This was featured at the end of our Linux workshop.
For this workshop, we will be connecting to the CCIS machines, so it is necessary that you have your CCIS username and password.
- Forgot your password? Go here
- Download PuTTY, an SSH client compatible with Windows
- Open PuTTY > Host Name: "" > Open
- Enter your username and password
- In the terminal,
ssh <username>
- Enter your password
First, check to see if you have a .www
directory already.
$ ls -a | grep ".www"
If nothing is returned, you have to create the directory:
mkdir .www
Once the directory has been created, you must give it read and search permissions (so that other people can view your website!)
$ chmod 711 ~/.www
$ chmod a+x ~
The HTML code that you put in your index.html
will determine what is displayed when someone views your website!
Here is some starter HTML code:
<h1> My Personal Website! </h1>
<p> This is the personal website of ______ </p>
Just create a new index.html file, and add in your own HTML!
$ touch index.html
$ nano index.html
Once you've completed those steps, go to<username>/
to see your webpage!
Research some more advanced HTML to customize your site, and feel free to share any cool designs with us!