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- See Setting Up Docker for DSpace
- Set the environment variable DSPACE_VER to the DSpace image version you would like to use.
- master, dspace-6_x, dspace-6.3, dspace-5.9, dspace-4.9
export DSPACE_VER=dspace-6_x
- Set the environment variable DPROJ to a shorthand version of the version of DSpace you are running (this needs to be distinct for each database schema version). Docker will name the network, images, and persistent volumes with this value. This will allow you to host multiple DSpace configurations through Docker.
- d7, d6, d5, d4
export DPROJ=d6
- Set the environment variable AIP_DIR to the directory containing your AIP files.
- DSpace AIP Files - Archival Ingest Packages
- A sample set is located here.
export AIP_DIR=...
- Set the environment variable INGEST_TOOLS to the mount_ingest_tools folder within this project.
export INGEST_TOOLS=../../add-ons/mount_ingest_tools
- cd to the dspace-ingest-compose directory
Run Docker compose
docker-compose -p $DPROJ up -d
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 chmod o+x /ingest-tools/createAdmin.sh
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 chmod o+x /ingest-tools/ingestAIP.sh
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 /ingest-tools/createAdmin.sh
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 /ingest-tools/ingestAIP.sh
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 //ingest-tools/createAdmin.sh
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 //ingest-tools/ingestAIP.sh
It is a long standing issue with AIP import files that necessitates reseting sequences after importing content from AIP Files.
In the dspacedb psql terminal, run the following SQL to reset the database sequences.
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspacedb_1 psql -U dspace -f /ingest-tools/updateSequences.sql
docker exec ${DPROJ}_dspacedb_1 psql -U dspace -f //ingest-tools/updateSequences.sql
- DSpace 5 or 6: http://localhost:8080/xmlui
- DSpace 7: http://localhost:8080/spring-rest
docker-compose -p $DPROJ stop
Now that your data has been loaded, you can use the dspace-compose file for regular execution of your image.
To deploy new code within your image, see dspace-dev-compose.
Remember that you will need to run the following command if you use an alternate compose file. When you recreate the images, your volume content will be retained.
docker-compose -p $DPROJ down