header.toolbar.item.enable', 'save', false); // enable
this.sandbox.emit('sulu.header.toolbar.item.disable', 'save', true); // disabled
this.sandbox.emit('sulu.header.toolbar.item.loading', 'save'); // loading 


The tabs can be configured with the 'url', 'data' and 'container' option. The option 'fullControll' got removed. You can get the same effect by passing data with no 'component'-property. For a complete overview on the current properties in the header-hook see the documentation:


The language-changer can be configured as it was. 'Template' and 'parentTemplate' in contrast are not supported anymore. Instead you pass an array of sulu-buttons. Moreover the format of the buttons itself changed: Have a look at the documentation:

Language changer

The interface of the language-changer in the header hook stayed the same, however the emitted event changed from sulu.header.toolbar.language-changed to sulu.header.language-changed. A callback to this event recieves an object with an id- and a title-property.


this.sandbox.on('sulu.header.toolbar.language-changed', this.languageChanged.bind(this));
// ...
languageChanged: function(locale) {
    this.options.locale = locale;


this.sandbox.on('sulu.header.language-changed', this.languageChanged.bind(this));
// ...
languageChanged: function(locale) {
    this.options.locale =;


Buttons for toolbars get specified in an aura-extension (sandbox.sulu.buttons and sandbox.sulu.buttons.dropdownItems). Therfore each bundle can add their own buttons to the pool. The toolbar in the header fetches its buttons from this pool. Have a look at the documentation:


The 'inHeader' option got removed and is not supported anymore. Sulu.buttons are used internally and can be passed via the template which is recommended instead of using string templates.


Interface of Method has changed.

Old New
public function getDefaultParams() public function getDefaultParams(PropertyInterface $property = null)

Modified listbuilder to work with expressions

The listbuilder uses now expressions to build the query. In course of these changes some default values have been removed from some methodes of the AbstractListBuilder because of unclear meaning / effect. Changed function parameters:

  • where (conjunction removed)
  • between (conjunction removed)


The security now requires its own phpcr namespace for storing security related information. To register this namespace execute the following command.

app/console sulu:phpcr:init

Enabled listbuilder to have multiple sort fields

It's now possible to have multiple sort fields by calling sort(). It's previous behavior was to always reset the sort field, instead of adding a new one. Check if you haven't applied sort() multiple times to a listbuilder with the purpose of overriding its previous sort field.

Datagrid style upgrade

  • Deleted options: fullwidth, stickyHeader, rowClickSelect
  • The list-view with no margin was removed from the design. The view is still of width: 'max' but now with spacing on the left and right.
  • For routing from a list to the edit the new option actionCallback should be used. For other actions like displaying additional information in the sidebar there exists a new option clickCallback. These two callbacks alow the component to adapt its style depending on if there is an action or not. For special cases there is still the event.

Filter conjunction field is nullable

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


The sulu_meta_seo twig method does not render the canonical tag for shadow pages. Therefore this method is deprecated and will be removed with Sulu 1.2. Use the new sulu_seo method instead. This method will also render the title, so there is no need for the title block as it has been in the Sulu standard edition anymore.



The syntax of sulu_core.locales configuration has changed. It has to be defined with a translation. Additional the translations of backend (currently only en/de) and a fallback locale can be configured.

        de: Deutsch
        en: English
    fallback_locale: 'en'
    translations: ['de', 'en']


External link

If you have external-link pages created before 1.0.0 you should run the following command to fix them.

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate


Filter values will now be copied from shadow-base locale to shadowed locale. Upgrade your data with following command:

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

User serialization

The groups of the JMSSerializer for the users have changed. Make sure to include the group fullUser in the SerializationContext if you are missing some fields in the serialized User.


User / Role management changed

Service sulu_security.role_repository changed to sulu.repository.role. Service sulu_security.user_repository should be avoided. Use sulu.repository.user instead.


Snippet state has been removed and set default to published. Therefor all snippets has to be set to published by this running this command for each :

app/console doctrine:phpcr:nodes:update --query="SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = 'sulu:snippet'" --apply-closure="\$node->setProperty('i18n:<locale>-state', 2);"


  1. The tag sulu.rlp is now mandatory for page templates.
  2. Page templates will now be filtered: only implemented templates in the theme will be displayed in the dropdown.

To find pages with not implemented templates run following command:

app/console sulu:content:validate <webspace-key>

To fix that pages, you could implement the template in the theme or save the pages with an other template over ui.


  1. The default-template config moved from global configuration to webspace config. For that it is needed to add this config to each webspace.
  2. The excluded xml tag has been removed from the webspace configuration file, so you have to remove this tag from all these files.

After that your webspace theme config should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<webspace xmlns=""


            <default-template type="page">default</default-template>
            <default-template type="homepage">overview</default-template>



Also remove the following default-template config for page and homepage from the file app/config/config.yml:

                snippet: "default"
-               page: "default"
-               homepage: "overview"


Document Manager

The new Document Manager have been introduced, which means that a few files need to be updated.

There is a new namespace Sulu\Component\Content\Compat, which acts as a compatability layer. So all the controllers extending the DefaultController and adapting its indexAction need to change a use statement from Sulu\Component\Content\StructureInterface to Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureInterface.

There are also some changes in the database, so you have to run the migrations:

app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate

In case the system still contains old data from the internal links content type you also have to run the upgrade command again.

app/console sulu:upgrade:rc3:internal-links

The following classes have been moved, and every reference to them has to be updated:

Old name New name
Sulu\Component\Content\Event\ContentNodeDeleteEvent Sulu\Component\Content\Mapper\Event\ContentNodeDeleteEvent
Sulu\Component\Content\Event\ContentNodeEvent Sulu\Component\Content\Mapper\Event\ContentNodeEvent
Sulu\Component\Content\Event\ContentNodeOrderEvent Sulu\Component\Content\Mapper\Event\ContentNodeOrderEvent
Sulu\Component\Content\Block\BlockProperty Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Block\BlockProperty
Sulu\Component\Content\Block\BlockPropertyInterface Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Block\BlockPropertyInterface
Sulu\Component\Content\Block\BlockPropertyType Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Block\BlockPropertyType
Sulu\Component\Content\Block\BlockPropertyWrapper Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Block\BlockPropertyWrapper
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\SectionProperty Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Section\SectionProperty
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\SectionPropertyInterface Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Section\SectionPropertyInterface
Sulu\Component\Content\ErrorStructure Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\ErrorStructure
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\MetaData Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\MetaData
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\PageInterface Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\PageInterface
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\Property Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Property
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\PropertyInterface Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\PropertyInterface
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\PropertyParameter Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\PropertyParameter
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\PropertyTag Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\PropertyTag
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\Structure Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Structure
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\StructureInterface Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureInterface
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\StructureManager Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureManager
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\StructureManagerInterface Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureManagerInterface
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\StructureTag Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureTag
Sulu\Component\Content\Section\StructureType Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureType

Upgrade commands

All the upgrade commands have been removed, since they are not of any use for future versions of Sulu. The only exception is the sulu:upgrade:0.9.0:resource-locator command, which has been renamed to sulu:content:resource-locator:maintain.

Contact management changed

Service sulu_contact.contact_repository changed to

Removed methods Use instead
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Account:addAccountAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Account:addAccountAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Account:removeAccountAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Account:removeAccountAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:addFaxe Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:addFax
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:removeFaxe Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:removeFax
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:addCategorie Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:addCategory
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:removeCategorie Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Api/Contact:removeCategory
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:addAccountAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:addAccountAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:removeAccountAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:removeAccountAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:addCategorie Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:addCategory
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:removeCategorie Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/AbstractAccount:removeCategory
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:addAccountAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:addAccountAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:removeAccountAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:removeAccountAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:addContactAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:addContactAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:removeContactAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Address:removeContactAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:addFaxe Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:addFax
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:removeFaxe Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:removeFax
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:addContactAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:addContactAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:removeContactAddresse Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:removeContactAddress
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:addCategorie Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:addCategory
Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:removeCategorie Sulu/Bundle/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact:removeCategory



Following Twig-Functions has changed the name (new prefix for sulu functions):

Before Now
resolve_user sulu_resolve_user
content_path sulu_content_path
content_root_path sulu_content_root_path
get_type sulu_get_type
needs_add_button sulu_needs_add_button
get_params sulu_get_params
parameter_to_select sulu_parameter_to_select
parameter_to_key_value sulu_parameter_to_key_value
content_load sulu_content_load
content_load_parent sulu_content_load_parent
get_media_url sulu_get_media_url
meta_alternate sulu_meta_alternate
meta_seo sulu_meta_seo
navigation_root_flat sulu_navigation_root_flat
navigation_root_tree sulu_navigation_root_tree
navigation_flat sulu_navigation_flat
navigation_tree sulu_navigation_tree
breadcrumb sulu_breadcrumb
sitemap_url sulu_sitemap_url
sitemap sulu_sitemap
snippet_load sulu_snippet_load

To automatically update this name you can run the following script. If your themes are not in the ClientWebsiteBundle you have to change the folder in the second line.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
TWIGS=($(find ./src/Client/Bundle/WebsiteBundle/Resources/themes -type f -iname "*.twig"))


for twig in ${TWIGS[*]}
    for name in ${NAMES[*]}
        sed -i '' -e "s/$name/sulu_$name/g" $twig

After running this script please check the changed files for conflicts and wrong replaces!

Website Navigation

Children of pages with the state "test" or pages which have the desired navigaiton context not assigned won't be moved up in the hierarchy, instead they won't show up in the navigation at all.


Security Roles

The identifiers in the acl_security_identities should be rename from SULU_ROLE_* to ROLE_SULU_*. This SQL snippet should do the job for you, you should adapt it to fit your needs:

UPDATE acl_security_identities SET identifier = REPLACE(identifier, 'SULU_ROLE_', 'ROLE_SULU_');


The params for the texteditor content type where changed.

Before Now
<param name="tables" value="true" /> <param name="table" value="true" />
<param name="links" value="true" /> <param name="link" value="true" />
<param name="pasteFromWord" value="true" /> <param name="paste_from_word" value="true" />
<param name="maxHeight" value="500" /> <param name="max_height" value="500" />
<param name="iframes" value="true" /> iframe and script tags can activated with an ckeditor parameter:
<param name="scripts" value="true" /> <param name="extra_allowed_content" value="img(*)[*]; span(*)[*]; div(*)[*]; iframe(*)[*]; script(*)[*]" />


Search index rebuild

Old data in search index can cause problems. You should clear the folder app/data and rebuild the index.

rm -rf app/data/*
app/console massive:search:index:rebuild

Search adapter name changed

Adapter name changed e.g. from massive_search_adapter.<adaptername> to just <adaptername> in configuration.

Search index name changed

Pages and snippets are now indexed in separate indexes for pages and snippets. Replace all instances of ->index('content') with ->indexes(array('page', 'snippet').

Search searches non-published pages by default

Pages which are "Test" are no longer indexed. If you require only "published" pages modify your search query to start with: state:published AND and escape the quotes:

$hits = $searchManager
    ->createSearch(sprintf('state:published AND "%s"', str_replace('"', '\\"', $query)))

PHPCR: Doctrine-Dbal

The structure of data has changed. Run following command:

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Smart content tag operator

The default operator for tags is now changed to OR. So you have to update with the following command, because the previous default operator was AND.

app/console sulu:upgrade:0.18.0:smart-content-operator tag and

Media Format Cache Public Folder

If you use the sulu_media.format_cache.public_folder parameter, the following configuration update need to be done, because the parameter does not longer exists:

        public_folder: 'public' # delete this line
        path: %kernel.root_dir%/../public/uploads/media # add this new configuration


The Sulu prefix from all ContentNavigationProviders and Admin classes has been removed. You have to change these names in all usages of this classes in your own code.

Media image converter commands

The image converter commands are now handled via service container tags. No need for the sulu_media.image.command.prefix anymore. If you have created your own command, you have to tag your image converter command service with sulu_media.image.command.


    <service id="%sulu_media.image.command.prefix%blur" class="%acme.image.command.blur.class%" />

Change to:

    <service id="acme.image.command.blur" class="%acme.image.command.blur.class%">
        <tag name="sulu_media.image.command" alias="resize" />

Media preview urls

The thumbnail url will only be generated for supported mime-types. Otherwise it returns a zero length array.

To be sure that it is possible to generate a preview image you should check if the thumbnail url isset:

{% if media.thumbnails['200x200'] is defined %}
<img src="{{ media.thumbnails['200x200'] }}"/>
{% endif %}

Error templates

Variables of exception template ClientWebsiteBundle:error404.html.twig has changed.

  • status_code: response code
  • status_text: response text
  • exception: whole exception object
  • currentContent: content which was rendered before exception was thrown

Especially for 404 exception the path variable has been removed.


<p>The path "<em>{{ path }}</em>" does not exist.</p>


<p>The path "<em>{{ request.resourceLocator }}</em>" does not exist.</p>

The behaviour of the errors has changed. In dev mode no custom error pages appears. To see them you have to open following url:


More Information can be found in sulu-docs.

To keep the backward compatibility you have to add following lines to your webspace configuration:

            <error-template code="404">ClientWebsiteBundle:views:error404.html.twig</error-template>
            <error-template default="true">ClientWebsiteBundle:views:error.html.twig</error-template>

Twig Templates

If a page has no url for a specific locale, it returns now the resource-locator to the index page ('/') instead of a empty string ('').


urls = array(
    'de' => '/ueber-uns',
    'en' => '/about-us',
    'es' => ''


urls = array(
    'de' => '/ueber-uns',
    'en' => '/about-us',
    'es' => '/'


The Sulu\Component\Util\UuidUtils has been removed. Use the Phpcr\Utils\UuidHelper instead.



Fill up the database column me_collection_meta.locale with the translated language like: de or en. If you know you have only added collections in only one language you can use following sql statement:

UPDATE `me_collection_meta` SET `locale` = 'de';

Due to this it is possible that one collection has multiple metadata for one language. You have to remove this duplicates by hand. For example one collection should have only one meta for the language de.

The collection and media has now a specific field to indicate which meta is default. For this run following commands.

app/console sulu:upgrade:0.17.0:collections
app/console sulu:upgrade:0.17.0:media

Content navigation

The interfaces for the content navigation have been changed, so you have to apply these changes if you have used a content navigation in your bundle.

Basically you can delete the NavigationController delivering the content navigation items together with its routes. It's now common to suffix the classes providing content navigation items with ContentNavigationProvider.

These classes have to implement the ContentNavigationProviderInterface and be registered as services as described in the documentation.

Consider that the URLs for the retrieval of the content navigation items have changed to /admin/content-navigations?alias=your-alias and have to be updated in your javascript components.

Contact and Account Security

The security checks are now also applied to contacts and accounts, make sure that the users you want to have access have the correct permissions.


Behaviour of internal links has changed. It returns the link title for navigation/smartcontent/internal-link.

Media Types

The media types are now set by wildcard check and need to be updated, by running the following command: sulu:media:type:update.

Media API Object

The versions attribute of the media API object changed from array to object list.


CRM-Components moved to a new bundle. If you enable the new Bundle everything should work as before.

BC-Breaks are:

  • AccountCategory replaced with standard Categories here is a migration needed

For a database upgrade you have to do following steps:

  • The Account has no type anymore. This column has to be removed from co_accounts table.
  • The table co_account_categories has to be removed manually.
  • The table co_terms_of_delivery has to be removed manually.
  • The table co_terms_of_payment has to be removed manually.
  • app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


The names of some classes have changed like shown in the following table:

Old name New name
Sulu\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Entity\RoleInterface Sulu\Component\Security\Authentication\RoleInterface
Sulu\Component\Security\UserInterface Sulu\Component\Security\Authentication\UserInterface
Sulu\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Factory\UserRepositoryFactoryInterface Sulu\Component\Security\Authentication\UserRepositoryFactoryInterface
Sulu\Component\Security\UserRepositoryInterface Sulu\Component\Security\Authentication\UserRepositoryInterface
Sulu\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Permission\SecurityCheckerInterface Sulu\Component\Security\Authorization\SecurityCheckerInterface

If you have used any of these interfaces you have to update them.


Content Types

Time content types returns now standardized values (hh:mm:ss) and can handle this as localized string in the input field.

For content you can upgrade the pages with:

app/console sulu:upgrade:0.16.0:time

In the website you should change the output if time to your format.

If you use the field in another component you should upgrade your api that it returns time values in format (hh:mm:ss).


Database has changed: User has now a unique email address. Run following command:

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


Sulu Locales

The Sulu Locales are not hardcoded anymore, but configured in the app/config/config.yml file:

    locales: ["de","en"]

You have to add the locales to your configuration, otherwise Sulu will stop working.

Internal Links

The internal representation of the internal links have changed, you have to run the following command to convert them:

app/console sulu:upgrade:0.15.0:internal-links

Content Types

PropertyParameter are now able to hold metadata. Therefore the Interface has changed. Please check all your ContentTypes which uses params.



    'name' => 'value',

Access in Twig:

{{ }}


    'name' => new PropertyParameter('name', 'string', 'value', array()),

Access in Twig:

As String:
{{ }}

As Array or boolean:
{{ }}

Get translated title:
{{'de') }}


Metadata under properties in template:

<property name="smart_content" type="smart_content">
        <param name="display_as" type="collection">
            <param name="two">
                    <title lang="de">Zwei Spalten</title>
                    <title lang="en">Two columns</title>

                    <info_text lang="de">Die Seiten werden in zwei Spalten dargestellt</info_text>
                    <info_text lang="en">The pages would be displayed in two columns</info_text>

Websocket Component

Websocket start command changed to app/console sulu:websocket:run. If you use xdebug on your server please start websockets with app/console sulu:websocket:run -e prod.

Default behavior is that websocket turned of for preview, if you want to use it turn it on in the app/config/admin/config.yml under:

         mode: auto       # possibilities [auto, on_request, off]
         websocket: false # use websockets for preview, if true it tries to connect to websocket server,
                          # if that fails it uses ajax as a fallback
         delay: 300       # used for the delayed send of changes, lesser delay are more request but less latency

HTTP Cache

The HTTP cache integration has been refactored. The following configuration must be removed:

    # ...
        type: symfonyHttpCache

The Symfony HTTP cache is enabled by default now, so there is no need to do anything else. See the HTTP cache documentation for more information.

Renamed RequestAnalyzerInterface methods

The text "Current" has been removed from all of the request analyzer methods. If you used the request analyzer service then you will probably need to update your code, see:


  • Role name is now unique
    • check roles and give them unique names
  • Apply all permissions correctly, otherwise users won't be able to work on snippets, categories or tags anymore


  • Remove /cmf/<webspace>/temp from repository
    • run app/console doctrine:phpcr:node:remove /cmf/<webspace>/temp foreach webspace


  • Permissions have to be correct now, because they are applied
    • otherwise add a permission value of 120 for, and to one user to change the settings in the UI
    • also check for the correct value in the locale-column of the se_user_roles-table
      • value has to be a json-string (e.g. ["en", "de"])
  • Snippet content type defaults to all snippet types available instead of the default one
    • Explicitly define a snippet type in the parameters if this is not desired