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JavaScript Learning Roadmap: Topics, Theory, and Projects

Step Topic Theory Project Idea
1 Basics of JavaScript Learn about variables, data types, operators, and expressions. Build a Simple Calculator for basic arithmetic operations.
2 Control Structures Study if, else, switch, and loops (for, while, do-while). Create a Guess the Number Game where the user guesses a randomly generated number.
3 Functions Understand function declaration, expressions, and arrow functions. Develop a Temperature Converter using functions for conversions.
4 DOM Manipulation Learn how to access and modify HTML elements with document.querySelector and document.getElementById. Build a Dynamic To-Do List that lets users add, edit, and delete tasks.
5 Events and Event Listeners Explore event types, event propagation, and how to handle events. Create a KeyPress Visualizer that shows key codes when typing.
6 Arrays Study array methods like push, pop, filter, map, reduce, and forEach. Create a Grocery List Manager with features like adding, editing, and sorting items.
7 Objects Learn about objects, properties, methods, and how to loop through objects. Build a Student Grades Tracker using objects for student data.
8 ES6 Features Study modern features like let, const, template literals, destructuring, and the spread/rest operator. Build a Recipe Manager app using ES6 features to store and edit recipes.
9 JSON and APIs Understand JSON format and how to fetch data from APIs using fetch. Fetch and display weather data using a Weather App.
10 Promises and Async/Await Learn how to handle asynchronous operations with Promises and async/await. Build a GitHub User Finder that fetches user data using the GitHub API.
11 Error Handling Study try, catch, and finally for managing errors in code. Create a Form Validator that handles errors for invalid inputs.
12 Classes Explore ES6 classes, constructors, inheritance, and methods. Develop a Library App with book objects and class-based structure.
13 Modules Learn how to use import and export to organize your code into modules. Build a Multi-Page Portfolio Website using JavaScript modules for navigation.
14 Browser Storage Study localStorage, sessionStorage, and cookies for storing data in the browser. Create a Notes App that saves notes in localStorage.
15 Regular Expressions (Regex) Learn basic Regex syntax for pattern matching and validation. Build a Password Strength Checker using Regex to validate input.
16 Date and Time Understand how to work with dates and times using the Date object. Create a Countdown Timer for an event with real-time updates.
17 Closures Study closures and how they capture variables from their surrounding scope. Develop a Stopwatch App that uses closures to manage time intervals.
18 Prototypes and Inheritance Understand JavaScript's prototype chain and inheritance. Build a Shape Drawer with different shapes inheriting from a common prototype.
19 Event Loop and Async Flow Learn how JavaScript’s event loop and call stack work for asynchronous behavior. Visualize the event loop with an Interactive Event Loop Diagram using animations.
20 Advanced Frameworks/Tools Study frameworks like React or Node.js to expand your JavaScript knowledge into frontend or backend development. Create a Chat Application with a real-time backend (e.g., Node.js and Socket.IO).

This roadmap covers foundational to advanced concepts, ensuring a balance between theoretical understanding and practical application. Each project complements its respective topic to strengthen hands-on skills.