Consider the following context-free grammar:
X -> X X | w
This grammar says that, starting with a single X, you can turn an X into two X's (i.e., X -> X X), or you can turn an X into a word w (i.e., X -> w). You keep doing this until all the X's are turned into words, which constitutes a sentence.
For example, starting with a single X, a four-word sentence can be generated like so:
Step 1: X
Step 2: X X (The X in step 1 was turned into two X's.)
Step 3: X X X (The right X in step 2 was turned into two X's.)
Step 4: X X X X (The middle X in step 3 was turned into two X's.)
Step 5: w1 w2 w3 w4 (All the X's are turned into words.)
You can visualize what generated what with a parse tree. For example, the parse tree for the generation process just described is as follows:
/ \
/ X
/ / \
/ X \
/ / \ \
| | | |
w1 w2 w3 w4
(Note that the parse tree is a binary tree.)
Given a sentence S = (w1 w2 ... wn) with n words,
- Design an algorithm that gives the number of possible parse trees for the sentence.
- Design an algorithm that generates all possible parse trees for the sentence.
- (BONUS) Instead of generating all possible parse trees, generate a single parse tree that is selected uniformly at random from the set of all possible parse trees for the sentence.