From 1c3d5f9be11bc04bbf38d22f6af7991cfa5162c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nathan Lilienthal Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:10:32 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Throwing shit against a wall here --- .github/workflows/ci.yml | 2 +- ...a9de5cec67f3f6b9f6b277143a465f4b5f3a6.json | 448 ++++++++++++++++++ ...17f09a839a9f468c591a03356cee2175a30b5.json | 265 +++++++++++ ...57791b2d5747a41377c65539a7390a80d1282.json | 28 ++ ...121427791ceb4b51ce5eccf9d047e7421a67c.json | 40 ++ ...4fce6a28db307735f9133064c41c7f3a7bbd2.json | 191 ++++++++ ...d8c2a55ac8b1fe6142e1fe4236d4a9e4cc10f.json | 28 ++ ...417f67a16b43b512851a9def4048e4b72faab.json | 178 +++++++ ...89f7461af30fc5c1ced0883b75aa0d7968d9c.json | 15 + ...86684e1952a6cc992be3c39d572eb5373c622.json | 191 ++++++++ ...4b4c7a15b49e662191a73c53632051c73486a.json | 41 ++ ...7b00b6287d44d8b55231a4de4f6bcdd153953.json | 28 ++ ...3adce36781f78219ebdbfc326723896f9d67b.json | 121 +++++ ...1d2a44d45ebaa658b6fe5aeadff3cbe0e2a48.json | 184 +++++++ 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secondary_economy as \"secondary_economy: Economy\",\n updated_at,\n updated_by\n FROM systems\n WHERE ST_3DDWithin(ST_MakePoint($2, $3, $4), position, $1)\n ", + "describe": { + "columns": [ + { + "ordinal": 0, + "name": "address", + "type_info": "Int8" + }, + { + "ordinal": 1, + "name": "name", + "type_info": "Varchar" + }, + { + "ordinal": 2, + "name": "position!: Option>", + "type_info": { + "Custom": { + "name": "geometry", + "kind": "Simple" + } + } + }, + { + "ordinal": 3, + "name": "population", + "type_info": "Int8" + }, + { + "ordinal": 4, + "name": "security: Security", + "type_info": { + "Custom": { + "name": "security", + "kind": { + "Enum": [ + "Low", + "Medium", + "High" + ] + } + } + } + }, + { + "ordinal": 5, + "name": "government: Government", + "type_info": { + "Custom": { + "name": "government", + "kind": { + "Enum": [ + "Anarchy", + "Carrier", + "Communism", + "Confederacy", + "Cooperative", + "Corporate", + "Democracy", + "Dictatorship", + "Engineer", + "Feudal", 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